def create_cmds(gfiles:list, efiles:list, args) -> list: """Create baypass commands, one per gfile.""" print(ColorText('\nCreating baypass commands ...').bold()) cmds = {} for gfile in nb(gfiles): num = op.basename(gfile).split("_")[-2] for efile in efiles: env = op.basename(efile).split("_")[-2] for chain in ['chain_1', 'chain_2', 'chain_3', 'chain_4', 'chain_5']: seed = random.randint(1, 100000) bname = op.basename(gfile).split("_noheader")[0] outprefix = f"{env}_{bname}_{chain}" try: assert outprefix not in list(cmds.keys()) except AssertionError as e: print(ColorText('\tFAIL: There are duplicate outprefixes. Unexpected error.').fail()) print(ColorText('\tFAIL: %s' % outprefix).fail()) print('exiting baypass pipeline') exit() cmd = f'{args.baypass_exe} -gfile {gfile} \ -efile {efile} \ -omegafile {args.omegafile} \ -poolsizefile {args.poolsizefile} \ -outprefix {outprefix} \ -d0yij 16 \ -seed {seed} \ -pilotlength {args.pilotlength} \ -nval {args.nval} \ -npilot {args.npilot} \ -covmcmc' cmds[outprefix] = cmd return cmds
def main(): # get dirname for baypass pipeline pipeline_dir = op.dirname(op.realpath(sys.argv[0])) # get input args args = parse_args() # determine which slurm accounts to use for balancing balance_queue.get_avail_accounts(args.results_dir, save=True) # get gfiles gfiles = get_files(args.gfile_dir, 'gfiles') # get efiles efiles = get_files(args.efile_dir, 'efiles') # create baypass commands cmds = create_cmds(gfiles, efiles, args) # create sbatch files, artificial queue directory shfiles, qdir = create_sbatch(cmds, args.results_dir,, args.virtual_env, pipeline_dir) # fill up artificial queue qfiles = create_queue(shfiles, qdir) # schedule 10 jobs from artificial queue (let runnig jobs scheduler more) print(ColorText('\nScheduling 10 jobs (pipeline will have running jobs schedule more) ...').bold()) pids = sbatch(qfiles) # done! print(ColorText('\nBaypass pipeline has successfully started!').bold().green())
def askforinput(msg='Do you want to proceed?', tab='', newline='\n'): """Ask for input; if msg is default and input is no, exit.""" while True: inp = input(ColorText(f"{newline}{tab}INPUT NEEDED: {msg} \n{tab}(yes | no): ").warn().__str__()).lower() if inp in ['yes', 'no']: if inp == 'no' and msg=='Do you want to proceed?': print(ColorText('exiting %s' % sys.argv[0]).fail()) exit() break else: print(ColorText("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'").fail()) return inp
def create_sbatch(cmds:list, results_dir:str, email:str, virtual_env:str, pipeline_dir:str) -> (list, str): """Create .sh files for each cmd in cmds.""" print(ColorText('\nCreating shfiles ...').bold()) shdir = mkdir(op.join(results_dir, 'shfiles')) # dir for shfiles and slurm.out files outdir = mkdir(op.join(results_dir, 'results')) # dir for baypass.out files qdir = mkdir(op.join(results_dir, 'queue_dir')) # artificial queue # see if any shfiles already exist existing = fs(shdir, endswith='.sh') if len(existing) == len(cmds): print(ColorText('\tThe pipeline has found the expected number of sh files that have \ already been created.').warn()) inp = askforinput(msg='Would you like to use these shfiles (yes) or overwrite (no)?', tab='\t') if inp == 'yes': return existing, qdir shfiles = [] for outprefix,cmd in nb(cmds.items()): shfile = op.join(shdir, f"{outprefix}.sh") with open(shfile, 'w') as o: text = f'''#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name={outprefix} #SBATCH --time=7-00:00:00 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --mem=100 #SBATCH --output={outprefix}_%j.out #SBATCH --mail-user={email} #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL # set up slurm queue format export SQUEUE_FORMAT="%.8i %.8u %.15a %.68j %.3t %16S %.10L %.5D %.4C %.6b %.7m %N (%r)" # source python virtual environment source {virtual_env} # fill up the slurm queue cd {pipeline_dir} python {qdir} # balance queue python $USER {results_dir} # run baypass command cd {outdir} {cmd} ''' o.write("%s" % text) shfiles.append(shfile) return shfiles, qdir
def main(qdir: str): print(ColorText('\nStarting baypass scheduler ...').bold()) # get the threshold for slurm jobs qthresh = 999 if os.environ['CC_CLUSTER'] == 'cedar' else 950 # get current slurm queue slurmjobs = getsq() # determine if any jobs can be scheduled qlimit = qthresh - len(slurmjobs) if qlimit <= 0: print('\tQueue is full, exiting') exit() # reserve scheduling permissions to the current job scheduler = start_scheduler(qdir) # get qfiles qfiles = fs(qdir, endswith='.sh') # fill up the slurm queue pids = sbatch(qfiles, limit=qthresh) # remove reservation delsched(scheduler) pass
def get_files(directory:str, which_kind:str) -> list: """Get a list of files - either gfiles or efiles. directory - path to directory which_kind - either 'gfiles' or 'efiles' """ # get files print(ColorText(f'\nGetting a list of {which_kind} ...').bold()) files = fs(directory, pattern='noheader', dirs=False) print(ColorText(f'\tWARN: Found %s {which_kind}' % len(files)).warn()) askforinput(tab='\t') # check naming convention badfiles = [] envs = [] for f in files: try: identifier = op.basename(f).split("_")[-2] except IndexError as e: badfiles.append(f) continue if which_kind == 'gfiles': if float(identifier) != int(identifier): badfiles.append(f) else: if identifier not in envs: envs.append(identifier) # print out envs, check with user if which_kind == 'efiles': print(f'\tHere are the {len(envs)} environmental identifiers parsed from efiles.') print('\t(These should not be excessively long character strings.)') for env in envs: print('\t', env) askforinput(tab='\t') # if gfiles do not have numeric identifiers, exit if len(badfiles) > 0: print(ColorText('\tFAIL: The following files do not match expected convention.').fail()) for f in badfiles: print(ColorText('\tFAIL: %s' % f).fail()) return files
def create_queue(shfiles:list, qdir:str) -> list: """Create symlinks to shfiles to use as an artificial queue.""" print(ColorText('\nCreating artificial queue ...').bold()) qfiles = [] for src in shfiles: dst = op.join(qdir, op.basename(src)) try: os.symlink(src, dst) except FileExistsError as e: pass qfiles.append(dst) return qfiles
def start_scheduler(qdir: str) -> str: """Create file to prevent other jobs from running scheduler at the same time.""" scheduler = op.join(qdir, 'scheduler.txt') with open(scheduler, 'w') as o: # after creating the file, write job id in case i want to cancel process try: jobid = os.environ['SLURM_JOB_ID'] except KeyError as e: print(ColorText('\tWARN: creating a dummy SLURM_JOB_ID').warn()) jobid = '1234' o.write("scheduler id = %s" % jobid) # double check that the scheduler is correct with open(scheduler, 'r') as o: text = if not text.split()[-1] == jobid: print( '\tAnother scheduler is in conflict. Allowing other scheduler to proceed.' ) print('\tExiting scheduler.') exit() return scheduler
def parse_args(): """Parse input flags.""" print(ColorText("\nParsing args ...").bold()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=None, add_help=True, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) requiredNAMED = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') requiredNAMED.add_argument("-g", "--gfile_dir", required=True, default=None, dest="gfile_dir", type=str, help='''/path/to/gfiles_dir - this directory contains the gfiles for baypass that will be parallelized. There should be no other files in this directory. Each gfile basename must end with "NUM_noheaderidx.txt", where NUM is a unique numeric identifier for the file. Any text preceding NUM should end with and underscore, eg sometext_NUM_noheaderidx.txt.''') requiredNAMED.add_argument("-e", "--efile_dir", required=True, default=None, dest="efile_dir", type=str, help='''/path/to/efile_dir - this directory contains environmental data for baypass, one environment per file. There should be no other files in this directory. Each efile should end with "ENV_noheaderidx.txt", where ENV is a unique environmental identifier. Any text preceding ENV should end with an underscore, eg sometext_ENV_noheader.txt. ENV should not contain an underscore.''') requiredNAMED.add_argument("-o", "--omegafile", required=True, default=None, dest="omegafile", type=str, help='''/path/to/omegafile.txt - this is the path to the covariance matrix to use for structure correction.''') requiredNAMED.add_argument("-p", "--poolsizefile", required=True, default=None, dest="poolsizefile", type=str, help='''/path/to/poolsizefile.txt - this is the path to the poolsizefile required by baypass.''') requiredNAMED.add_argument("-r", "--results_dir", required=True, default=None, dest="results_dir", type=str, help='''/path/to/where/you/want/results - this is the path to the directory where results, commands, and sbatch files will be created.''') requiredNAMED.add_argument("-b", "--baypass_exe", required=True, default=None, dest="baypass_exe", type=str, help='''/path/to/baypass_exe - this is the path to the the baypass executable is located. Should be g_baypass or i_baypass.''') requiredNAMED.add_argument("--email", required=True, default=None, dest="email", type=str, help='''Email for notifications if pipeline jobs fail.''') requiredNAMED.add_argument("--virtual_env_exe", required=True, default=None, dest="virtual_env", type=str, help='''Path to python virtual environment's activate executable - eg $HOME/py3/bin/activate.''') # optional arguments parser.add_argument("--nval", required=False, default=50000, dest="nval", type=int, help="The number of iterations for the MCMC. Default 50000.") parser.add_argument("--npilot", required=False, default=40, dest="npilot", type=int, help="The number of pilot runs. Default 40.") parser.add_argument("--pilotlength", required=False, default=1000, dest="pilotlength", type=int, help="The number of iterations of each pilot run. Default 1000.") # get args args = parser.parse_args() # make sure files exist nonexistant = [] for f in [args.omegafile, args.poolsizefile, args.baypass_exe, args.virtual_env]: if not op.exists(f): nonexistant.append(f) if len(nonexistant) > 0: print(ColorText('FAIL: the following files do not exist and are required:').fail()) for f in nonexistant: print(ColorText('FAIL: %s' % f).fail()) print('exiting baypass pipeline') exit() # make sure dirs exist baddirs = [] for which,d in zip(['gfile_dir', 'efile_dir'],[args.gfile_dir, args.efile_dir]): if not op.exists(d): if len(baddirs) == 0: print(ColorText('FAIL: the following directories do not exist and are required:').fail()) print(ColorText('FAIL: %s: %s' % (which, d)).fail()) baddirs.append(d) if len(baddirs) > 0: print('exiting baypass pipeline') exit() # create results dir resdir = mkdir(args.results_dir) return args