Example #1
def test_sliding_windows(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that sliding window queries are properly dumped and restored
    pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
        'CREATE CONTINUOUS VIEW sw_v WITH (sw = \'20 seconds\') AS SELECT count(*) FROM stream0'
    pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x', ), [(x, ) for x in range(10)])

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
    assert result['count'] == 10

    _dump(pipeline, 'test_sw.sql')

    _restore(pipeline, 'test_sw.sql')

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
    assert result['count'] == 10

    # We should still drop back to 0 within 20 seconds
    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
    while result['count'] > 0:
        result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
    assert result['count'] == 0
Example #2
def test_single_continuous_view(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that specific continuous views can be dropped and restored
    pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
    pipeline.create_cv('test_single0', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
    pipeline.create_cv('test_single1', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
    pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x', ), [(x, ) for x in range(10)])

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_single0').first()
    assert result['count'] == 10

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_single1').first()
    assert result['count'] == 10

          tables=['test_single0', 'stream0', 'test_single0_mrel'])

    _restore(pipeline, 'test_single.sql')

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_single0').first()
    assert result['count'] == 10

    # We didn't dump this one
    result = list(
            'SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE \'%%test_single1%%\''))
    assert not result
def test_sliding_windows(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that sliding window queries are properly dumped and restored
  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  pipeline.execute('CREATE CONTINUOUS VIEW sw_v WITH (sw = \'20 seconds\') AS SELECT count(*) FROM stream0')
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), [(x,) for x in range(10)])

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
  assert result['count'] == 10

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_sw.sql')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_sw.sql')

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
  assert result['count'] == 10

  # We should still drop back to 0 within 20 seconds
  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
  while result['count'] > 0:
    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v').first()
  assert result['count'] == 0
def test_single_continuous_view(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that specific continuous views can be dropped and restored
  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  pipeline.create_cv('test_single0', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
  pipeline.create_cv('test_single1', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), [(x,) for x in range(10)])

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_single0').first()
  assert result['count'] == 10

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_single1').first()
  assert result['count'] == 10

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_single.sql', tables=['test_single0', 'stream0', 'test_single0_mrel'])

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_single.sql')

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_single0').first()
  assert result['count'] == 10

  # We didn't dump this one
  result = list(pipeline.execute('SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE \'%%test_single1%%\''))
  assert not result
def test_sliding_windows(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that sliding window queries are properly dumped and restored
  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  pipeline.execute('CREATE VIEW sw_v WITH (sw = \'20 seconds\') AS SELECT count(*) FROM stream0')
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), [(x,) for x in range(10)])

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v')[0]
  assert result['count'] == 10

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_sw.sql')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_sw.sql')

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v')[0]
  assert result['count'] == 10

  # We should still drop back to 0 within 20 seconds
  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v')[0]
  while result['count'] > 0:
    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v')[0]

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM sw_v')[0]
    # Disabled until #157 (currently combine doesn't return 0 on NULL input for this aggregate)
  # assert result == 0
  assert result['count'] is None
def test_repeated_dump_restore(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that we can dump and restore a restored DB
  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  q = """
  SELECT x::integer % 100 AS g, avg(x) + 1 AS avg, count(*), count(distinct x) AS distincts FROM stream0
  pipeline.create_cv('test_dump', q)

  rows = [(x,) for x in range(1000)]
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), rows)

  def _verify():
    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM test_dump')[0]
    assert result['count'] == 100

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(avg) FROM test_dump')[0]
    assert result['sum'] == 50050

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(distincts) FROM test_dump')[0]
    assert result['sum'] == 1000

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_dump.sql')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_dump.sql')

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_dump.sql')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_dump.sql')

  # Now verify that we can successfully add more data to the restored CV
  rows = [(x,) for x in range(2000)]
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), rows)

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(count) FROM test_dump')[0]
  assert result['sum'] == 3000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(distincts) FROM test_dump')[0]
  assert result['sum'] == 2000
def test_cont_transforms(pipeline, clean_db):
  pipeline.execute('CREATE FOREIGN TABLE cv_stream (x int, y text) SERVER pipelinedb')
  pipeline.execute('CREATE FOREIGN TABLE ct_stream (x int, y text) SERVER pipelinedb')
  pipeline.create_cv('test_cv', 'SELECT count(*) FROM cv_stream')
  pipeline.create_ct('test_ct1', 'SELECT x::int, y::text FROM ct_stream WHERE mod(x, 2) = 0',
                     "pipelinedb.insert_into_stream('cv_stream', 'cv_stream')")
  pipeline.create_table('test_t', x='int', y='text')
  RETURNS trigger AS
   INSERT INTO test_t (x, y) VALUES (NEW.x, NEW.y);
  LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  pipeline.create_ct('test_ct2', 'SELECT x::int, y::text FROM ct_stream',

  pipeline.insert('ct_stream', ('x', 'y'), [(1, 'hello'), (2, 'world')])

  assert pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_cv')[0]['count'] == 2

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_cont_transform.sql')

  pipeline.execute('DROP FUNCTION test_tg()')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_cont_transform.sql')
  pipeline.insert('ct_stream', ('x', 'y'), [(1, 'hello'), (2, 'world')])

  assert pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_cv')[0]['count'] == 4
  ntups = 0
  for row in pipeline.execute('SELECT x, count(*) FROM test_t GROUP BY x'):
    assert row['count'] == 2
    assert row['x'] in (1, 2)
    ntups += 1
  assert ntups == 2
Example #8
def test_tablespace(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that CVs can be created within tablespaces
    path = os.path.abspath('test_tablespace')
    if os.path.exists(path):

    pipeline.execute("CREATE TABLESPACE test_tablespace LOCATION '%s'" % path)

    pipeline.create_stream('test_tablespace_s', x='int')

    q = 'SELECT x % 10 AS g, count(DISTINCT x) FROM test_tablespace_s GROUP BY g'
    pipeline.create_cv('test_tablespace0', q)
    pipeline.create_cv('test_tablespace1', q, tablespace='test_tablespace')
    pipeline.insert('test_tablespace_s', ('x', ),
                    [(x, ) for x in range(10000)])

    result0 = pipeline.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM test_tablespace0')
    result1 = pipeline.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM test_tablespace1')

    assert len(result0) == 1
    assert len(result1) == 1
    assert result0[0]['count'] == result1[0]['count']

    result0 = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM test_tablespace0')
    result1 = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM test_tablespace1')

    assert len(result0) == 1
    assert len(result1) == 1
    assert result0[0]['combine'] == result1[0]['combine']

    # Now verify that test_tablespace1 is physically in the tablespace
    row = pipeline.execute(
        "SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'test_tablespace1_mrel'")
    oid = row[0]['oid']

    found = glob.glob('test_tablespace/*/*/%d' % oid)
    assert len(found) == 1

    pipeline.execute('DROP TABLESPACE test_tablespace')
Example #9
def test_schema_only(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that it is possible to only dump continuous view schemas and not data
    pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
    pipeline.create_cv('test_schema', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
    pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x', ), [(x, ) for x in range(10)])

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_schema').first()
    assert result['count'] == 10

    _dump(pipeline, 'test_schema.sql', schema_only=True)

    _restore(pipeline, 'test_schema.sql')

    # No data loaded
    result = list(pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_schema'))
    assert not result
def test_schema_only(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that it is possible to only dump continuous view schemas and not data
  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  pipeline.create_cv('test_schema', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), [(x,) for x in range(10)])

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_schema').first()
  assert result['count'] == 10

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_schema.sql', schema_only=True)

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_schema.sql')

  # No data loaded
  result = list(pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_schema'))
  assert not result
def test_cont_transforms(pipeline, clean_db):
  pipeline.execute('CREATE STREAM cv_stream (x int, y text)')
  pipeline.execute('CREATE STREAM ct_stream (x int, y text)')
  pipeline.create_cv('test_cv', 'SELECT count(*) FROM cv_stream')
  pipeline.create_ct('test_ct1', 'SELECT x::int, y::text FROM ct_stream WHERE mod(x, 2) = 0',
                     "pipeline_stream_insert('cv_stream', 'cv_stream')")
  pipeline.create_table('test_t', x='int', y='text')
  RETURNS trigger AS
   INSERT INTO test_t (x, y) VALUES (NEW.x, NEW.y);
  LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  pipeline.create_ct('test_ct2', 'SELECT x::int, y::text FROM ct_stream',

  pipeline.insert('ct_stream', ('x', 'y'), [(1, 'hello'), (2, 'world')])

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_cont_transform.sql')

  pipeline.execute('DROP FUNCTION test_tg()')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_cont_transform.sql')

  pipeline.insert('ct_stream', ('x', 'y'), [(1, 'hello'), (2, 'world')])

  assert pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_cv').first()['count'] == 4
  ntups = 0
  for row in pipeline.execute('SELECT x, count(*) FROM test_t GROUP BY x'):
    assert row['count'] == 2
    assert row['x'] in (1, 2)
    ntups += 1
  assert ntups == 2
def test_dump_data_only(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that it is possible to only dump continuous view data and not schemas
  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  pipeline.create_cv('test_data', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), [(x,) for x in range(10)])

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_data')[0]
  assert result['count'] == 10

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_data.sql', data_only=True)


  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  pipeline.create_cv('test_data', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stream0')
  _restore(pipeline, 'test_data.sql')

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count FROM test_data')[0]
  assert result['count'] == 10
def test_dump(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that we can dump and restore CVs using INSERT statements
  pipeline.create_stream('stream0', x='int')
  q = """
  SELECT x::integer %% 100 AS g, avg(x) + 1 AS avg, count(*), count(distinct x) AS distincts FROM stream0
  pipeline.create_cv('test_dump', q)

  rows = [(x,) for x in range(1000)]
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), rows)

  def _verify():
    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM test_dump').first()
    assert result['count'] == 100

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(avg) FROM test_dump').first()
    assert result['sum'] == 50050

    result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(distincts) FROM test_dump').first()
    assert result['sum'] == 1000

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_dump.sql')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_dump.sql')

  # Now verify that we can successfully add more data to the restored CV
  rows = [(x,) for x in range(2000)]
  pipeline.insert('stream0', ('x',), rows)

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(count) FROM test_dump').first()
  assert result['sum'] == 3000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT sum(distincts) FROM test_dump').first()
  assert result['sum'] == 2000
def test_renamed_objects(pipeline, clean_db):
  Verify that we can dump and restore renamed CQs and streams
  pipeline.create_stream('s', x='int')

  q = """
  SELECT x, count(*) FROM s GROUP BY x;
  pipeline.create_cv('cv_0', q)

  q = """
  SELECT (new).x, combine((delta).count) AS count FROM output_of('cv_0') GROUP BY x
  pipeline.create_cv('combine_cv_0', q)

  q = """
  SELECT (new).count + 41 AS v FROM output_of('combine_cv_0')
  pipeline.create_ct('transform_combine_cv_0', q)

  q = """
  SELECT max(v), count(*) FROM output_of('transform_combine_cv_0')
  pipeline.create_cv('max_transform_combine_cv_0', q)

  rows = [(x,) for x in range(1000)]
  pipeline.insert('s', ('x',), rows)

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM cv_0')[0]
  assert result['combine'] == 1000

  pipeline.execute('ALTER VIEW cv_0 RENAME TO cv_0_renamed')
  pipeline.execute('ALTER VIEW combine_cv_0 RENAME TO combine_cv_0_renamed')
  pipeline.execute('ALTER VIEW transform_combine_cv_0 RENAME TO transform_combine_cv_0_renamed')
  pipeline.execute('ALTER VIEW max_transform_combine_cv_0 RENAME TO max_transform_combine_cv_0_renamed')
  pipeline.execute('ALTER FOREIGN TABLE s RENAME TO s_renamed')

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['combine'] == 1000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM combine_cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['combine'] == 1000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT max, count FROM max_transform_combine_cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['max'] == 42
  assert result['count'] == 1000

  _dump(pipeline, 'test_renamed_cqs.sql')

  pipeline.execute('DROP VIEW combine_cv_0_renamed CASCADE')

  _restore(pipeline, 'test_renamed_cqs.sql')

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['combine'] == 1000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM combine_cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['combine'] == 1000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT max, count FROM max_transform_combine_cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['max'] == 42
  assert result['count'] == 1000

  # Now write some more rows to verify everything updates properly
  rows = [(x,) for x in range(1000)]
  pipeline.insert('s_renamed', ('x',), rows)

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['combine'] == 2000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT combine(count) FROM combine_cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['combine'] == 2000

  result = pipeline.execute('SELECT max, count FROM max_transform_combine_cv_0_renamed')[0]
  assert result['max'] == 43
  assert result['count'] == 2000

  pipeline.execute('DROP VIEW combine_cv_0_renamed CASCADE')