Example #1

s = settings.Settings("../amikopay.conf")
d = bitcoind.Bitcoind(s)

#(these addresses are mine - thanks for donating :-P)
keyHash1 = binascii.unhexlify("fd5627c5eff58991dec54877272e82f758ea8b65")
keyHash2 = binascii.unhexlify("ab22c699d3e72f2c1e4896508bf9d8d7910104d0")

address1 = base58.encodeBase58Check(keyHash1, 0)
address2 = base58.encodeBase58Check(keyHash2, 0)
print address1
print address2

#Note: this will fail, unless you change toe above addresses to some of your own
privKey1 = base58.decodeBase58Check(d.getPrivateKey(address1), 128)
privKey2 = base58.decodeBase58Check(d.getPrivateKey(address2), 128)

key1 = Key()
key2 = Key()

print key1.getPublicKey().encode("hex")
print key2.getPublicKey().encode("hex")

amount = int(100000 * float(raw_input("Amount to be transferred (mBTC): ")))
fee = 10000 #0.1 mBTC

outputHash = binascii.unhexlify(raw_input("Input hash (empty: create multisig): "))[::-1]
Example #2
def getInputsForAmount(bitcoind, amount):
	Returns information about unspent outputs, which are available to be used
	as inputs for a new transaction, and have a total amount that is at least
	the requested amount.

	bitcoind: Bitcoind; the bitcoin daemon from which to retrieve this information
	amount: int; the minimum total amount (in Satoshi)

	Return value:
	tuple (total, inputs)
	total: int; the actual total amount (in Satoshi); total >= amount
	inputs: list of tuple (txid, vout, scriptPubKey, privateKey); the input information
	txid: str; input transaction ID. Note that the byte order is the reverse as
	      shown in Bitcoin.
	vout: int; input transaction index
	scriptPubKey: str; input transaction scriptPubKey (serialized)
	privateKey: str; corresponding private key

	Exception: insufficient funds

    unspent = bitcoind.listUnspent()

    #Filter: only use "normal" outputs, not multisig etc.
    unspent = [u for u in unspent if "address" in u]

    #TODO: think about the best policy here.
    #Possible objectives:
    # - minimizing taint between addresses (privacy protection)
    # - minimizing coin fragmentation (transaction size, related to fee costs)
    # - choosing old coins (related to fee costs)
    #For now, an attempt is made to minimize coin fragmentation.

    unspent.sort(cmp=lambda a, b: cmp(a["amount"], b["amount"]))

    used = None
    total = 0
    for u in unspent:
        if u["amount"] >= amount:
            used = [u]
            total = u["amount"]
    if used is None:
        used = []
        while total < amount:
                u = unspent.pop()
            except IndexError:
                raise Exception("Insufficient funds")
            total += u["amount"]

    for u in used:
        address = u["address"]
        u["privateKey"] = base58.decodeBase58Check(
            bitcoind.getPrivateKey(address), 128)

    return total, [(u["txid"], u["vout"], u["scriptPubKey"], u["privateKey"])
                   for u in used]
Example #3
def getInputsForAmount(bitcoind, amount):
	Returns information about unspent outputs, which are available to be used
	as inputs for a new transaction, and have a total amount that is at least
	the requested amount.

	bitcoind: Bitcoind; the bitcoin daemon from which to retrieve this information
	amount: int; the minimum total amount (in Satoshi)

	Return value:
	tuple (total, inputs)
	total: int; the actual total amount (in Satoshi); total >= amount
	inputs: list of tuple (txid, vout, scriptPubKey, privateKey); the input information
	txid: str; input transaction ID. Note that the byte order is the reverse as
	      shown in Bitcoin.
	vout: int; input transaction index
	scriptPubKey: str; input transaction scriptPubKey (serialized)
	privateKey: str; corresponding private key

	Exception: insufficient funds

	unspent = bitcoind.listUnspent()

	#Filter: only use "normal" outputs, not multisig etc.
	unspent = [u for u in unspent if "address" in u]

	#TODO: think about the best policy here.
	#Possible objectives:
	# - minimizing taint between addresses (privacy protection)
	# - minimizing coin fragmentation (transaction size, related to fee costs)
	# - choosing old coins (related to fee costs)
	#For now, an attempt is made to minimize coin fragmentation.

	unspent.sort(cmp=lambda a,b: cmp(a["amount"], b["amount"]))

	used = None
	total = 0
	for u in unspent:
		if u["amount"] >= amount:
			used = [u]
			total = u["amount"]
	if used is None:
		used = []
		while total < amount:
				u = unspent.pop()
			except IndexError:
				raise Exception("Insufficient funds")
			total += u["amount"]

	for u in used:
		address = u["address"]
		u["privateKey"] = base58.decodeBase58Check(
			bitcoind.getPrivateKey(address), 128)

	return total, [
		(u["txid"], u["vout"], u["scriptPubKey"], u["privateKey"])
		for u in used]
Example #4
def readPrivateKey(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        privateKey = f.read()
    privateKey = privateKey.split("\n")[0]  #first line
    privateKey = privateKey.strip()  #ignore whitespace
    return base58.decodeBase58Check(privateKey, 128)  #PRIVKEY = 128
Example #5
def spend(args):
    #Load the keys
    keys = []
    for filename in args:
        privateKey = readPrivateKey(filename)
        k = Key()

    def getKey(question):
        for i in range(len(keys)):
            print i + 1, getAddress(keys[i])
        i = int(raw_input(question)) - 1
        return keys[i]

    #Ask for input information:
    inputs = []
    amounts = []
    while True:
        txid = raw_input("Transaction ID of unspent output (Enter to stop): ")
        txid = txid.strip()
        if txid == "":
        txid = binascii.unhexlify(txid)[::-1]

        vout = int(raw_input("Output index of unspent output: "))
        k = getKey("Address of unspent output: ")
        inputs.append((txid, vout, k))
                decimal.Decimal(raw_input("Amount in unspent output (BCC): "))
                * BCC))

    totalAmount = sum(amounts)
    print "Total of amounts: %s BCC" % str(decimal.Decimal(totalAmount) / BCC)

    fee = int(decimal.Decimal(raw_input("Transaction fee (BCC): ")) * BCC)

    destAddress = raw_input("Destination address: ")
    destHash = base58.decodeBase58Check(destAddress, 0)  #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0

    destAmount = totalAmount - fee

    print "Amount sent to destination: %s BCC" % str(
        decimal.Decimal(destAmount) / BCC)
    if destAmount < 0:
        print "Negative amount is not allowed"
	if destAmount > totalAmount - fee:
		print "Not enough funds"

    tx = btx.Transaction(
        tx_in=[btx.TxIn(x[0], x[1]) for x in inputs],
        tx_out=[btx.TxOut(destAmount, btx.Script.standardPubKey(destHash))])
	changeKey = getKey("Address to send change amount to: ")
	changeAddress = getAddress(changeKey)
	changeHash = base58.decodeBase58Check(changeAddress, 0) #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0

	changeAmount = totalAmount - destAmount - fee
	if changeAmount < 0:
		raise Exception("Error: got negative change amount")
	elif changeAmount == 0:
		print "Note: change amount is zero - no change is sent"
			btx.TxOut(changeAmount, btx.Script.standardPubKey(changeHash))

    for i in range(len(inputs)):
        #print tx.tx_in[i].previousOutputHash.encode("hex"), tx.tx_in[i].previousOutputIndex
        key = inputs[i][2]
        address = getAddress(key)
        hash = base58.decodeBase58Check(address, 0)  #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0
        scriptPubKey = btx.Script.standardPubKey(hash)
        tx.signInput(i, scriptPubKey, [None, key.getPublicKey()], [key],

    print "Serialized transaction:"
    print tx.serialize().encode("hex")
    print "Transaction ID:", tx.getTransactionID()[::-1].encode("hex")
Example #6
def decode(args):
    s = args[0]
    amounts = [int(decimal.Decimal(a) * BCC) for a in args[1:]]
    serialized = binascii.unhexlify(s)
    tx = btx.Transaction.deserialize(serialized)
    print 'lockTime: ', tx.lockTime
    for i in range(len(tx.tx_in)):
        tx_in = tx.tx_in[i]
        print 'TxIn:'
        print '    amount: %s BCC' % str(decimal.Decimal(amounts[i]) / BCC)
        print '    prevOutputHash: ', tx_in.previousOutputHash.encode("hex")
        print '    prevOutputIndex: ', tx_in.previousOutputIndex
        print '    sequenceNumber: 0x%08x' % tx_in.sequenceNumber
        print '    script:'
        for e in tx_in.scriptSig.elements:
            if isinstance(e, str):
                s = e.encode("hex")
                s = str(e)
            print '        ', s
        signature, pubKey = tx_in.scriptSig.elements
        hashType = ord(signature[-1])
        signature = signature[:-1]

        k = Key()
        address = getAddress(k)
        hash = base58.decodeBase58Check(address, 0)  #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0
        scriptPubKey = btx.Script.standardPubKey(hash)

        sigHash = tx.getSignatureBodyHash(i,

        print '        pubKey: ', pubKey.encode('hex')
        print '        signature: ', signature.encode('hex')
        print '        hashType: 0x%0x' % hashType
        print '        address: ', address
        print '        sigHash: ', sigHash.encode('hex')
        print '        valid: ', k.verify(sigHash, signature)
        print ''

    for tx_out in tx.tx_out:
        print 'TxOut:'
        print '    amount: %s BCC' % str(decimal.Decimal(tx_out.amount) / BCC)

        elements = tx_out.scriptPubKey.elements
        print '    script:'
        for e in elements:
            if isinstance(e, str):
                s = e.encode("hex")
                s = '0x%0x' % e
            print '        ', s

        if len(elements) == 5 and \
         elements[0:2] == [btx.OP.DUP, btx.OP.HASH160] and \
         elements[3:5] == [btx.OP.EQUALVERIFY, btx.OP.CHECKSIG] and \
         isinstance(elements[2], str):

            address = base58.encodeBase58Check(elements[2],
                                               0)  #PUBKEY_ADDRESS = 0
            print '    Address: ', address
            print '    Unrecognized script type'

        print ''

    fee = sum(amounts) - sum([tx_out.amount for tx_out in tx.tx_out])
    print 'Tx fee: %s BCC' % str(decimal.Decimal(fee) / BCC)
Example #7
import base58

# translate Bitpay address format to traditional address format
bitpay_address = 'CQ6BSmiDScwR3HX3pLaDdMjcMdz8byfKRo'
public_key_hash = base58.decodeBase58Check(bitpay_address,28)
trad_address = base58.encodeBase58Check(public_key_hash,0)
print "Traditional Address: ", trad_address
import base58

# translate traditional address to Bitpay address format
trad_address = '19oCM37SX7R7ctVPwv1pQ2RckTM3TmU9dS'
public_key_hash = base58.decodeBase58Check(trad_address, 0)
bitpay_address = base58.encodeBase58Check(public_key_hash, 28)
print "Copay Address: ", bitpay_address