class MavenRepository(object): """Maven repository. A Maven repository consists in: - a main local (writable) repository, - a set of "remote" (read-only) repositories. A remote repository is specified via a URL (file:// or http[s]://). Any artifact from a remote repository may be brought locally. Snapshot artifacts are always checked for newer versions agaist the remote repositories. """ def __init__( self, local=DEFAULT, remotes=(), exclusions=frozenset(), remote_snapshots=False, ): """Initializes a Maven repository. Args: local: Path of the directory for the local repository. remotes: Ordered list of remote repository URLs (file:// or http[s]://). exclusions: Optional set of excluded Maven repositories. remote_snapshots: Whether to allow fetching snapshot artifacts remotely. """ if local is DEFAULT: local = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".m2", "repository") if len(urllib.request.urlparse(local).scheme) == 0: local = "file://%s" % local assert (urllib.request.urlparse(local).scheme == "file"), ( "Invalid local repository path: %r" % local) self._local_path = local self._local = RemoteRepository(path=self._local_path, use_checksum=True) self._remote_paths = tuple(remotes) self._remotes = tuple(map(RemoteRepository, self._remote_paths)) self._exclusions = frozenset(exclusions) self._remote_snapshots = remote_snapshots logging.debug( "Initialized Maven repository with local=%s and remotes=%r", self.local, self.remotes) def __str__(self): return "MavenRepository(local=%s, remotes=%s, exclusions=%s)" % ( self.local, ",".join(self.remotes), ",".join(self.exclusions), ) def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def local(self): """Local writable Maven repository.""" return self._local @property def remotes(self): """Ordered list of remote Maven repositories.""" return self._remotes @property def exclusions(self): """Set of excluded Maven remote repositories.""" return self._exclusions def add_remote(self, remote): """Adds a new remote repository, unless it belongs to the exclusion list. Args: remote: URL of the Maven remote repository. Returns: Whether the remote repository was added or not. """ if remote in self._remote_paths: # Remote repository already registered. pass elif remote in self.exclusions: logging.debug("Ignoring excluded Maven remote repository: %r", remote) else: logging.debug("Adding Maven remote repository: %r", remote) self._remote_paths += (remote, ) self._remotes += (RemoteRepository(remote), ) def get(self, artf): """Retrieves an artifact locally. If the artifact is a snapshot (version ends with '-SNAPSHOT'), all remotes are checked for a newer version. Args: group: Artifact group ID. artifact: Artifact ID. version: Artifact version. type: Artifact type, aka. packaging ('jar', 'pom', etc). classifier: Optional classifier (eg. 'test' or 'release'). Returns: The path of the artifact in the local repository. None if the artifact cannot be found. """ return self.Get( group=artf.group_id, artifact=artf.artifact_id, version=artf.version, type=artf.packaging, classifier=artf.classifier, ) def Get(self, group, artifact, version, type, classifier=None): """Retrieves an artifact locally. Deprecated, this method is going away: use get(artifact) instead. If the artifact is a snapshot (version ends with '-SNAPSHOT'), all remotes are checked for a newer version. Args: group: Artifact group ID. artifact: Artifact ID. version: Artifact version. type: Artifact type, aka. packaging ('jar', 'pom', etc). classifier: Optional classifier (eg. 'test' or 'release'). Returns: The path of the artifact in the local repository. None if the artifact cannot be found. """ coordinate = dict( group=group, artifact=artifact, version=version, type=type, classifier=classifier, ) logging.log(LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Getting artifact with coordinate %r", coordinate) path = self.local.GetPath(**coordinate) parsed = urllib.request.urlparse(self.local.get_url(**coordinate)) assert (parsed.scheme == "file") local_path = parsed.path md5_path = "%s.md5" % local_path sha1_path = "%s.sha1" % local_path # Artifact is a snapshot, resolve it first if allowed: if version.endswith("-SNAPSHOT") and self._remote_snapshots: # Find the most recent snapshot version from all the remote repositories: def ScanRemotes(): for remote in self.remotes: resolved = remote.resolve(**coordinate) if resolved is None: continue # Allow for snapshots resolved in a local repository: # if resolved["snapshot_version"] is None: continue yield (resolved, remote) # Snapshot on remote repositories are expected to have a snapshot_version: best_remote = None best_version = dict(snapshot_version="", **coordinate) # Snapshot built locally into a local repository has no snapshot_version. # This lists the local repositories where unversioned snapshots are found: local_repos = list() for (resolved, remote) in ScanRemotes(): if resolved["snapshot_version"] is None: local_repos.append(remote) elif best_version["snapshot_version"] < resolved[ "snapshot_version"]: best_remote = remote best_version = resolved if (best_remote is None) and (len(local_repos) == 0): raise ArtifactNotFoundError( "Artifact %s:%s:%s:%s:%s not found in remote repositories" % (coordinate["group"], coordinate["artifact"], coordinate["classifier"], coordinate["type"], coordinate["version"])) elif len(local_repos) == 0: logging.debug("Artifact resolved to %s in remote %s", best_version, best_remote) elif best_remote is None: assert (len(local_repos) == 1), \ ("Multiple snapshot local copies of %r" % coordinate) local_repo = local_repos[0] parsed = urllib.request.urlparse( local_repo.get_url(**coordinate)) assert (parsed.scheme == "file") local_path = parsed.path return local_path else: raise Error( "Multiple snapshot copies in local repositories and remote repositories: %r" % coordinate) (http_reply, md5, sha1) =**best_version) try: # Do we have this snapshot artifact locally already: if (os.path.exists(local_path) and os.path.exists(md5_path) and os.path.exists(sha1_path) and md5 == self.local.read_md5_file(path) and sha1 == self.local.read_sha1_file(path) and (get_file_fingerprints(local_path) == (self.local.read_md5_file(path), self.local.read_sha1_file(path)))): logging.log(LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Snapshot artifact found locally: %r", local_path) return local_path finally: http_reply.close() logging.log(LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Snapshot artifact not found locally: %r", coordinate) remotes = (best_remote, ) # Artifact is a snapshot but we do not allow remote snapshots: elif version.endswith("-SNAPSHOT") and not self._remote_snapshots: logging.log(LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Restricting snapshot artifact to local FS: %r", local_path) if os.path.exists(local_path): logging.log(LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Local snapshot artifact found: %r", local_path) return local_path else: logging.debug("Local snapshot artifact not found: %r", local_path) return None else: # Do we have this non-snapshot artifact locally already? if (os.path.exists(local_path) and (os.path.getsize(local_path) > 0) # FIXME quick workaround and os.path.exists(md5_path) and os.path.exists(sha1_path) and (get_file_fingerprints(local_path) == (self.local.read_md5_file(path), self.local.read_sha1_file(path)))): # Yes, artifact found locally, with matching checksums: logging.log( LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Artifact found locally with matching checksums: %r", local_path) return local_path else: # Look for the artifact in the configured remotes: logging.debug("Artifact not found locally: %r", local_path) remotes = self.remotes # Artifact does not exist locally. # Try each remote repository on after another, # pick the first that contains the artifact we are looking for: for remote in remotes: try: open_result =**coordinate) if open_result is None: continue (http_reply, md5, sha1) = open_result try: base.make_dir(os.path.dirname(local_path)) (actual_md5, actual_sha1) = RemoteRepository.read_to_file( http_reply=http_reply, output_path=local_path, ) if md5 is None: logging.debug("No MD5 sum for %r from %s", local_path, remote.path) md5 = actual_md5 elif md5 != actual_md5: logging.error( "MD5 mismatch for %r from %r: expected %r, got %r", local_path, remote.path, md5, actual_md5) if sha1 is None: logging.debug("No SHA1 sum for %r from %s", local_path, remote.path) sha1 = actual_sha1 elif sha1 != actual_sha1: logging.error( "SHA1 mismatch for %r from %r: expected %r, got %r", local_path, remote.path, sha1, actual_sha1) if (md5 == actual_md5) and (sha1 == actual_sha1): logging.debug("Writing MD5 sum for %r", local_path) with open(md5_path, "w") as f: f.write(md5) logging.debug("Writing SHA1 sum for %r", local_path) with open(sha1_path, "w") as f: f.write(sha1) return local_path else: logging.warning("Checksum invalid for %r", local_path) os.remove(local_path) finally: http_reply.close() except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: logging.error("Error on remote %r: %r", remote, err.readall().decode()) except urllib.error.URLError as err: if isinstance(err.reason, FileNotFoundError): logging.debug("File not found: %r", err.reason.filename) else: logging.error("Error on remote %r: %r", remote, err) # Artifact is nowhere to be found: return None AddRemote = base.deprecated(add_remote)
# long-running or scheduled process. Not receiving a notification indicates a process # is still running which is undesirable, especially in the event of failure. If mail # couldn't be sent, try to send a truncated message so at least some notification is # sent. err_msg = email.mime.text.MIMEText( "{smtp_err!r} raised trying to send mail.\n" "Logs at {localhost}:{log_dir}.\n".format( smtp_err=smtp_err, localhost=socket.gethostname(), log_dir=FLAGS.log_dir, )) err_msg['Subject'] = "SMTP Error on {}".format(subject[:80]) err_msg['From'] = sender err_msg['To'] = ','.join(recipients) server.sendmail(from_addr=sender, to_addrs=recipients, msg=err_msg.as_string()) except Exception: raise smtp_err finally: server.quit() SendMail = base.deprecated(send_mail) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': raise Error('Not a standalone program!')
Command = command Commit = commit CreateBranch = create_branch CurrentBranch = current_branch DeleteBranch = delete_branch Fetch = fetch GetCommitDetails = get_commit_details GetCommitHash = get_commit_hash GetCommitMessage = get_commit_message GithubCommitWebLink = github_commit_web_link ListBranches = list_branches ListFiles = list_files ListHeadRefNames = list_head_ref_names ListRefs = list_refs ListRemoteAddresses = list_remote_addresses ListRevisions = list_revisions ListSubmoduleStatus = list_submodule_status ListTags = list_tags Merge = merge Push = push SetRemote = set_remote Status = status Tag = tag UpdateCommitMessage = update_commit_message UpdateCommitTag = update_commit_tag UpdateSubmodule = update_submodule FormatRef = base.deprecated(format_ref) FormatRefs = base.deprecated(format_refs)
class Task(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for a task.""" FAILURE = TaskState.FAILURE SUCCESS = TaskState.SUCCESS @classmethod def task_name(cls): """Returns: the name of this task.""" if cls.__module__ == '__main__': return cls.__name__ else: return '%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) def __init__( self, workflow, task_id, runs_after=frozenset(), runs_before=frozenset(), ): """Initializes a new task with the specified ID and dependencies. Args: workflow: Workflow this task belongs to. task_id: Task unique ID. Must be hashable and immutable. Most often, a string, a tuple or named tuple. runs_after: Tasks (or task IDs) this task must run after. runs_before: Tasks (or task IDs) this task must run before. """ self._state = TaskState.INIT self._task_id = task_id self._workflow = workflow self._workflow._add_task(self) # Set of task IDs, frozen after call to Task._build(): self._runs_after = set() self._runs_before = set() # Initialize dependencies from existing workflow state: for dep in self._workflow._deps: if dep.before == self._task_id: self._runs_before.add(dep.after) if dep.after == self._task_id: self._runs_after.add(dep.before) # Initialize dependencies from constructor parameters: for dep in runs_after: self.must_run_after(dep) for dep in runs_before: self.must_run_before(dep) # While workflow runs, lists task IDs this task is waiting for: self._pending_deps = None # datetime instances set when the task runs: self._start_time = None self._end_time = None @property def workflow(self): """Returns: the workflow this task belongs to.""" return self._workflow @property def task_id(self): """Returns: the unique ID for this task.""" return self._task_id @property def state(self): """Returns: the task state.""" return self._state @property def is_runnable(self): """Returns: whether this task is runnable.""" return (self._state == TaskState.PENDING) \ and (len(self._pending_deps) == 0) @property def pending_deps(self): return frozenset(self._pending_deps) _COMPLETION_STATES = frozenset({TaskState.SUCCESS, TaskState.FAILURE}) @property def completed(self): """Returns: whether this task has completed.""" return (self._state in self._COMPLETION_STATES) @property def runs_after(self): """Returns: IDs of the tasks this task depends on, ie. runs before.""" return self._runs_after @property def runs_before(self): """Returns: IDs of the tasks that depend on, ie. run after this task.""" return self._runs_before def must_run_after(self, task): """Declares a dependency from this task to a given task. Args: task: Task or task ID to add a dependency upon. Returns: This task. """ assert (self._state == TaskState.INIT) task_id = get_task_id(task) if task_id not in self._runs_after: self._runs_after.add(task_id) self._workflow._AddDep(Dependency(before=task_id, after=self._task_id)) return self def must_run_before(self, task): """Declares a dependency from a given task to this task. Args: task: Task or task ID to add a dependency upon. Returns: This task. """ assert (self._state == TaskState.INIT) task_id = get_task_id(task) if task_id not in self._runs_before: self._runs_before.add(task_id) self._workflow._AddDep(Dependency(before=self._task_id, after=task_id)) return self RunsAfter = base.deprecated(must_run_after) RunsBefore = base.deprecated(must_run_before) def _build(self): """Completes the definition of this task. Called internally by Workflow.Build(). """ assert (self._state == TaskState.INIT) self._state = TaskState.PENDING self._runs_after = frozenset(self._runs_after) self._runs_before = frozenset(self._runs_before) self._pending_deps = set(self._runs_after) def __str__(self): """Returns: a debug representation of this task.""" return ('Task(id=%s, runs_after=%s, runs_before=%s)' % (self.task_id, self._runs_after, self._runs_before)) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def run(self): """Subclasses must override this method with the task's logic. Returns: Task completion status (TaskState.SUCCESS or TaskState.FAILURE). """ logging.warning("Task.Run() is deprecated in %r, use", self.__class__) return self.Run() #@abc.abstractmethod def Run(self): raise Error('AbstractMethod') def _run(self): """Wraps Run() to update and validate the task's status. Uncaught exceptions are fatal. Returns: Task completion status. """ try: self._start_time = try: self._state = finally: self._end_time = if not self.completed: logging.error( '%r returned invalid task completion code: %r', type(self).run, self._state) # A task status that is neither SUCCESS nor FAILURE is a programming # error: program should not continue in such a scenario. base.shutdown() return self._state except: logging.error('Unhandled exception from') traceback.print_exc() # It is arguable whether an uncaught exception should cause the program # to stop. We current assume an uncaught exception is a programming error. # This could be made configurable via a flag. base.shutdown() def _task_success(self, task): """Processes the success of a task. Args: task: Task whose success is reported. """ assert (task.task_id in self._runs_after), task.task_id assert (task.task_id in self._pending_deps), task.task_id self._pending_deps.remove(task.task_id) def _task_failure(self, task): """Processes the failure of a task. Args: task: Task whose failure is reported. """ assert (task.task_id in self._runs_after), \ ('%s depending on %s' % (self.task_id, task.task_id)) assert (task.task_id in self._pending_deps), \ ('%s depending on %s' % (self.task_id, task.task_id)) self._state = TaskState.FAILURE def _set_completion_state(self, state): """Forcibly sets the completion state of this task. Args: New state of the task. """ self._state = state assert self.completed @property def start_time(self): """Returns: the start time of the task run. or None if not started yet.""" return self._start_time @property def end_time(self): """Returns: the end time of the task run, or None if not completed yet.""" return self._end_time @property def graphviz_label(self): """Returns: a label for the Graphiz node representing this task.""" return self.task_id
"{smtp_err!r} raised trying to send mail.\n" "Logs at {localhost}:{log_dir}.\n".format( smtp_err=smtp_err, localhost=socket.gethostname(), log_dir=FLAGS.log_dir, ) ) err_msg['Subject'] = "SMTP Error on {}".format(subject[:80]) err_msg['From'] = sender err_msg['To'] = ','.join(recipients) server.sendmail( from_addr=sender, to_addrs=recipients, msg=err_msg.as_string() ) except Exception: raise smtp_err finally: server.quit() SendMail = base.deprecated(send_mail) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': raise Error('Not a standalone program!')