Example #1
    def _list_files(self, rsync, path):
        This method recursively retrieves a list of files contained in a
        directory, either local or remote (if starts with ':')

        :param Rsync rsync: the Rsync object used to retrieve the list
        :param str path: the path we want to inspect
        :except CommandFailedException: if rsync call fails
        :except RsyncListFilesFailure: if rsync output can't be parsed
        _logger.debug("list_files: %r", path)
        # Use the --no-human-readable option to avoid digit groupings
        # in "size" field with rsync >= 3.1.0.
        # Ref: http://ftp.samba.org/pub/rsync/src/rsync-3.1.0-NEWS
        # Cache tzlocal object we need to build dates
        tzinfo = dateutil.tz.tzlocal()
        for line in rsync.out.splitlines():
            line = line.rstrip()
            match = self.LIST_ONLY_RE.match(line)
            if match:
                mode = match.group('mode')
                # no exceptions here: the regexp forces 'size' to be an integer
                size = int(match.group('size'))
                    date_str = match.group('date')
                    # The date format has been validated by LIST_ONLY_RE.
                    # Use "2014/06/05 18:00:00" format if the sending rsync
                    # is compiled with HAVE_STRFTIME, otherwise use
                    # "Thu Jun  5 18:00:00 2014" format
                    if date_str[0].isdigit():
                        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            date_str, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            date_str, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
                    date = date.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    # This should not happen, due to the regexp
                    msg = ("Unable to parse rsync --list-only output line "
                           "(date): '%s'" % line)
                    raise RsyncListFilesFailure(msg)
                path = match.group('path')
                yield _FileItem(mode, size, date, path)
                # This is a hard error, as we are unable to parse the output
                # of rsync. It can only happen with a modified or unknown
                # rsync version (perhaps newer than 3.1?)
                msg = ("Unable to parse rsync --list-only output line: "
                       "'%s'" % line)
                raise RsyncListFilesFailure(msg)
Example #2
    def list_files(self, path):
        This method recursively retrieves a list of files contained in a
        directory, either local or remote (if starts with ':')

        :param str path: the path we want to inspect
        :except CommandFailedException: if rsync call fails
        :except RsyncListFilesFailure: if rsync output can't be parsed
        _logger.debug("list_files: %r", path)
        # Use the --no-human-readable option to avoid digit groupings
        # in "size" field with rsync >= 3.1.0.
        # Ref: http://ftp.samba.org/pub/rsync/src/rsync-3.1.0-NEWS
        self.getoutput('--no-human-readable', '--list-only', '-r', path,
        for line in self.out.splitlines():
            line = line.rstrip()
            match = self.LIST_ONLY_RE.match(line)
            if match:
                mode = match.group('mode')
                # no exceptions here: the regexp forces 'size' to be an integer
                size = int(match.group('size'))
                    date = dateutil.parser.parse(match.group('date'))
                    date = date.replace(tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzlocal())
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    # This should not happen, due to the regexp
                    msg = ("Unable to parse rsync --list-only output line "
                           "(date): '%s'" % line)
                    raise RsyncListFilesFailure(msg)
                path = match.group('path')
                yield self.FileItem(mode, size, date, path)
                # This is a hard error, as we are unable to parse the output
                # of rsync. It can only happen with a modified or unknown
                # rsync version (perhaps newer than 3.1?)
                msg = ("Unable to parse rsync --list-only output line: "
                       "'%s'" % line)
                raise RsyncListFilesFailure(msg)
Example #3
    def _list_files(self, item, path):
        This method recursively retrieves a list of files contained in a
        directory, either local or remote (if starts with ':')

        :param _RsyncCopyItem item: information about a copy operation
        :param str path: the path we want to inspect
        :except CommandFailedException: if rsync call fails
        :except RsyncListFilesFailure: if rsync output can't be parsed
        _logger.debug("list_files: %r", path)

        # Build the rsync object required for the analysis
        rsync = self._rsync_factory(item)

            # Use the --no-human-readable option to avoid digit groupings
            # in "size" field with rsync >= 3.1.0.
            # Ref: http://ftp.samba.org/pub/rsync/src/rsync-3.1.0-NEWS
                "--no-human-readable", "--list-only", "-r", path, check=True
        except CommandFailedException:
            # This could fail due to the local or the remote rsync
            # older than 3.1. IF so, fallback to pre 3.1 mode
            if self.rsync_has_ignore_missing_args and rsync.ret in (
                12,  # Error in rsync protocol data stream (remote)
            ):  # Syntax or usage error (local)
                # Recursive call, uses the compatibility mode
                for item in self._list_files(item, path):
                    yield item

        # Cache tzlocal object we need to build dates
        tzinfo = dateutil.tz.tzlocal()
        for line in rsync.out.splitlines():
            line = line.rstrip()
            match = self.LIST_ONLY_RE.match(line)
            if match:
                mode = match.group("mode")
                # no exceptions here: the regexp forces 'size' to be an integer
                size = int(match.group("size"))
                    date_str = match.group("date")
                    # The date format has been validated by LIST_ONLY_RE.
                    # Use "2014/06/05 18:00:00" format if the sending rsync
                    # is compiled with HAVE_STRFTIME, otherwise use
                    # "Thu Jun  5 18:00:00 2014" format
                    if date_str[0].isdigit():
                        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            date_str, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
                    date = date.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    # This should not happen, due to the regexp
                    msg = (
                        "Unable to parse rsync --list-only output line "
                        "(date): '%s'" % line
                    raise RsyncListFilesFailure(msg)
                path = match.group("path")
                yield _FileItem(mode, size, date, path)
                # This is a hard error, as we are unable to parse the output
                # of rsync. It can only happen with a modified or unknown
                # rsync version (perhaps newer than 3.1?)
                msg = "Unable to parse rsync --list-only output line: '%s'" % line
                raise RsyncListFilesFailure(msg)