def __init__(self, items=None, key_type=None, alg=SORTED_LIST, key=None, compare=None, updator=None): """ :param items: Sequence of initial items :type items: iterable or ``None`` :param key_type: Optional keys' type, or ``None`` to show it is unknown or undefined (specifying the key type can greatly improve performance). :type key_type: ``int``, ``float``, ``str``, ``bytes``, ``unicode`` (for pre Py3) , ``(int, int)``, ``(float, float)``, or ``None`` :param string alg: Underlying algorithm string. Should be one of RED_BLACK_TREE, SPLAY_TREE, or SORTED_LIST. :param function key: Key function: transforms the set's keys into something that can be compared. :param compare: Comparison function. Should take two parameters, say x and y, and return the a negative number, 0, or positive number, for the cases x < y, x == y, and x > y, respectively. :type compare: function or ``None`` :param updator: Node updator :type updator: function or ``None`` .. Note:: The compare fuction is deprecated in favor of the key function. Examples: >>> # (Sorted-list) frozen sorted set with initial items >>> t = FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]) >>> list(t) [1, 2, 3] >>> assert 1 in t >>> assert 4 not in t >>> t.add(130) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'FrozenSortedSet' object has no attribute 'add' Key-Type Example: >>> # Almost no change! >>> t = FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2], key_type = int) >>> # Identical from here. """ self._init_info = _CommonInitInfo(key_type, alg, key, compare, updator) metadata = _updator_metadata(True, self._init_info) _adopt_updator_methods(self, updator) FrozenSetTree.__init__(self, alg, items, key_type, 1, metadata, key, compare, 0)
def root(self): """ :returns: The root :py:class:`Node` of the set. """ c_node = FrozenSetTree.root(self) return Node(c_node) if c_node is not None else None
def isdisjoint(self, other): """ Checks whether there are no common items in this set and other. :type other: iterable Examples: >>> assert FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]).isdisjoint([42]) """ return FrozenSetTree._ext_cmp(self, other, 3)
def __eq__(self, other): """ :param other: A sequence of items. :type other: iterable :returns: Whether this set is equal to the set of other. Examples: >>> assert FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]) == [1, 2, 3] """ return FrozenSetTree._ext_cmp(self, other, 2)
def __xor__(self, other): """ :param iterable other: Other items. :returns: The symmetric difference of the items in this set and those in other. Example: >>> FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]) ^ [3, 1, 5] FrozenSortedSet([2, 5]) """ return self.__class__(FrozenSetTree._ext_union(self, other, 3), self._init_info.key_type, self._init_info.alg, self._init_info.key,, self._init_info.updator)
def __and__(self, other): """ :param iterable other: Other items. :returns: The intersection of the items in this set and those in other. Example: >>> FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]) & [3, 1] FrozenSortedSet([1, 3]) """ return self.__class__(FrozenSetTree._ext_union(self, other, 1), self._init_info.key_type, self._init_info.alg, self._init_info.key,, self._init_info.updator)
def issubset(self, other): """ :param other: A sequence of items. :type other: iterable :returns: Whether this set is a subset of the set of other. Examples: >>> assert FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]).issubset([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> assert FrozenSortedSet([1, 4, 3]).issubset([1, 4, 2, 3, 4]) >>> assert not FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]).issubset([]) >>> assert FrozenSortedSet([1, 2, 3]).issubset([1, 2, 3]) >>> assert FrozenSortedSet([1, 2, 3]) <= [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> assert FrozenSortedSet([1, 2, 3]) <= [1, 4, 3, 2] """ return FrozenSetTree._ext_cmp(self, other, 0)
def __xor__(self, other): """ :param iterable other: Other items. :returns: The symmetric difference of the items in this set and those in other. Example: >>> FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]) ^ [3, 1, 5] FrozenSortedSet([2, 5]) """ return self.__class__( FrozenSetTree._ext_union(self, other, 3), self._init_info.key_type, self._init_info.alg, self._init_info.key,, self._init_info.updator)
def __and__(self, other): """ :param iterable other: Other items. :returns: The intersection of the items in this set and those in other. Example: >>> FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]) & [3, 1] FrozenSortedSet([1, 3]) """ return self.__class__( FrozenSetTree._ext_union(self, other, 1), self._init_info.key_type, self._init_info.alg, self._init_info.key,, self._init_info.updator)
def __init__( self, items = None, key_type = None, alg = SORTED_LIST, key = None, compare = None, updator = None): """ :param items: Sequence of initial items :type items: iterable or ``None`` :param key_type: Optional keys' type, or ``None`` to show it is unknown or undefined (specifying the key type can greatly improve performance). :type key_type: ``int``, ``float``, ``str``, ``bytes``, ``unicode`` (for pre Py3) , ``(int, int)``, ``(float, float)``, or ``None`` :param string alg: Underlying algorithm string. Should be one of RED_BLACK_TREE, SPLAY_TREE, or SORTED_LIST. :param function key: Key function: transforms the set's keys into something that can be compared. :param compare: Comparison function. Should take two parameters, say x and y, and return the a negative number, 0, or positive number, for the cases x < y, x == y, and x > y, respectively. :type compare: function or ``None`` :param updator: Node updator :type updator: function or ``None`` .. Note:: The compare fuction is deprecated in favor of the key function. Examples: >>> # (Sorted-list) frozen sorted set with initial items >>> t = FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2]) >>> list(t) [1, 2, 3] >>> assert 1 in t >>> assert 4 not in t >>> t.add(130) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'FrozenSortedSet' object has no attribute 'add' Key-Type Example: >>> # Almost no change! >>> t = FrozenSortedSet([1, 3, 2], key_type = int) >>> # Identical from here. """ self._init_info = _CommonInitInfo(key_type, alg, key, compare, updator) metadata = _updator_metadata(True, self._init_info) _adopt_updator_methods(self, updator) FrozenSetTree.__init__( self, alg, items, key_type, 1, metadata, key, compare, 0)