class BaseVideoBackgroundSubtractor(VideoProcessor):
    def __init__(self, args, main_out_vid_name="", with_video_output=True):
        super().__init__(args, main_out_vid_name, with_video_output)
        args.datapath = self.datapath
        self.background_subtractor = BackgroundSubtractor(args)

    def initialize(self, verbose=True):
        start = self.sampling_interval_start_frame
        if start < 0:
        end = self.sampling_interval_end_frame
        last_frame = self.get_last_frame()

        if end <= start:
            raise ValueError("Sampling interval end frame (currently set to {:d}) should be greater than the " +
                             "sampling interval start frame (currently set to {:d}).".format(end, start))

        if start > last_frame or end > last_frame:
            raise ValueError("The sampling interval start & end frame (currently set to {:d} and {:d}, " +
                             "respectively) should be within [0,{:d}] as dictated by length of video {:s} " +
                             "(and global offset, if present)."
                             .format(start, end, last_frame, self.in_video))

        max_sampling_duration_frames = int(self.sampling_interval * (self.num_samples - 1) / 1000 * self.fps) + 1

        max_end = start + max_sampling_duration_frames - 1
        if end > max_end:
            print(("Notice: sampling_interval_end_frame is set to {0:d}, which is beyond the limit imposed by " +
                   "sampling interval ({1:f}), fps {2:.2f}, and number of samples ({3:d}). " +
                   "Changing it to {4:d} to save time.")
                  .format(self.sampling_interval_end_frame, self.sampling_interval, self.fps, self.num_samples, max_end))
            end = max_end

        if verbose:
            print("Initializing from frame {:d} to frame {:d}...".format(start, end))

        start_time = time.time()
        total_frames = end - start + 1
        fc = 1
        for i_frame in range(start, end + 1):
            frame =[1]
            # apply preliminary mask if at all present
            # build up the background model
            if not self.no_progress_bar:
                VideoProcessor.update_progress(fc / total_frames, start_time)
            fc += 1
        sys.stdout.write("\n")  # terminate progress bar
