def business_schedule_get(): v = Validator(purge_unknown=True) schema = { 'service_id': { 'default': None, 'coerce': lambda x: int(x) if x else x, 'nullable': True }, 'performer_id': { 'default': None, 'coerce': lambda x: int(x) if x else x, 'nullable': True }, 'date': { 'default': None, 'coerce': lambda x: parse(x) if x else x, 'nullable': True } } req_data = v.validated(request.args.to_dict(), schema) if not req_data: abort(400, v.errors) business = db.session.query(Business).filter( Business.user_id == get_jwt_claims()['id']).first() perf_id = req_data['performer_id'] if perf_id and Performer.get(perf_id).business_id != abort(403) serv_id = req_data['service_id'] if serv_id and Service.get(serv_id).business_id != abort(403) return jsonify(get_schedule(, kwargs=req_data)), 200
def calc_vacant_hours(perf_id, serv_id, coord, xdate): local_tz = timezone('Europe/Moscow') print(local_tz) performer = Performer.get(perf_id) if performer.non_working_days and \ (xdate.isoweekday() in performer.non_working_days): return [] duration = Service.get(serv_id).duration tasks = db.session.query(Appointment).filter( Appointment.performer_id == perf_id, cast(, Date) == xdate ) busy = [] for task in tasks: local_date = time_to_location = get_travel_time((task.coordx, task.coordy), coord) if coord else timedelta(minutes=0) time_tuple = timedelta( hours=local_date.hour, minutes=local_date.minute ) - time_to_location - duration, timedelta( hours=local_date.hour, minutes=local_date.minute ) + task.service.duration + time_to_location busy.append(time_tuple) working = [performer.get_working_hours()] busy.append(performer.get_lunch_hours()) return merge_timelines(working, busy)
def create_appointment(): v = Validator(purge_unknown=True) schema = { 'service_id': { 'coerce': int, 'required': True }, 'performer_id': { 'coerce': int, 'required': True }, 'date': { 'coerce': lambda x: parse(x).isoformat(), 'required': True }, 'user_id': { 'coerce': lambda x: int(x) if x else None, 'default': None, 'nullable': True }, 'notes': { 'type': 'string' }, 'coordx': { 'type': 'float' }, 'coordy': { 'type': 'float' } } req_data = v.validated(request.get_json(), schema) if not req_data: abort(400, v.errors) user_id = get_jwt_claims()['id'] if get_jwt_claims()['role'] == 'business': business = db.session.query(Business).filter( Business.user_id == user_id).first() if != Performer.get(req_data['performer_id']).business_id: abort(403) if != Service.get(req_data['service_id']).business_id: abort(403) user_id = req_data['user_id'] appointment = Appointment(user_id=user_id, is_confirmed=False) return add(appointment, {key: req_data[key] for key in req_data if key != 'user_id'})
def update_appointment(curr_id): v = Validator(purge_unknown=True) schema = { 'service_id': { 'coerce': int, }, 'performer_id': { 'coerce': int, }, 'date': { 'coerce': lambda x: parse(x).isoformat(), }, 'notes': { 'type': 'string' }, 'coordx': { 'type': 'float' }, 'coordy': { 'type': 'float' } } req_data = v.validated(request.get_json(), schema) if not req_data: abort(400, v.errors) user_id = get_jwt_claims()['id'] appointment = Appointment.get(curr_id) if not appointment: abort(404) if get_jwt_claims()['role'] == 'user': if != user_id: abort(403) else: business = if != db.session.query(Business).filter( Business.user_id == user_id).first().id: abort(403) if 'performer_id' in req_data.keys(): if != Performer.get( req_data['performer_id']).business_id: abort(403) if 'service_id' in req_data.keys(): if != Service.get(req_data['service_id']).business_id: abort(403) return update(appointment, req_data)
def delete_performer(curr_id): return delete(Performer.get(curr_id))
def update_performer(curr_id): v = Validator(purge_unknown=True) schema = { 'name': { 'type': 'string' }, 'phone': { 'type': 'string' # 'regex' : REGEX_PHONE }, 'description': { 'type': 'string' }, 'newPhoto': {}, 'services': { 'type': 'list' }, 'work_beg': { 'coerce': lambda x: timedelta(hours=parse(x).hour, minutes=parse(x).minute) }, 'work_end': { 'coerce': lambda x: timedelta(hours=parse(x).hour, minutes=parse(x).minute) }, 'lunch_beg': { 'coerce': lambda x: timedelta(hours=parse(x).hour, minutes=parse(x).minute) }, 'lunch_end': { 'coerce': lambda x: timedelta(hours=parse(x).hour, minutes=parse(x).minute) }, 'non_working_days': { 'type': 'list', 'default': [] } } req_data = v.validated(request.get_json(), schema) if not req_data: abort(400, v.errors) performer = Performer.get(curr_id) if not performer: return jsonify( {"msg": "{0} doesn't exist".format(type(performer).__name__)}), 400 if 'services' in req_data.keys(): old_services = set(list(map(lambda x:, new_services = set(req_data['services']) to_remove = old_services.difference(new_services) to_add = new_services.difference(old_services) try: if len(to_remove) > 0: db.session.execute(performer_service.delete().where( and_(performer_service.c.performer_id == curr_id, performer_service.c.service_id.in_(to_remove)))) if len(to_add) > 0: db.session.execute(performer_service.insert(), [{ 'performer_id': curr_id, 'service_id': x } for x in to_add]) except: db.session.rollback() return jsonify({"msg": "Probably performers parameter is invalid"}), 400 if 'photo' in req_data.keys(): if performer.photo_id: Image.query.filter( == performer.photo_id).delete() if req_data['photo']: photo = Image(data=req_data['photo']) db.session.add(photo) db.session.commit() performer.photo_id = return update(performer, { key: req_data[key] for key in req_data if key not in ['services', 'photo'] })
def get_performer(curr_id): return get(Performer.get(curr_id))