Example #1

if __name__=="__main__":
    parser = collect_args()
    params = parser.parse_args()

    if params.clean:
        config["clean"] = True

    if params.json:
        config["in"] = params.json

    config["newick_tree_options"]["raxml"] = not params.no_raxml

    runner = process(config)

    # plot an approximate skyline - needs testing
    plot_skyline = False
    if plot_skyline: # plot an approximate skyline
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        T = runner.tree.tt
        skyline, confidence = T.merger_model.skyline_inferred(gen = 50, confidence=2.0)
        plt.fill_between(skyline.x, confidence[0], confidence[1], color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
Example #2
    else: # Look for serotype-specific JSONs in the ./prepared/ directory
        if 'multiple' in args.serotypes: # "multiple" = run all 5 builds
            args.serotypes = ['denv1', 'denv2', 'denv3', 'denv4', 'all']
            args.serotypes = args.serotypes
        args.json = ['./prepared/dengue_%s.json'%s for s in args.serotypes] # Look for ./prepared/dengue_SEROTYPE.json if no file paths given

    for j in args.json:            # validate input JSONs exist
        assert os.path.isfile(j)

    ### Run analyses ###
    for prepared_json in args.json:
            print("Processing %s"%prepared_json)
            runner = process(make_config(prepared_json, args)) # parse
            runner.align() # run alignment with mafft
            runner.build_tree() # build tree with fasttree -> raxml
            runner.timetree_setup_filter_run() # infer ML ancestral states (geo traits, node dates, mutations)
            runner.run_geo_inference() # run mugration model to infer transmissions

            # estimate mutation frequencies here.
            if runner.config["estimate_mutation_frequencies"]:
                pivots = runner.get_pivots_via_spacing()
                runner.estimate_mutation_frequencies(pivots=pivots, min_freq=0.02, inertia=np.exp(-1.0/12), stiffness=2)

            # estimate tree frequencies here.
            if runner.config["estimate_tree_frequencies"]: # methods @ [ref]
                pivots = runner.get_pivots_via_spacing()
                runner.estimate_tree_frequencies(pivots=pivots, stiffness=2) # stiffness ~= amount of smoothing
def parse(xml, debug=False):
    handler = Handler(debug)
    process(xml, handler)
    return handler.props
Example #4
# "auspice": { ## settings for auspice JSON export
# 	"extra_attr": ['serum', 'clade', 'dTiter', 'cTiter'], # keys from tree.tree.clade['attr'] to include in export
# 	"color_options": { # which traits to color the tree by in auspice; titer colorbys are added in dengue_titers
# 		"country":{"key":"country", "legendTitle":"Country", "menuItem":"country", "type":"discrete"},
# 		"region":{"key":"region", "legendTitle":"Region", "menuItem":"region", "type":"discrete"},
# 		"gt":{"key":"genotype", "legendTitle":"Genotype", "menuItem":"genotype", "type":"discrete"},
# 	},
# 	"controls": {'authors':['authors']},
# 	"defaults": {'geoResolution': 'region', 'colorBy': 'region', 'distanceMeasure': 'div', 'mapTriplicate': True}
# 	},

##### Parse input files/params and run #####

### Run analyses ###
print("Processing %s" % args.json)
runner = process(config)  # parse
runner.align()  # run alignment with mafft
runner.build_tree()  # build tree with fasttree -> raxml
)  # infer ML ancestral states (geo traits, node dates, mutations)
runner.run_geo_inference()  # run mugration model to infer transmissions

# estimate tree frequencies here.
if runner.config["estimate_tree_frequencies"]:
    pivots = runner.get_pivots_via_spacing()
    runner.estimate_tree_frequencies(region='southeast_asia', stiffness=2)

# titers
if runner.config["fit_titer_model"] and runner.config[
        "titers"]:  # methods @ Neher et al., PNAS 2016
    if args.titer_model == 'tree':
        <image size="extralarge">http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/300x300/27272219.jpg</image>
          <name>new wave</name>
          <name>depeche mode</name>

    handler = Handler(debug=False)
    process(r_test, handler)
    print handler.props