Example #1
    def fromXML(cls, svgImageElement):

        # Check if provided element is indeed an image tag. Stop if not.
        assert svgImageElement.tagName == cls._elementName,\
            "Provided element cannot be parsed. Wrong tag name?"

        # Extract image link from the provided image tag
            imageLink = svgImageElement.getAttribute('xlink:href').encode(
            raise AttributeError, \
            "Provided element no xlink or provided xlink is invalid."

        # Extract element's id (it is required). While new barSlideBackgorundElement may have blank id,
        # the serialized one has contain a valid id.
            id = svgImageElement.getAttribute('id').encode('utf-8')
            raise AttributeError, \
            "Provided element no id attribute or provided id is invalid."

        # Create empty background element instance with a given image link and extracted id
        newBackgroundElement = cls(imageLink, id=id)

        # Extract and validate other attributes. Handling some of them is easy
        # while some of the other are more complicated to parse:

        if svgImageElement.hasAttribute('height') and \
            height = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('height'))
            width = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('width'))
            newBackgroundElement.size = (width, height)

        if svgImageElement.hasAttribute('x') and \
            x = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('x'))
            y = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('y'))
            newBackgroundElement.position = (x, y)

        if svgImageElement.hasAttribute('style'):
            styleString = parseStyle(svgImageElement.getAttribute('style'))
            newBackgroundElement._style = styleString
            if styleString.has_key('opacity'):
                newBackgroundElement.opacity = float(styleString['opacity'])

        if svgImageElement.hasAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'modality'):
            newBackgroundElement.modality = \
                svgImageElement.getAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'modality')

        if svgImageElement.hasAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'preparation'):
            newBackgroundElement.preparation = \
                svgImageElement.getAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'preparation')

        if svgImageElement.hasAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'description'):
            newBackgroundElement.description = \
                svgImageElement.getAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'description')

        return newBackgroundElement
Example #2
    def fromXML(cls, svgImageElement):

        # Check if provided element is indeed an image tag. Stop if not.
        assert svgImageElement.tagName == cls._elementName,\
            "Provided element cannot be parsed. Wrong tag name?"

        # Extract image link from the provided image tag
            imageLink = svgImageElement.getAttribute('xlink:href').encode('utf-8')
            raise AttributeError, \
            "Provided element no xlink or provided xlink is invalid."

        # Extract element's id (it is required). While new barSlideBackgorundElement may have blank id,
        # the serialized one has contain a valid id.
            id = svgImageElement.getAttribute('id').encode('utf-8')
            raise AttributeError, \
            "Provided element no id attribute or provided id is invalid."

        # Create empty background element instance with a given image link and extracted id
        newBackgroundElement = cls(imageLink, id = id)

        # Extract and validate other attributes. Handling some of them is easy
        # while some of the other are more complicated to parse:

        if svgImageElement.hasAttribute('height') and \
            height = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('height'))
            width  = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('width'))
            newBackgroundElement.size = (width,height)

        if svgImageElement.hasAttribute('x') and \
            x = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('x'))
            y = float(svgImageElement.getAttribute('y'))
            newBackgroundElement.position = (x,y)

        if svgImageElement.hasAttribute('style'):
            styleString = parseStyle(svgImageElement.getAttribute('style'))
            newBackgroundElement._style = styleString
            if styleString.has_key('opacity'):
                newBackgroundElement.opacity = float(styleString['opacity'])

        if svgImageElement.hasAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'modality'):
            newBackgroundElement.modality = \
                svgImageElement.getAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'modality')

        if svgImageElement.hasAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'preparation'):
            newBackgroundElement.preparation = \
                svgImageElement.getAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'preparation')

        if svgImageElement.hasAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'description'):
            newBackgroundElement.description = \
                svgImageElement.getAttributeNS(BAR_XML_NAMESPACE, 'description')

        return newBackgroundElement
Example #3
    def _setOpacity(self, value):
        assert type(value) == type(1.) or \
               type(value) == type(0), \
            "Opacity has to be float between 0 and 1"

        self._opacity = float(value)
        styleDict = parseStyle(self._attributes['style'])
        styleDict['opacity'] = str(self._opacity)
        self._attributes['style'] = formatStyle(styleDict)
Example #4
    def _setOpacity(self, value):
        assert type(value) == type(1.) or \
               type(value) == type(0), \
            "Opacity has to be float between 0 and 1"

        self._opacity = float(value)
        styleDict = parseStyle(self._attributes['style'])
        styleDict['opacity'] = str(self._opacity)
        self._attributes['style'] = formatStyle(styleDict)