def testIngredientSetProperties(self): author = User(username='******', password='******') cat = Category(name='test') r = Recipe(category=cat, name_addition='recipe', author=author) a = Product(category=cat, name_addition='a', author=author, reference_amount=100.0, calories=100.0) i = Ingredient(recipe=r, amount=10.0) = a i.calories = 20 self.assertAlmostEqual(i.amount, 20, 5) i.total_fat = 1 i.saturated_fat = 1 i.cholesterol = 1 i.protein = 1 i.total_carbs = 1 i.sugar = 1 i.dietary_fiber = 1 i.salt = 1 i.sodium = 1 i.potassium = 1 i.copper = 1 i.iron = 1 i.magnesium = 1 i.manganese = 1 i.zinc = 1 i.phosphorous = 1 i.sulphur = 1 i.chloro = 1 i.fluoric = 1 i.vitamin_b1 = 1 i.vitamin_b12 = 1 i.vitamin_b6 = 1 i.vitamin_c = 1 i.vitamin_d = 1 i.vitamin_e = 1 for prop in [ 'total_fat', 'saturated_fat', 'cholesterol', 'protein', 'total_carbs', 'sugar', 'dietary_fiber', 'salt', 'sodium', 'potassium', 'copper', 'iron', 'magnesium', 'manganese', 'zinc', 'phosphorous', 'sulphur', 'chloro', 'fluoric', 'vitamin_b1', 'vitamin_b12', 'vitamin_b6', 'vitamin_c', 'vitamin_d', 'vitamin_e' ]: i.amount = 20 i.__setattr__(prop, 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(i.amount, 20, 5) a.__setattr__(prop, 5) i.__setattr__(prop, 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(i.amount, 200, 5)
def testRecipeSetProperties(self): author = User(username='******', password='******') cat = Category(name='test') r = Recipe(category=cat, name_addition='recipe', author=author) a = Product(category=cat, name_addition='a', author=author, reference_amount=100.0, calories=100.0) b = Product(category=cat, name_addition='b', author=author, reference_amount=100.0, calories=20.0) i1 = Ingredient(recipe=r, amount=100.0) = a i2 = Ingredient(recipe=r, amount=200.0) = b self.assertAlmostEqual(r.calories, 140, 5) r.calories = 280 self.assertAlmostEqual(r.calories, 280, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(r.ingredients.all()[0].amount, 200, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(r.ingredients.all()[1].amount, 400, 5) r.total_fat = 1 r.saturated_fat = 1 r.cholesterol = 1 r.protein = 1 r.total_carbs = 1 r.sugar = 1 r.dietary_fiber = 1 r.salt = 1 r.sodium = 1 r.potassium = 1 r.copper = 1 r.iron = 1 r.magnesium = 1 r.manganese = 1 r.zinc = 1 r.phosphorous = 1 r.sulphur = 1 r.chloro = 1 r.fluoric = 1 r.vitamin_b1 = 1 r.vitamin_b12 = 1 r.vitamin_b6 = 1 r.vitamin_c = 1 r.vitamin_d = 1 r.vitamin_e = 1 props = [ 'total_fat', 'saturated_fat', 'cholesterol', 'protein', 'total_carbs', 'sugar', 'dietary_fiber', 'salt', 'sodium', 'potassium', 'copper', 'iron', 'magnesium', 'manganese', 'zinc', 'phosphorous', 'sulphur', 'chloro', 'fluoric', 'vitamin_b1', 'vitamin_b12', 'vitamin_b6', 'vitamin_c', 'vitamin_d', 'vitamin_e' ] for prop in props: a.__setattr__(prop, 3) b.__setattr__(prop, 10) for prop in props: self.assertAlmostEqual(r.__getattribute__(prop), 46, 5) for prop in props: r.__setattr__(prop, 23) for prop2 in props: self.assertAlmostEqual(r.__getattribute__(prop2), 23, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(r.ingredients.all()[0].amount, 100, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(r.ingredients.all()[1].amount, 200, 5) r.__setattr__(prop, 46) for prop2 in props: self.assertAlmostEqual(r.__getattribute__(prop2), 46, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(r.ingredients.all()[0].amount, 200, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(r.ingredients.all()[1].amount, 400, 5)
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: pina = User.objects.get(username='******') except User.DoesNotExist: pina = User(username='******', first_name='Pina', last_name='Merkert', email='*****@*****.**') pina.set_password('1234Geheim') paths = [ os.path.join('jsonAPI', 'fixtures', filename) for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join('jsonAPI', 'fixtures')) ] paths = sorted(paths) for file in paths: print("Loading data from {}.".format(file)) with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: cat_table = [] product_table = [] recipe_table = [] for data in json.loads( if 'model' in data and data['model'] == 'backend.Category' and \ 'fields' in data and 'name' in data['fields']: try: category = Category.objects.get( name=data['fields']['name']) except Category.DoesNotExist: category = Category(name=data['fields']['name']) if 'pk' in data: cat_table.append({ 'fixture_pk': data['pk'], 'real_category': category }) if 'model' in data and data['model'] == 'backend.Product' and 'fields' in data and \ 'reference_amount' in data['fields'] and 'calories' in data['fields']: fields = data['fields'] category, name_addition = self.get_category_and_name_addition( fields, cat_table) if type(category) is not Category or type( name_addition) is not str: continue try: reference_amount = float( fields['reference_amount']) calories = float(fields['calories']) except ValueError: continue product_query = Product.objects.filter( category=category, name_addition=name_addition, reference_amount=reference_amount, calories=calories) save_new_product = False if product_query.count() >= 1: product = product_query[0] else: save_new_product = True product = Product( category=category, name_addition=name_addition, author=pina, reference_amount=reference_amount, calories=calories) field_cache = {} if 'creation_date' in fields: try: creation_date = datetime.strptime( fields['creation_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z') if product.creation_date is None or product.creation_date != creation_date: product.creation_date = creation_date save_new_product = True field_cache['creation_date'] = creation_date except ValueError: pass for k in [ "total_fat", "saturated_fat", "cholesterol", "protein", "total_carbs", "sugar", "dietary_fiber", "salt", "sodium", "potassium", "copper", "iron", "magnesium", "manganese", "zinc", "phosphorous", "sulphur", "chloro", "fluoric", "vitamin_b1", "vitamin_b12", "vitamin_b6", "vitamin_c", "vitamin_d", "vitamin_e" ]: if k in fields: try: field_value = float(fields[k]) except ValueError: continue if product.__getattribute__(k) is None: product.__setattr__(k, field_value) save_new_product = True if product.__getattribute__(k) != field_value: product = Product( category=category, name_addition=name_addition, author=pina, reference_amount=reference_amount, calories=calories) product.__setattr__(k, field_value) save_new_product = True field_cache[k] = field_value for k in field_cache.keys(): product.__setattr__(k, field_cache[k]) if save_new_product: print("Adding Product: " + str(product)) else: print("Product " + str(product) + " is already up to date.") if 'pk' in data: product_table.append({ 'fixture_pk': data['pk'], 'real_product': product }) if 'model' in data and data[ 'model'] == 'backend.Recipe' and 'fields' in data: fields = data['fields'] category, name_addition = self.get_category_and_name_addition( fields, cat_table) if type(category) is not Category or type( name_addition) is not str: continue creation_date = None if 'creation_date' in fields: try: creation_date = datetime.strptime( fields['creation_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z') except ValueError: pass recipe_query = Recipe.objects.filter( category=category, name_addition=name_addition) if recipe_query.count() == 1: recipe = recipe_query[0] print("Found existing Recipe: " + str(recipe)) else: recipe = Recipe(category=category, name_addition=name_addition, author=pina) if creation_date is not None: recipe.creation_date = creation_date print("Adding empty Recipe: " + str(recipe)) if 'pk' in data: recipe_table.append({ 'fixture_pk': data['pk'], 'real_recipe': recipe }) if 'ingredients' in data: for ing_data in data['ingredients']: if 'name' not in ing_data or 'amount' not in ing_data: print( "This ingredient needs a 'name' and an 'amount': " + str(ing_data)) continue cat_str, name_add = split_name( ing_data['name']) food = None products = Product.objects.filter(Q(name_addition__icontains=ing_data['name']) | Q(category__name__icontains=ing_data['name']) | Q(category__name=cat_str, name_addition__icontains=name_add)).\ prefetch_related('category').order_by('category__name', 'name_addition') recipes = Recipe.objects.filter(Q(name_addition__icontains=ing_data['name']) | Q(category__name__icontains=ing_data['name']) | Q(category__name=cat_str, name_addition__icontains=name_add)).\ prefetch_related('category').order_by('category__name', 'name_addition') if products.count() + recipes.count() == 0: print("Unable to find this ingredient: " + ing_data['name']) elif products.count() + recipes.count() > 1: exact_match_found = False for p in products: if str(p) == ing_data['name']: food = p exact_match_found = True for r in recipes: if str(r) == ing_data['name']: food = r exact_match_found = True if not exact_match_found: print( "It's unclear which Product or Recipe was meant for this ingredient." ) print("There were these options:") for p in products: print("- " + str(p)) for r in recipes: print("- " + str(r)) print( "Please change the 'name' so that only one of these is found." ) continue else: if products.count() == 1: food = products.all()[0] else: food = recipes.all()[0] try: amount = float(ing_data['amount']) except ValueError: continue ingredient_query = Ingredient.objects.filter( recipe=recipe, amount=amount, product=food if type(food) is Product else None, food_is_recipe=food if type(food) is Recipe else None) if ingredient_query.count() == 1: ingredient = ingredient_query[0] print("Found existing Ingredient: \"" + str(ingredient) + "\" for Recipe: " + str(ingredient.recipe)) else: ingredient = Ingredient(recipe=recipe, amount=amount) = food print("Added Ingredient: \"" + str(ingredient) + "\" for Recipe: " + str(ingredient.recipe)) if 'model' in data and data['model'] == 'backend.Ingredient' and 'fields' in data and \ 'recipe' in data['fields'] and 'amount' in data['fields'] and \ ('food' in data['fields'] or 'product' in data['fields'] or 'food_is_recipe' in data['fields']): fields = data['fields'] try: amount = float(fields['amount']) except ValueError: continue recipe = None for r in recipe_table: if fields['recipe'] == r['fixture_pk']: recipe = r['real_recipe'] food = None if 'food' in fields: for p in product_table: if fields['food'][0] == '0' and fields['food'][ 1:] == p['fixture_pk']: food = p['real_product'] for r in recipe_table: if fields['food'][0] == '1' and fields['food'][ 1:] == r['fixture_pk']: food = r['real_recipe'] if 'product' in fields: for p in product_table: if fields['product'] == p['fixture_pk']: food = p['real_product'] if 'food_is_recipe' in fields: for r in recipe_table: if fields['food_is_recipe'] == r['fixture_pk']: food = r['real_recipe'] if recipe is None or food is None: continue ingredient_query = Ingredient.objects.filter( recipe=recipe, amount=amount, product=food if type(food) is Product else None, food_is_recipe=food if type(food) is Recipe else None) if ingredient_query.count() != 1: new_ingredient = Ingredient(recipe=recipe, amount=amount) = food print("Added Ingredient: \"" + str(new_ingredient) + "\" for Recipe: " + str(new_ingredient.recipe)) else: print("Ingredient: \"" + str(ingredient_query[0]) + "\" for Recipe: " + str(ingredient_query[0].recipe) + " was already in the database.")