def evaluateJPA_Hbb2Wj(lepton, muons, electrons, fatJets, jets, bJetsL, bJetsM, met, model, HLL): #invars = [op.c_float(0.)]*14 invars = [jets[0].btagDeepB, # wjet1_btagCSV jets[0].qgl, # wjet1_qgDiscr jets[1].btagDeepB, # wjet2_btagCSV jets[1].qgl, # wjet2_qgDiscr (fatJets[0].subJet1.p4 + fatJets[0].subJet2.p4).Pt(), # Hbb_Pt HLL.Wjj_simple(jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4).M(), # HadW_mass #HLL.comp_cosThetaS(jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4), # HadW_cosTheta op.extMethod("HHbbWWJPA::cosThetaS", returnType="float")(jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4), #op.c_float(random.choice([0,1])), op.deltaR(HLL.Wjj_simple(jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4), lepton.p4), # dR_HadW_lep op.min(HLL.dR_HadW_bjet(fatJets[0].subJet1.p4, jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4), # min_dR_HadW_bjet HLL.dR_HadW_bjet(fatJets[0].subJet2.p4, jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4)), op.deltaR(jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4), # dR_wjet1wjet2 #HLL.HWW_simple(jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4, lepton.p4, met).M() # Hww_mass #(jets[0].p4+jets[1].p4+lepton.p4+met.p4).M() # Hww_mass op.extMethod("HHbbWWJPA::HWW_SimpleMassWithRecoNeutrino", returnType="float")(jets[0].p4, jets[1].p4, lepton.p4, met.p4) ] return model(*invars, defineOnFirstUse=False)[0]
def comp_cosThetaSbetBeamAndHiggs(self, genColl): genh = genColl, lambda g: op.AND(g.pdgId == 25, g.statusFlags & (0x1 << 13))) HH_p4 = genh[0].p4 + genh[1].p4 cm = HH_p4.BoostToCM() boosted_h1 = op.extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boost", returnType=genh[0].p4._typeName)(genh[0].p4, cm) boosted_h2 = op.extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boost", returnType=genh[1].p4._typeName)(genh[1].p4, cm) mHH = op.switch( op.rng_len(genh) == 2, op.invariant_mass(genh[0].p4, genh[1].p4), op.c_float(-9999)) cosTheta1 = op.switch( op.rng_len(genh) == 2, op.abs(boosted_h1.Pz() / boosted_h1.P()), op.c_float(-9999)) cosTheta2 = op.switch( op.rng_len(genh) == 2, op.abs(boosted_h1.Pz() / boosted_h2.P()), op.c_float(-9999)) return [mHH, cosTheta1, cosTheta2]
def rng_min(rng, fun=(lambda x : x), typeName="float"): return op._to.Reduce.fromRngFun(rng, op.c_float(float("+inf"), typeName), ( lambda fn : ( lambda res, elm : op.extMethod("std::min", returnType="Float_t")(res, fn(elm)) ) )(fun) )
def definePlots(self, t, noSel, sample=None, sampleCfg=None): if 'type' not in sampleCfg.keys() or sampleCfg["type"] != "signal": raise RuntimeError("Sample needs to be HH signal LO GGF sample") era = sampleCfg.get("era") if sampleCfg else None # Select gen level Higgs # genh = t.GenPart, lambda g: op.AND(g.pdgId == 25, g.statusFlags & (0x1 << 13))) HH_p4 = genh[0].p4 + genh[1].p4 cm = HH_p4.BoostToCM() boosted_h = op.extMethod("ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boost", returnType=genh[0].p4._typeName)(genh[0].p4, cm) mHH = op.invariant_mass(genh[0].p4, genh[1].p4) cosHH = op.abs(boosted_h.Pz() / boosted_h.P()) # Apply reweighting # benchmarks = [ 'BenchmarkSM', 'Benchmark1', 'Benchmark2', 'Benchmark3', 'Benchmark4', 'Benchmark5', 'Benchmark6', 'Benchmark7', 'Benchmark8', 'Benchmark8a', 'Benchmark9', 'Benchmark10', 'Benchmark11', 'Benchmark12', 'BenchmarkcHHH0', 'BenchmarkcHHH1', 'BenchmarkcHHH2p45', 'BenchmarkcHHH5', 'Benchmarkcluster1', 'Benchmarkcluster2', 'Benchmarkcluster3', 'Benchmarkcluster4', 'Benchmarkcluster5', 'Benchmarkcluster6', 'Benchmarkcluster7', ] selections = {'': noSel} reweights = {} if self.args.reweighting: for benchmark in benchmarks: json_file = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data', 'ScaleFactors_GGF_LO', '{}_to_{}_{}.json'.format(sample, benchmark, era)) if os.path.exists(json_file): print("Found file {}".format(json_file)) reweightLO = get_scalefactor("lepton", json_file, paramDefs={ 'Eta': lambda x: mHH, 'Pt': lambda x: cosHH }) selections[benchmark] = SelectionWithDataDriven.create( parent=noSel, name='noSel' + benchmark, ddSuffix=benchmark, cut=op.c_bool(True), ddCut=op.c_bool(True), weight=op.c_float(1.), ddWeight=reweightLO(op.c_float(1.)), enable=True) reweights[benchmark] = reweightLO(op.c_float(1.)) else: print("Could not find file {}".format(json_file)) # Plots # plots = [] for name, reweight in reweights.items(): plots.append( Plot.make1D("weight_{}".format(name), reweight, noSel, EquidistantBinning(100, 0, 5.), xTitle='weight')) for selName, sel in selections.items(): plots.append( Plot.make2D( f"mHHvsCosThetaStar{selName}", [mHH, cosHH], sel, [ VariableBinning([ 250., 270., 290., 310., 330., 350., 370., 390., 410., 430., 450., 470., 490., 510., 530., 550., 570., 590., 610., 630., 650., 670., 700., 750., 800., 850., 900., 950., 1000., 1100., 1200., 1300., 1400., 1500., 1750., 2000., 5000. ]), VariableBinning([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) ], xTitle='m_{HH}', yTitle='cos(#theta^{*})')) plots.append( Plot.make1D(f"mHH{selName}", mHH, sel, VariableBinning([ 250., 270., 290., 310., 330., 350., 370., 390., 410., 430., 450., 470., 490., 510., 530., 550., 570., 590., 610., 630., 650., 670., 700., 750., 800., 850., 900., 950., 1000., 1100., 1200., 1300., 1400., 1500., 1750., 2000., 5000. ]), xTitle='m_{HH}')) plots.append( Plot.make1D(f"cosThetaStar{selName}", cosHH, sel, VariableBinning([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]), xTitle='cos(#theta^{*})')) return plots
def returnResonantMVAInputs(self, l1, l2, channel, jets, bjets, fatjets, met, electrons, muons): if channel == "ElEl": l1conept = lambda l1: self.electron_conept[l1.idx] l2conept = lambda l2: self.electron_conept[l2.idx] elif channel == "MuMu": l1conept = lambda l1: self.muon_conept[l1.idx] l2conept = lambda l2: self.muon_conept[l2.idx] elif channel == "ElMu": l1conept = lambda l1: self.electron_conept[l1.idx] l2conept = lambda l2: self.muon_conept[l2.idx] else: raise RuntimeError("Wrong channel") dijets = op.combine(jets, N=2) import bamboo.treeoperations as _to def rng_min(rng, fun=(lambda x: x), typeName="float"): return op._to.Reduce.fromRngFun( rng, op.c_float(float("+inf"), typeName), (lambda fn: (lambda res, elm: op.extMethod("std::min", returnType="Float_t") (res, fn(elm))))(fun)) if self.args.era is None: era = op.c_int(int(self.era)) else: era = op.c_int(int(self.args.era)) print(f'Using {self.args.era} as DNN input') return { ('eventnr', 'Event number', (100, 0., 1e6)): self.tree.event, ('era', 'Era', (3, 2016., 2019.)): era, ('l1_E', 'Lead lepton E [GeV]', (50, 0., 500.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.E(), l2.p4.E()), ('l1_Px', 'Lead lepton P_x [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.Px(), l2.p4.Px()), ('l1_Py', 'Lead lepton P_y [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.Py(), l2.p4.Py()), ('l1_Pz', 'Lead lepton P_z [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.Pz(), l2.p4.Pz()), ('l1_charge', 'Lead lepton charge', (2, 0., 2.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.charge, l2.charge), ('l1_pdgId', 'Lead lepton pdg ID', (45, -22., 22.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.pdgId, l2.pdgId), ('l2_E', 'Sublead lepton E [GeV]', (50, 0., 500.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.E(), l1.p4.E()), ('l2_Px', 'Sublead lepton P_x [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.Px(), l1.p4.Px()), ('l2_Py', 'Sublead lepton P_y [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.Py(), l1.p4.Py()), ('l2_Pz', 'Sublead lepton P_z [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.Pz(), l1.p4.Pz()), ('l2_charge', 'Sublead lepton charge', (2, 0., 2.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.charge, l1.charge), ('l2_pdgId', 'Sublead lepton pdg ID', (45, -22., 22.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.pdgId, l1.pdgId), ('j1_E', 'Lead jet E [GeV]', (50, 0., 500.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j1_Px', 'Lead jet P_x [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j1_Py', 'Lead jet P_y [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j1_Pz', 'Lead jet P_z [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j2_E', 'Sublead jet E [GeV]', (50, 0., 500.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j2_Px', 'Sublead jet P_x [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j2_Py', 'Sublead jet P_y [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j2_Pz', 'Sublead jet P_z [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j3_E', 'Subsublead jet E [GeV]', (50, 0., 500.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j3_Px', 'Subsublead jet P_x [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j3_Py', 'Subsublead jet P_y [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j3_Pz', 'Subsublead jet P_z [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j4_E', 'Subsubsublead jet E [GeV]', (50, 0., 500.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j4_Px', 'Subsubsublead jet P_x [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j4_Py', 'Subsubsublead jet P_y [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), ('j4_Pz', 'Subsubsublead jet P_z [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_E', 'Fatjet E [GeV]', (50, 0., 500.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_Px', 'Fatjet P_x [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_Py', 'Fatjet P_y [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_Pz', 'Fatjet P_z [GeV]', (40, -200., 200.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_tau1', 'Fatjet #tau_1', (50, 0., 1.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].tau1, op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_tau2', 'Fatjet #tau_2', (50, 0., 1.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].tau2, op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_tau3', 'Fatjet #tau_3', (50, 0., 1.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].tau3, op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_tau4', 'Fatjet #tau_4', (50, 0., 1.)): op.switch(op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].tau4, op.c_float(0.)), ('fatjet_softdrop', 'Fatjet softdrop mass [GeV]', (50, 0., 1000.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].msoftdrop, op.c_float(0.)), ('met_E', 'MET Energy', (50, 0., 500.)): met.p4.E(), ('met_Px', 'MET P_x', (40, -200., 200.)): met.p4.Px(), ('met_Py', 'MET P_y', (40, -200., 200.)): met.p4.Py(), ('met_Pz', 'MET P_z', (40, -200., 200.)): met.p4.Pz(), ('m_bb_bregcorr', 'Di-bjet invariant mass (regcorr) [GeV]', (100, 0., 1000.)): op.multiSwitch( (op.rng_len(bjets) == 0, op.c_float(0.)), (op.rng_len(bjets) == 1, self.HLL.getCorrBp4(bjets[0]).M()), op.invariant_mass(self.HLL.getCorrBp4(bjets[0]), self.HLL.getCorrBp4(bjets[1]))), ('ht', 'HT(jets) [GeV]', (100, 0., 1000.)): op.rng_sum(jets, lambda j:, ('min_dr_jets_lep1', 'Min(#Delta R(lead lepton,jets))', (25, 0., 5.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(jets) > 0, op.switch( l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), self.HLL.MinDR_part1_partCont(l1.p4, jets), self.HLL.MinDR_part1_partCont(l2.p4, jets)), op.c_float(0.)), ('min_dr_jets_lep2', 'Min(#Delta R(sublead lepton,jets))', (25, 0., 5.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(jets) > 0, op.switch( l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), self.HLL.MinDR_part1_partCont(l2.p4, jets), self.HLL.MinDR_part1_partCont(l1.p4, jets)), op.c_float(0.)), ('m_ll', 'Dilepton invariant mass [GeV]', (100, 0., 1000.)): op.invariant_mass(l1.p4, l2.p4), ('dr_ll', 'Dilepton #Delta R', (25, 0., 5.)): op.deltaR(l1.p4, l2.p4), ('min_dr_jet', 'Min(#Delta R(jets))', (25, 0., 5.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(dijets) > 0, op.rng_min(dijets, lambda dijet: op.deltaR(dijet[0].p4, dijet[1].p4)), op.c_float(0.)), ('min_dphi_jet', 'Min(#Delta #Phi(jets))', (16, 0., 3.2)): op.switch( op.rng_len(dijets) > 0, rng_min( dijets, lambda dijet: op.abs(op.deltaPhi(dijet[0].p4, dijet[1].p4)), typeName='double'), op.c_float(0.)), ('m_hh_simplemet_bregcorr', 'M_{HH} (simple MET) (regcorr) [GeV]', (100, 0., 1000.)): op.invariant_mass( op.rng_sum(bjets, lambda bjet: self.HLL.getCorrBp4(bjet), start=self.HLL.empty_p4), l1.p4, l2.p4, met.p4), ('met_ld', 'MET_{LD}', (100, 0., 1000.)): self.HLL.MET_LD_DL(met, jets, electrons, muons), ('dr_bb', 'Di-bjet #Delta R', (25, 0., 5.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(bjets) >= 2, op.deltaR(bjets[0].p4, bjets[1].p4), op.c_float(0.)), ('min_dr_leps_b1', 'Min(#Delta R(lead bjet,dilepton))', (25, 0., 5.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(bjets) >= 1, self.HLL.MinDR_part1_dipart(bjets[0].p4, [l1.p4, l2.p4]), op.c_float(0.)), ('min_dr_leps_b2', 'Min(#Delta R(sublead bjet,dilepton))', (25, 0., 5.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(bjets) >= 2, self.HLL.MinDR_part1_dipart(bjets[1].p4, [l1.p4, l2.p4]), op.c_float(0.)), ('lep1_conept', 'Lead lepton cone-P_T [GeV]', (40, 0., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1conept(l1), l2conept(l2)), ('lep2_conept', 'Sublead lepton cone-P_T [GeV]', (40, 0., 200.)): op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2conept(l2), l1conept(l1)), ('mww_simplemet', 'M_{WW} (simple MET) [GeV]', (100, 0., 1000.)): op.invariant_mass(l1.p4, l2.p4, met.p4), ('boosted_tag', 'Boosted tag', (2, 0., 2.)): op.c_int( op.OR( op.rng_len(self.ak8BJets) > 0, # Boosted 1B op.AND( op.rng_len(self.ak8BJets) == 0, # Boosted 0B op.rng_len(self.ak8Jets) > 0, op.rng_len(self.ak4BJets) == 0))), ('dphi_met_dilep', 'Dilepton-MET #Delta #Phi', (32, -3.2, 3.2)): op.abs(op.deltaPhi(met.p4, (l1.p4 + l2.p4))), ('dphi_met_dibjet', 'Dibjet-MET #Delta #Phi', (32, -3.2, 3.2)): op.multiSwitch( (op.rng_len(bjets) == 0, op.c_float(0.)), (op.rng_len(bjets) == 1, op.abs(op.deltaPhi(met.p4, bjets[0].p4))), op.abs(op.deltaPhi(met.p4, (bjets[0].p4 + bjets[1].p4)))), ('dr_dilep_dijet', 'Dilepton-dijet #Delta R', (25, 0., 5.)): op.multiSwitch( (op.rng_len(jets) == 0, op.c_float(0.)), (op.rng_len(jets) == 1, op.deltaR((l1.p4 + l2.p4), jets[0].p4)), op.deltaR((l1.p4 + l2.p4), (jets[0].p4 + jets[1].p4))), ('dr_dilep_dibjet', 'Dilepton-dibjet #Delta R', (25, 0., 5.)): op.multiSwitch( (op.rng_len(bjets) == 0, op.c_float(0.)), (op.rng_len(bjets) == 1, op.deltaR((l1.p4 + l2.p4), bjets[0].p4)), op.deltaR((l1.p4 + l2.p4), (bjets[0].p4 + bjets[1].p4))), ('m_T', 'Transverse mass', (100, 0., 1000.)): op.sqrt(2 * (l1.p4 + l2.p4).Pt() * met.p4.E() * (1 - op.cos((l1.p4 + l2.p4).Phi() - met.p4.Phi()))), ('cosThetaS_Hbb', 'Helicity angle between Hbb and bjet', (20, 0., 1.)): op.switch( op.rng_len(bjets) == 2, op.extMethod("HHbbWWJPA::cosThetaS", returnType="float")(bjets[0].p4, bjets[1].p4), op.c_float(0.)), ('LBN_inputs', 'LBN inputs', None): [ op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.E(), l2.p4.E()), op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.Px(), l2.p4.Px()), op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.Py(), l2.p4.Py()), op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l1.p4.Pz(), l2.p4.Pz()), op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.E(), l1.p4.E()), op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.Px(), l1.p4.Px()), op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.Py(), l1.p4.Py()), op.switch(l1conept(l1) >= l2conept(l2), l2.p4.Pz(), l1.p4.Pz()), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 0, jets[0].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 1, jets[1].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 2, jets[2].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch(op.rng_len(jets) > 3, jets[3].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch( op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.E(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch( op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.Px(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch( op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.Py(), op.c_float(0.)), op.switch( op.rng_len(fatjets) > 0, fatjets[0].p4.Pz(), op.c_float(0.)) ] }