def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <model> <vcf_file>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-c', dest='slice_center', default=None, type='int', help='Slice center positions [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-f', dest='genome_fasta', default='%s/data/hg38.fa' % os.environ['BASENJIDIR'], help='Genome FASTA for sequences [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-n', dest='norm_file', default=None, help='Normalize SAD scores') parser.add_option( '-o', dest='out_dir', default='sad', help='Output directory for tables and plots [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-p', dest='processes', default=None, type='int', help='Number of processes, passed by multi script') parser.add_option('--pseudo', dest='log_pseudo', default=1, type='float', help='Log2 pseudocount [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--rc', dest='rc', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Average forward and reverse complement predictions [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--shifts', dest='shifts', default='0', type='str', help='Ensemble prediction shifts [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('--species', dest='species', default='human') parser.add_option( '--stats', dest='sad_stats', default='SAD', help='Comma-separated list of stats to save. [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-t', dest='targets_file', default=None, type='str', help='File specifying target indexes and labels in table format') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 2: # single worker model_file = args[0] vcf_file = args[1] elif len(args) == 3: # multi separate options_pkl_file = args[0] model_file = args[1] vcf_file = args[2] # save out dir out_dir = options.out_dir # load options options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb') options = pickle.load(options_pkl) options_pkl.close() # update output directory options.out_dir = out_dir elif len(args) == 4: # multi worker options_pkl_file = args[0] model_file = args[1] vcf_file = args[2] worker_index = int(args[3]) # load options options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb') options = pickle.load(options_pkl) options_pkl.close() # update output directory options.out_dir = '%s/job%d' % (options.out_dir, worker_index) else: parser.error('Must provide model and VCF file') if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) options.shifts = [int(shift) for shift in options.shifts.split(',')] options.sad_stats = options.sad_stats.split(',') ################################################################# # read parameters and targets if options.targets_file is None: target_slice = None else: targets_df = pd.read_csv(options.targets_file, sep='\t', index_col=0) target_ids = targets_df.identifier target_labels = targets_df.description target_slice = targets_df.index ################################################################# # setup model seqnn_model = tf.saved_model.load(model_file).model # query num model targets seq_length = seqnn_model.predict_on_batch.input_signature[0].shape[1] null_1hot = np.zeros((1, seq_length, 4)) null_preds = seqnn_model.predict_on_batch(null_1hot) null_preds = null_preds[options.species].numpy() _, targets_length, num_targets = null_preds.shape if options.targets_file is None: target_ids = ['t%d' % ti for ti in range(num_targets)] target_labels = [''] * len(target_ids) ################################################################# # load SNPs # filter for worker SNPs if options.processes is not None: # determine boundaries num_snps = bvcf.vcf_count(vcf_file) worker_bounds = np.linspace(0, num_snps, options.processes + 1, dtype='int') # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, start_i=worker_bounds[worker_index], end_i=worker_bounds[worker_index + 1]) else: # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file) num_snps = len(snps) # open genome FASTA genome_open = pysam.Fastafile(options.genome_fasta) # create SNP sequence generator def snp_gen(): for snp in snps: # get SNP sequences snp_1hot_list = bvcf.snp_seq1(snp, seq_length, genome_open) for snp_1hot in snp_1hot_list: yield snp_1hot ################################################################# # setup output sad_out = initialize_output_h5(options.out_dir, options.sad_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels, targets_length) ################################################################# # predict SNP scores, write output # initialize predictions stream preds_stream = PredStreamGen(seqnn_model, snp_gen(), rc=options.rc, shifts=options.shifts, slice_center=options.slice_center, species=options.species) # predictions index pi = 0 for si in range(num_snps): # get predictions ref_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 alt_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 # process SNP write_snp(ref_preds, alt_preds, sad_out, si, options.sad_stats, options.log_pseudo) # close genome genome_open.close() ################################################### # compute SAD distributions across variants write_pct(sad_out, options.sad_stats) sad_out.close()
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <params_file> <model_file> <vcf_file>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( '-c', dest='center_pct', default=0.25, type='float', help='Require clustered SNPs lie in center region [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-f', dest='genome_fasta', default='%s/data/hg19.fa' % os.environ['BASENJIDIR'], help='Genome FASTA for sequences [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--flip', dest='flip_ref', default=False, action='store_true', help='Flip reference/alternate alleles when simple [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--local', dest='local', default=1024, type='int', help='Local SAD score [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-n', dest='norm_file', default=None, help='Normalize SAD scores') parser.add_option( '-o', dest='out_dir', default='sad', help='Output directory for tables and plots [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-p', dest='processes', default=None, type='int', help='Number of processes, passed by multi script') parser.add_option('--pseudo', dest='log_pseudo', default=1, type='float', help='Log2 pseudocount [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--rc', dest='rc', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Average forward and reverse complement predictions [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--shifts', dest='shifts', default='0', type='str', help='Ensemble prediction shifts [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--stats', dest='sad_stats', default='SAD', help='Comma-separated list of stats to save. [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-t', dest='targets_file', default=None, type='str', help='File specifying target indexes and labels in table format') parser.add_option( '--ti', dest='track_indexes', default=None, type='str', help='Comma-separated list of target indexes to output BigWig tracks') parser.add_option( '--threads', dest='threads', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run CPU math and output in a separate thread [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option( '-u', dest='penultimate', default=False, action='store_true', help='Compute SED in the penultimate layer [Default: %default]') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 3: # single worker params_file = args[0] model_file = args[1] vcf_file = args[2] elif len(args) == 5: # multi worker options_pkl_file = args[0] params_file = args[1] model_file = args[2] vcf_file = args[3] worker_index = int(args[4]) # load options options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb') options = pickle.load(options_pkl) options_pkl.close() # update output directory options.out_dir = '%s/job%d' % (options.out_dir, worker_index) else: parser.error( 'Must provide parameters and model files and QTL VCF file') if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) if options.track_indexes is None: options.track_indexes = [] else: options.track_indexes = [ int(ti) for ti in options.track_indexes.split(',') ] if not os.path.isdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir): os.mkdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir) options.shifts = [int(shift) for shift in options.shifts.split(',')] options.sad_stats = options.sad_stats.split(',') ################################################################# # read parameters and targets # read model parameters with open(params_file) as params_open: params = json.load(params_open) params_model = params['model'] params_train = params['train'] if options.targets_file is None: target_slice = None else: targets_df = pd.read_csv(options.targets_file, sep='\t', index_col=0) target_ids = targets_df.identifier target_labels = targets_df.description target_slice = targets_df.index if options.penultimate: parser.error('Not implemented for TF2') ################################################################# # setup model seqnn_model = seqnn.SeqNN(params_model) seqnn_model.restore(model_file) seqnn_model.build_slice(target_slice) seqnn_model.build_ensemble(options.rc, options.shifts) num_targets = seqnn_model.num_targets() if options.targets_file is None: target_ids = ['t%d' % ti for ti in range(num_targets)] target_labels = [''] * len(target_ids) ################################################################# # load SNPs # filter for worker SNPs if options.processes is not None: # determine boundaries num_snps = bvcf.vcf_count(vcf_file) worker_bounds = np.linspace(0, num_snps, options.processes + 1, dtype='int') # read sorted SNPs from VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, require_sorted=True, flip_ref=options.flip_ref, validate_ref_fasta=options.genome_fasta, start_i=worker_bounds[worker_index], end_i=worker_bounds[worker_index + 1]) else: # read sorted SNPs from VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, require_sorted=True, flip_ref=options.flip_ref, validate_ref_fasta=options.genome_fasta) # cluster SNPs by position snp_clusters = cluster_snps(snps, params_model['seq_length'], options.center_pct) # delimit sequence boundaries [sc.delimit(params_model['seq_length']) for sc in snp_clusters] # open genome FASTA genome_open = pysam.Fastafile(options.genome_fasta) # make SNP sequence generator def snp_gen(): for sc in snp_clusters: snp_1hot_list = sc.get_1hots(genome_open) for snp_1hot in snp_1hot_list: yield snp_1hot ################################################################# # setup output snp_flips = np.array([snp.flipped for snp in snps], dtype='bool') sad_out = initialize_output_h5(options.out_dir, options.sad_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels) if options.threads: snp_threads = [] snp_queue = Queue() for i in range(1): sw = SNPWorker(snp_queue, sad_out, options.sad_stats, options.log_pseudo) sw.start() snp_threads.append(sw) ################################################################# # predict SNP scores, write output # initialize predictions stream preds_stream = stream.PredStreamGen(seqnn_model, snp_gen(), params['train']['batch_size']) # predictions index pi = 0 # SNP index si = 0 for snp_cluster in snp_clusters: ref_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 for snp in snp_cluster.snps: # print(snp, flush=True) alt_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 if snp_flips[si]: ref_preds, alt_preds = alt_preds, ref_preds if options.threads: # queue SNP snp_queue.put((ref_preds, alt_preds, si)) else: # process SNP write_snp(ref_preds, alt_preds, sad_out, si, options.sad_stats, options.log_pseudo) # update SNP index si += 1 # finish queue if options.threads: print('Waiting for threads to finish.', flush=True) snp_queue.join() # close genome genome_open.close() ################################################### # compute SAD distributions across variants write_pct(sad_out, options.sad_stats) sad_out.close()
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <params_file> <model_file> <vcf_file>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( '-c', dest='center_pct', default=0.25, type='float', help='Require clustered SNPs lie in center region [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-f', dest='genome_fasta', default='%s/data/hg19.fa' % os.environ['BASENJIDIR'], help='Genome FASTA for sequences [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--flip', dest='flip_ref', default=False, action='store_true', help='Flip reference/alternate alleles when simple [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--local', dest='local', default=1024, type='int', help='Local SAD score [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-n', dest='norm_file', default=None, help='Normalize SAD scores') parser.add_option( '-o', dest='out_dir', default='sad', help='Output directory for tables and plots [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-p', dest='processes', default=None, type='int', help='Number of processes, passed by multi script') parser.add_option('--pseudo', dest='log_pseudo', default=1, type='float', help='Log2 pseudocount [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--rc', dest='rc', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Average forward and reverse complement predictions [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--shifts', dest='shifts', default='0', type='str', help='Ensemble prediction shifts [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--stats', dest='sad_stats', default='SAD', help='Comma-separated list of stats to save. [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-t', dest='targets_file', default=None, type='str', help='File specifying target indexes and labels in table format') parser.add_option( '--ti', dest='track_indexes', default=None, type='str', help='Comma-separated list of target indexes to output BigWig tracks') parser.add_option( '-u', dest='penultimate', default=False, action='store_true', help='Compute SED in the penultimate layer [Default: %default]') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 3: # single worker params_file = args[0] model_file = args[1] vcf_file = args[2] elif len(args) == 5: # multi worker options_pkl_file = args[0] params_file = args[1] model_file = args[2] vcf_file = args[3] worker_index = int(args[4]) # load options options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb') options = pickle.load(options_pkl) options_pkl.close() # update output directory options.out_dir = '%s/job%d' % (options.out_dir, worker_index) else: parser.error( 'Must provide parameters and model files and QTL VCF file') if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) if options.track_indexes is None: options.track_indexes = [] else: options.track_indexes = [ int(ti) for ti in options.track_indexes.split(',') ] if not os.path.isdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir): os.mkdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir) options.shifts = [int(shift) for shift in options.shifts.split(',')] options.sad_stats = options.sad_stats.split(',') ################################################################# # read parameters and collet target information job = params.read_job_params(params_file, require=['seq_length', 'num_targets']) if options.targets_file is None: target_ids = ['t%d' % ti for ti in range(job['num_targets'])] target_labels = [''] * len(target_ids) target_subset = None else: targets_df = pd.read_csv(options.targets_file, sep='\t', index_col=0) target_ids = targets_df.identifier target_labels = targets_df.description target_subset = targets_df.index if len(target_subset) == job['num_targets']: target_subset = None ################################################################# # load SNPs # filter for worker SNPs if options.processes is not None: # determine boundaries num_snps = bvcf.vcf_count(vcf_file) worker_bounds = np.linspace(0, num_snps, options.processes + 1, dtype='int') # read sorted SNPs from VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, require_sorted=True, flip_ref=options.flip_ref, validate_ref_fasta=options.genome_fasta, start_i=worker_bounds[worker_index], end_i=worker_bounds[worker_index + 1]) else: # read sorted SNPs from VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, require_sorted=True, flip_ref=options.flip_ref, validate_ref_fasta=options.genome_fasta) # cluster SNPs by position snp_clusters = cluster_snps(snps, job['seq_length'], options.center_pct) # delimit sequence boundaries [sc.delimit(job['seq_length']) for sc in snp_clusters] # open genome FASTA genome_open = pysam.Fastafile(options.genome_fasta) # make SNP sequence generator def snp_gen(): for sc in snp_clusters: snp_1hot_list = sc.get_1hots(genome_open) for snp_1hot in snp_1hot_list: yield {'sequence': snp_1hot} snp_types = {'sequence': tf.float32} snp_shapes = { 'sequence': tf.TensorShape([tf.Dimension(job['seq_length']), tf.Dimension(4)]) } dataset =, output_types=snp_types, output_shapes=snp_shapes) dataset = dataset.batch(job['batch_size']) dataset = dataset.prefetch(2 * job['batch_size']) # dataset = dataset.apply('/device:GPU:0')) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() data_ops = iterator.get_next() ################################################################# # setup model # build model t0 = time.time() model = seqnn.SeqNN() model.build_sad(job, data_ops, ensemble_rc=options.rc, ensemble_shifts=options.shifts, embed_penultimate=options.penultimate, target_subset=target_subset) print('Model building time %f' % (time.time() - t0), flush=True) if options.penultimate: # labels become inappropriate target_ids = [''] * model.hp.cnn_filters[-1] target_labels = target_ids # read target normalization factors target_norms = np.ones(len(target_labels)) if options.norm_file is not None: ti = 0 for line in open(options.norm_file): target_norms[ti] = float(line.strip()) ti += 1 num_targets = len(target_ids) ################################################################# # setup output snp_flips = np.array([snp.flipped for snp in snps], dtype='bool') sad_out = initialize_output_h5(options.out_dir, options.sad_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels) snp_threads = [] snp_queue = Queue() for i in range(1): sw = SNPWorker(snp_queue, sad_out, options.sad_stats, options.log_pseudo) sw.start() snp_threads.append(sw) ################################################################# # predict SNP scores, write output # initialize saver saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: # load variables into session saver.restore(sess, model_file) # initialize predictions stream preds_stream = PredStream(sess, model, 32) # predictions index pi = 0 # SNP index si = 0 for snp_cluster in snp_clusters: ref_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 for snp in snp_cluster.snps: # print(snp, flush=True) alt_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 # queue SNP if snp_flips[si]: snp_queue.put((alt_preds, ref_preds, si)) else: snp_queue.put((ref_preds, alt_preds, si)) # update SNP index si += 1 # finish queue print('Waiting for threads to finish.', flush=True) snp_queue.join() # close genome genome_open.close() ################################################### # compute SAD distributions across variants # define percentiles d_fine = 0.001 d_coarse = 0.01 percentiles_neg = np.arange(d_fine, 0.1, d_fine) percentiles_base = np.arange(0.1, 0.9, d_coarse) percentiles_pos = np.arange(0.9, 1, d_fine) percentiles = np.concatenate( [percentiles_neg, percentiles_base, percentiles_pos]) sad_out.create_dataset('percentiles', data=percentiles) pct_len = len(percentiles) for sad_stat in options.sad_stats: sad_stat_pct = '%s_pct' % sad_stat # compute sad_pct = np.percentile(sad_out[sad_stat], 100 * percentiles, axis=0).T sad_pct = sad_pct.astype('float16') # save sad_out.create_dataset(sad_stat_pct, data=sad_pct, dtype='float16') sad_out.close()
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <params_file> <model_file> <vcf_file>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-c', dest='csv', default=False, action='store_true', help='Print table as CSV [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('--cpu', dest='cpu', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run without a GPU [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-f', dest='genome_fasta', default='%s/data/hg19.fa' % os.environ['BASENJIDIR'], help='Genome FASTA for sequences [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('--local', dest='local', default=1024, type='int', help='Local SAD score [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-n', dest='norm_file', default=None, help='Normalize SAD scores') parser.add_option( '-o', dest='out_dir', default='sad', help='Output directory for tables and plots [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-p', dest='processes', default=None, type='int', help='Number of processes, passed by multi script') parser.add_option('--pseudo', dest='log_pseudo', default=1, type='float', help='Log2 pseudocount [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--rc', dest='rc', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Average forward and reverse complement predictions [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--shifts', dest='shifts', default='0', type='str', help='Ensemble prediction shifts [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--stats', dest='sad_stats', default='SAD', help='Comma-separated list of stats to save. [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-t', dest='targets_file', default=None, type='str', help='File specifying target indexes and labels in table format') parser.add_option( '--ti', dest='track_indexes', default=None, type='str', help='Comma-separated list of target indexes to output BigWig tracks') parser.add_option('--txt', dest='out_txt', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output stats to text table [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-u', dest='penultimate', default=False, action='store_true', help='Compute SED in the penultimate layer [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-z', dest='out_zarr', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output stats to sad.zarr [Default: %default]') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 3: # single worker params_file = args[0] model_file = args[1] vcf_file = args[2] elif len(args) == 5: # multi worker options_pkl_file = args[0] params_file = args[1] model_file = args[2] vcf_file = args[3] worker_index = int(args[4]) # load options options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb') options = pickle.load(options_pkl) options_pkl.close() # update output directory options.out_dir = '%s/job%d' % (options.out_dir, worker_index) else: parser.error( 'Must provide parameters and model files and QTL VCF file') if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) if options.track_indexes is None: options.track_indexes = [] else: options.track_indexes = [ int(ti) for ti in options.track_indexes.split(',') ] if not os.path.isdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir): os.mkdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir) options.shifts = [int(shift) for shift in options.shifts.split(',')] options.sad_stats = options.sad_stats.split(',') ################################################################# # read parameters job = params.read_job_params(params_file, require=['seq_length', 'num_targets']) if options.targets_file is None: target_ids = ['t%d' % ti for ti in range(job['num_targets'])] target_labels = [''] * len(target_ids) target_subset = None else: targets_df = pd.read_csv(options.targets_file, sep='\t', index_col=0) target_ids = targets_df.identifier target_labels = targets_df.description target_subset = targets_df.index if len(target_subset) == job['num_targets']: target_subset = None ################################################################# # load SNPs # filter for worker SNPs if options.processes is not None: # determine boundaries num_snps = bvcf.vcf_count(vcf_file) worker_bounds = np.linspace(0, num_snps, options.processes + 1, dtype='int') # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, start_i=worker_bounds[worker_index], end_i=worker_bounds[worker_index + 1]) else: # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file) # open genome FASTA genome_open = pysam.Fastafile(options.genome_fasta) def snp_gen(): for snp in snps: # get SNP sequences snp_1hot_list = bvcf.snp_seq1(snp, job['seq_length'], genome_open) for snp_1hot in snp_1hot_list: yield {'sequence': snp_1hot} snp_types = {'sequence': tf.float32} snp_shapes = { 'sequence': tf.TensorShape([tf.Dimension(job['seq_length']), tf.Dimension(4)]) } dataset =, output_types=snp_types, output_shapes=snp_shapes) dataset = dataset.batch(job['batch_size']) dataset = dataset.prefetch(2 * job['batch_size']) if not options.cpu: dataset = dataset.apply('/device:GPU:0')) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() data_ops = iterator.get_next() ################################################################# # setup model # build model t0 = time.time() model = seqnn.SeqNN() model.build_sad(job, data_ops, ensemble_rc=options.rc, ensemble_shifts=options.shifts, embed_penultimate=options.penultimate, target_subset=target_subset) print('Model building time %f' % (time.time() - t0), flush=True) if options.penultimate: # labels become inappropriate target_ids = [''] * model.hp.cnn_filters[-1] target_labels = target_ids # read target normalization factors target_norms = np.ones(len(target_labels)) if options.norm_file is not None: ti = 0 for line in open(options.norm_file): target_norms[ti] = float(line.strip()) ti += 1 num_targets = len(target_ids) ################################################################# # setup output if options.out_zarr: sad_out = initialize_output_zarr(options.out_dir, options.sad_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels) elif options.out_txt: header_cols = ('rsid', 'ref', 'alt', 'ref_pred', 'alt_pred', 'sad', 'sar', 'geo_sad', 'ref_lpred', 'alt_lpred', 'lsad', 'lsar', 'ref_xpred', 'alt_xpred', 'xsad', 'xsar', 'target_index', 'target_id', 'target_label') if options.csv: sad_out = open('%s/sad_table.csv' % options.out_dir, 'w') print(','.join(header_cols), file=sad_out) else: sad_out = open('%s/sad_table.txt' % options.out_dir, 'w') print(' '.join(header_cols), file=sad_out) else: sad_out = initialize_output_h5(options.out_dir, options.sad_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels) ################################################################# # process szi = 0 sum_write_thread = None sw_batch_size = 32 // job['batch_size'] # initialize saver saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: # load variables into session saver.restore(sess, model_file) # predict first batch_preds = model.predict_tfr(sess, test_batches=sw_batch_size) while batch_preds.shape[0] > 0: # count predicted SNPs num_snps = batch_preds.shape[0] // 2 # normalize batch_preds /= target_norms # block for last thread if sum_write_thread is not None: sum_write_thread.join() # summarize and write sum_write_thread = threading.Thread(target=summarize_write, args=(batch_preds, sad_out, szi, options.sad_stats, options.log_pseudo)) sum_write_thread.start() # update SNP index szi += num_snps # predict next batch_preds = model.predict_tfr(sess, test_batches=sw_batch_size) print('Waiting for threads to finish.', flush=True) sum_write_thread.join() ################################################### # compute SAD distributions across variants if not options.out_txt: # define percentiles d_fine = 0.001 d_coarse = 0.01 percentiles_neg = np.arange(d_fine, 0.1, d_fine) percentiles_base = np.arange(0.1, 0.9, d_coarse) percentiles_pos = np.arange(0.9, 1, d_fine) percentiles = np.concatenate( [percentiles_neg, percentiles_base, percentiles_pos]) sad_out.create_dataset('percentiles', data=percentiles) pct_len = len(percentiles) for sad_stat in options.sad_stats: sad_stat_pct = '%s_pct' % sad_stat # compute sad_pct = np.percentile(sad_out[sad_stat], 100 * percentiles, axis=0).T sad_pct = sad_pct.astype('float16') # save sad_out.create_dataset(sad_stat_pct, data=sad_pct, dtype='float16') if not options.out_zarr: sad_out.close()
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <params_file> <model_file> <vcf_file>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-f', dest='genome_fasta', default=None, help='Genome FASTA for sequences [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-m', dest='plot_map', default=False, action='store_true', help='Plot contact map for each allele [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-o', dest='out_dir', default='scd', help='Output directory for tables and plots [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-p', dest='processes', default=None, type='int', help='Number of processes, passed by multi script') parser.add_option( '--rc', dest='rc', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Average forward and reverse complement predictions [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--shifts', dest='shifts', default='0', type='str', help='Ensemble prediction shifts [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--stats', dest='scd_stats', default='SCD', help='Comma-separated list of stats to save. [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-t', dest='targets_file', default=None, type='str', help='File specifying target indexes and labels in table format') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 3: # single worker params_file = args[0] model_file = args[1] vcf_file = args[2] elif len(args) == 5: # multi worker options_pkl_file = args[0] params_file = args[1] model_file = args[2] vcf_file = args[3] worker_index = int(args[4]) # load options options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb') options = pickle.load(options_pkl) options_pkl.close() # update output directory options.out_dir = '%s/job%d' % (options.out_dir, worker_index) else: parser.error( 'Must provide parameters and model files and QTL VCF file') if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) if options.plot_map: plot_dir = options.out_dir else: plot_dir = None options.shifts = [int(shift) for shift in options.shifts.split(',')] options.scd_stats = options.scd_stats.split(',') ################################################################# # read parameters # read model parameters with open(params_file) as params_open: params = json.load(params_open) params_train = params['train'] params_model = params['model'] if options.targets_file is None: target_ids = ['t%d' % ti for ti in range(params_model['num_targets'])] target_labels = [''] * len(target_ids) else: targets_df = pd.read_csv(options.targets_file, sep='\t', index_col=0) target_ids = targets_df.identifier target_labels = targets_df.description ################################################################# # load SNPs # filter for worker SNPs if options.processes is not None: # determine boundaries num_snps = bvcf.vcf_count(vcf_file) worker_bounds = np.linspace(0, num_snps, options.processes + 1, dtype='int') # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, start_i=worker_bounds[worker_index], end_i=worker_bounds[worker_index + 1]) else: # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file) # open genome FASTA genome_open = pysam.Fastafile(options.genome_fasta) def snp_gen(): for snp in snps: # get SNP sequences snp_1hot_list = bvcf.snp_seq1(snp, params_model['seq_length'], genome_open) for snp_1hot in snp_1hot_list: yield {'sequence': snp_1hot} snp_types = {'sequence': tf.float32} snp_shapes = { 'sequence': tf.TensorShape( [tf.Dimension(params_model['seq_length']), tf.Dimension(4)]) } dataset =, output_types=snp_types, output_shapes=snp_shapes) dataset = dataset.batch(params_train['batch_size']) dataset = dataset.prefetch(2 * params_train['batch_size']) dataset_iter = iter(dataset) # def get_chunk(chunk_size=32): # """Get a chunk of data from the dataset iterator.""" # x = [] # for ci in range(chunk_size): # try: # x.append(next(dataset_iter)) # except StopIteration: # break ################################################################# # setup model # load model seqnn_model = seqnn.SeqNN(params_model) seqnn_model.restore(model_file) seqnn_model.build_ensemble(options.rc, options.shifts) ################################################################# # setup output scd_out = initialize_output_h5(options.out_dir, options.scd_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels) ################################################################# # process szi = 0 sum_write_thread = None # predict first # batch_seqs = get_chunk() # batch_preds = seqnn_model.predict(batch_seqs, steps=batch_seqs) batch_preds = seqnn_model.predict(dataset_iter, generator=True, steps=32) while len(batch_preds) > 0: # count predicted SNPs num_snps = batch_preds.shape[0] // 2 # block for last thread if sum_write_thread is not None: sum_write_thread.join() # summarize and write sum_write_thread = threading.Thread(target=summarize_write, args=(batch_preds, scd_out, szi, options.scd_stats, plot_dir, seqnn_model.diagonal_offset)) sum_write_thread.start() # update SNP index szi += num_snps # predict next try: # batch_preds = seqnn_model.predict(get_chunk()) batch_preds = seqnn_model.predict(dataset_iter, generator=True, steps=32) except ValueError: batch_preds = [] print('Waiting for threads to finish.', flush=True) sum_write_thread.join() scd_out.close()
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <params_file> <model_file> <vcf_file>' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-f', dest='genome_fasta', default=None, help='Genome FASTA for sequences [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-l', dest='plot_lim_min', default=0.1, type='float', help='Heatmap plot limit [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-m', dest='plot_map', default=False, action='store_true', help='Plot contact map for each allele [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-o', dest='out_dir', default='scd', help='Output directory for tables and plots [Default: %default]') parser.add_option('-p', dest='processes', default=None, type='int', help='Number of processes, passed by multi script') parser.add_option( '--rc', dest='rc', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Average forward and reverse complement predictions [Default: %default]' ) parser.add_option('--shifts', dest='shifts', default='0', type='str', help='Ensemble prediction shifts [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '--stats', dest='scd_stats', default='SCD', help='Comma-separated list of stats to save. [Default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-t', dest='targets_file', default=None, type='str', help='File specifying target indexes and labels in table format') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 3: # single worker params_file = args[0] model_file = args[1] vcf_file = args[2] elif len(args) == 5: # multi worker options_pkl_file = args[0] params_file = args[1] model_file = args[2] vcf_file = args[3] worker_index = int(args[4]) # load options options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb') options = pickle.load(options_pkl) options_pkl.close() # update output directory options.out_dir = '%s/job%d' % (options.out_dir, worker_index) else: parser.error( 'Must provide parameters and model files and QTL VCF file') if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir): os.mkdir(options.out_dir) if options.plot_map: plot_dir = options.out_dir else: plot_dir = None options.shifts = [int(shift) for shift in options.shifts.split(',')] options.scd_stats = options.scd_stats.split(',') random.seed(44) ################################################################# # read parameters and targets # read model parameters with open(params_file) as params_open: params = json.load(params_open) params_train = params['train'] params_model = params['model'] if options.targets_file is not None: targets_df = pd.read_csv(options.targets_file, sep='\t', index_col=0) target_ids = targets_df.identifier target_labels = targets_df.description ################################################################# # setup model # load model seqnn_model = seqnn.SeqNN(params_model) seqnn_model.restore(model_file) seqnn_model.build_ensemble(options.rc, options.shifts) # dummy target info if options.targets_file is None: num_targets = seqnn_model.num_targets() target_ids = ['t%d' % ti for ti in range(num_targets)] target_labels = [''] * len(target_ids) ################################################################# # load SNPs # filter for worker SNPs if options.processes is not None: # determine boundaries num_snps = bvcf.vcf_count(vcf_file) worker_bounds = np.linspace(0, num_snps, options.processes + 1, dtype='int') # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, start_i=worker_bounds[worker_index], end_i=worker_bounds[worker_index + 1]) else: # read SNPs form VCF snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file) num_snps = len(snps) # open genome FASTA genome_open = pysam.Fastafile(options.genome_fasta) def snp_gen(): for snp in snps: # get SNP sequences snp_1hot_list = bvcf.snp_seq1(snp, params_model['seq_length'], genome_open) for snp_1hot in snp_1hot_list: yield snp_1hot ################################################################# # setup output scd_out = initialize_output_h5(options.out_dir, options.scd_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels) ################################################################# # predict SNP scores, write output write_thread = None # initialize predictions stream preds_stream = stream.PredStreamGen(seqnn_model, snp_gen(), params_train['batch_size']) # predictions index pi = 0 for si in range(num_snps): # get predictions ref_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 alt_preds = preds_stream[pi] pi += 1 # process SNP write_snp(ref_preds, alt_preds, scd_out, si, options.scd_stats, plot_dir, seqnn_model.diagonal_offset, options.plot_lim_min) genome_open.close() scd_out.close()