def getOverscanInfo(): if 'INSTRUMENT' not in os.environ: raise NoInstrumentException instrumentFile = '%s.ini' % os.environ['INSTRUMENT'] return OverscanInfo(bashreader.parseFile(instrumentFile))
def calcNearestNeighborCut(options, cat, psfsize, ldaclensing): curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ldaclensing) progs = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') temp_inputcatfile = utilities.getTempFile(dir=progs.tempdir, suffix='.cat') temp_outputcatfile = utilities.getTempFile(dir=progs.tempdir, suffix='.cat') print cat.sourcefile hdulist = newhdus = [pyfits.PrimaryHDU()] for hdu in hdulist[1:]: if hdu.header['EXTNAME'] == 'OBJECTS': newhdus.append(cat.hdu) elif hdu.header['EXTNAME'] == 'FIELDS': fieldstable = ldac.LDACCat(hdu) fieldstable['OBJECT_COUNT'][:] = np.array([len(cat)]) newhdus.append(fieldstable.hdu) hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(newhdus) hdulist.writeto(temp_inputcatfile, clobber=True) stringvals = copy.copy(options) stringvals.inputcatfile = temp_inputcatfile stringvals.outputcatfile = temp_outputcatfile #BASH script hardcodes what the comparison catalog is. Bewarned! command = './ %(cluster)s %(filter)s %(image)s %(inputcatfile)s %(outputcatfile)s %(psfsize)2.4f' % stringvals try: subprocess.check_call(command.split()) outputcat = ldac.openObjectFile(temp_outputcatfile) ids = {} for id in cat['SeqNr']: ids[id] = False for id in outputcat['SeqNr']: ids[id] = True nearest_neighbor_cut = np.array([ids[id] for id in cat['SeqNr']]) finally: # if os.path.exists(temp_inputcatfile): # os.remove(temp_inputcatfile) # if os.path.exists(temp_outputcatfile): # os.remove(temp_outputcatfile) os.chdir(curdir) return nearest_neighbor_cut
def sextract(filter): from config_bonn import appendix, cluster, tag, arc, filter_root import utilities import os, re, bashreader, sys, string from glob import glob from copy import copy dict = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') for key in dict.keys(): os.environ[key] = str(dict[key]) TEMPDIR = '/tmp/' PHOTCONF = './photconf/' path = '/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki05/anja/SUBARU/%(cluster)s/' % { 'cluster': cluster } search_params = { 'path': path, 'cluster': cluster, 'filter': filter, 'appendix': appendix, 'PHOTCONF': PHOTCONF, 'tag': tag, 'DATACONF': os.environ['DATACONF'], 'TEMPDIR': TEMPDIR, 'fwhm': 1.00 } searchstr = "/%(path)s/*%(filter)s*/SCIENCE/*1*fits" % search_params print searchstr files = glob(searchstr) files.sort() print files exposures = {} # first 30 files print files[0:30] for file in files: #[0:30]: if string.find(file, 'wcs') == -1 and string.find(file, '.sub.fits') == -1: res = re.split('_', re.split('/', file)[-1]) print res if not exposures.has_key(res[0]): exposures[res[0]] = {} if not exposures[res[0]].has_key('images'): exposures[res[0]]['images'] = [] if not exposures[res[0]].has_key('keywords'): exposures[res[0]]['keywords'] = {} exposures[res[0]]['images'].append( file) # res[0] is the root of the image name print 'hey', file reload(utilities) if not exposures[res[0]]['keywords'].has_key( 'ROTATION' ): #if exposure does not have keywords yet, then get them exposures[res[0]]['keywords']['filter'] = filter res2 = re.split('/', file) for r in res2: if string.find(r, filter) != -1: print r exposures[res[0]]['keywords']['date'] = r.replace( filter + '_', '') exposures[res[0]]['keywords']['fil_directory'] = r search_params['fil_directory'] = r kws = utilities.get_header_kw( file, ['ROTATION']) # return KEY/NA if not SUBARU for kw in kws.keys(): exposures[res[0]]['keywords'][kw] = kws[kw] print 'hey2!!!!!!' print exposures #raw_input() #first = exposures[exposures.keys()[0]] #first['images'] = [first['images'][0]] #exposures = {exposures.keys()[0]: first} exposures = {exposures.keys()[0]: exposures[exposures.keys()[0]]} print exposures print 'stop1' #temporary method for kw in exposures.keys(): # now go through exposure by exposure exposure = exposures[kw] print kw, exposure['images'] children = [] print exposure['images'] print 'hey!!!!!!' for image in exposure['images']: child = os.fork() if child: children.append(child) else: params = copy(search_params) params['GAIN'] = 1.000 #float(exposure['keywords']['GAIN']) params['PIXSCALE'] = float(exposure['keywords']['PIXSCALE']) ROOT = re.split('\.', re.split('\/', image)[-1])[0] params['ROOT'] = ROOT NUM = re.split('O', re.split('\_', ROOT)[1])[0] params['NUM'] = NUM print ROOT weightim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits" % params #flagim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/globalflag_%(NUM)s.fits" % params #finalflagim = TEMPDIR + "flag_%(ROOT)s.fits" % params params['finalflagim'] = weightim #os.system('rm ' + finalflagim) #command = "ic -p 16 '1 %2 %1 0 == ?' " + weightim + " " + flagim + " > " + finalflagim #print command #raw_input() command = "sex /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/%(ROOT)s.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -FLAG_IMAGE ''\ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/seeing_%(ROOT) \ -FILTER_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/default.conv\ -CATALOG_TYPE 'ASCII' \ -DETECT_MINAREA 5 -DETECT_THRESH 5.\ -ANALYSIS_THRESH 5 \ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT\ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/" % params print command os.system(command) sys.exit(0) for child in children: os.waitpid(child, 0) command = 'cat ' + TEMPDIR + 'seeing_' + kw + '*cat > ' + TEMPDIR + 'paste_seeing_' + kw + '.cat' file_seeing = TEMPDIR + '/paste_seeing_' + kw + '.cat' PIXSCALE = float(exposure['keywords']['PIXSCALE']) reload(utilities) print file_seeing, kw, PIXSCALE, exposure['keywords']['PIXSCALE'] fwhm = utilities.calc_seeing(file_seeing, 10, PIXSCALE) # get the CRPIX values for #image = exposure['images'][0] start = 1 for image in exposure['images']: print image res = re.split('\_\d+', re.split('\/', image)[-1]) #print res imroot = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/" % search_params im = imroot + res[0] + '_1' + res[1] #print im crpix = utilities.get_header_kw( image, ['CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2']) if start == 1: crpixzero = copy(crpix) crpixhigh = copy(crpix) start = 0 from copy import copy if float(crpix['CRPIX1']) > float(crpixzero['CRPIX1']) and float( crpix['CRPIX2']) > float(crpixzero['CRPIX2']): crpixzero = copy(crpix) if float(crpix['CRPIX1']) < float(crpixhigh['CRPIX1']) and float( crpix['CRPIX2']) < float(crpixhigh['CRPIX2']): crpixhigh = copy(crpix) print crpix, crpixzero, crpixhigh LENGTH1 = abs(float(crpixhigh['CRPIX1']) - float(crpixzero['CRPIX1'])) + float(crpix['NAXIS1']) LENGTH2 = abs(float(crpixhigh['CRPIX2']) - float(crpixzero['CRPIX2'])) + float(crpix['NAXIS2']) print crpixhigh['CRPIX1'], crpixzero['CRPIX1'], crpix['NAXIS1'], crpix[ 'NAXIS2'] children = [] for image in exposure['images']: child = os.fork() if child: children.append(child) else: params = copy(search_params) params['fwhm'] = fwhm params['GAIN'] = 1.000 #float(exposure['keywords']['GAIN']) params['PIXSCALE'] = float(exposure['keywords']['PIXSCALE']) ROOT = re.split('\.', re.split('\/', image)[-1])[0] params['ROOT'] = ROOT NUM = re.split('O', re.split('\_', ROOT)[1])[0] params['NUM'] = NUM print ROOT finalflagim = TEMPDIR + "flag_%(ROOT)s.fits" % params weightim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits" % params #flagim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/globalflag_%(NUM)s.fits" % params #finalflagim = TEMPDIR + "flag_%(ROOT)s.fits" % params params['finalflagim'] = weightim im = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/%(ROOT)s.fits" % params crpix = utilities.get_header_kw(im, ['CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2']) command = "sex /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/%(ROOT)s.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv\ -FILTER Y \ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -FLAG_IMAGE ''\ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 5 -DETECT_THRESH 5 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 5 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params #-CHECKIMAGE_TYPE BACKGROUND,APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ #-CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.background.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.segmentation.fits\ catname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params print command, [catname]) import commands lines = commands.getoutput('ldactoasc -s -b -i ' + catname + ' -t LDAC_OBJECTS | wc -l') import re res = re.split('\n', lines) print lines if int(res[-1]) == 0: print 'NO OBJECTS, exiting...' sys.exit(0) poscatname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params command = 'ldaccalc -i ' + catname + ' -o ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.scamp.cata -t LDAC_OBJECTS -c "(XWIN_IMAGE + ' + str( float(crpixzero['CRPIX1']) - float(crpix['CRPIX1']) ) + ');" -k FLOAT -n XWIN_IMAGE_TEMP "" -c "(YWIN_IMAGE + ' + str( float(crpixzero['CRPIX2']) - float(crpix['CRPIX2']) ) + ');" -k FLOAT -n YWIN_IMAGE_TEMP "" -c "(YWIN_IMAGE*0 + ' + str( params['NUM']) + ');" -k FLOAT -n CHIP "" ' print command command = 'ldacdelkey -i ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.scamp.cata -t LDAC_OBJECTS -o ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.scamp.catb -k XWIN_IMAGE YWIN_IMAGE' command = 'ldacrenkey -i ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.scamp.catb -t LDAC_OBJECTS -o ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.scamp.catc -k XWIN_IMAGE_TEMP XWIN_IMAGE YWIN_IMAGE_TEMP YWIN_IMAGE' #command = 'ldacrenkey sys.exit(0) for child in children: #print 'waiting for' child os.waitpid(child, 0) ''' run SCAMP on entire image ''' newposlist = glob(TEMPDIR + kw + '*scamp.catc') outcatscamp = TEMPDIR + 'tmppaste_' + kw + '' outheadscamp = TEMPDIR + 'tmppaste_' + kw + '.scampall.head' print newposlist if len(newposlist) > 1: command = 'ldacpaste -i ' + TEMPDIR + kw + '* -o ' + outcatscamp print command else: command = 'cp ' + newposlist[0] + ' ' + outcatscamp command = 'scamp ' + outcatscamp + " -SOLVE_PHOTOM N -ASTREF_CATALOG SDSS-R6 -CHECKPLOT_TYPE NONE -WRITE_XML N " print command headfile = outheadscamp print headfile #raw_input() children = [] for image in exposure['images']: child = os.fork() if child: children.append(child) else: params = copy(search_params) params['fwhm'] = fwhm params['GAIN'] = 1.000 #float(exposure['keywords']['GAIN']) params['PIXSCALE'] = float(exposure['keywords']['PIXSCALE']) ROOT = re.split('\.', re.split('\/', image)[-1])[0] params['ROOT'] = ROOT NUM = re.split('O', re.split('\_', ROOT)[1])[0] params['NUM'] = NUM print ROOT finalflagim = TEMPDIR + "flag_%(ROOT)s.fits" % params weightim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits" % params #flagim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/globalflag_%(NUM)s.fits" % params #finalflagim = TEMPDIR + "flag_%(ROOT)s.fits" % params params['finalflagim'] = weightim im = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/%(ROOT)s.fits" % params crpix = utilities.get_header_kw(im, ['CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2']) hf = open(headfile, 'r').readlines() hdict = {} for line in hf: import re if string.find(line, '=') != -1: res = re.split('=', line) name = res[0].replace(' ', '') res = re.split('/', res[1]) value = res[0].replace(' ', '') print name, value hdict[name] = value imfix = "/tmp/%(ROOT)s.fixwcs.fits" % params command = "cp " + im + " " + imfix for name in [ 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2' ]: #,'CRPIX1','CRPIX1']: command = 'sethead ' + imfix + ' ' + name + '=' + hdict[ name] print command os.system(command) crpix = utilities.get_header_kw(im, ['CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2']) command = "sex /tmp/%(ROOT)s.fixwcs.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv\ -FILTER Y \ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -FLAG_IMAGE ''\ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 5 -DETECT_THRESH 5 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 5 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params #-CHECKIMAGE_TYPE BACKGROUND,APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ #-CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.background.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.segmentation.fits\ catname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params print command, [catname]) catname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params print command, [catname]) import commands lines = commands.getoutput('ldactoasc -s -b -i ' + catname + ' -t LDAC_OBJECTS | wc -l') import re res = re.split('\n', lines) print lines if int(res[-1]) == 0: sys.exit(0) command = 'scamp ' + catname + " -SOLVE_PHOTOM N -ASTREF_CATALOG SDSS-R6 -CHECKPLOT_TYPE NONE -WRITE_XML N " print command headfile = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)s.head" % params hf = open(headfile, 'r').readlines() hdict = {} for line in hf: import re if string.find(line, '=') != -1: res = re.split('=', line) name = res[0].replace(' ', '') res = re.split('/', res[1]) value = res[0].replace(' ', '') print name, value hdict[name] = value imfix = "/tmp/%(ROOT)s.fixwcs.fits" % params command = "cp " + im + " " + imfix for name in [ 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2', 'CRPIX1', 'CRPIX1' ]: command = 'sethead ' + imfix + ' ' + name + '=' + hdict[ name] print command os.system(command) command = "sex /tmp/%(ROOT)s.fixwcs.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv\ -FILTER Y \ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -FLAG_IMAGE ''\ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 5 -DETECT_THRESH 5 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 5 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params #-CHECKIMAGE_TYPE BACKGROUND,APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ #-CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.background.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.segmentation.fits\ catname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params print command, [catname]) command = 'ldacconv -b 1 -c R -i ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + ' -o ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.conv' print command # Xpos_ABS is difference of CRPIX and zero CRPIX command = 'ldaccalc -i ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.conv -o ' + TEMPDIR + params[ 'ROOT'] + '.newpos -t OBJECTS -c "(Xpos + ' + str( float(crpixzero['CRPIX1']) - float(crpix['CRPIX1']) ) + ');" -k FLOAT -n Xpos_ABS "" -c "(Ypos + ' + str( float(crpixzero['CRPIX2']) - float(crpix['CRPIX2']) ) + ');" -k FLOAT -n Ypos_ABS "" -c "(Ypos*0 + ' + str( params['NUM']) + ');" -k FLOAT -n CHIP "" ' #command = 'ldaccalc -i ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + '.conv -o ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + '.newpos -t OBJECTS -c "(' + str(crpix['CRPIX1']) + ' - Xpos);" -k FLOAT -n Xpos_ABS "" -c "(' + str(crpix['CRPIX2']) + ' - Ypos);" -k FLOAT -n Ypos_ABS "" -c "(Ypos*0 + ' + str(params['NUM']) + ');" -k FLOAT -n CHIP "" ' print command sys.exit(0) for child in children: #print 'waiting for' child os.waitpid(child, 0) from glob import glob outcat = TEMPDIR + 'tmppaste_' + kw + '.cat' newposlist = glob(TEMPDIR + kw + '*newpos') if len(newposlist) > 1: command = 'ldacpaste -i ' + TEMPDIR + kw + '*newpos -o ' + outcat print command else: command = 'cp ' + newposlist[0] + ' ' + outcat os.system('ldactoasc -i ' + outcat + ' -b -s -k MAG_APER MAGERR_APER -t OBJECTS > /tmp/' + kw + 'aper') os.system('asctoldac -i /tmp/' + kw + 'aper -o /tmp/' + kw + 'cat1 -t OBJECTS -c ./photconf/MAG_APER.conf') outfinal = TEMPDIR + 'paste_' + kw + '.cat' os.system('ldacjoinkey -i ' + outcat + ' -p /tmp/' + kw + 'cat1 -o ' + outfinal + ' -k MAG_APER1 MAG_APER2 MAGERR_APER1 MAGERR_APER2') exposures[kw]['pasted_cat'] = outfinal return exposures, LENGTH1, LENGTH2
max = 0 k = 0 for i in range(nbins): if bin[i] > max: k = i max = bin[i] fwhm = 0.3 + k * binsize print 'fwhm', fwhm return fwhm import os, sys, bashreader, commands from utilities import * dict = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') for key in dict.keys(): os.environ[key] = str(dict[key]) cluster = 'MACS2243-09' appendix = '_all' #_good' TEMPDIR = '/tmp/' PHOTCONF = './photconf/' tag = 'local50' path = '/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki05/anja/SUBARU/%(cluster)s/' % {'cluster': cluster} type = 'all' filters = ['B', 'W-J-V', 'W-C-RC', 'W-C-IC', 'W-S-Z+'] filter_root = 'W-J-V'
def doit(): usage = ''' gets the seeing for all exposures usage: [maindir] [cluster] [ending] [list of filters:optional] example: ./ ${SUBARUDIR} MACS1427+44 ./ ${SUBARUDIR} MACS1427+44 "_t1" ./ ${SUBARUDIR} MACS1427+44 "" W-J-V W-J-B If no filters given, all filters will be included, otherwinse only the listed filters will be considered. result: file seeing_[clustername].cat in local directory with list of exposures and seeing. options: -h this ''' # if -h called, or not enough args, show usage and quit if ('-h' in sys.argv) or len(sys.argv) <3: print usage exit(0) # set up directory structure: maindir=sys.argv[1] # this should be ${SUBARUDIR} cluster=sys.argv[2] # full cluster name if (len(sys.argv) == 3): filterlist=['all'] else: filterlist = sys.argv[3:] # get the progs from prog.ini dict = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') # definitions... path=maindir+'/'+cluster TEMPDIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp') PHOTCONF = './photconf/' # different filters... subarufilters=['W-J-B','W-J-V','W-C-RC','W-C-IC','W-S-I+','W-S-Z+'] cfhtfilters=['u','g','r','i','z'] # for the case of all filters if filterlist[0]=='all': list_of_images = glob.glob(path+'/W-?-??/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_SUPA*/coadd.fits') list_of_images.extend(glob.glob(path+'/W-?-??/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_all/coadd.fits')) list_of_images.extend(glob.glob(path+'/W-?-?/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_SUPA*/coadd.fits')) list_of_images.extend(glob.glob(path+'/W-?-?/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_all/coadd.fits')) list_of_images.extend(glob.glob(path+'/?/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_*p/coadd.fits')) list_of_images.extend(glob.glob(path+'/?/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_all/coadd.fits')) list_of_images.extend(glob.glob(path+'/W-?-?_*_CALIB/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_all/coadd.fits')) list_of_images.extend(glob.glob(path+'/W-?-??_*_CALIB/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_all/coadd.fits')) else : # for specific filters list_of_images=[] for f in filterlist: thislist = glob.glob(path+'/'+f+'/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_SUPA*/coadd.fits') thislist.append(path+'/'+f+'/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_all/coadd.fits') thislist.extend(glob.glob(path+'/'+f+'/SCIENCE/coadd_'+cluster+'_*p/coadd.fits')) list_of_images = list_of_images + thislist print "Measuring the seeing of ..." for image in list_of_images: print image # if no images, quit if len(list_of_images)==0: print 'no images ' exit(1) children = [] # this is supposed to make it faster # its the parallel mechanism for image in list_of_images: child = os.fork() # forking! if child: children.append(child) # children processes. else: flagimage=image[:-4]+'flag.fits' # assumes the flag file is coadd.flag.fits if len(flagimage) == 0: # if we can't find it print 'Can not find '+flagimage exit(1) tag = findImageTag(image) params = {'path':path, 'cluster':cluster, 'PHOTCONF':PHOTCONF, 'TEMPDIR': TEMPDIR, 'image':image, 'flagimage':flagimage, 'tag':tag} # now run sextractor to determine the seeing: command = 'sex %(image)s \ -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -FLAG_IMAGE %(flagimage)s \ -FLAG_TYPE MAX \ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/seeing_%(tag) \ -FILTER_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/default.conv \ -CATALOG_TYPE "ASCII" \ -DETECT_MINAREA 10 -DETECT_THRESH 10. \ -ANALYSIS_THRESH 5 \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/' % params print command sys.stderr.write(command + '\n') os.system(command) sys.exit(0) for child in children: os.waitpid(child,0) # Got seeing ############################################ # Now we are just going to organize it a bit # ############################################ openfile = open('seeing_'+cluster+'.cat','w') # now we order the seeings, find which is the worst. fwhms = {} for image in list_of_images: # get some info try: GAIN, PIXSCALE, EXPTIME = utilities.get_header_info(image) except Exception: sys.stderr.write('Skipping %s!' % image) continue tag = findImageTag(image) # get all the info together in one array fwhms[tag] = {'IMAGE':image,'GAIN':GAIN,'PIXSCALE':PIXSCALE, 'EXPTIME': EXPTIME} # the output cat from above file_seeing = '%(TEMPDIR)s/seeing_%(tag)' % {'TEMPDIR': TEMPDIR,'tag':tag} # gets seeing fwhms[tag]['SEEING'] = utilities.calc_seeing(file_seeing,PIXSCALE) print 'image', tag, fwhms[tag]['SEEING'] openfile.write(tag+' '+ str(fwhms[tag]['SEEING']) + ' \n') fwhms_comp=[fwhms[x] for x in fwhms.keys()] # list of fwhm's fwhms_comp.sort( # sort seeing_worst = fwhms_comp[0]['SEEING'] # worst image_worst = fwhms_comp[0]['IMAGE'] # worst image print ' worst SEEING', image_worst, seeing_worst [ os.remove('%s/%s' % (TEMPDIR,file)) for file in os.listdir(TEMPDIR) ] os.rmdir(TEMPDIR)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, pyfits, bashreader, ldac, math, os, re, numpy inputfile = sys.argv[1] outputfile = sys.argv[2] image = sys.argv[3] config = bashreader.parseFile('./progs.ini') npara =int(config.npara) inputcat = if inputcat is None: print 'Cannot open %s' % inputfile sys.exit(1) root, ext = os.path.splitext(inputfile) objects = None hfindpeaks = None fields = None for hdu in inputcat: try: if 'OBJECTS' == hdu.header['EXTNAME']: objects = ldac.LDACCat(hdu) elif 'HFINDPEAKS' == hdu.header['EXTNAME']: hfindpeaks = hdu elif 'FIELDS' == hdu.header['EXTNAME']: fields = hdu except KeyError:
def sextract(self,exposures): #from config_bonn import appendix, cluster, tag, arc, filter_root import utilities import os, re, bashreader, sys, string from glob import glob from copy import copy dict = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') for key in dict.keys(): os.environ[key] = str(dict[key]) TEMPDIR = '/tmp/' PHOTCONF = './photconf/' path='/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki05/anja/SUBARU/%(cluster)s/' % {'cluster':cluster} print exposures.keys() print exposures_zero.keys() print exposures_one.keys() print 'hey2!!!!!!' print exposures first = exposures[exposures.keys()[0]] first['images'] = first['images'] exposures = {exposures.keys()[0]: first} #exp_tmp = {} #for exposure in exposures.keys()[2:4]: # exp_tmp[exposure] = exposures[exposure] #exposures = exp_tmp #exposures = {exposures.keys()[0]: exposures[exposures.keys()[0:4]]} print exposures print 'stop1' #temporary method measure_fwhm = 1 for kw in exposures.keys(): # now go through exposure by exposure exposure = exposures[kw] print kw, exposure['images'] print exposure['images'] ''' get the CRPIX values ''' start = 1 for image in exposure['images']: print image res = re.split('\_\d+',re.split('\/',image)[-1]) #print res imroot = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/" % search_params im = imroot + res[0] + '_1' + res[1] #print im crpix = utilities.get_header_kw(image,['CRPIX1','CRPIX2','NAXIS1','NAXIS2']) if start == 1: crpixzero = copy(crpix) crpixhigh = copy(crpix) start = 0 from copy import copy if float(crpix['CRPIX1']) > float(crpixzero['CRPIX1']) and float(crpix['CRPIX2']) > float(crpixzero['CRPIX2']): crpixzero = copy(crpix) if float(crpix['CRPIX1']) < float(crpixhigh['CRPIX1']) and float(crpix['CRPIX2']) < float(crpixhigh['CRPIX2']): crpixhigh = copy(crpix) print crpix, crpixzero, crpixhigh LENGTH1 = abs(float(crpixhigh['CRPIX1']) - float(crpixzero['CRPIX1'])) + float(crpix['NAXIS1']) LENGTH2 = abs(float(crpixhigh['CRPIX2']) - float(crpixzero['CRPIX2'])) + float(crpix['NAXIS2']) print crpixhigh['CRPIX1'], crpixzero['CRPIX1'], crpix['NAXIS1'], crpix['NAXIS2'] print exposure['images'] 'exposures' children = [] for image in exposure['images']: child = os.fork() if child: children.append(child) else: print fwhm params = copy(search_params) finalflagim = TEMPDIR + "flag_%(ROOT)s.fits" % params weightim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits" % params #flagim = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/globalflag_%(NUM)s.fits" % params #finalflagim = TEMPDIR + "flag_%(ROOT)s.fits" % params params['finalflagim'] = weightim im = "/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/%(ROOT)s.fits" % params crpix = utilities.get_header_kw(im,['CRPIX1','CRPIX2']) command = "sex /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/SCIENCE/%(ROOT)s.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv\ -FILTER Y \ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -FLAG_IMAGE ''\ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 10 -DETECT_THRESH 10 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 10 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params #-CHECKIMAGE_TYPE BACKGROUND,APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ #-CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.background.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.segmentation.fits\ catname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params filtcatname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params print command,[catname])'ldacfilter -i ' + catname + ' -o ' + filtcatname + ' -t LDAC_OBJECTS\ -c "(CLASS_STAR > 0.5);"',[filtcatname]) import commands lines = commands.getoutput('ldactoasc -s -b -i ' + filtcatname + ' -t LDAC_OBJECTS | wc -l') import re res = re.split('\n',lines) print lines if int(res[-1]) == 0: sys.exit(0) command = 'scamp ' + filtcatname + " -SOLVE_PHOTOM N -ASTREF_CATALOG SDSS-R6 -CHECKPLOT_TYPE NONE -WRITE_XML N " print command #headfile = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)s.head" % params headfile = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)s.filt.head" % params hf = open(headfile,'r').readlines() hdict = {} for line in hf: import re if string.find(line,'=') != -1: res = re.split('=',line) name = res[0].replace(' ','') res = re.split('/',res[1]) value = res[0].replace(' ','') print name, value hdict[name] = value imfix = "/tmp/%(ROOT)s.fixwcs.fits" % params command = "cp " + im + " " + imfix for name in ['CRVAL1','CRVAL2','CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2','CRPIX1','CRPIX1']: command = 'sethead ' + imfix + ' ' + name + '=' + hdict[name] print command os.system(command) command = "sex /tmp/%(ROOT)s.fixwcs.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv\ -FILTER Y \ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -FLAG_IMAGE ''\ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 5 -DETECT_THRESH 5 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 5 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/WEIGHTS/%(ROOT)s.weight.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params #-CHECKIMAGE_TYPE BACKGROUND,APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ #-CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.background.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(fil_directory)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.segmentation.fits\ catname = "%(TEMPDIR)s/%(ROOT)" % params print command,[catname]) command = 'ldacconv -b 1 -c R -i ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + ' -o ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + '.conv' print command # Xpos_ABS is difference of CRPIX and zero CRPIX command = 'ldaccalc -i ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + '.conv -o ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + '.newpos -t OBJECTS -c "(Xpos + ' + str(float(crpixzero['CRPIX1']) - float(crpix['CRPIX1'])) + ');" -k FLOAT -n Xpos_ABS "" -c "(Ypos + ' + str(float(crpixzero['CRPIX2']) - float(crpix['CRPIX2'])) + ');" -k FLOAT -n Ypos_ABS "" -c "(Ypos*0 + ' + str(params['NUM']) + ');" -k FLOAT -n CHIP "" ' #command = 'ldaccalc -i ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + '.conv -o ' + TEMPDIR + params['ROOT'] + '.newpos -t OBJECTS -c "(' + str(crpix['CRPIX1']) + ' - Xpos);" -k FLOAT -n Xpos_ABS "" -c "(' + str(crpix['CRPIX2']) + ' - Ypos);" -k FLOAT -n Ypos_ABS "" -c "(Ypos*0 + ' + str(params['NUM']) + ');" -k FLOAT -n CHIP "" ' print command sys.exit(0) for child in children: #print 'waiting for' child os.waitpid(child,0) from glob import glob outcat = TEMPDIR + 'tmppaste_' + kw + '.cat' newposlist = glob(TEMPDIR + kw + '*newpos') if len(newposlist) > 1: command = 'ldacpaste -i ' + TEMPDIR + kw + '*newpos -o ' + outcat print command else: command = 'cp ' + newposlist[0] + ' ' + outcat os.system('ldactoasc -i ' + outcat + ' -b -s -k MAG_APER MAGERR_APER -t OBJECTS > /tmp/' + kw + 'aper') os.system('asctoldac -i /tmp/' + kw + 'aper -o /tmp/' + kw + 'cat1 -t OBJECTS -c ./photconf/MAG_APER.conf') outfinal = TEMPDIR + 'paste_' + kw + '.cat' os.system('ldacjoinkey -i ' + outcat + ' -p /tmp/' + kw + 'cat1 -o ' + outfinal + ' -k MAG_APER1 MAG_APER2 MAGERR_APER1 MAGERR_APER2') exposures[kw]['pasted_cat'] = outfinal return exposures, LENGTH1, LENGTH2
import numpy as np import pyfits import pywcs import sys import os import multiprocessing import bashreader as bash dir = sys.argv[1] filter = sys.argv[2] coaddvers = sys.argv[3] fsources = sys.argv[4] pixscale = float(sys.argv[5]) survey = sys.argv[6] outdir = sys.argv[7] usedcpus = bash.parseFile('progs.ini')['npara'] sources = np.genfromtxt(fsources, dtype='str') fzero = open(outdir + '/' + survey + '_pointings_available_sum_zero.txt', 'w') fnotzero = open(outdir + '/' + survey + '_pointings_available_sum_not_zero.txt', 'w') allpointings = sources[:,0] unique = [] [unique.append(item) for item in allpointings if item not in unique] def check_coords(pointing): sumzerolist = [] sumnotzerolist = []
usage = \ ''' FILE FILE a txt file with IMAGE 1,2,5,7-9 ''' if len(sys.argv) != 2: print usage # BonnLogger.updateStatus(__bonn_logger_id__, 1) sys.exit(1) if 'INSTRUMENT' not in os.environ: print "INSTRUMENT not set!" sys.exit(1) config = bashreader.parseFile('%s.ini' % os.environ['INSTRUMENT']) if config is None: print "Cannot read %s.ini!" % os.environ['INSTRUMENT'] sys.exit(1) filePrefix = config.prefix nchips = int(config.nchips) #################### def parseChipList(chipList): chips = [] for entry in filter(lambda x: x != '',
def do_multiple(OBJNAME): #!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, bashreader, commands from utilities import * from config_bonn import appendix, cluster, tag, arc, filters, filter_root, appendix_root dict = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') for key in dict.keys(): os.environ[key] = str(dict[key]) TEMPDIR = '/tmp/' PHOTCONF = './photconf/' path = '/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki05/anja/SUBARU/%s/' % cluster #type='each' type = 'all' filecommand = open('record.analysis', 'w') BASE = "coadd" image = BASE + '.fits' print 'Finished Loading Config, utils' if type == 'all' or type == 'each': children = [] for filter in filters: child = os.fork() if child: children.append(child) else: params = { 'path': path, 'filter_root': filter_root, 'cluster': cluster, 'filter': filter, 'appendix': appendix, 'PHOTCONF': PHOTCONF, 'TEMPDIR': TEMPDIR } print params # now run sextractor to determine the seeing: command = 'sex %(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -FLAG_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.flag.fits \ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -CATALOG_NAME %(TEMPDIR)s/seeing_%(filter) \ -FILTER_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/default.conv\ -CATALOG_TYPE "ASCII" \ -DETECT_MINAREA 10 -DETECT_THRESH 10.\ -ANALYSIS_THRESH 5 \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/' % params print command os.system(command) sys.exit(0) for child in children: os.waitpid(child, 0) print 'DONE W/ SEEING' fwhms = {} for filter in filters: file_header = '/%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits' % { 'TEMPDIR': TEMPDIR, 'filter': filter, 'path': path, 'cluster': cluster, 'appendix': appendix } GAIN, PIXSCALE, EXPTIME = get_header_info(file_header) print GAIN, PIXSCALE fwhms[filter] = { 'FILTER': filter, 'GAIN': GAIN, 'PIXSCALE': PIXSCALE, 'EXPTIME': EXPTIME } if type == 'all' or type == 'each': file_seeing = '%(TEMPDIR)s/seeing_%(filter)' % { 'TEMPDIR': TEMPDIR, 'filter': filter } NLINES = 50 print 'filter', filter fwhms[filter]['SEEING'] = calc_seeing(file_seeing, NLINES, PIXSCALE) if type == 'all' or type == 'each': fwhms_comp = [fwhms[x] for x in fwhms.keys()] fwhms_comp.sort(compare) seeing_worst = fwhms_comp[0]['SEEING'] filter_worst = fwhms_comp[0]['FILTER'] print fwhms print 'SEEING', filter_worst, seeing_worst for x in fwhms.keys(): print x, fwhms[x] import commands for filter in filters: print filter params = { 'seeing_orig': float(fwhms[filter]['SEEING']), 'seeing_new': float(seeing_worst), 'PIXSCALE': float(PIXSCALE), 'path': path, 'cluster': cluster, 'appendix': appendix, 'filter': filter, 'path': path, 'DATACONF': os.environ['DATACONF'] } command = 'mkdir %(DATACONF)s/default.conv %(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/' % params os.system(command) if filter != filter_worst: print params command = 'python %(seeing_orig).3f %(seeing_new).3f %(PIXSCALE).3f %(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/' % params print command os.system(command) else: command = 'cp %(DATACONF)s/default.conv %(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/gauss.conv' % params os.system(command) children = [] for filter in filters: os.system("mkdir /" + path + "/" + filter + "/PHOTOMETRY/") os.system("rm /" + path + "/" + filter + "/PHOTOMETRY/" + BASE + ".all" + tag + ".cat") child = os.fork() if child: children.append(child) else: command = "rm /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/%(filter)" % { 'path': path, 'filter': filter } print command os.system(command) if type == 'all': params = { 'path': path, 'filter_root': filter_root, 'appendix_root': appendix_root, 'cluster': cluster, 'filter': filter, 'appendix': appendix, 'PHOTCONF': PHOTCONF, 'fwhm': seeing_worst, 'BASE': BASE, 'GAIN': float(fwhms[filter]['GAIN']), 'DATACONF': os.environ['DATACONF'], 'tag': tag } if filter != filter_worst: ''' convolve image -- no background subtraction -- high detection threshold -- no dual detection ''' command = "sex /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/%(filter)s.all%(tag) \ -FILTER_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/gauss.conv \ -FILTER Y \ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 3 -DETECT_THRESH 10000 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 10000 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -FLAG_TYPE OR\ -FLAG_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.flag.fits \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.filtered.fits\ -CHECKIMAGE_TYPE FILTERED\ -BACK_TYPE MANUAL\ -BACK_VALUE 0.0\ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.weight.fits \ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params else: command = 'cp /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.filtered.fits' % params print command print 'making filtered image' os.system(command) ''' detection images -- one flag image --- one filter -- detect on lensing band ''' command = "sex /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix_root)s/coadd.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.filtered.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/%(filter)s.all%(tag) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv \ -FILTER Y \ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 3 -DETECT_THRESH 1.5 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 1.5 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -FLAG_TYPE OR\ -FLAG_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.flag.fits \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.background.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.segmentation.fits\ -CHECKIMAGE_TYPE BACKGROUND,APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix_root)s/coadd.weight.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.weight.fits \ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params print command print 'measuring filtered image' os.system(command) #command = "sex /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ #-PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ #-CATALOG_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/%(filter)s.all%(tag) \ #-DETECT_MINAREA 10 -DETECT_THRESH 10 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 10 \ #-MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ #-FLAG_TYPE MAX\ #-FLAG_IMAGE '' \ #-GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ #-WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.weight.fits,'' \ #-WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params elif type == 'each': params = { 'path': path, 'filter_root': filter_root, 'cluster': cluster, 'filter': filter, 'appendix': appendix, 'PHOTCONF': PHOTCONF, 'fwhm': seeing_worst, 'BASE': BASE, 'GAIN': float(fwhms[filter]['GAIN']), 'DATACONF': os.environ['DATACONF'], 'tag': tag } command = "sex /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/%(filter)s.each%(tag) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv \ -FILTER Y \ -SEEING_FWHM %(fwhm).3f \ -DETECT_MINAREA 3 -DETECT_THRESH 3 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 3 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -FLAG_TYPE OR\ -FLAG_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.flag.fits \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.weight.fits \ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params elif type == 'arc': params = { 'path': path, 'filter_root': filter_root, 'cluster': cluster, 'filter': filter, 'appendix': appendix, 'PHOTCONF': PHOTCONF, 'BASE': BASE, 'GAIN': float(fwhms[filter]['GAIN']), 'DATACONF': os.environ['DATACONF'], 'tag': tag } #command = "sex /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ commandA = "sex /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.small.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.small.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PHOT_APERTURES 70,100 \ -BACK_SIZE 10 \ -BACK_FILTERSIZE 2 \ -BACKPHOTO_TYPE GLOBAL \ -BACK_TYPE AUTO \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/%(filter)s.arc.all%(tag) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv,%(DATACONF)s/default.conv\ -FILTER Y \ -DETECT_MINAREA 3 -DETECT_THRESH 0.5 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 0.5 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -INTERP-TYPE NONE\ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -FLAG_IMAGE \"\"\ -SATUR_LEVEL 30000.0 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.arc.background.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.arc.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.arc.segmentation.fits\ -CHECKIMAGE_TYPE BACKGROUND,APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.weight.arc.small.fits,%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.weight.arc.small.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE NONE" % params params['BACK_VALUE'] = 0 if filter == 'W-J-V': params['BACK_VALUE'] = -0.02 commandB = "sex /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd_small.sub.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd_small.sub.fits -c %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -PHOT_APERTURES 70,100 \ -BACK_SIZE 64 \ -BACK_FILTERSIZE 3 \ -BACKPHOTO_TYPE GLOBAL \ -BACK_TYPE MANUAL \ -BACK_VALUE -0.02 \ -PARAMETERS_NAME %(PHOTCONF)s/ \ -CATALOG_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/%(filter)s.arc.all%(tag) \ -FILTER_NAME %(DATACONF)s/default.conv,%(DATACONF)s/default.conv\ -FILTER Y \ -DETECT_MINAREA 3 -DETECT_THRESH 0.5 -ANALYSIS_THRESH 0.5 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -INTERP-TYPE NONE\ -FLAG_TYPE MAX\ -FLAG_IMAGE \"\"\ -SATUR_LEVEL 30000.0 \ -MAG_ZEROPOINT 27.0 \ -GAIN %(GAIN).3f \ -CHECKIMAGE_NAME /%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.arc.apertures.fits,/%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.arc.segmentation.fits\ -CHECKIMAGE_TYPE APERTURES,SEGMENTATION\ -WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.weight.arc.small.fits,%(path)s/%(filter)s/PHOTOMETRY/coadd.weight.arc.small.fits\ -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT" % params command = commandB #-WEIGHT_IMAGE /%(path)s/%(filter_root)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.weight.fits,%(path)s/%(filter)s/SCIENCE/coadd_%(cluster)s%(appendix)s/coadd.weight.fits\ print command filecommand.write(command + '\n') sys.exit(0) for child in children: os.waitpid(child, 0) print 'DONE!!!!'
def setUp(self): progs = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') self.sex_command = progs['p_sex']
''' ###################### import sys, unittest, os, subprocess, glob, shutil, optparse, difflib import numpy, astropy, as pyfits import ldac, bashreader ####################### __cvs_id__ = "$Id:,v 1.10 2010-11-12 20:33:56 dapple Exp $" ####################### # GLOBAL CONSTANTS ####################### PROGS = bashreader.parseFile('progs.ini') PHOTCONF = './photconf' DATACONF = PROGS['dataconf'] DETECT_OBJS_CONFIG = './photconf/' SMOOTH_IMAGE_CONFIG = './photconf/' DEFAULT_CONV = '%s/default.conv' % DATACONF os.environ['DATACONF'] = DATACONF ####################### # USER FUNCTIONS ####################### def sextractor(image, detect=None,