Example #1
 def __eventThread(self):
     while True:
         evt = self.eventQueue.get(block=True, timeout=None)
         if (evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_BUTTON) \
                     and self.callbackEnabled:
             self.callbackfunc(evt[6], evt[7], self.callbackUserData)
         elif (evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_JOINT_MOVED) \
                       and self.jointCallbackEnabled:
             values = barobo._unpack('<Lfff', evt[2:18]) 
         elif (evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_ACCEL_CHANGED) \
                       and self.accelCallbackEnabled:
             values = barobo._unpack('<L', evt[2:6]) + \
                      barobo._unpack('>3h', evt[6:12])
         elif evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_DEBUG_MSG:
             s = barobo._unpack('s', evt[2:-1])
             print ("Debug msg from {0}: {1}".format(self.serialID, s))
  def getJointAnglesTime(self):
    Get the joint angles with a timestamp. The timestamp is the number of
    seconds since the robot has powered on.

    @rtype: [numbers]
    @return: [seconds, angle1, angle2, angle3], all angles in degrees
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORANGLESTIMESTAMPABS, 0x03, 0x00])
    response = self._transactMessage(buf)
    millis = barobo._unpack('<L', response[2:6])[0]
    data = barobo._unpack('<4f', response[6:6+16])
    rc = [millis/1000.0]
    rc += list(map(_util.rad2deg, data))
    return rc
 def _run(self):
   # Try to read byte from physical layer
   self.readbuf = bytearray([])
   while True:
     byte = self.phys.read()
     if self.stopflag:
     if byte is None:
     if DEBUG:
       print ("Byte: {0}".format(list(map(hex, bytearray(byte)))))
     self.readbuf += bytearray(byte)
     if (len(self.readbuf) <= 2):
     if len(self.readbuf) == self.readbuf[1]:
       # Received whole packet
       if DEBUG:
         print ("Recv: {0}".format(list(map(hex, self.readbuf))))
       zigbeeAddr = barobo._unpack('!H', self.readbuf[2:4])[0]
       if self.readbuf[0] != barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_REPORTADDRESS:
         pkt = Packet(self.readbuf[5:-1], zigbeeAddr)
         pkt = Packet(self.readbuf, zigbeeAddr)
       self.readbuf = self.readbuf[self.readbuf[1]:]
Example #4
 def _run(self):
     # Try to read byte from physical layer
     self.readbuf = bytearray([])
     while True:
         byte = self.phys.read()
         if self.stopflag:
         if byte is None:
         if DEBUG:
             print("Byte: {0}".format(list(map(hex, bytearray(byte)))))
         self.readbuf += bytearray(byte)
         if (len(self.readbuf) <= 2):
         if len(self.readbuf) == self.readbuf[1]:
             # Received whole packet
             if DEBUG:
                 print("Recv: {0}".format(list(map(hex, self.readbuf))))
             zigbeeAddr = barobo._unpack('!H', self.readbuf[2:4])[0]
             if self.readbuf[0] != barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_REPORTADDRESS:
                 pkt = Packet(self.readbuf[5:-1], zigbeeAddr)
                 pkt = Packet(self.readbuf, zigbeeAddr)
             self.readbuf = self.readbuf[self.readbuf[1]:]
Example #5
    def getJointAnglesTime(self):
        Get the joint angles with a timestamp. The timestamp is the number of
        seconds since the robot has powered on.

        @rtype: [numbers]
        @return: [seconds, angle1, angle2, angle3], all angles in degrees
        buf = bytearray(
            [barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORANGLESTIMESTAMPABS, 0x03, 0x00])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        millis = barobo._unpack('<L', response[2:6])[0]
        data = barobo._unpack('<4f', response[6:6 + 16])
        rc = [millis / 1000.0]
        rc += list(map(_util.rad2deg, data))
        return rc
  def getHWRev(self):
    Get the hardware revision of the Linkbot

    @rtype: [major, minor, micro]
    @return: The major, minor, and micro version numbers
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GET_HW_REV, 0x03, 0x00])
    response = self._transactMessage(buf)
    return barobo._unpack('<3B', response[2:5])
  def getColorRGB(self):
    Get the current RGB values of the rgbled

    @rtype: [number, number, number]
    @return: The red, green, and blue values from 0 to 255
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETRGB, 0x03, 0x00])
    response = self._transactMessage(buf)
    return barobo._unpack('<3B', response[2:5])
Example #8
    def getHWRev(self):
    Get the hardware revision of the Linkbot

    @rtype: [major, minor, micro]
    @return: The major, minor, and micro version numbers
        buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GET_HW_REV, 0x03, 0x00])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        return barobo._unpack('<3B', response[2:5])
Example #9
    def getColorRGB(self):
    Get the current RGB values of the rgbled

    @rtype: [number, number, number]
    @return: The red, green, and blue values from 0 to 255
        buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETRGB, 0x03, 0x00])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        return barobo._unpack('<3B', response[2:5])
Example #10
 def getJointSpeed(self, joint):
     Get the speed setting of a joint. Returned value is in deg/s
     @rtype: float
     @return: The joint speed in deg/sec
     buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORSPEED, 4, joint-1, 0])
     response = self._transactMessage(buf)
     speed = barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0]
     return _util.rad2deg(speed)
Example #11
    def getBatteryVoltage(self):
    Get the current battery voltage of the Linkbot.

    @rtype: number
    @return: Returns a value in Volts
        buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETBATTERYVOLTAGE, 0x03, 0x00])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        voltage = barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0]
        return voltage
Example #12
 def getJointSpeed(self, joint):
     Get the speed setting of a joint. Returned value is in deg/s
     @rtype: float
     @return: The joint speed in deg/sec
     buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORSPEED, 4, joint - 1, 0])
     response = self._transactMessage(buf)
     speed = barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0]
     return _util.rad2deg(speed)
  def getSerialID(self):
    Get the serial ID from the Linkbot

    @return: A four character string
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETSERIALID, 3, 0])
    response = self._transactMessage(buf) 
    botid = barobo._unpack('!4s', response[2:6])[0]
    self.serialID = botid
    return botid
  def getBatteryVoltage(self):
    Get the current battery voltage of the Linkbot.

    @rtype: number
    @return: Returns a value in Volts
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETBATTERYVOLTAGE, 0x03, 0x00])
    response = self._transactMessage(buf)
    voltage = barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0]
    return voltage
Example #15
    def getJointAngles(self):
        Get the current joint angles.

        @rtype: [float, float, float]
        @return: The joint angles in degrees
        buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORANGLESABS, 3, 0])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        angles = barobo._unpack('<4f', response[2:18])
        return list(map(_util.rad2deg, angles))
Example #16
    def getSerialID(self):
    Get the serial ID from the Linkbot

    @return: A four character string
        buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETSERIALID, 3, 0])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        botid = barobo._unpack('!4s', response[2:6])[0]
        self.serialID = botid
        return botid
Example #17
    def getJointAngles(self):
        Get the current joint angles.

        @rtype: [float, float, float]
        @return: The joint angles in degrees
        buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORANGLESABS, 3, 0])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        angles = barobo._unpack('<4f', response[2:18])
        return list(map(_util.rad2deg, angles))
  def getJointAngle(self, joint):
    Get the current angle position of a joint.

    @type joint: number
    @param joint: Get the position of this joint. Can be 1, 2, or 3
    @rtype: number
    @return: Return the joint angle in degrees
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORANGLE, 0x04, joint-1, 0x00])
    response = self._transactMessage(buf)
    return _util.rad2deg(barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0])
Example #19
    def getAccelerometerData(self):
    Get the current accelerometer readings

    @rtype: [number, number, number]
    @return: A list of acceleration values in the x, y, and z directions.
      Accelerometer values are in units of "G's", where 1 G is standard earth
      gravitational acceleration (9.8m/s/s)
        buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETACCEL, 0x03, 0x00])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        values = barobo._unpack('<3h', response[2:8])
        return list(map(lambda x: x / 16384.0, values))
  def getAccelerometerData(self):
    Get the current accelerometer readings

    @rtype: [number, number, number]
    @return: A list of acceleration values in the x, y, and z directions.
      Accelerometer values are in units of "G's", where 1 G is standard earth
      gravitational acceleration (9.8m/s/s)
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETACCEL, 0x03, 0x00])
    response = self._transactMessage(buf)
    values = barobo._unpack('<3h', response[2:8])
    return list(map(lambda x: x/16384.0, values))
  def getBreakoutADC(self, adc):
    Get the ADC (Analog-to-digital) reading from a breakout-board's ADC

    @type adc: number
    @param adc: The ADC channel to get the value from [0, 7]
    @rtype: number
    @return: Value from 0-1023
    buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.TWIMSG_HEADER, barobo.BaroboCtx.TWIMSG_ANALOGREADPIN, adc])
    data = self.twiSendRecv(0x02, buf, 2)
    return barobo._unpack('!h', data)[0]
Example #22
    def getJointAngle(self, joint):
        Get the current angle position of a joint.

        @type joint: number
        @param joint: Get the position of this joint. Can be 1, 2, or 3
        @rtype: number
        @return: Return the joint angle in degrees
        buf = bytearray(
            [barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETMOTORANGLE, 0x04, joint - 1, 0x00])
        response = self._transactMessage(buf)
        return _util.rad2deg(barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0])
 def sfp_deliver(self, buf, size, userdata):
   if (size <= 2):
   if size == buf[1]:
     # Received whole packet
     if DEBUG:
       print ("Recv: {0}".format(list(map(hex, buf[:size]))))
     zigbeeAddr = barobo._unpack('!H', bytearray(buf[2:4]))[0]
     if buf[0] != barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_REPORTADDRESS:
       pkt = Packet(bytearray(buf[5:size]), zigbeeAddr)
       pkt = Packet(bytearray(buf[:size]), zigbeeAddr)
Example #24
 def __eventThread(self):
     while True:
         evt = self.eventQueue.get(block=True, timeout=None)
         if (evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_BUTTON) \
                     and self.callbackEnabled:
             self.callbackfunc(evt[6], evt[7], self.callbackUserData)
         elif (evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_JOINT_MOVED) \
                       and self.jointCallbackEnabled:
             values = barobo._unpack('<Lfff', evt[2:18])
             self.jointcallbackfunc(values[0], values[1] * 180.0 / math.pi,
                                    values[2] * 180.0 / math.pi,
                                    values[3] * 180.0 / math.pi, evt[22])
         elif (evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_ACCEL_CHANGED) \
                       and self.accelCallbackEnabled:
             values = barobo._unpack('<L', evt[2:6]) + \
                      barobo._unpack('>3h', evt[6:12])
             self.accelcallbackfunc(values[0], values[1] / 16384.0,
                                    values[2] / 16384.0,
                                    values[3] / 16384.0)
         elif evt[0] == barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_DEBUG_MSG:
             s = barobo._unpack('s', evt[2:-1])
             print("Debug msg from {0}: {1}".format(self.serialID, s))
Example #25
 def sfp_deliver(self, buf, size, userdata):
     if (size <= 2):
     if size == buf[1]:
         # Received whole packet
         if DEBUG:
             print("Recv: {0}".format(list(map(hex, buf[:size]))))
         zigbeeAddr = barobo._unpack('!H', bytearray(buf[2:4]))[0]
         if buf[0] != barobo.BaroboCtx.EVENT_REPORTADDRESS:
             pkt = Packet(bytearray(buf[5:size]), zigbeeAddr)
             pkt = Packet(bytearray(buf[:size]), zigbeeAddr)
Example #26
    def getVersion(self):
        Get the firmware version of the Linkbot

        @return: Something like (0, 0, 94) or (3, 0, 3), depending on the 
            oldness of the firmware
            buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETVERSIONS, 3, 0])
            response = self._transactMessage(buf)
            version = barobo._unpack('!3B', response[2:5])
        except Exception as e:
            buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETVERSION, 3, 0])
            response = self._transactMessage(buf)
            version = (0, 0, response[2])
        return version 
Example #27
    def getVersion(self):
        Get the firmware version of the Linkbot

        @return: Something like (0, 0, 94) or (3, 0, 3), depending on the 
            oldness of the firmware
            buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETVERSIONS, 3, 0])
            response = self._transactMessage(buf)
            version = barobo._unpack('!3B', response[2:5])
        except Exception as e:
            buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETVERSION, 3, 0])
            response = self._transactMessage(buf)
            version = (0, 0, response[2])
        return version
Example #28
    def getBreakoutADC(self, adc):
    Get the ADC (Analog-to-digital) reading from a breakout-board's ADC

    @type adc: number
    @param adc: The ADC channel to get the value from [0, 7]
    @rtype: number
    @return: Value from 0-1023
        buf = bytearray([
            barobo.BaroboCtx.TWIMSG_ANALOGREADPIN, adc
        data = self.twiSendRecv(0x02, buf, 2)
        return barobo._unpack('!h', data)[0]
Example #29
 def _getADCVolts(self, adc):
     buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETENCODERVOLTAGE, 4, adc, 0])
     response = self._transactMessage(buf)
     voltage = barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0]
     return voltage
 def _getADCVolts(self, adc):
   buf = bytearray([barobo.BaroboCtx.CMD_GETENCODERVOLTAGE, 4, adc, 0])
   response = self._transactMessage(buf)
   voltage = barobo._unpack('<f', response[2:6])[0]
   return voltage