def __init__(self, client): super().__init__() self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_StyledBackground) self.setProperty('background', 'black') layout = qt_graphics.RelativeLayout(self) start_image = QtGui.QPixmap(constants.extend(constants.GRAPHICS_UI_FOLDER, 'start.background.jpg')) start_image_item = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem(start_image) start_image_item.setZValue(1) scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self) scene.addItem(start_image_item) view = QtWidgets.QGraphicsView(scene) view.resize(start_image.size()) view.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) view.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) view.setSceneRect(0, 0, start_image.width(), start_image.height()) view.layout_constraint = qt_graphics.RelativeLayoutConstraint().center_horizontal().center_vertical() layout.addWidget(view) subtitle = QtWidgets.QLabel('') subtitle.layout_constraint = qt_graphics.RelativeLayoutConstraint((0.5, -0.5, 0), (0.5, -0.5, start_image.height() / 2 + 20)) layout.addWidget(subtitle) actions = {'exit': client.quit, 'help': client.show_help_browser, 'lobby': client.show_game_lobby_dialog, 'editor': client.switch_to_editor_screen, 'options': client.show_preferences_dialog} image_map_file = constants.extend(constants.GRAPHICS_UI_FOLDER, '') image_map = utils.read_as_yaml(image_map_file) # security check, they have to be the same if actions.keys() != image_map.keys(): raise RuntimeError('Start screen hot map info file ({}) corrupt.'.format(image_map_file)) for k, v in image_map.items(): # add action from our predefined action dictionary pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(constants.extend(constants.GRAPHICS_UI_FOLDER, v['overlay'])) mapitem = MapItem(view, pixmap, label=subtitle, description=v['label']) mapitem.item.setZValue(3) offset = v['offset'] mapitem.item.setOffset(QtCore.QPointF(offset[0], offset[1])) mapitem.item.signaller.clicked.connect(actions[k]) frame_path = QtGui.QPainterPath() frame_path.addRect(mapitem.item.boundingRect()) frame_item = scene.addPath(frame_path, StartScreen.frame_pen) frame_item.setZValue(4) scene.addItem(mapitem.item) version_label = QtWidgets.QLabel( '<font color=#ffffff>{}</font>'.format(tools.get_option(constants.Opt.VERSION))) version_label.layout_constraint = qt_graphics.RelativeLayoutConstraint().east(20).south(20) layout.addWidget(version_label)
def __init__(self): """ All the necessary initializations. Is shown at the end. """ super().__init__() # set geometry self.setGeometry(t.get_option(c.O.MW_BOUNDS)) # set icon self.setWindowIcon(t.load_ui_icon('icon.ico')) # set title self.setWindowTitle('Imperialism Remake') # just a layout but nothing else self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self) self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.content = None # show in full screen, maximized or normal if t.get_option(c.O.FULLSCREEN): self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.showFullScreen() elif t.get_option(c.O.MW_MAXIMIZED): self.showMaximized() else: # loading animation # TODO animation right and start, stop in client self.animation = QtGui.QMovie(c.extend(c.Graphics_UI_Folder, 'loading.gif')) # self.animation.start() self.loading_label = QtGui.QLabel(self, f=QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.Window) self.loading_label.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.loading_label.setMovie(self.animation)
def load_rules(self): """ """ # read rules rule_file = c.extend(c.Scenario_Ruleset_Folder, self._properties['rules']) self._properties['rules'] = u.read_as_yaml(rule_file)
def load_soundtrack_playlist(): """ Loads the play list of the soundtracks and replaces the file name with the full path, then returns the list. A playlist is a list where each entry is a list of two strings: filepath, title """ playlist = u.read_as_yaml(c.Soundtrack_Playlist) # add the soundtrack folder to each file name for entry in playlist: entry[0] = c.extend(c.Soundtrack_Folder, entry[0]) return playlist
def load_soundtrack_playlist(): """ Loads the play list of the soundtracks and replaces the file name with the full path. A playlist is a list where each entry is a list of two strings: filepath, title """ global soundtrack_playlist # create playlist soundtrack_playlist = QtMultimedia.QMediaPlaylist() soundtrack_playlist.setPlaybackMode(QtMultimedia.QMediaPlaylist.Loop) # read information file data = utils.read_as_yaml(constants.SOUNDTRACK_INFO_FILE) # add the soundtrack folder to each file name for entry in data: file = constants.extend(constants.SOUNDTRACK_FOLDER, entry[0]) url = tools.local_url(file) media = QtMultimedia.QMediaContent(url) soundtrack_playlist.addMedia(media)
def load(self, file_name): """ Load/deserialize all internal variables from a zipped archive via YAML. """ # so we can do that also during game play, we reset self.reset() reader = utils.ZipArchiveReader(file_name) self._properties = reader.read_as_yaml(SCENARIO_FILE_PROPERTIES) self._maps = reader.read_as_yaml(SCENARIO_FILE_MAPS) self._provinces = reader.read_as_yaml(SCENARIO_FILE_PROVINCES) # TODO check all ids are smaller then len() self._nations = reader.read_as_yaml(SCENARIO_FILE_NATIONS) # TODO check all ids are smaller then len() # read rule file # TODO how to specify which rules file apply rule_file = constants.extend(constants.SCENARIO_RULESET_FOLDER, self._properties['rules']) self._rules = utils.read_as_yaml(rule_file)
def __init__(self, client): super().__init__() self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_StyledBackground) self.setProperty('background', 'texture') layout = g.RelativeLayout(self) start_image = QtGui.QPixmap(c.extend(c.Graphics_UI_Folder, 'start.background.jpg')) start_image_item = QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem(start_image) start_image_item.setZValue(1) scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene(self) scene.addItem(start_image_item) view = QtGui.QGraphicsView(scene) view.resize(start_image.size()) view.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) view.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) view.setSceneRect(0, 0, start_image.width(), start_image.height()) view.layout_constraint = g.RelativeLayoutConstraint().center_horizontal().center_vertical() layout.addWidget(view) subtitle = QtGui.QLabel('') subtitle.layout_constraint = g.RelativeLayoutConstraint((0.5, -0.5, 0), (0.5, -0.5, start_image.height() / 2 + 20)) layout.addWidget(subtitle) actions = { 'exit': client.quit, 'help': client.show_help_browser, 'lobby': client.show_game_lobby_dialog, 'editor': client.switch_to_editor_screen, 'options': client.show_options_dialog } image_map_file = c.extend(c.Graphics_UI_Folder, '') image_map = u.read_as_yaml(image_map_file) # security check, they have to be the same if actions.keys() != image_map.keys(): raise RuntimeError('Start screen hot map info file ({}) corrupt.'.format(image_map_file)) for k, v in image_map.items(): # add action from our predefined action dictionary pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(c.extend(c.Graphics_UI_Folder, v['overlay'])) mapitem = MapItem(view, pixmap, label=subtitle, description=v['label']) mapitem.item.setZValue(3) offset = v['offset'] mapitem.item.setOffset(QtCore.QPointF(offset[0], offset[1])) mapitem.item.clicked.connect(actions[k]) frame_path = QtGui.QPainterPath() frame_path.addRect(mapitem.item.boundingRect()) frame_item = scene.addPath(frame_path, StartScreen.frame_pen) frame_item.setZValue(4) scene.addItem(mapitem.item) version_label = QtGui.QLabel('<font color=#ffffff>{}</font>'.format(t.get_option(c.O.VERSION))) version_label.layout_constraint = g.RelativeLayoutConstraint().east(20).south(20) layout.addWidget(version_label)
def redraw_map(self): """ When a scenario is loaded new we need to draw the whole map new. """ self.scene.clear() columns = self.scenario[k.MAP_COLUMNS] rows = self.scenario[k.MAP_ROWS] width = (columns + 0.5) * self.TILE_SIZE height = rows * self.TILE_SIZE self.scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, width, height) # TODO should load only once and cache (universal cache) # load all textures brushes = {} brushes[0] = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(64, 64, 255)) brushes[1] = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(64, 255, 64)) brushes[2] = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(64, 255, 64)) brushes[3] = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(64, 255, 64)) brushes[4] = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(222, 222, 222)) brushes[5] = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 128, 0)) brushes[6] = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(222, 222, 0)) # fill the ground layer with ocean item = self.scene.addRect(0, 0, width, height, brush=brushes[0], pen=g.TRANSPARENT_PEN) item.setZValue(0) # fill plains, hills, mountains, tundra, swamp, desert with texture # go through each position paths = {} for t in range(1, 7): paths[t] = QtGui.QPainterPath() for column in range(0, columns): for row in range(0, rows): t = self.scenario.terrain_at(column, row) if t != 0: # not for sea sx, sy = self.scenario.scene_position(column, row) paths[t].addRect(sx * self.TILE_SIZE, sy * self.TILE_SIZE, self.TILE_SIZE, self.TILE_SIZE) for t in paths: path = paths[t] path = path.simplified() item = self.scene.addPath(path, brush=brushes[t], pen=g.TRANSPARENT_PEN) item.setZValue(1) # fill the half tiles which are not part of the map brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.darkGray) for row in range(0, rows): if row % 2 == 0: item = self.scene.addRect(columns * self.TILE_SIZE, row * self.TILE_SIZE, self.TILE_SIZE / 2, self.TILE_SIZE, pen=g.TRANSPARENT_PEN) else: item = self.scene.addRect(0, row * self.TILE_SIZE, self.TILE_SIZE / 2, self.TILE_SIZE, pen=g.TRANSPARENT_PEN) item.setBrush(brush) item.setZValue(1) # draw rivers river_pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(64, 64, 255)) river_pen.setWidth(5) # TODO get rivers via a method (generator) for river in self.scenario._properties['rivers']: tiles = river['tiles'] path = QtGui.QPainterPath() for tile in tiles: sx, sy = self.scenario.scene_position(tile[0], tile[1]) x = (sx + 0.5) * self.TILE_SIZE y = (sy + 0.5) * self.TILE_SIZE if tile == tiles[0]: path.moveTo(x, y) else: path.lineTo(x, y) item = self.scene.addPath(path, pen=river_pen) item.setZValue(2) # draw province and nation borders # TODO the whole border drawing is a crude approximiation, implement it the right way province_border_pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor( province_border_pen.setWidth(2) nation_border_pen = QtGui.QPen() nation_border_pen.setWidth(4) for nation in self.scenario.all_nations(): # get nation color color = self.scenario.get_nation_property(nation, 'color') nation_color = QtGui.QColor() nation_color.setNamedColor(color) # get all provinces provinces = self.scenario.get_provinces_of_nation(nation) nation_path = QtGui.QPainterPath() # get all tiles for province in provinces: province_path = QtGui.QPainterPath() tiles = self.scenario.get_province_property(province, 'tiles') for column, row in tiles: sx, sy = self.scenario.scene_position(column, row) province_path.addRect(sx * self.TILE_SIZE, sy * self.TILE_SIZE, self.TILE_SIZE, self.TILE_SIZE) province_path = province_path.simplified() item = self.scene.addPath(province_path, pen=province_border_pen) item.setZValue(4) nation_path.addPath(province_path) nation_path = nation_path.simplified() nation_border_pen.setColor(nation_color) item = self.scene.addPath(nation_path, pen=nation_border_pen) item.setZValue(5) # draw towns and names city_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(c.extend(c.Graphics_Map_Folder, 'city.png')) for nation in self.scenario.all_nations(): # get all provinces of this nation provinces = self.scenario.get_provinces_of_nation(nation) for province in provinces: column, row = self.scenario.get_province_property(province, 'town_location') sx, sy = self.scenario.scene_position(column, row) # center city image on center of tile x = (sx + 0.5) * self.TILE_SIZE - city_pixmap.width() / 2 y = (sy + 0.5) * self.TILE_SIZE - city_pixmap.height() / 2 item = self.scene.addPixmap(city_pixmap) item.setOffset(x, y) item.setZValue(6) # display province name below province_name = self.scenario.get_province_property(province, 'name') item = self.scene.addSimpleText(province_name) item.setPen(g.TRANSPARENT_PEN) item.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.darkRed)) x = (sx + 0.5) * self.TILE_SIZE - item.boundingRect().width() / 2 y = (sy + 1) * self.TILE_SIZE - item.boundingRect().height() item.setPos(x, y) item.setZValue(6) # display rounded rectangle below province name bx = 8 by = 4 background = QtCore.QRectF(x - bx, y - by, item.boundingRect().width() + 2 * bx, item.boundingRect().height() + 2 * by) path = QtGui.QPainterPath() path.addRoundRect(background, 50, 50) item = self.scene.addPath(path, pen=g.TRANSPARENT_PEN, brush=QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(128, 128, 255, 64))) item.setZValue(5) # draw the grid and the coordinates for column in range(0, columns): for row in range(0, rows): sx, sy = self.scenario.scene_position(column, row) # item = self.scene.addRect(sx * self.tile_size, sy * self.tile_size, self.tile_size, self.tile_size) # item.setZValue(1000) text = '({},{})'.format(column, row) item = QtGui.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(text) item.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush( item.setPos((sx + 0.5) * self.TILE_SIZE - item.boundingRect().width() / 2, sy * self.TILE_SIZE) item.setZValue(1001) self.scene.addItem(item)
""" Calculates the countour of nation maps """ from PySide import QtGui from base import constants as c from server.scenario import * # load scenario scenario = Scenario() scenario.load(c.extend(c.Core_Scenario_Folder, 'Europe1814.scenario')) # nation map columns = scenario[MAP_COLUMNS] rows = scenario[MAP_ROWS] map = [0] * (columns * rows) for nation in scenario.all_nations(): provinces = scenario.get_provinces_of_nation(nation) for province in provinces: tiles = scenario.get_province_property(province, 'tiles') for column, row in tiles: map[row * columns + column] = nation # get outlines for nation in scenario.all_nations(): visited = [False] * (columns * rows) for i in range(0, columns * rows): column = i % columns row = i // columns
def load_ui_icon(name): """ Load an icon from a base icon path. """ file_name = c.extend(c.Graphics_UI_Folder, name) return QtGui.QIcon(file_name)
def load_ui_icon(name): """ Loads an icon from a base icon path. """ file_name = constants.extend(constants.GRAPHICS_UI_FOLDER, name) return QtGui.QIcon(file_name)
""" Calculates the countour of nation maps """ from PyQt5 import QtGui from base import constants as c from server.scenario import * # load scenario scenario = Scenario() scenario.load(c.extend(c.CORE_SCENARIO_FOLDER, 'Europe1814.scenario')) # nation map columns = scenario[MAP_COLUMNS] rows = scenario[MAP_ROWS] map = [0] * (columns * rows) for nation in scenario.all_nations(): provinces = scenario.get_provinces_of_nation(nation) for province in provinces: tiles = scenario.get_province_property(province, 'tiles') for column, row in tiles: map[row * columns + column] = nation # get outlines for nation in scenario.all_nations(): visited = [False] * (columns * rows) for i in range(0, columns * rows): column = i % columns row = i // columns