Example #1
 def __init__(self, vol):
     _custom_volume.__init__(self, vol)
     mat = material(steel.density, self._vol2cost(vol))
     s = self.cylS(vol)
     h = self._vol2mass(vol) / mat.density / s
     mat.cost = mat.cost / s / h * surface.unit_h
     volume.__init__(self, vol, self._name, C=0, D=0, S=surface(s, h, mat))
Example #2
 def __init__(self, vol):
     _custom_volume.__init__(self, vol)
     mat = material(steel.density, self._vol2cost(vol))
     s = self.cylS(vol)
     h = self._vol2mass(vol)/mat.density/s
     mat.cost = mat.cost/s/h*surface.unit_h
     volume.__init__(self, vol, self._name, C=0, D=0,
                     S=surface(s, h, mat))
Example #3
class solar_panel(_custom_volume):
    _name = 'solar panels'
    _density = 0
    _cost_density = 0

    _thickness = 0.01
    _surface_energy = 1.3479107
    _material = material(2.5894795, 224.65179)

    def __init__(self, S):
        self.energy = S * self._surface_energy
        _custom_volume.__init__(self, S * self._thickness)
        self._surface = surface(S, self._thickness, self._material)

    def _add_str(self):
        return '   chargeRate = %.3f\n' % self.energy
Example #4
class reaction_wheel(_custom_volume):
    #     s: 0.05 t / 5 trq / 0.25 ec / 600 cr / 0.0592276609 m3 / D= 0.8442001463542519
    #     m: 0.1 t / 15 trq / 0.45 ec / 1200 cr / 0.572555261117 m3 / D= 0.1746556302790925 / S = 1.48814376854
    #     l: 0.2 t / 30 trq / 0.6 ec / 2100 cr / 2.45436926062 m3 / D= 0.08148733086295168

    _name = 'reaction wheel'
    _density = 0
    _cost_density = 0

    _spec_torque = 150  #torque/t
    _spec_energy = 4.5  #El.u/sec/t

    _thickness = 0.05
    _material = material(0.1 / 1.48814376854 / _thickness,
                         1200 / 1.48814376854 / _thickness * surface.unit_h)

    _hd_ratio = 5.0

    def cylV(d, h):
        return np.pi * d**2 / 4.0 * h

    def cylS(cls, v):
        d = (v / np.pi * 4.0 * cls._hd_ratio)**(1 / 3.0)
        h = d / cls._hd_ratio
        return np.pi * d * h

    def S2V(cls, s):
        d = np.sqrt(s * cls._hd_ratio / np.pi)
        return cls.cylV(d, d / cls._hd_ratio)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        V = kwargs.get('V', -1.0)
        T = kwargs.get('T', -1.0)
        if V < 0 and T < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "%s: either volume or torque should be provided." % self._name)
        if V < 0:
            V = self.S2V(
                T /
                (self._thickness * self._material.density * self._spec_torque))
        _custom_volume.__init__(self, V)
                        S=surface(self.cylS(V), self._thickness,

    def torque(self):
        return self._spec_torque * self.full_mass()

    def energy(self):
        return self._spec_energy * self.full_mass()

    def _add_str(self):
        m = self.full_mass()
        s = '   torque = %.0f\n' % (self._spec_torque * m)
        s += '   rate = %.3f\n' % (self._spec_energy * m)
        return s
Example #5
from base_classes import volume, surface, material
import numpy as np

steel = material(8.05, 2.0)
aluminium = material(2.7, 8.0)
Al_Li = material(2.63, 12.0)
composits = material(1.9, 20.0)
compositsL = material(1.3, 18.0)
lavsan = material(300e-6 / 0.001, 1)

class _custom_volume(volume):
    _name = 'custom volume'
    _density = 1
    _cost_density = 1

    def __init__(self, vol):

    def _add_str(self):
        return ''

    def __str__(self):
        s = volume.__str__(self)
        s += self._add_str()
        return s
Example #6
from base_classes import volume, surface, material
import numpy as np

steel      = material(8.05,  2.0)
aluminium  = material(2.7,   8.0)
Al_Li      = material(2.63, 12.0)
composits  = material(1.9,  20.0)
compositsL = material(1.3,  18.0)
lavsan     = material(300e-6/0.001, 1)

class _custom_volume(volume):
    _name = 'custom volume'
    _density = 1
    _cost_density = 1
    def __init__(self, vol):
        volume.__init__(self, vol, self._name, C=self._cost_density, D=self._density)
    def _add_str(self): return ''
    def __str__(self):
        s  = volume.__str__(self)
        s += self._add_str()
        return s
#end class

class reaction_wheel_real(_custom_volume):
    This is an accurate model of the series of the stock reaction wheels.
    Useless until I implement custom polynomial curves for each parameter.