Example #1
    def testSelect(self):
        out, err = self.run_0install(['select'])
        assert out.lower().startswith("usage:")
        assert '--xml' in out

        out, err = self.run_0install(['select', 'Local.xml'])
        assert not err, err
        assert 'Version: 0.1' in out

        out, err = self.run_0install(['select', 'Local.xml', '--command='])
        assert not err, err
        assert 'Version: 0.1' in out

        local_uri = model.canonical_iface_uri('Local.xml')
        out, err = self.run_0install(['select', 'Local.xml'])
        assert not err, err
        assert 'Version: 0.1' in out

        out, err = self.run_0install(['select', 'Local.xml', '--xml'])
        sels = selections.Selections(
        assert sels.selections[local_uri].version == '0.1'

        out, err = self.run_0install(['select', 'selections.xml'])
        assert not err, err
        assert 'Version: 1\n' in out
        assert '(not cached)' in out

        out, err = self.run_0install(['select', 'runnable/RunExec.xml'])
        assert not err, err
        assert 'Runner' in out, out
Example #2
        def test(top_xml, diag_xml, expected_error):
            root = qdom.parse(
                BytesIO("""<?xml version="1.0" ?>
			<interface xmlns="http://zero-install.sourceforge.net/2004/injector/interface" uri="{top}">
			</interface>""".format(top=top_uri, top_xml=top_xml).encode("utf-8")))
            self.import_feed(top_uri, root)

            root = qdom.parse(
                BytesIO("""<?xml version="1.0" ?>
			<interface xmlns="http://zero-install.sourceforge.net/2004/injector/interface" uri="{diag}">
			</interface>""".format(diag=diag_uri, impls=diag_xml).encode("utf-8")))
            self.import_feed(diag_uri, root)

            root = qdom.parse(
                BytesIO("""<?xml version="1.0" ?>
			<interface xmlns="http://zero-install.sourceforge.net/2004/injector/interface" uri="{old}">
			  <feed src='{diag}'/>
			  <replaced-by interface='{diag}'/>
			</interface>""".format(diag=diag_uri, old=old_uri).encode("utf-8")))
            self.import_feed(old_uri, root)

            r = Requirements(top_uri)
            r.os = "Windows"
            r.cpu = "x86_64"
            s = solver.DefaultSolver(self.config)
            assert not s.ready, s.selections.selections

            if expected_error != str(s.get_failure_reason()):

            self.assertEqual(expected_error, str(s.get_failure_reason()))

            return s
Example #3
    def testSelectOnly(self):
        os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':foo'
        out, err = self.run_0install(['select', '--xml', 'Hello.xml'])
        self.assertEqual("", err)

        assert out.endswith("Finished\n"), out
        out = out[:-len("Finished\n")]

        root = qdom.parse(BytesIO(str(out).encode('utf-8')))
        self.assertEqual(namespaces.XMLNS_IFACE, root.uri)
        sels = selections.Selections(root)
        sel, = sels.selections.values()
Example #4
    def testDownload(self):
        out, err = self.run_0install(['download'])
        assert out.lower().startswith("usage:")
        assert '--show' in out

        assert 'file\n' in self.complete(["download", ""], 2)

        out, err = self.run_0install(['download', 'Local.xml', '--show'])
        assert not err, err
        assert 'Version: 0.1' in out

        local_uri = model.canonical_iface_uri('Local.xml')
        out, err = self.run_0install(['download', 'Local.xml', '--xml'])
        assert not err, err
        sels = selections.Selections(
        assert sels.selections[local_uri].version == '0.1'

        out, err = self.run_0install(
            ['download', 'Local.xml', '--show', '--with-store=/foo'])
        assert not err, err
        assert self.config.stores.stores[-1].dir == '/foo'

        out, err = self.run_0install(
            ['download', '--offline', 'selections.xml'])
        assert 'Would download' in err
        self.config.network_use = model.network_full

        self.config.stores = TestStores()
        digest = 'sha1=3ce644dc725f1d21cfcf02562c76f375944b266a'
        out, err = self.run_0install(['download', 'Hello.xml', '--show'])
        assert not err, err
        assert self.config.stores.lookup_any([digest]).startswith('/fake')
        assert 'Version: 1\n' in out

        out, err = self.run_0install(
            ['download', '--offline', 'selections.xml', '--show'])
        assert '/fake_store' in out
        self.config.network_use = model.network_full
Example #5
	def testBackgroundUnsolvable(self):
		my_dbus.system_services = {"org.freedesktop.NetworkManager": {"/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager": NetworkManager()}}

		trust.trust_db.trust_key('DE937DD411906ACF7C263B396FCF121BE2390E0B', 'example.com:8000')

		# Create new app
		run_server('Hello.xml', '6FCF121BE2390E0B.gpg', 'HelloWorld.tgz')
		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['add', 'test-app', 'http://example.com:8000/Hello.xml'])
		assert not out, out
		assert not err, err

		# Delete cached implementation so we need to download it again
		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['select', '--xml', 'test-app'], binary = True)
		sels = selections.Selections(qdom.parse(BytesIO(out)))
		stored = sels.selections['http://example.com:8000/Hello.xml'].get_path(self.config.stores)
		assert os.path.basename(stored).startswith('sha1')

		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['select', '--xml', 'test-app'], binary = True)
		assert not err, err
		sels = selections.Selections(qdom.parse(BytesIO(out)))
		# Replace the selection with a bogus and unusable <package-implementation>
		sel, = sels.selections.values()
		sel.attrs['id'] = "package:dummy:badpackage"
		sel.attrs['from-feed'] = "distribution:http://example.com:8000/Hello.xml"
		sel.attrs['package'] = "badpackage"
		sel.get_command('run').qdom.attrs['path'] = '/i/dont/exist'

		app = basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site, "apps", 'test-app')

		with open(os.path.join(app, 'selections.xml'), 'wt') as stream:
			doc = sels.toDOM()
			doc.writexml(stream, addindent="  ", newl="\n", encoding = 'utf-8')

		# Not time for a background update yet, but the missing binary should trigger
		# an update anyway.
		self.config.freshness = 0

		# Check we try to launch the GUI...
		os.environ['DISPLAY'] = 'dummy'
		run_server('Hello.xml', 'HelloWorld.tgz')
		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '--xml', '-v', 'test-app'], binary = True)
		err = err.decode('utf-8')
		assert 'get new selections; current ones are not usable' in err, err
		assert 'get-selections-gui' in err, err
		sels = selections.Selections(qdom.parse(BytesIO(out)))

		# Check we can also work without the GUI...
		del os.environ['DISPLAY']

		# Delete cached implementation so we need to download it again
		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['select', '--xml', 'test-app'], binary = True)
		sels = selections.Selections(qdom.parse(BytesIO(out)))
		stored = sels.selections['http://example.com:8000/Hello.xml'].get_path(self.config.stores)
		assert os.path.basename(stored).startswith('sha1')

		run_server('Hello.xml', 'HelloWorld.tgz')
		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '--xml', '-v', 'test-app'], binary = True)
		err = err.decode('utf-8')
		assert 'get new selections; current ones are not usable' in err, err
		assert 'get-selections-gui' not in err, err
		sels = selections.Selections(qdom.parse(BytesIO(out)))

		# Now trigger a background update which discovers that no solution is possible
		timestamp = os.path.join(app, 'last-checked')
		last_check_attempt = os.path.join(app, 'last-check-attempt')
		selections_path = os.path.join(app, 'selections.xml')
		def reset_timestamps():
			global ran_gui
			ran_gui = False
			os.utime(timestamp, (1, 1))		# 1970
			os.utime(selections_path, (1, 1))
			if os.path.exists(last_check_attempt):

		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['destroy', 'test-app'])
		assert not out, out
		assert not err, err

		out, err = self.run_ocaml(['add', '--source', 'test-app', 'http://example.com:8000/Hello.xml'])
		assert not out, out
		assert 'We want source and this is a binary' in err, err
Example #6
	def testBackgroundApp(self):
		my_dbus.system_services = {"org.freedesktop.NetworkManager": {"/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager": NetworkManager()}}

		trust.trust_db.trust_key('DE937DD411906ACF7C263B396FCF121BE2390E0B', 'example.com:8000')

		global ran_gui

		with output_suppressed():

			# Create an app, downloading a version of Hello
			run_server('Hello.xml', '6FCF121BE2390E0B.gpg', 'HelloWorld.tgz')
			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['add', 'test-app', 'http://example.com:8000/Hello.xml'])
			assert not out, out
			assert not err, err
			app = basedir.load_first_config(namespaces.config_site, "apps", 'test-app')
			timestamp = os.path.join(app, 'last-checked')
			last_check_attempt = os.path.join(app, 'last-check-attempt')
			selections_path = os.path.join(app, 'selections.xml')

			def reset_timestamps():
				global ran_gui
				ran_gui = False
				os.utime(timestamp, (1, 1))		# 1970
				os.utime(selections_path, (1, 1))
				if os.path.exists(last_check_attempt):

			# Not time for a background update yet
			self.config.freshness = 100
			self.run_ocaml(['download', 'test-app'])
			assert not ran_gui

			# Trigger a background update - no updates found
			os.environ['ZEROINSTALL_TEST_BACKGROUND'] = 'true'
			# (-vv mode makes us wait for the background process to finish)
			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '-vv', 'test-app'])
			assert not out, out
			assert 'Background update: no updates found for test-app' in err, err
			self.assertNotEqual(1, os.stat(timestamp).st_mtime)
			self.assertEqual(1, os.stat(selections_path).st_mtime)

			# Change the selections
			sels_path = os.path.join(app, 'selections.xml')
			with open(sels_path) as stream:
				old = stream.read()
			with open(sels_path, 'w') as stream:
				stream.write(old.replace('Hello', 'Goodbye'))

			# Trigger another background update - metadata changes found

			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '-vv', 'test-app'])
			assert not out, out
			assert 'Quick solve succeeded; saving new selections' in err, err

			self.assertNotEqual(1, os.stat(timestamp).st_mtime)
			self.assertNotEqual(1, os.stat(selections_path).st_mtime)

			# Trigger another background update - GUI needed now

			# Delete cached implementation so we need to download it again
			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['select', '--xml', 'test-app'], binary = True)
			sels = selections.Selections(qdom.parse(BytesIO(out)))
			stored = sels.selections['http://example.com:8000/Hello.xml'].get_path(self.config.stores)
			assert os.path.basename(stored).startswith('sha1')

			# Replace with a valid local feed so we don't have to download immediately
			with open(sels_path, 'w') as stream:

			os.environ['DISPLAY'] = 'dummy'
			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '-vv', 'test-app'])
			assert not out, out
			assert 'get-selections-gui' in err, err

			# Now again with no DISPLAY
			del os.environ['DISPLAY']
			run_server('Hello.xml', 'HelloWorld.tgz')
			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '-vv', 'test-app'])
			assert not out, out
			assert 'GUI unavailable; downloading with no UI' in err, err

			self.assertNotEqual(1, os.stat(timestamp).st_mtime)
			self.assertNotEqual(1, os.stat(selections_path).st_mtime)

			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['select', '--xml', 'test-app'], binary = True)
			sels = selections.Selections(qdom.parse(BytesIO(out)))
			sel, = sels.selections.values()
			self.assertEqual("sha1=3ce644dc725f1d21cfcf02562c76f375944b266a", sel.id)

			# Untrust the key
			trust.trust_db.untrust_key('DE937DD411906ACF7C263B396FCF121BE2390E0B', 'example.com:8000')

			os.environ['DISPLAY'] = 'dummy'
			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '-vv', 'test-app'])
			assert not out, out
			assert 'need to switch to GUI to confirm keys' in err, err
			assert 'get-selections-gui' in err, err

			# Update not triggered because of last-check-attempt
			ran_gui = False
			os.utime(timestamp, (1, 1))		# 1970
			os.utime(selections_path, (1, 1))
			out, err = self.run_ocaml(['download', '-vv', 'test-app'])
			assert not out, out
			assert 'Tried to check within last hour; not trying again now' in err, err