async def submit(self, ctx, problem, lang, *, source=None):
     if not in self.dmoj_sessions.keys():
         prefix = await, ctx.message)
         await ctx.send( + ', You are not logged in to a DMOJ account with submission permissions (this could happen if you last logged in a long time ago or have recently gone offline). Please use command `%sconnect dmoj <token>` (your DMOJ API token can be found by going to and selecting the __Generate__ or __Regenerate__ option next to API Token). Note: The connect command will ONLY WORK IN DIRECT MESSAGE. Please do not share this token with anyone else.' % prefix)
     user_session = self.dmoj_sessions[]
     if not self.language.languageExists(lang):
         await ctx.send( + ', That language is not available. The available languages are as followed: ```%s```' % ', '.join(self.language.getLanguages()))
         if source is None and len(ctx.message.attachments) > 0:
             f = requests.get(ctx.message.attachments[0].url)
             source = f.content
         user_data = query.get_user(
         if problem == '^' and user_data[]['last_dmoj_problem'] is not None:
             problem = user_data[]['last_dmoj_problem']
         id = user_session.submit(problem, self.language.getId(lang), source)
         response = user_session.getTestcaseStatus(id)
         responseText = str(response)
         if len(responseText) > 1950:
             responseText = responseText[1950:] + '\n(Result cut off to fit message length limit)'
         await ctx.send( + ', ' + responseText + '\nTrack your submission here:' + str(id))
     except InvalidSessionException:
         await ctx.send( + ', Failed to connect, or problem not available. Make sure you are submitting to a valid problem, check your authentication, and try again.')
         await ctx.send( + ', Error submitting to the problem. Report this using command `$suggest Submission to DMOJ failed`.')
 async def tea(self, ctx, user: discord.User=None):
     if user is None:
         user_data = query.get_user(
         if user_data[]['tea'] == 1:
             await ctx.send( + ', You have 1 cup of :tea:.')
             await ctx.send( + ', You have ' + str(user_data[]['tea']) + ' cups of :tea:.')
     if ==
         await ctx.send( + ', Sorry, cannot send :tea: to yourself!')
     elif ==
         await ctx.send( + ', Thanks for the :tea:!')
     user_data = query.get_user(
     query.update_user(, 'tea', user_data[]['tea']+1)
     await ctx.send( + ', sent a cup of :tea: to ' + user.mention)
 async def togglerepeat(self, ctx):
     user_data = query.get_user(
     for account in self.onlineJudges.accounts:
         if user_data[][account] is not None:
             user_data[]['can_repeat'] = not user_data[]['can_repeat']
             query.update_user(, 'can_repeat', user_data[]['can_repeat'])
             prefix = await, ctx.message)
             await ctx.send( + ', Repeat setting for command `%srandom` set to %s.' % (prefix, ('ON' if user_data[]['can_repeat'] else 'OFF')))
     await ctx.send( + ', You are not linked to any accounts')
Example #4
async def on_member_join(member):
    global prefix
    join_message = query.get_join_message(
    if not join_message:
    this_user = query.get_user(
    if this_user == {}:
        server_prefix = await prefix_from_guild(member.guild)
        await member.send(
            'Hello, %s, and welcome to %s! The default prefix for this server is `%s`, but in direct messaging, use the prefix `%s`. It would seem that you have yet to join a server that has Practice Bot! Using Practice Bot, you can link your DMOJ or Codeforces account to your Discord account to perform different commands. You may use one of the following formats:\n\n*Please use connect commands in this direct message chat only!*\n\n`%sconnect dmoj <dmoj-api-token>` (your DMOJ API token can be found by going to and selecting the __Generate__ or __Regenerate__ option next to API Token)\n\n`%sconnect cf <codeforces-handle>`\n\nUse `%shelp` to see a full list of commands and more details.'
            % (member.display_name,, server_prefix, prefix,
               prefix, prefix, prefix))
 async def togglecountry(self, ctx, code=''):
         country_object = Country(code)
         user_data = query.get_user(
         prev_country = user_data[]['country']
         user_data[]['country'] =
         query.update_user(, 'country', user_data[]['country'])
         if prev_country is not None and prev_country !=
             await ctx.send( + ', Changed your country from %s to %s.' % (str(Country(prev_country)), str(country_object)))
             await ctx.send( + ', Set your country to %s.' % str(country_object))
     except InvalidCountryException:
         prefix = await, ctx.message)
         await ctx.send( + ', Sorry, could not find that country. Search for a country using the name (e.g. `%stogglecountry Finland`, `%stogglecountry "United States"`) or the 2 character ISO code (e.g. `%stogglecountry FI`))' % (prefix, prefix, prefix))
 async def user(self, ctx, user: discord.User=None):
     if user is None:
         user =
     user_data = query.get_user(
     embed = discord.Embed(title=user.display_name)
     embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
     empty = True
     if user_data[]['dmoj'] is not None:
         embed.add_field(name='DMOJ', value='' % user_data[]['dmoj'], inline=False)
         empty = False
     if user_data[]['codeforces'] is not None:
         embed.add_field(name='Codeforces', value='' % user_data[]['codeforces'], inline=False)
         empty = False
     if user_data[]['country'] is not None:
         embed.add_field(name='Country', value=str(Country(user_data[]['country'])), inline=False)
         empty = False
     if empty:
         embed.description = 'No accounts linked...'
     await ctx.send('Requested profile by ' +, embed=embed)
    def get_random_problem(self, oj=None, points=None, maximum=None, iden=None):
        if oj is None:
            oj = rand.choice(self.onlineJudges.judges)

        oj = self.onlineJudges.get_oj(oj)
        if oj == 'cses' and points is not None:
            raise InvalidParametersException(cses=True)

        temp_dmoj_problems = {}
        temp_cf_problems = []
        user_data = query.get_user(iden)
        if iden is not None and not user_data[iden]['can_repeat']:
            if oj == 'dmoj' and user_data[iden]['dmoj'] is not None:
                user_response = json_get('' % user_data[iden]['dmoj'])
                if user_response is not None:
                    if points is None:
                        for name, prob in list(self.dmoj_problems.items()):
                            if name not in user_response['solved_problems']:
                                temp_dmoj_problems[name] = prob
                        temp_dmoj_problems['dmoj'] = {}
                        for point in list(self.problems_by_points['dmoj']):
                            temp_dmoj_problems['dmoj'][point] = {}
                            for name, prob in list(self.problems_by_points['dmoj'][point].items()):
                                if name not in user_response['solved_problems']:
                                    temp_dmoj_problems['dmoj'][point][name] = prob
                    if temp_dmoj_problems == {}:
                        raise InvalidParametersException()
            elif oj == 'codeforces':
                response = requests.get('' + user_data[iden]['codeforces'])
                if response.status_code != 200 or response.json()['status'] != 'OK':
                    return None
                solved = []
                for sub in response.json()['result']:
                    if sub['verdict'] == 'OK':
                        if 'contestId' in sub['problem']:
                            solved.append((sub['problem']['contestId'], sub['problem']['index']))
                        elif 'problemsetName' in sub['problem']:
                            solved.append((sub['problem']['problemsetName'], sub['problem']['index']))
                if points is None:
                    temp_cf_problems = list(filter(lambda prob: (prob.get('contestId', prob.get('problemsetName')), prob['index']) not in solved, self.cf_problems))
                    temp_cf_problems = {'codeforces': {}}
                    for point in list(self.problems_by_points['codeforces']):
                        temp_cf_problems['codeforces'][point] = list(filter(lambda prob: (prob['contestId'], prob['index']) not in solved, self.problems_by_points['codeforces'][point]))
                if temp_cf_problems == [] or (type(temp_cf_problems) is dict and temp_cf_problems['codeforces'] == {}):
                    raise InvalidParametersException()

        if temp_dmoj_problems != {}:
            problem_list = temp_dmoj_problems
        elif temp_cf_problems != []:
            problem_list = temp_cf_problems
        elif points is None:
            if oj == 'dmoj':
                problem_list = self.dmoj_problems
            elif oj == 'codeforces':
                problem_list = self.cf_problems
            problem_list = self.problems_by_points
        if points is not None:
            if not points.isdigit():
                raise InvalidQueryException()
            points = int(points)

        if maximum is not None:
            if not maximum.isdigit():
                raise InvalidQueryException()
            maximum = int(maximum)
            possibilities = []
            for point in list(problem_list[oj].keys()):
                if point >= points and point <= maximum:
            if len(possibilities) == 0:
                raise InvalidParametersException()
            points = rand.choice(possibilities)
        if oj == 'dmoj':
            if not self.dmoj_problems:
                raise OnlineJudgeHTTPException('DMOJ')
            if points is None:
                name, prob = rand.choice(list(problem_list.items()))
            elif points in problem_list['dmoj'] and len(problem_list['dmoj'][points]) > 0:
                name, prob = rand.choice(list(problem_list['dmoj'][points].items()))
                raise InvalidParametersException()
            if iden is not None:
                user_data[iden]['last_dmoj_problem'] = name
                query.update_user(iden, 'last_dmoj_problem', name)
            return self.embed_dmoj_problem(name, prob)
        elif oj == 'codeforces':
            if not self.cf_problems:
                raise OnlineJudgeHTTPException('Codeforces')
            if points is None:
                prob = rand.choice(problem_list)
            elif points in problem_list['codeforces']:
                prob = rand.choice(problem_list['codeforces'][points])
                raise InvalidParametersException()
            return self.embed_cf_problem(prob)

        elif oj == 'atcoder':
            if not self.atcoder_problems:
                raise OnlineJudgeHTTPException('AtCoder')

            if points is None:
                prob = rand.choice(self.atcoder_problems)
            elif points in self.problems_by_points['atcoder']:
                prob = rand.choice(self.problems_by_points['atcoder'][points])
                raise InvalidParametersException()
            return self.embed_atcoder_problem(prob)

        elif oj == 'peg':
            if not self.peg_problems:
                raise OnlineJudgeHTTPException('WCIPEG')
            if points is None:
                prob = rand.choice(list(self.peg_problems.values()))
            elif points in self.problems_by_points['peg']:
                prob = rand.choice(list(self.problems_by_points['peg'][points]))
                raise InvalidParametersException()
            return self.embed_peg_problem(prob)

        elif oj == 'cses':
            prob = rand.choice(list(self.cses_problems.values()))
            return self.embed_cses_problem(prob)

        elif oj == 'szkopul':
            prob = rand.choice(list(self.szkopul_problems.values()))
            return self.embed_szkopul_problem(prob)
            raise NoSuchOJException(oj)