def plane_angle(sol, axis): # Calculate angle of separation of first two particles in (sol) relative to (axis) D = 3 unit = zeros(D) unit[axis] = 1 x1s = stack_sol(sol, D)[:, :D, 0] x2s = stack_sol(sol, D)[:, :D, 1] rs = x2s - x1s Rs = mag(rs, axis=1) dotted =, unit) return np.arccos(dotted / Rs)
def circle_errors(sol, m, R, t): # Differences between computed positions of (sol) and analytic circular orbit (R) about (m) at (t) D = 2 # sol assumed 2D xs = stack_sol( sol, D)[:, :D, 1].transpose() # extract position of second particle at for each t difs = xs - analytic_circle(m, R, t) return mag(difs, axis=0)
def animate_3D(sol, n_frames, ax_lims, filename): """ Save 3D animation of (sols) [assumed 3D] as (filename).html within (ax_lims) over (n_frames) """ # extract x, y, z coordinates of system over whole simulation D = 3 p = stack_sol(sol, D) xs, ys, zs = p[:, 0], p[:, 1], p[:,2] # get axes limits (or create them if not specified) if np.size(ax_lims) == 0: # capture all points with least whitespace possible xmax = ymax = zmax = np.max(np.abs([xs, ys, zs])) xmin = ymin = zmin = - xmax else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = ax_lims plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure() # set axes ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax) ax.set_xlabel('x/m', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('y/m', fontsize=12) ax.set_zlabel('z/m', fontsize=12) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # ensure equal scaling of axes fr, = ax.plot([], [], 'bo', markersize=0.1) # plot path over time of first two particles ax.plot(xs[:,0], ys[:,0], zs[:,0], 'r-', linewidth = 0.3) ax.plot(xs[:,1], ys[:,1], zs[:,1], 'r-', linewidth = 0.3) inter = int( sol.shape[0] / n_frames ) # number of steps between each frame # function specifying how a given frame is generated def next_frame(i): # update coords of each particle j = inter*i fr.set_data(xs[j], ys[j]) fr.set_3d_properties(zs[j]) return fr # animate and save ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, next_frame, frames=n_frames, interval=20) + '.html') plt.close()
def snapshot_parabola(sol, step, t, A, num_paths, ax_lims, n_D, filename): """ Plot snapshot of particles in (sol) at frame (step) in time (t) (A) is radius of first two particles' halos (set to 0 if point mass) Plot within (ax_lims) and save as (filename).pdf - Also plots path of first (num_paths) particles over t - projects particles into xy-plane if n_D > 2 """ D = 2 p = stack_sol(sol, n_D) # xs and ys over all time xs, ys = p[:, 0], p[:, 1] X, Y = xs[step, :2], ys[step, :2] # centres test_x, test_y = xs[step, 2:], ys[step, 2:] # test particles if np.size(ax_lims) == 0: rb = 1.25 # plot captures all existing points with 100(rb-1)% whitespace on all sides min1 = min2 = rb * np.min([xs[step], ys[step]]) max1 = max2 = rb * np.max([xs[step], ys[step]]) else: min1, max1, min2, max2 = ax_lims fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # ensure equal scaling of axes plt.xlim(min1, max1) plt.ylim(min2, max2) ax.scatter(X, Y, c='r', s=20) ax.scatter(test_x, test_y, c='b', s=0.1) # plot path of first num_paths particles for i in range(num_paths): ax.plot(xs[:,i], ys[:,i], 'r', linewidth=0.5) # plot halo of radius A around first two particles circle1 = plt.Circle((X[0], Y[0]), 0.2, facecolor='none', edgecolor='r', linewidth=0.9, linestyle='--') circle1.set_radius(A) ax.add_artist(circle1) circle2 = plt.Circle((X[1], Y[1]), 0.2, facecolor='none', edgecolor='r', linewidth=0.9, linestyle='--') circle2.set_radius(A) ax.add_artist(circle2) plt.title('t = ' + str(round(t[step], 1)) + 's') plt.xlabel('x/m') plt.ylabel('y/m') plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
def snapshot_3D(sol, step, t, ax_lims, filename): """ Plot 3D snapshot of particles in (sol) at frame (step) in time (t) Plot within (ax_lims) and save as (filename).pdf - sol is assumed to be 3D """ D = 3 p = stack_sol(sol, D) # xs, ys, zs over all time xs, ys, zs = p[:, 0], p[:, 1], p[:, 2] X, Y, Z = xs[step, :2], ys[step, :2], zs[step, :2] # centres test_x, test_y, test_z = xs[step, 2:], ys[step, 2:], zs[step, 2:] # test particles # get ax_lims or generate if none given if np.size(ax_lims) == 0: # capture all points with least whitespace possible xmax = ymax = zmax = np.max(np.abs([xs, ys, zs])) xmin = ymin = zmin = - xmax else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = ax_lims plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # 3D plot # set axes ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax) ax.set_xlabel('x/m', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('y/m', fontsize=12) ax.set_zlabel('z ', fontsize=12) plt.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, c='r', s=10) ax.scatter(test_x, test_y, test_z, c='b', s=0.8) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # ensure equal scaling of axes # plot path of first two particles ax.plot(xs[:,0], ys[:,0], zs[:,0], 'r', linewidth=0.4) ax.plot(xs[:,1], ys[:,1], zs[:,1], 'r', linewidth=0.4) plt.title('t = ' + str(round(t[step], 1)) + 's') plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
def animate_2D(sol, n_frames, ax_lims, n_D, filename): """ Save animation of (n_D)-dimensional (sols) as (filename).html within (ax_lims) over (n_frames) - if n_D > 2, the system is projected into the xy-plane """ # extract x and y coordinates of system over whole simulation p = stack_sol(sol, n_D) xs, ys = p[:, 0], p[:, 1] plt.close("all") fig, ax = plt.subplots() # get axes limits (or create them if not specified) if np.size(ax_lims) == 0: # capture all existing points with at least 100(rb-1)% whitespace on all sides rb = 1.25 min1 = min2 = rb * np.min([xs, ys]) max1 = max2 = rb * np.max([xs, ys]) else: min1, max1, min2, max2 = ax_lims # set axes plt.xlim(min1, max1) plt.ylim(min2, max2) plt.xlabel('x/m') plt.ylabel('y/m') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # ensure equal scaling of axes fr, = ax.plot([], [], 'bo', markersize=0.1) inter = int( sol.shape[0] / n_frames ) # number of steps between each frame # function specifying how a given frame is generated def next_frame(i): # update coords of each particle j = inter*i fr.set_data(xs[j], ys[j]) return fr # animate and save ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, next_frame, frames=n_frames, interval=20) + '.html') plt.close()
def snapshot_projection(sol, axis, step, t, ax_lims, filename): """ Plot 2D snapshot of 3D (sol) after removing components parallel to (axis) - e.g. axis=1 gives projection in yz plane """ D = 3 p = stack_sol(sol, D) pro_p = np.delete(p, axis, 1) # remove axis component of position x1s, x2s = pro_p[:, 0], pro_p[:, 1] # x1s and x2s over all time X1, X2 = x1s[step, :2], x2s[step, :2] # centres test_x1, test_x2 = x1s[step, 2:], x2s[step, 2:] # test particles if np.size(ax_lims) == 0: rb = 1.25 # plot captures all existing points with 100(rb-1)% whitespace on all sides min1 = min2 = rb * np.min([x1s[step], x2s[step]]) max1 = max2 = rb * np.max([x1s[step], x2s[step]]) else: min1, max1, min2, max2 = ax_lims fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # ensure equal scaling of axes plt.xlim(min1, max1) plt.ylim(min2, max2) ax.scatter(X1, X2, c='r', s=20) ax.scatter(test_x1, test_x2, c='b', s=0.1) plt.title('t = ' + str(round(t[step], 1)) + 's') # plot axes titles depending on projection plane if axis==0: plt.xlabel('y/m') plt.ylabel('z/m') elif axis==1: plt.xlabel('x/m') plt.ylabel('z/m') else: plt.xlabel('x/m') plt.ylabel('y/m') plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
def snapshot_circle(sol, step, t, A, ax_lims, n_D, filename): """ Plot snapshot of particles in (sol) at frame (step) in time (t) (A) is radius of first particle halo (set to 0 if point mass) Plot within (ax_lims) and save as (filename).pdf - Also plots path of all particles apart from the first over t - projects particles into xy-plane if n_D > 2 """ D = 2 p = stack_sol(sol, n_D) xs, ys = p[:, 0], p[:, 1] # xs and ys over all time # xs and ys at step X, Y = xs[step, 0], ys[step, 0] # centre test_x, test_y = xs[step, 1:], ys[step, 1:] # test particles # get axes limits (or create them if not specified) if np.size(ax_lims) == 0: rb = 1.25 # plot captures all existing points with 100(rb-1)% whitespace on all sides min1 = min2 = rb * np.min([xs, ys]) max1 = max2 = rb * np.max([xs, ys]) else: min1, max1, min2, max2 = ax_lims fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') # ensure equal scaling of axes plt.xlim(min1, max1) plt.ylim(min2, max2) ax.scatter(X, Y, c='r', s=40) ax.scatter(test_x, test_y, c='b', s=20) ax.plot(xs[:,1:], ys[:,1:], 'b', linewidth=0.1) # plot path of all but first particle # plot halo of radius A around first particle circle1 = plt.Circle((X, Y), 0.2, facecolor='none', edgecolor='r', linewidth=0.5) circle1.set_radius(A) ax.add_artist(circle1) plt.title('t = ' + str(round(t[step], 1)) + 's') plt.xlabel('x/m') plt.ylabel('y/m') plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
plt.xlabel('t/s') plt.ylabel('Relative error') plt.savefig('Relative error for circle R=2.pdf') plt.plot(Rs, max_errs) plt.xlabel('Radius of orbit/m') plt.ylabel('Maximum error/m') plt.savefig('Max error of circular orbit vs R.pdf') # compare simulation and theory for R=2 orbit D = 2 i = 0 # index of R=2 orbit R = Rs[i] xs = stack_sol(circle_sols[i], D)[:, 0, 1].transpose() # extract xs of test particle analytic_xs = analytic_circle(M, R, t)[0] start = int((99 / 100) * len(t)) # begin plot at start of 100th orbit plt.plot(t[start:], xs[start:], label='computed') plt.plot(t[start:], analytic_xs[start:], 'k:', label='analytical') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('t/s') plt.ylabel('x component of position/m') plt.savefig('comparison of computed and analytic circular motion.pdf') step = len(t) - 1 A = 0 snapshot_circle(circle_sols[i], step, t, A, [], D, 'snapshot - circle R=2')
galaxy = np.append(halo, stars, axis=1) q0 = galaxy.flatten() g_halo_A = lambda m, x, x1s: g_halo(m, A, x, x1s) halo_circle_sol = odeint(g_diffs, q0, t, args=([M], g_halo_A, D)) snap_start = int((end_time - ((3 / 4) * T_halo)) / step_size) # step no. for 1/4 way through last orbit snap_end = len(halo_circle_sol[snap_start:]) - 1 snapshot_circle(halo_circle_sol[snap_start:], snap_end, t[snap_start:], A, [], D, 'snapshot - halo test') # compare simulation and theory xs = stack_sol(halo_circle_sol, D)[:, 0, 1].transpose() # extract xs of test particle analytic_xs = analytic_halo(M, R, t)[0] start = int((99 / 100) * len(t)) # begin plot at start of 100th orbit plt.plot(t[start:], xs[start:], label='computed') plt.plot(t[start:], analytic_xs[start:], 'k:', label='analytical') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('t/s') plt.ylabel('x component of position/m') plt.savefig('comparison of computed and analytic circular motion.pdf') # plot errors for R=2 h_errs = halo_errors(halo_circle_sol, M, Rs[0], t) plt.plot(t, h_errs)
# snapshots no_rotation_sol = np.loadtxt('3D collision solutions - standard.txt') step = len(no_rotation_sol) - 1 inner_lims_3D = [-20, 20, -20, 20, -20, 20] t_snap = t[0::interval] snapshot_3D(no_rotation_sol, step, t_snap, inner_lims_3D, '3D snapshot - no rotation') step = 149 for i, n in enumerate(ns): snapshot_3D(rotated_x_sols[i], step, t_snap, inner_lims_3D, '3D snapshot - x rotation, n = ' + str(n)) snapshot_3D(rotated_y_sols[i], step, t_snap, inner_lims_3D, '3D snapshot - y rotation, n = ' + str(n)) # 2D projections of n=1 x rotation step = 149 A = 0 helix_sol = rotated_x_sols[0] # to find lims which place galaxy centre at origin for each of 3 projections centre = stack_sol(helix_sol, D)[step, :D, 0] individual_lims = [[x - 20, x + 20] for x in centre] project_lims = [ np.concatenate(np.delete(individual_lims, i, 0)) for i in range(D) ] axes = np.arange(3) for axis in axes: snapshot_projection(helix_sol, axis, step, t_snap, project_lims[axis], 'snapshot projection - helix ' + str(axis))