Example #1
def mkscaledtemplate( targetfilter, imfile1, imfile2=None, outfile=None,
                      scalefactor=1, filtdir='HSTFILTERS', verbose=True,
                      clobber=False ):
    """ Combine and/or scale imfile1 (and imfile2) to match the
    filter transmission function for targetfilter (e.g. for making a
    template image for F814W from two images in F775W and F850LP).

    If an outfile is specified and the wht and bpx files associated with the
    input image files are available, then they will also be combined and
    written to appropriately named output files

    The argument targetfilter must have the form 'INSTRUMENT-DETECTOR-FILTER'.
    For example:  'ACS-WFC-F606W'

    Returns the names of all files generated (sci, wht, bpx)
    from astropy.io import fits as pyfits
    import imarith
    import shutil
    import badpix

    sourcefilter1 = camfiltername( imfile1 )
    if imfile2 :
        sourcefilter2 = camfiltername( imfile2 )
        if verbose :
            print('Scaling %s + %s to match %s'%(sourcefilter1,sourcefilter2,targetfilter))
    else :
        sourcefilter2 = None
        if verbose :
            print('Scaling %s to match %s'%(sourcefilter1,targetfilter))

    scalefactor = scalefactor * computeFilterScaling(
        targetfilter, sourcefilter1, source2=sourcefilter2, filtdir=filtdir)

    if imfile2 :
        imdat = imarith.imsum( imfile1, imfile2 )
    else :
        imdat = pyfits.getdata( imfile1 )

    imdatscaled = imdat * scalefactor

    outhdr = pyfits.getheader( imfile1 )
    outhdr['FILTER'] = '~' + targetfilter.split('-')[-1]
    if 'FILTER1' in outhdr : outhdr.remove('FILTER1')
    if 'FILTER2' in outhdr : outhdr.remove('FILTER2')

    if outfile is None :
        return( imdatscaled )

    outdir = os.path.split( outfile )[0]
    if outdir :
        if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
            os.makedirs( outdir )
    pyfits.writeto( outfile, imdatscaled, header=outhdr, clobber=clobber )

    if not outfile.endswith('sci.fits') or not imfile1.endswith('sci.fits'):
        return( outfile )

    outwht = outfile.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
    outbpx = outfile.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')

    inwht1 = imfile1.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
    inbpx1 = imfile1.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')

    if imfile2 is None :
        if os.path.isfile( inwht1 ) and os.path.isfile( inbpx1 ) :
            shutil.copy( inwht1, outwht )
            shutil.copy( inbpx1, outbpx )
            return( outfile, outwht, outbpx)
        else :
            return( outfile )

    inwht2 = imfile2.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
    inbpx2 = imfile2.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')
    if os.path.isfile( inwht2 ) :
        outwht = imarith.combine_ivm_maps( inwht1, inwht2, outwht,
                                           clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )
    if os.path.isfile( inbpx2 ) :
        outbpx = badpix.unionmask( inbpx1, inbpx2, outbpx,
                                   clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )
        assert os.path.isfile( outbpx ), "Scaled badpix image %s not created."%outbpx
        outbpx = None

    assert os.path.isfile( outfile ), "Scaled template %s not created."%outfile
    assert os.path.isfile( outwht ), "Scaled weight image %s not created."%outwht

    return( outfile, outwht, outbpx)
Example #2
def doScaleSubMask( targname, targfilter, targepoch, tempfilter, tempepoch,
                    tempfilter2=None, tempepoch2=None, scalefactor=1,
                    clean=True, verbose=True, clobber=False ):
    """ Primary function for making pseudo-filter diff images :
    * make a scaled template image, scaling the template filter to match the target filter
    * subtract scaled template from target filter+epoch
    * make a union badpix mask
    * apply the union badpix mask
    * make a composite weight mask
    import os
    import imarith
    import badpix
    from astropy.io import fits as pyfits

    targdir = '%s.e%02i'%(targname, targepoch)
    targsci = '%s_%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, targfilter, targepoch)
    targsci = os.path.join( targdir, targsci )
    if not os.path.isfile( targsci ) :
        targsci = targsci.replace('_drc','_drz')
    targwht = targsci.replace( '_sci.fits','_wht.fits')
    targbpx = targsci.replace( '_sci.fits','_bpx.fits')
    assert os.path.isfile( targsci )
    assert os.path.isfile( targwht )
    # assert os.path.isfile( targbpx )

    hdr = pyfits.getheader( targsci )
    if 'CAMERA' in hdr :
        instrument = hdr['CAMERA']
        detector = ''
    elif 'INSTRUME' in hdr :
        instrument = hdr['INSTRUME']
    if 'DETECTOR' in hdr :
        detector = hdr['DETECTOR']
    targetcamfilter = '-'.join([instrument,detector,targfilter.upper()]).rstrip('-')
    if targetcamfilter.endswith('L') :
        targetcamfilter += 'P'

    tempdir = '%s.e%02i'%(targname, tempepoch)
    tempfile = '%s_%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, tempfilter, tempepoch)
    tempfile = os.path.join( tempdir, tempfile )
    if not os.path.isfile( tempfile ) :
        tempfile = tempfile.replace('_drc','_drz')
    assert os.path.isfile( tempfile )

    if tempfilter2 is None :
        tempfile2 = None
    else :
        if tempepoch2 is None :
            tempepoch2 = tempepoch
        tempdir2 = '%s.e%02i'%(targname, tempepoch2)
        tempfile2 = '%s_%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, tempfilter2, tempepoch2)
        tempfile2 = os.path.join( tempdir2, tempfile2 )
        if not os.path.isfile( tempfile2 ) :
            tempfile2 = tempfile2.replace('_drc','_drz')
        assert os.path.isfile( tempfile2 )

    outfile = os.path.join( tempdir, '%s_~%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, targfilter, tempepoch) )

    if os.path.exists( outfile ) and not clobber :
        print("Template file %s already exists, not clobbering."%outfile)
        tempsci = outfile
        tempwht = tempsci.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
        tempbpx = tempsci.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')
    else :
        tempsci, tempwht, tempbpx = mkscaledtemplate(
            targetcamfilter, tempfile, imfile2=tempfile2, outfile=outfile,
            scalefactor=scalefactor, filtdir=filtdir, verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber)

    subsci = '%s_%s_e%02i-e%02i_sub_sci.fits'%(targname, targfilter, targepoch, tempepoch)
    subsci = os.path.join( targdir, subsci )

    if verbose :  print( "Making pseudo diff image %s"%subsci )
    diffim = imarith.imsubtract( tempsci, targsci, outfile=subsci,
                                 clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )
    diffwht = imarith.combine_ivm_maps( targwht, tempwht,
                                       clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )

    if os.path.exists(targbpx):
        diffbpx = badpix.unionmask( tempbpx, targbpx,
                                    clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose)
        diffim_masked = badpix.applymask( diffim, diffbpx,
                                          clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose)
        if clean:
            # delete the sub_sci.fits, b/c it is superseded
            os.remove( diffim )
        diffim_masked = diffim.replace('sub_sci.fits', 'sub_masked.fits')
        os.rename(diffim, diffim_masked)
        diffbpx = None
    if verbose :
        print("Created diff image %s, wht map %s, and bpx mask %s"%(
            diffim_masked, diffwht, diffbpx ) )
    return( diffim_masked, diffwht, diffbpx )
Example #3
def runpipe( outroot, onlyfilters=[], onlyepochs=[],
              # Run all the processing steps
              # Setup : copy flts into sub-directories
              dosetup=False, epochlistfile=None,
              # construct a ref image
              # Single Visit tweakreg/drizzle pass : 
              dodriz1=False, drizcr=False, intravisitreg=False,
              # Register to a given image or  epoch, visit and filter
              doreg=False, refim=None, refepoch=None, refvisit=None, reffilter=None, 
              # Drizzle registered flts by epoch and filter 
              # make diff images
              dodiff=False, tempepoch=0,
              interactive=False, threshold=4, peakmin=None, peakmax=None,
              rfluxmax=27, rfluxmin=14, searchrad=1.5,
              mjdmin=0, mjdmax=0, epochspan=5,
              ra=None, dec=None, rot=0, imsize_arcsec=None, 
              pixscale=None, pixfrac=None, wht_type='ERR',
              clobber=False, verbose=True, debug=False ):
    Primary pipeline function.  Executes all the intermediate steps: 
       register, sort, drizzle, subtract, mask
    import pyfits
    import shutil
    if debug : import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    from drizzlepac.tweakback import tweakback

    topdir = os.path.abspath( '.' )
    fltdir = outroot + '.flt' 

    if doall :

    if onlyfilters : 
        if type(onlyfilters)==str : 
            onlyfilters = onlyfilters.lower().split(',')
        onlyfilters = [ filt[:5].lower() for filt in onlyfilters ]
    if type(onlyepochs) in [str,int,float] :
        onlyepochs = [ int(ep) for ep in str(onlyepochs).split(',') ]

    # STAGE 0 : (always runs)
    # get a list of exposures and epochs, sorting flt files into epochs
    fltlist = glob.glob( "%s/*fl?.fits"%fltdir )
    if not len( fltlist ) : 
        raise( exceptions.RuntimeError( "There are no flt/flc files in %s !!"%fltdir) )
    explist = exposures.get_explist( fltlist, outroot=outroot )
    if not epochlistfile :
        epochlistfile =  "%s_epochs.txt"%explist[0].outroot
    if os.path.exists( epochlistfile ) and not clobber :
        print( "%s exists. Adopting existing epoch sorting."%epochlistfile )
        exposures.read_epochs( explist, epochlistfile, checkradec=[ra,dec], 
                            onlyfilters=onlyfilters )
    else :
        exposures.define_epochs( explist, epochspan=epochspan,
                            mjdmin=mjdmin, mjdmax=mjdmax )
    exposures.print_epochs( explist, outfile=epochlistfile,
                            verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber, checkradec=[ra,dec], 
                            onlyfilters=onlyfilters, onlyepochs=onlyepochs )

    if refim and not os.path.exists( refim ) :
        raise exceptions.RuntimeError( 'Ref image %s does not exist.'%refim )
    if not refim :
        # No refimage has been specified, so set the default refimage name
        refdrzdir = '%s.refim'%outroot
        refimbasename = '%s_wcsref_sci.fits'%(outroot)
        refim = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( refdrzdir, refimbasename ) )

    new_explist = []
    for exp in explist:
        if onlyfilters and exp.filter not in onlyfilters :
        elif onlyepochs and exp.epoch not in onlyepochs :
            new_explist.append( exp )
    explist = new_explist

    # STAGE 1 :
    # copy pristine flt files into epoch sub-directories
    if dosetup :
        if verbose :
            print("SNDRIZZLE : (1) SETUP : copying flt files into subdirs")
        exposures.copy_to_epochdirs( explist, checkradec=[ra,dec],
                              onlyfilters=onlyfilters, onlyepochs=onlyepochs,
                              verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber )

    FEVgrouplist = sorted( np.unique( [ exp.FEVgroup for exp in explist ] ) )
    FEgrouplist = sorted( np.unique( [ exp.FEgroup for exp in explist ] ) )     
    filterlist = sorted( np.unique( [ exp.filter for exp in explist ] ) )
    epochlist = sorted( np.unique([ exp.epoch for exp in explist ] ) )

    # STAGE 2 :
    # Construct the WCS reference image
    if dorefim :
        if verbose :
            print("SNDRIZZLE : (2) REFIM : Constructing WCS ref image.")
        if os.path.exists( refim ) and clobber :
            os.remove( refim )
        if os.path.exists( refim ) :
            print("%s already exists.  Not clobbering."%refim)
        else :
            refdrzdir = os.path.dirname( refim )
            if verbose :
                print( " Constructing reference image %s in %s"%(
                    os.path.basename(refim), refdrzdir ) )

            # Collect the necessary flt files for constructing the ref image
            if not refepoch :
                refepoch = np.min( epochlist )
            if not reffilter :
                reffilter = sorted( [ exp.filter for exp in explist
                                      if exp.epoch==refepoch ] )[0]
            reffilter = reffilter.lower()
            # if refvisit is not set, then find the maximum depth visit and use that
            if not refvisit :
                visits, exp_times, visit_depth = np.array( ([], [], []) )
                for exp in explist:
                    if (exp.epoch != refepoch) and (exp.filter != reffilter):
                    visits    = np.append( visits, exp.visit )
                    exp_times = np.append( exp_times, exp.exposure_time )
                unique_visits = np.unique( visits )
                for u in unique_visits:
                    ind = np.where( visits == u )
                    visit_depth = np.append( visit_depth, np.sum(exp_times[ind]) )
                max_ind  = np.argmax( visit_depth )
                refvisit = unique_visits[max_ind]
            refvisit = refvisit.upper()
            explistRI = sorted( [ exp for exp in explist if exp.epoch==refepoch
                                  and exp.filter==reffilter and exp.visit==refvisit ] )

            refdrzdir = os.path.dirname( refim )
            if not os.path.isdir( refdrzdir ) :
                os.makedirs( refdrzdir )
            for exp in explistRI :
                fltfile = os.path.basename( exp.filename )
                refsrcdir = os.path.abspath( exp.epochdir )
                shutil.copy( os.path.join( refsrcdir, fltfile ), refdrzdir )
            fltlistRI = [ exp.filename for exp in explistRI ]
            refimroot = '%s_wcsref'%outroot
            os.chdir( refdrzdir )
            refimsci, refimwht = drizzle.secondDrizzle(
                fltlistRI, refimroot, refimage=None, ra=ra, dec=dec, rot=rot,
                imsize_arcsec=imsize_arcsec, wht_type=wht_type,
                pixscale=pixscale, pixfrac=pixfrac,
                clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose, debug=debug  )
            print refvisit

    # STAGE 3 :
    # Drizzle together each drizzle group (same epoch, visit and
    # filter), using almost-default parameters, doing CR rejection
    # and applying intravisit registrations if requested.  The output
    # is a drz_sci.fits file in the native rotation.
    if dodriz1 :
        if verbose :
            print("SNDRIZZLE : (3) DRIZ1 : first astrodrizzle pass.")
        for FEVgroup in FEVgrouplist :
            explistFEV = [ exp for exp in explist if exp.FEVgroup == FEVgroup ]
            thisepoch = explistFEV[0].epoch
            thisfilter = explistFEV[0].filter
            if onlyepochs and thisepoch not in onlyepochs : continue
            if onlyfilters and thisfilter not in onlyfilters : continue

            epochdir = explistFEV[0].epochdir
            fltlistFEV = [ exp.filename for exp in explistFEV ] 
            outrootFEV = '%s_%s_nat'%(outroot,FEVgroup)

            os.chdir( epochdir )
            outsciFEV = '%s_%s_sci.fits'%(outrootFEV,explistFEV[0].drzsuffix)
            if os.path.exists( outsciFEV ) and clobber : 
                os.remove( outsciFEV )
            if os.path.exists( outsciFEV ) :
                if verbose: print("%s exists.  Not clobbering."%outsciFEV )
                os.chdir( topdir )
            if intravisitreg : 
                # run tweakreg for intravisit registration tweaks
                    fltlistFEV, peakmin=peakmin, peakmax=peakmax,
                    threshold=threshold, interactive=interactive, debug=debug )
                fltlistFEV, outrootFEV, driz_cr=drizcr,
                wcskey=((intravisitreg and 'INTRAVIS') or '') )

            # TODO : Update the WCS of the refim so that it matches the reference catalog
            #if refcat :
            #    if verbose : print( " Registering reference image %s  to ref catalog %s"%(refim,refcat))
            #    register.toCatalog( refim, refcat, refim, rfluxmax=rfluxmax, rfluxmin=rfluxmin,
            #                        searchrad=searchrad, peakmin=peakmin, peakmax=peakmax, threshold=threshold,
            #                        interactive=interactive, debug=debug )

            os.chdir( topdir )

    if doreg or dodriz2 :
        if not os.path.exists( refim ):
            raise exceptions.RuntimeError("No refim file %s!  Maybe you should re-run with dorefim=True."%refim)
        else :
            refim = os.path.abspath( refim )

        # Fix the output  ra and dec center point if not provided by the user.
        if not ra and not dec :
            ra = pyfits.getval( refim, "CRVAL1" )
            dec = pyfits.getval( refim, "CRVAL2" )    

    # STAGE 4 :
    # Run tweakreg to register all the single-visit drz images
    # to a common WCS defined by the refcat/refim, updating the drz file headers.
    # Then use tweakback to propagate that back into the flt files
    if doreg : 
        if verbose :
            print("SNDRIZZLE : (4) REG : running tweakreg.")
        for FEVgroup in FEVgrouplist :
            explistFEV = [ exp for exp in explist if exp.FEVgroup == FEVgroup ]
            thisepoch = explistFEV[0].epoch
            thisfilter = explistFEV[0].filter
            if onlyepochs and thisepoch not in onlyepochs : continue
            if onlyfilters and thisfilter not in onlyfilters : continue

            epochdir = explistFEV[0].epochdir
            fltlistFEV = [ exp.filename for exp in explistFEV ] 
            outrootFEV = '%s_%s_nat'%(outroot,FEVgroup)
            outsciFEV = '%s_%s_sci.fits'%(outrootFEV,explistFEV[0].drzsuffix)

            refimpath = os.path.abspath(refim)
            if refcat : refcatpath = os.path.abspath(refcat)
            else : refcatpath = None

            os.chdir( epochdir )
            if not os.path.exists( outsciFEV ) :
                exceptions.RuntimeError( "Missing %s."%outsciFEV )

            # register to the ref image and ref catalog
            origwcs = pyfits.getval( outsciFEV,'WCSNAME').strip()
            wcsname = register.toRefim(
                outsciFEV, refim=refimpath, refcat=refcatpath,
                searchrad=searchrad, peakmin=peakmin, peakmax=peakmax,
                interactive=interactive, clobber=clobber, debug=debug )

            # Run tweakback to update the constituent flts
            tweakback( outsciFEV, input=fltlistFEV, origwcs=origwcs,
                       wcsname=wcsname, verbose=verbose, force=clobber )

    # STAGE 5
    # Second and final astrodrizzle pass, wherein we rerun
    # astrodrizzle to get wcs- and pixel-registered drz images
    # combining all flt files with the same filter and epoch.
    if dodriz2 :
        if verbose :
            print("SNDRIZZLE : (5) DRIZ2 : second astrodrizzle pass.")
        for FEgroup in FEgrouplist :
            explistFE = [ exp for exp in explist if exp.FEgroup == FEgroup ]
            thisepoch = explistFE[0].epoch
            thisfilter = explistFE[0].filter
            if onlyepochs and thisepoch not in onlyepochs : continue
            if onlyfilters and thisfilter not in onlyfilters : continue

            epochdir = explistFE[0].epochdir
            fltlistFE = [ exp.filename for exp in explistFE ] 
            outrootFE = '%s_%s_reg'%(outroot,FEgroup)

            err = None
            os.chdir( epochdir )
            outsciFE = '%s_%s_sci.fits'%(outrootFE,explistFE[0].drzsuffix)
            if os.path.exists( outsciFE ) and clobber : 
                os.remove( outsciFE )
            if os.path.exists( outsciFE ) :
                if verbose: print("%s exists.  Not clobbering."%outsciFE )
                os.chdir( topdir )

            outsciFE, outwhtFE = drizzle.secondDrizzle(
                fltlistFE, outrootFE, refimage=refim, ra=ra, dec=dec, rot=rot,
                imsize_arcsec=imsize_arcsec, wht_type=wht_type,
                pixscale=pixscale, pixfrac=pixfrac,
                clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose, debug=debug  )

            outbpxFE = outwhtFE.replace('_wht','_bpx')
            outbpxFE = badpix.zerowht2badpix(
                outwhtFE, outbpxFE, verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber )
            os.chdir( topdir )

    # STAGE 6
    # Define a template epoch for each filter and subtract it from the other epochs
    if dodiff :
        if verbose :
            print("SNDRIZZLE : (6) DIFF : subtracting template images.")
        for filter in filterlist :
            if onlyfilters and filter not in onlyfilters : continue
            template = None
            if tempepoch == None : 
                # User did not define a template epoch, so we default
                # to use the first available epoch
                for epoch in epochlist : 
                    explistFE = [ exp for exp in explist
                                  if exp.filter==filter and exp.epoch==epoch ]
                    if len(explistFE)==0: continue
                    drzsuffix = explistFE[0].drzsuffix
                    epochdir = explistFE[0].epochdir
                    FEgroup = explistFE[0].FEgroup
                    outrootFE = '%s_%s'%(outroot, FEgroup )
                    if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( epochdir, outrootFE+"_reg_%s_sci.fits"%drzsuffix )) : 
                        tempepoch = epoch
            else : 
                explistF = [ exp for exp in explist if exp.filter==filter ]
                drzsuffix = explistF[0].drzsuffix

            # now do the subtractions
            tempdir = outroot+'.e%02i'%tempepoch
            tempsci = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(tempdir), '%s_%s_e%02i_reg_%s_sci.fits'%(outroot,filter,tempepoch,drzsuffix))
            tempwht = tempsci.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
            tempbpx = tempsci.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')
            topdir = os.path.abspath( '.' )
            for epoch in epochlist :
                if onlyepochs and epoch not in onlyepochs : continue
                if epoch == tempepoch : continue
                explistFE = [ exp for exp in explist if exp.filter==filter and exp.epoch==epoch ]
                if len(explistFE)==0 : continue
                epochdirFE = explistFE[0].epochdir
                outrootFE =  "%s_%s"%(outroot,explistFE[0].FEgroup)
                drzsuffix = explistFE[0].drzsuffix
                thisregsci = "%s_reg_%s_sci.fits"%(outrootFE,drzsuffix)
                thisregwht = "%s_reg_%s_wht.fits"%(outrootFE,drzsuffix)
                thisregbpx = "%s_reg_%s_bpx.fits"%(outrootFE,drzsuffix)
                os.chdir( epochdirFE )
                if not os.path.isfile( thisregsci ) : 
                    os.chdir( topdir ) 
                thisdiffim = outrootFE + "-e%02i_sub_sci.fits"%tempepoch

                if not os.path.isfile( tempsci ) or not os.path.isfile( thisregsci) :
                    print( "Can't create diff image %s"%thisdiffim )
                    print( "  missing either  %s"%tempsci )
                    print( "    or  %s"%thisregsci )
                    os.chdir( topdir )

                diffim = imarith.imsubtract( tempsci, thisregsci, outfile=thisdiffim,
                                              clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose, debug=debug)
                diffwht = badpix.combine_ivm_maps( thisregwht, tempwht,
                                                   clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )
                diffbpx = badpix.unionmask( tempbpx, thisregbpx,
                                     clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose)
                diffim_masked = badpix.applymask( diffim, diffbpx,
                                                 clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose)
                print("Created diff image %s, wht map %s, and bpx mask %s"%(
                    diffim_masked, diffwht, diffbpx ) )
                os.chdir( topdir )
    return 0