Example #1
def test_1neighbor_sampler_all():
    g = generate_rand_graph(100)
    # In this case, NeighborSampling simply gets the neighborhood of a single vertex.
    for subg, aux in dgl.contrib.sampling.NeighborSampler(g,
        seed_ids = aux['seeds']
        assert len(seed_ids) == 1
        src, dst, eid = g.in_edges(seed_ids, form='all')
        # Test if there is a self loop
        self_loop = F.asnumpy(F.sum(src == dst, 0)) == 1
        if self_loop:
            assert subg.number_of_nodes() == len(src)
            assert subg.number_of_nodes() == len(src) + 1
        assert subg.number_of_edges() >= len(src)

        child_ids = subg.map_to_subgraph_nid(seed_ids)
        child_src, child_dst, child_eid = subg.in_edges(child_ids, form='all')

        child_src1 = subg.map_to_subgraph_nid(src)
        assert F.asnumpy(F.sum(child_src1 == child_src, 0)) == len(src)
def check_dist_emb(g, num_clients, num_nodes, num_edges):
    from dgl.distributed.optim import SparseAdagrad
    from dgl.distributed import DistEmbedding
    # Test sparse emb
        emb = DistEmbedding(g.number_of_nodes(), 1, 'emb1', emb_init)
        nids = F.arange(0, int(g.number_of_nodes()))
        lr = 0.001
        optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr)
        with F.record_grad():
            feats = emb(nids)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids), 1)))
            loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0)
        feats = emb(nids)
        if num_clients == 1:
                                np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * -lr)
        rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids))
        feats1 = emb(rest)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1)))

        policy = dgl.distributed.PartitionPolicy('node',
        grad_sum = dgl.distributed.DistTensor((g.number_of_nodes(), 1),
                                              F.float32, 'emb1_sum', policy)
        if num_clients == 1:
            assert np.all(
                F.asnumpy(grad_sum[nids]) == np.ones((len(nids), 1)) *
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(grad_sum[rest]) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1)))

        emb = DistEmbedding(g.number_of_nodes(), 1, 'emb2', emb_init)
        with F.no_grad():
            feats1 = emb(nids)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == 0)

        optimizer = SparseAdagrad([emb], lr=lr)
        with F.record_grad():
            feats1 = emb(nids)
            feats2 = emb(nids)
            feats = F.cat([feats1, feats2], 0)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats) == np.zeros((len(nids) * 2, 1)))
            loss = F.sum(feats + 1, 0)
        with F.no_grad():
            feats = emb(nids)
        if num_clients == 1:
                                np.ones((len(nids), 1)) * 1 * -lr)
        rest = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), F.asnumpy(nids))
        feats1 = emb(rest)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(feats1) == np.zeros((len(rest), 1)))
    except NotImplementedError as e:
    except Exception as e:
Example #3
def check_basic(g, nf):
    num_nodes = 0
    for i in range(nf.num_layers):
        num_nodes += nf.layer_size(i)
    assert nf.number_of_nodes() == num_nodes
    num_edges = 0
    for i in range(nf.num_blocks):
        num_edges += nf.block_size(i)
    assert nf.number_of_edges() == num_edges
    assert len(nf) == num_nodes
    assert nf.is_readonly
    assert not nf.is_multigraph

    assert np.all(F.asnumpy(nf.has_nodes(list(range(num_nodes)))))
    for i in range(num_nodes):
        assert nf.has_node(i)
    assert np.all(
        F.asnumpy(nf.has_nodes(list(range(num_nodes, 2 * num_nodes)))) == 0)
    for i in range(num_nodes, 2 * num_nodes):
        assert not nf.has_node(i)

    for block_id in range(nf.num_blocks):
        u, v, eid = nf.block_edges(block_id)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(nf.has_edges_between(u, v)))

    deg = nf.layer_in_degree(0)
    assert_array_equal(F.asnumpy(deg), np.zeros((nf.layer_size(0)), np.int64))
    deg = nf.layer_out_degree(-1)
    assert_array_equal(F.asnumpy(deg), np.zeros((nf.layer_size(-1)), np.int64))

    for i in range(1, nf.num_layers):
        in_deg = nf.layer_in_degree(i)
        out_deg = nf.layer_out_degree(i - 1)
        assert F.asnumpy(F.sum(in_deg, 0) == F.sum(out_deg, 0))

        nids = nf.layer_nid(i)
        parent_nids = nf.map_to_parent_nid(nids)
        nids1 = nf.map_from_parent_nid(i, parent_nids)
        assert_array_equal(F.asnumpy(nids), F.asnumpy(nids1))

        data = nf.layers[i].data['h1']
        data1 = g.nodes[nf.layer_parent_nid(i)].data['h1']
        assert_array_equal(F.asnumpy(data), F.asnumpy(data1))

    for i in range(nf.num_blocks):
        data = nf.blocks[i].data['h2']
        data1 = g.edges[nf.block_parent_eid(i)].data['h2']
        assert_array_equal(F.asnumpy(data), F.asnumpy(data1))

    # negative layer Ids.
    for i in range(-1, -nf.num_layers, -1):
        in_deg = nf.layer_in_degree(i)
        out_deg = nf.layer_out_degree(i - 1)
        assert F.asnumpy(F.sum(in_deg, 0) == F.sum(out_deg, 0))
Example #4
def test_simple_readout():
    g1 = dgl.DGLGraph()
    g2 = dgl.DGLGraph()
    g2.add_nodes(4)  # no edges
    g1.add_edges([0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1])

    n1 = F.randn((3, 5))
    n2 = F.randn((4, 5))
    e1 = F.randn((3, 5))
    s1 = F.sum(n1, 0)  # node sums
    s2 = F.sum(n2, 0)
    se1 = F.sum(e1, 0)  # edge sums
    m1 = F.mean(n1, 0)  # node means
    m2 = F.mean(n2, 0)
    me1 = F.mean(e1, 0)  # edge means
    w1 = F.randn((3, ))
    w2 = F.randn((4, ))
    max1 = F.max(n1, 0)
    max2 = F.max(n2, 0)
    maxe1 = F.max(e1, 0)
    ws1 = F.sum(n1 * F.unsqueeze(w1, 1), 0)
    ws2 = F.sum(n2 * F.unsqueeze(w2, 1), 0)
    wm1 = F.sum(n1 * F.unsqueeze(w1, 1), 0) / F.sum(F.unsqueeze(w1, 1), 0)
    wm2 = F.sum(n2 * F.unsqueeze(w2, 1), 0) / F.sum(F.unsqueeze(w2, 1), 0)
    g1.ndata['x'] = n1
    g2.ndata['x'] = n2
    g1.ndata['w'] = w1
    g2.ndata['w'] = w2
    g1.edata['x'] = e1

    assert F.allclose(dgl.sum_nodes(g1, 'x'), s1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.sum_nodes(g1, 'x', 'w'), ws1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.sum_edges(g1, 'x'), se1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.mean_nodes(g1, 'x'), m1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.mean_nodes(g1, 'x', 'w'), wm1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.mean_edges(g1, 'x'), me1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.max_nodes(g1, 'x'), max1)
    assert F.allclose(dgl.max_edges(g1, 'x'), maxe1)

    g = dgl.batch([g1, g2])
    s = dgl.sum_nodes(g, 'x')
    m = dgl.mean_nodes(g, 'x')
    max_bg = dgl.max_nodes(g, 'x')
    assert F.allclose(s, F.stack([s1, s2], 0))
    assert F.allclose(m, F.stack([m1, m2], 0))
    assert F.allclose(max_bg, F.stack([max1, max2], 0))
    ws = dgl.sum_nodes(g, 'x', 'w')
    wm = dgl.mean_nodes(g, 'x', 'w')
    assert F.allclose(ws, F.stack([ws1, ws2], 0))
    assert F.allclose(wm, F.stack([wm1, wm2], 0))
    s = dgl.sum_edges(g, 'x')
    m = dgl.mean_edges(g, 'x')
    max_bg_e = dgl.max_edges(g, 'x')
    assert F.allclose(s, F.stack([se1, F.zeros(5)], 0))
    assert F.allclose(m, F.stack([me1, F.zeros(5)], 0))
    assert F.allclose(max_bg_e, F.stack([maxe1, F.zeros(5)], 0))
Example #5
def test_pull_0deg(index_dtype):
    g = dgl.graph([(0, 1)], index_dtype=index_dtype)

    def _message(edges):
        return {'m': edges.src['h']}

    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h': nodes.data['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}

    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h': nodes.data['h'] * 2}

    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype, ctx)

    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h')
    # test#1: pull both 0deg and non-0deg nodes
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.pull([0, 1], _message, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: initialized with the func and got applied
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, 4, dtype=F.float32))
    # non-0deg check
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.sum(old, 0) * 2)

    # test#2: pull only 0deg node
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.pull(0, _message, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: fallback to apply
    assert F.allclose(new[0], 2 * old[0])
    # non-0deg check: not touched
    assert F.allclose(new[1], old[1])
Example #6
def test_hvp2(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:
        x = ad.Variable(name="x", shape=[3, 1])
        H = ad.Variable(name="H", shape=[3, 3])
        v = ad.Variable(name="v", shape=[3, 1])
        y = ad.sum(
            ad.einsum("ab,bc->ac", ad.einsum("ab,bc->ac", ad.transpose(x), H),

        grad_x, = ad.gradients(y, [x])
        Hv, = ad.hvp(output_node=y, node_list=[x], vector_list=[v])

        executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x, Hv])
        x_val = T.tensor([[1.], [2.], [3]])  # 3x1
        v_val = T.tensor([[1.], [2.], [3]])  # 3x1
        H_val = T.tensor([[2., 0., 0.], [0., 2., 0.], [0., 0., 2.]])  # 3x3
        y_val, grad_x_val, Hv_val = executor.run(feed_dict={
            x: x_val,
            H: H_val,
            v: v_val
        expected_yval = T.sum(T.transpose(x_val) @ H_val @ x_val)
        expected_grad_x_val = 2 * H_val @ x_val
        expected_hv_val = T.tensor([[4.], [8.], [12.]])

        assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
        assert T.array_equal(y_val, expected_yval)
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x_val, expected_grad_x_val)
        assert T.array_equal(Hv_val, expected_hv_val)
Example #7
def test_einsum(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        x2 = ad.Variable(name="x2", shape=[3, 2])
        x3 = ad.Variable(name="x3", shape=[2, 3])
        matmul = ad.einsum('ik,kj->ij', x2, x3)
        y = ad.sum(matmul)

        grad_x2, grad_x3 = ad.gradients(y, [x2, x3])

        executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x2, grad_x3])
        x2_val = T.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])  # 3x2
        x3_val = T.tensor([[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]])  # 2x3

        y_val, grad_x2_val, grad_x3_val = executor.run(feed_dict={
            x2: x2_val,
            x3: x3_val

        expected_grad_sum = T.ones_like(T.dot(x2_val, x3_val))
        expected_yval = T.sum(T.dot(x2_val, x3_val))
        expected_grad_x2_val = T.dot(expected_grad_sum, T.transpose(x3_val))
        expected_grad_x3_val = T.dot(T.transpose(x2_val), expected_grad_sum)

        assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
        assert T.array_equal(y_val, expected_yval)
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x2_val, expected_grad_x2_val)
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x3_val, expected_grad_x3_val)
Example #8
def test_add_mul_mix_3(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        x2 = ad.Variable(name="x2", shape=[3])
        x3 = ad.Variable(name="x3", shape=[3])
        z = x2 * x2 + x2 + x3 + 3
        y = ad.sum(z * z + x3)

        grad_x2, grad_x3 = ad.gradients(y, [x2, x3])

        executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x2, grad_x3])
        x2_val = 2 * T.ones(3)
        x3_val = 3 * T.ones(3)
        y_val, grad_x2_val, grad_x3_val = executor.run(feed_dict={
            x2: x2_val,
            x3: x3_val

        z_val = x2_val * x2_val + x2_val + x3_val + 3
        expected_yval = z_val * z_val + x3_val
        expected_grad_x2_val = 2 * \
            (x2_val * x2_val + x2_val + x3_val + 3) * (2 * x2_val + 1)
        expected_grad_x3_val = 2 * (x2_val * x2_val + x2_val + x3_val + 3) + 1
        assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
        assert T.array_equal(y_val, T.sum(expected_yval))
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x2_val, expected_grad_x2_val)
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x3_val, expected_grad_x3_val)
Example #9
def test_add_mul_mix_2(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        x1 = ad.Variable(name="x1", shape=[3])
        x2 = ad.Variable(name="x2", shape=[3])
        x3 = ad.Variable(name="x3", shape=[3])
        x4 = ad.Variable(name="x4", shape=[3])
        y = ad.sum(x1 + x2 * x3 * x4)

        grad_x1, grad_x2, grad_x3, grad_x4 = ad.gradients(y, [x1, x2, x3, x4])

        executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x1, grad_x2, grad_x3, grad_x4])
        x1_val = 1 * T.ones(3)
        x2_val = 2 * T.ones(3)
        x3_val = 3 * T.ones(3)
        x4_val = 4 * T.ones(3)
        y_val, grad_x1_val, grad_x2_val, grad_x3_val, grad_x4_val = executor.run(
                x1: x1_val,
                x2: x2_val,
                x3: x3_val,
                x4: x4_val
        assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
        assert T.array_equal(y_val, T.sum(x1_val + x2_val * x3_val * x4_val))
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x1_val, T.ones_like(x1_val))
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x2_val, x3_val * x4_val)
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x3_val, x2_val * x4_val)
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x4_val, x2_val * x3_val)
Example #10
def test_update_all_0deg(index_dtype):
    # test#1
    g = dgl.graph([(1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0)], index_dtype=index_dtype)

    def _message(edges):
        return {'m': edges.src['h']}

    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h': nodes.data['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}

    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h': nodes.data['h'] * 2}

    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype, ctx)

    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h')
    old_repr = F.randn((5, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old_repr
    g.update_all(_message, _reduce, _apply)
    new_repr = g.ndata['h']
    # the first row of the new_repr should be the sum of all the node
    # features; while the 0-deg nodes should be initialized by the
    # initializer and applied with UDF.
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1:], 2 * (2 + F.zeros((4, 5))))
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[0], 2 * F.sum(old_repr, 0))

    # test#2:
    g = dgl.graph([], num_nodes=5, index_dtype=index_dtype)
    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h')
    g.ndata['h'] = old_repr
    g.update_all(_message, _reduce, _apply)
    new_repr = g.ndata['h']
    # should fallback to apply
    assert F.allclose(new_repr, 2 * old_repr)
Example #11
def test_recv_0deg_newfld():
    # test recv with 0deg nodes; the reducer also creates a new field
    g = dgl.graph([(0,1)])
    def _message(edges):
        return {'m' : edges.src['h']}
    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h1' : nodes.data['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h1' : nodes.data['h1'] * 2}
    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx)
    # test#1: recv both 0deg and non-0deg nodes
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h1')
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv([0, 1], _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h1')
    # 0deg check: initialized with the func and got applied
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, 4, dtype=F.float32))
    # non-0deg check
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.sum(old, 0) * 2)

    # test#2: recv only 0deg node
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.ndata['h1'] = F.full((2, 5), -1, F.int64)  # this is necessary
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv(0, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h1')
    # 0deg check: fallback to apply
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, -2, F.int64))
    # non-0deg check: not changed
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.full_1d(5, -1, F.int64))
Example #12
def test_batch_propagate():
    t1 = tree1()
    t2 = tree2()

    bg = dgl.batch([t1, t2])
    bg.register_message_func(lambda edges: {'m': edges.src['h']})
    bg.register_reduce_func(lambda nodes: {'h': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)})
    # get leaves.

    order = []

    # step 1
    u = [3, 4, 2 + 5, 0 + 5]
    v = [1, 1, 4 + 5, 4 + 5]
    order.append((u, v))

    # step 2
    u = [1, 2, 4 + 5, 3 + 5]
    v = [0, 0, 1 + 5, 1 + 5]
    order.append((u, v))

    t1, t2 = dgl.unbatch(bg)

    assert F.asnumpy(t1.ndata['h'][0]) == 9
    assert F.asnumpy(t2.ndata['h'][1]) == 5
Example #13
def test_recv_0deg():
    # test recv with 0deg nodes;
    g = dgl.graph([(0,1)])
    def _message(edges):
        return {'m' : edges.src['h']}
    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h' : nodes.data['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h' : nodes.data['h'] * 2}
    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype, ctx)
    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'h')
    # test#1: recv both 0deg and non-0deg nodes
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv([0, 1], _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: initialized with the func and got applied
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full_1d(5, 4, F.float32))
    # non-0deg check
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.sum(old, 0) * 2)

    # test#2: recv only 0deg node is equal to apply
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.send((0, 1), _message)
    g.recv(0, _reduce, _apply)
    new = g.ndata.pop('h')
    # 0deg check: equal to apply_nodes
    assert F.allclose(new[0], 2 * old[0])
    # non-0deg check: untouched
    assert F.allclose(new[1], old[1])
Example #14
def test_subgraph_message_passing():
    # Unit test for PR #2055
    g = dgl.graph(([0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4])).to(F.cpu())
    g.ndata['x'] = F.copy_to(F.randn((5, 6)), F.cpu())
    sg = g.subgraph([1, 2, 3]).to(F.ctx())
    sg.update_all(lambda edges: {'x': edges.src['x']},
                  lambda nodes: {'y': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['x'], 1)})
def test_batch_propagate(idtype):
    t1 = tree1(idtype)
    t2 = tree2(idtype)

    bg = dgl.batch([t1, t2])
    _mfunc = lambda edges: {'m': edges.src['h']}
    _rfunc = lambda nodes: {'h': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
    # get leaves.

    order = []

    # step 1
    u = [3, 4, 2 + 5, 0 + 5]
    v = [1, 1, 4 + 5, 4 + 5]
    order.append((u, v))

    # step 2
    u = [1, 2, 4 + 5, 3 + 5]
    v = [0, 0, 1 + 5, 1 + 5]
    order.append((u, v))

    bg.prop_edges(order, _mfunc, _rfunc)
    t1, t2 = dgl.unbatch(bg)

    assert F.asnumpy(t1.ndata['h'][0]) == 9
    assert F.asnumpy(t2.ndata['h'][1]) == 5
Example #16
def test_node_subgraph():
    num_vertices = 100
    g, ig = generate_rand_graph(num_vertices)

    # node_subgraph
    randv1 = np.random.randint(0, num_vertices, 20)
    randv = np.unique(randv1)
    subg = g.node_subgraph(utils.toindex(randv))
    subig = ig.node_subgraph(utils.toindex(randv))
    check_basics(subg, subig)
    check_graph_equal(subg, subig)
    assert F.sum(
        map_to_subgraph_nid(subg, utils.toindex(
            randv1[0:10])).tousertensor() == map_to_subgraph_nid(
                subig, utils.toindex(randv1[0:10])).tousertensor(), 0) == 10

    # node_subgraphs
    randvs = []
    subgs = []
    for i in range(4):
        randv = np.unique(np.random.randint(0, num_vertices, 20))
    subigs = ig.node_subgraphs(randvs)
    for i in range(4):
        check_basics(subg, subig)
        check_graph_equal(subgs[i], subigs[i])
Example #17
def test_update_all_0deg(idtype):
    # test#1
    g = dgl.graph(([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 0]), idtype=idtype, device=F.ctx())

    def _message(edges):
        return {'m': edges.src['h']}

    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'x': nodes.data['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}

    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'x': nodes.data['x'] * 2}

    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype, ctx)

    g.set_n_initializer(_init2, 'x')
    old_repr = F.randn((5, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old_repr
    g.update_all(_message, _reduce, _apply)
    new_repr = g.ndata['x']
    # the first row of the new_repr should be the sum of all the node
    # features; while the 0-deg nodes should be initialized by the
    # initializer and applied with UDF.
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[1:], 2 * (2 + F.zeros((4, 5))))
    assert F.allclose(new_repr[0], 2 * F.sum(old_repr, 0))

    # test#2: graph with no edge
    g = dgl.graph(([], []), num_nodes=5, idtype=idtype, device=F.ctx())
    g.ndata['h'] = old_repr
    g.update_all(_message, _reduce, lambda nodes: {'h': nodes.data['h'] * 2})
    new_repr = g.ndata['h']
    # should fallback to apply
    assert F.allclose(new_repr, 2 * old_repr)
Example #18
def check_basic(g, nf):
    num_nodes = 0
    for i in range(nf.num_layers):
        num_nodes += nf.layer_size(i)
    assert nf.number_of_nodes() == num_nodes
    num_edges = 0
    for i in range(nf.num_blocks):
        num_edges += nf.block_size(i)
    assert nf.number_of_edges() == num_edges

    deg = nf.layer_in_degree(0)
    assert F.array_equal(deg, F.zeros((nf.layer_size(0)), F.int64))
    deg = nf.layer_out_degree(-1)
    assert F.array_equal(deg, F.zeros((nf.layer_size(-1)), F.int64))
    for i in range(1, nf.num_layers):
        in_deg = nf.layer_in_degree(i)
        out_deg = nf.layer_out_degree(i - 1)
        assert F.asnumpy(F.sum(in_deg, 0) == F.sum(out_deg, 0))
Example #19
def test_summation_einsum_2(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:
        x = ad.Variable(name="x", shape=[2, 2])
        y = ad.Variable(name="y", shape=[2, 2])
        out = ad.sum(ad.einsum('ij,ab->ab', x, y))

        grad_x, = ad.gradients(out, [x])
        executor = ad.Executor([out, grad_x])
        x_val = T.tensor([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
        y_val = T.tensor([[5., 6.], [7., 8.]])

        out_val, grad_x_val = executor.run(feed_dict={x: x_val, y: y_val})

        expected_out_val = T.sum(T.einsum('ij,ab->ab', x_val, y_val))
        expected_grad_x_val = T.sum(y_val) * T.ones_like(x_val)

        assert T.array_equal(out_val, expected_out_val)
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x_val, expected_grad_x_val)
Example #20
 def _test(group_by):
     g.group_apply_edges(group_by=group_by, func=edge_udf)
     if group_by == 'src':
         u, v, eid = g.out_edges(1, form='all')
         u, v, eid = g.in_edges(5, form='all')
     out_feat = g.edges[eid].data['norm_feat']
     result = (g.nodes[u].data['h'] + g.nodes[v].data['h']) * g.edges[eid].data['feat']
     result = F.softmax(F.sum(result, dim=1), dim=0)
     assert F.allclose(out_feat, result)
Example #21
def softmax(x):
    ndim = K.ndim(x)
    if ndim == 2:
        return K.softmax(x)
    elif ndim == 3:
        e = K.exp(x - K.max(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
        s = K.sum(e, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        return e / s
        raise ValueError('Cannot apply softmax to a tensor '
                         'that is not 2D or 3D. '
                         'Here, ndim=' + str(ndim))
Example #22
File: test_nn.py Project: zwcdp/dgl
def test_simple_pool():
    ctx = F.ctx()
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.path_graph(15))

    sum_pool = nn.SumPooling()
    avg_pool = nn.AvgPooling()
    max_pool = nn.MaxPooling()
    sort_pool = nn.SortPooling(10) # k = 10
    print(sum_pool, avg_pool, max_pool, sort_pool)

    # test#1: basic
    h0 = F.randn((g.number_of_nodes(), 5))
    if F.gpu_ctx():
        sum_pool = sum_pool.to(ctx)
        avg_pool = avg_pool.to(ctx)
        max_pool = max_pool.to(ctx)
        sort_pool = sort_pool.to(ctx)
        h0 = h0.to(ctx)
    h1 = sum_pool(g, h0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, F.sum(h0, 0))
    h1 = avg_pool(g, h0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, F.mean(h0, 0))
    h1 = max_pool(g, h0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, F.max(h0, 0))
    h1 = sort_pool(g, h0)
    assert h1.shape[0] == 10 * 5 and h1.dim() == 1

    # test#2: batched graph
    g_ = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.path_graph(5))
    bg = dgl.batch([g, g_, g, g_, g])
    h0 = F.randn((bg.number_of_nodes(), 5))
    if F.gpu_ctx():
        h0 = h0.to(ctx)

    h1 = sum_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = th.stack([F.sum(h0[:15], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[15:20], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[20:35], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[35:40], 0),
                      F.sum(h0[40:55], 0)], 0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, truth)

    h1 = avg_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = th.stack([F.mean(h0[:15], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[15:20], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[20:35], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[35:40], 0),
                      F.mean(h0[40:55], 0)], 0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, truth)

    h1 = max_pool(bg, h0)
    truth = th.stack([F.max(h0[:15], 0),
                      F.max(h0[15:20], 0),
                      F.max(h0[20:35], 0),
                      F.max(h0[35:40], 0),
                      F.max(h0[40:55], 0)], 0)
    assert F.allclose(h1, truth)

    h1 = sort_pool(bg, h0)
    assert h1.shape[0] == 5 and h1.shape[1] == 10 * 5 and h1.dim() == 2
Example #23
def test_multi_recv_0deg():
    # test recv with 0deg nodes;
    g = DGLGraph()

    def _message(edges):
        return {'m': edges.src['h']}

    def _reduce(nodes):
        return {'h': nodes.data['h'] + F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}

    def _apply(nodes):
        return {'h': nodes.data['h'] * 2}

    def _init2(shape, dtype, ctx, ids):
        return 2 + F.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx)

    g.add_edge(0, 1)
    # recv both 0deg and non-0deg nodes
    old = F.randn((2, 5))
    g.ndata['h'] = old
    g.send((0, 1))
    g.recv([0, 1])
    new = g.ndata['h']
    # 0deg check: initialized with the func and got applied
    assert F.allclose(new[0], F.full((5, ), 4, F.float32))
    # non-0deg check
    assert F.allclose(new[1], F.sum(old, 0) * 2)

    # recv again on zero degree node
    assert F.allclose(g.nodes[0].data['h'], F.full((5, ), 8, F.float32))

    # recv again on node with no incoming message
    assert F.allclose(g.nodes[1].data['h'], F.sum(old, 0) * 4)
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        b, xb = 0., 0.
        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            kernel_sum_axes = [1, 2, 3]
            if self.use_bias:
                b = K.reshape(self.b, (self.filters, 1, 1, 1))
                xb = 1.
        elif self.data_format == 'channels_last':
            kernel_sum_axes = [0, 1, 2]
            if self.use_bias:
                b = K.reshape(self.b, (1, 1, 1, self.filters))
                xb = 1.

        Wnorm = K.sqrt(
            K.sum(K.square(self.W), axis=kernel_sum_axes, keepdims=True) +
            K.square(b) + K.epsilon())
        xnorm = K.sqrt(
                     filter_shape=self.kernel_norm_shape) + xb + K.epsilon())

        W = self.W / Wnorm

        output = K.conv2d(x,

        if K.backend() == 'theano':
            xnorm = K.pattern_broadcast(xnorm, [False, True, False, False])

        output /= xnorm

        if self.use_bias:
            b /= Wnorm
            if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
                b = K.reshape(b, (1, self.filters, 1, 1))
            elif self.data_format == 'channels_last':
                b = K.reshape(b, (1, 1, 1, self.filters))
                raise ValueError('Invalid data_format:', self.data_format)
            b /= xnorm
            output += b
        output = self.activation(output)
        return output
Example #25
def binary_op(msg, x, y):
    if msg == 'add':
        return x + y
    elif msg == 'sub':
        return x - y
    elif msg == 'mul':
        return x * y
    elif msg == 'div':
        return x / y
    elif msg == 'dot':
        return F.sum(x * y, -1, keepdims=True)
    elif msg == 'copy_lhs':
        return x
    elif msg == 'copy_rhs':
        return y
Example #26
def test_batch_send_and_recv():
    t1 = tree1()
    t2 = tree2()

    bg = dgl.batch([t1, t2])
    bg.register_message_func(lambda edges: {'m': edges.src['h']})
    bg.register_reduce_func(lambda nodes: {'h': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)})
    u = [3, 4, 2 + 5, 0 + 5]
    v = [1, 1, 4 + 5, 4 + 5]

    bg.send_and_recv((u, v))

    t1, t2 = dgl.unbatch(bg)
    assert F.asnumpy(t1.ndata['h'][1]) == 7
    assert F.asnumpy(t2.ndata['h'][4]) == 2
def test_batch_send_and_recv(idtype):
    t1 = tree1(idtype)
    t2 = tree2(idtype)

    bg = dgl.batch([t1, t2])
    _mfunc = lambda edges: {'m': edges.src['h']}
    _rfunc = lambda nodes: {'h': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)}
    u = [3, 4, 2 + 5, 0 + 5]
    v = [1, 1, 4 + 5, 4 + 5]

    bg.send_and_recv((u, v), _mfunc, _rfunc)

    t1, t2 = dgl.unbatch(bg)
    assert F.asnumpy(t1.ndata['h'][1]) == 7
    assert F.asnumpy(t2.ndata['h'][4]) == 2
Example #28
def test_batch_send_then_recv():
    t1 = tree1()
    t2 = tree2()

    bg = dgl.batch([t1, t2])
    bg.register_message_func(lambda edges: {'m': edges.src['h']})
    bg.register_reduce_func(lambda nodes: {'h': F.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], 1)})
    u = [3, 4, 2 + 5, 0 + 5]
    v = [1, 1, 4 + 5, 4 + 5]

    bg.send((u, v))
    bg.recv([1, 9])  # assuming recv takes in unique nodes

    t1, t2 = dgl.unbatch(bg)
    assert t1.ndata['h'][1] == 7
    assert t2.ndata['h'][4] == 2
Example #29
def test_negative(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        x2 = ad.Variable(name="x2", shape=[3])
        y = ad.sum(-x2)

        grad_x2, = ad.gradients(y, [x2])

        executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x2])
        x2_val = 2 * T.ones(3)
        y_val, grad_x2_val = executor.run(feed_dict={x2: x2_val})

        assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
        assert T.array_equal(y_val, T.sum(-x2_val))
        assert T.array_equal(grad_x2_val, -T.ones_like(x2_val))
Example #30
def test_10neighbor_sampler_all():
    g = generate_rand_graph(100)
    # In this case, NeighborSampling simply gets the neighborhood of a single vertex.
    for subg, aux in dgl.contrib.sampling.NeighborSampler(g,
        seed_ids = aux['seeds']
        src, dst, eid = g.in_edges(seed_ids, form='all')

        child_ids = subg.map_to_subgraph_nid(seed_ids)
        child_src, child_dst, child_eid = subg.in_edges(child_ids, form='all')

        child_src1 = subg.map_to_subgraph_nid(src)
        assert F.asnumpy(F.sum(child_src1 == child_src, 0)) == len(src)
Example #31
 def __call__(self, loss):
     loss += K.sum(K.abs(self.p)) * self.l1 / 2.
     loss += K.sum(K.square(self.p)) * self.l2 / 2.
     return loss
Example #32
 def get_reg( self, params ):
     return self._l1_ * K.sum( [ K.sum( K.abs( param ) ) for param in params ] )
Example #33
 def get_reg( self, params ):
     reg = self._l1_ * K.sum( [ K.sum( K.abs( param ) ) for param in params ] ) + \
           self._l2_ * K.sum( [ K.sum( K.sqr( param ) ) for param in params ] )
     return reg
Example #34
 def get_reg( self, params ):
     return self._l2_ * K.sum( [ K.sum( K.sqr( param ) ) for param in params ] )
Example #35
 def __call__(self, loss):
     output = self.layer.get_output(True)
     loss += self.l1 * K.sum(K.mean(K.abs(output), axis=0))
     loss += self.l2 * K.sum(K.mean(K.square(output), axis=0))
     return loss
Example #36
def norm_lp(y_pred, y_gt, norm):
    return K.mean(K.sum(K.power(K.abs(y_pred - y_gt), norm), axis=-1))
Example #37
def kl_divergence(y_pred, y_gt):
    y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, _EPSILON, np.inf)
    y_gt = K.clip(y_gt, _EPSILON, np.inf)
    kl_mat = y_gt * K.log(y_gt / y_pred) - y_gt + y_pred
    return K.mean(K.sum(kl_mat, axis=-1))
Example #38
def is_divergence(y_pred, y_gt):
    y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, _EPSILON, np.inf)
    y_gt = K.clip(y_gt, _EPSILON, np.inf)
    is_mat = y_gt / y_pred - K.log(y_gt / y_pred) - 1
    return K.mean(K.sum(is_mat, axis=-1))
Example #39
def beta_divergence(y_pred, y_gt, beta):
    y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, _EPSILON, np.inf)
    y_gt = K.clip(y_gt, _EPSILON, np.inf)
    beta_mat = 1. / (beta*(beta-1)) * (K.power(y_gt, beta) + (beta-1) * K.power(y_pred, beta) - beta * y_gt * K.power(y_pred, (beta-1)))
    return K.mean(K.sum(beta_mat, axis=-1))