def validator(_node, value): User = request.find_model('membership.user') user = User.by_employee_id(value) if user and str( != request.params.get('id'): raise colander.Invalid( _node, _(u'User for this employee already exists'), )
def validator(_node, value): User = request.find_model('membership.user') user = User.get_by_email(request.db, value) if user and str( != request.params.get('id'): raise colander.Invalid( _node, _(u'User with the same email exists'), )
def register_activate(request): pid, code = validasi_activation( request.matchdict['code']) # LOG.debug((pid, code)) # link = request.route_url( # 'register_activate', # code='-'.join( # [text_type(pid), # code])) # LOG.debug(link) if (pid and code) is not None: # cek exist code activation dan cari user berdasarkan nya Activation = request.find_model('membership.activation') activation = Activation.get_by_code(request.db, code) if activation is None: request.session.flash(_( "We didn't recognize that activation link. " "Perhaps you've already activated your account? " 'If so, try <a href="{url}">signing in</a> using the username ' 'and password that you provided.').format( url=request.route_url('_register_view')), 'error') return httpexceptions.HTTPFound( location=request.base_url) User = request.find_model('membership.user') user = User.get_by_activation(request.db, activation) if user is None or != pid: raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() user.activate() request.session.flash(_( 'Your account has been activated! ' 'You can now <a href="{url}">sign in</a> using the password you ' 'provided.').format(url=request.route_url('_register_view')), 'success') request.registry.notify(ActivationEvent(request, user)) return httpexceptions.HTTPFound( location=request.base_url) return httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
def activation_email(request, user): """Return the data for an 'activate your account' email for the given user. :rtype: dict """ link = request.route_url( 'register_activate', code='-'.join( [text_type(, user.activation.code])) # link = '-'.join(['register.activate', text_type(, user.activation.code]) emailtext = _("Please validate your email and activate your account by visiting: {link}") body = emailtext.format(link=link) return { "request": request, "subject": _("Please activate your account"), "recipients": [], "body": body }
def _register_view(request): form = register.RegisterAddForm(request) if form.validate(): user = form.submit() LOG.debug(user) request.db.add(user) # Create a new activation for the user Activation = request.find_model('membership.activation') activation = Activation() request.db.add(activation) user.activation = activation request.db.flush() LOG.debug('') # Send the activation email message = activation_email(request, user) mailer.schedule_email_register(**message) request.session.flash(_( 'Thank you for join community! ' "We've sent you an email with an activation link, " 'before you can sign in <strong>please check your email and open ' 'the link to activate your account</strong>.'), 'success') request.registry.notify( RegistrationEvent(request, user)) return { 'redirect': request.base_url, 'success_message': _(u'Saved'), 'response': 0 } else: return { 'error_message': _(u'Please, check errors'), 'errors': form.errors }
def validator(_node, value): if value and request.params.get('email') != value: raise colander.Invalid( _node, _(u'Email and confirm is not equal'), )
class User(Model): __tablename__ = u'membership.user' STATUS = (('employee', _(u'Employee')), ('student', _(u'Student')), ('member', _(u'Member'))) # Normalised user identifier uid = sa.Column(sa.UnicodeText(), nullable=False, unique=True) # Username as chosen by the user on registration _username = sa.Column('username', sa.UnicodeText(), nullable=False, unique=True) # Is this user a admin? admin = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False, server_default=sa.sql.expression.false()) status = sa.Column( EnumIntType(STATUS), default='employee', nullable=False, ) def _get_username(self): return self._username def _set_username(self, value): if not USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH <= len(value) <= USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH: raise ValueError('username must be between {min} and {max} ' 'characters long'.format(min=USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH, max=USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH)) self._username = value self.uid = _username_to_uid(value) @declared_attr def username(self): return sa.orm.synonym('_username', descriptor=property(self._get_username, self._set_username)) email = sa.Column(sa.UnicodeText(), nullable=False, unique=True) last_login_date = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=False), default=datetime.datetime.utcnow,, nullable=False) registered_date = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=False), default=datetime.datetime.utcnow,, nullable=False) # Activation foreign key activation_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey( activation = sa.orm.relationship('Activation', backref='user') @sa.orm.validates('email') def validate_email(self, key, email): if len(email) > EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH: raise ValueError('email must be less than {max} characters ' 'long'.format(max=EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH)) return email @property def is_activated(self): if self.activation_id is None: return True return False def activate(self): """Activate the user by deleting any activation they have.""" session = sa.orm.object_session(self) session.delete(self.activation) # Hashed password _password = sa.Column('password', sa.UnicodeText(), nullable=False) # Password salt salt = sa.Column(sa.UnicodeText(), nullable=False) # Last password update password_updated = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), default=datetime.datetime.utcnow,, nullable=False) @hybrid_property def password(self): return self._password @password.setter def password(self, value): self._set_password(value) def _get_password(self): return self._password def _set_password(self, raw_password): if len(raw_password) < PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH: raise ValueError('password must be more than {min} characters ' 'long'.format(min=PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH)) self._password = self._hash_password(raw_password) self.password_updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow() def _hash_password(self, password): if not self.salt: self.salt = helper.generate_random_string(24) return text_type(CRYPT.encode(password + self.salt)) @classmethod def get_by_email(cls, session, email): """Fetch a user by email address.""" return session.query(cls).filter( sa.func.lower( == email.lower()).first() @classmethod def get_by_activation(cls, session, activation): """Fetch a user by activation instance.""" user = session.query(cls).filter( cls.activation_id == return user @classmethod def validate_user(cls, user, password): """Validate the passed password for the specified user.""" if not user: return None if user.password is None: valid = False else: valid = CRYPT.check(user.password, password + user.salt) return valid @classmethod def get_by_username(cls, session, username): """Fetch a user by username.""" log.debug(username) uid = _username_to_uid(username) return session.query(cls).filter(cls.uid == uid).first() def __repr__(self): return '<User: %s>' % self.username
def validator(_node, value): if value and request.params.get('password_confirm') != value: raise colander.Invalid( _node, _(u'Password and confirm is not equal'), )