def test4(band, lname='ohlines'): if band == 'H': ap_num = 23 else: ap_num = 20 cwv, cflx = ip.read_lines(lname+'.dat') for k in range(ap_num): strdesc = 'IGRINS_%s_%s.%03d' % (band, lname, k) strip, hdr = ip.readfits(MANUAL_PATH+strdesc+'.fits') z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) f2 = plt.figure(2,figsize=(12,5),dpi=200) a1 = f2.add_subplot(211, aspect='auto') ny, nx = strip.shape a1.imshow(strip, cmap='hot', aspect=nx/1000.0, vmin=z1, vmax=z2) a1.set_xlim((0,nx)) a1.set_ylim((0,ny)) a1.set_title('%s' % (strdesc,)) f2.savefig(PNG_PATH+strdesc+'.png') strdesc = 'tIGRINS_%s_%s.%03d' % (band, lname, k) strip, hdr = ip.readfits(MANUAL_PATH+strdesc+'.fits') wave = np.loadtxt(MANUAL_PATH+strdesc+'.wave') draw_strips(strip, wave, desc=strdesc, linedata=[cwv, cflx])
def test4(band, lname='ohlines'): if band == 'H': ap_num = 23 else: ap_num = 20 cwv, cflx = ip.read_lines(lname + '.dat') for k in range(ap_num): strdesc = 'IGRINS_%s_%s.%03d' % (band, lname, k) strip, hdr = ip.readfits(MANUAL_PATH + strdesc + '.fits') z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) f2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(12, 5), dpi=200) a1 = f2.add_subplot(211, aspect='auto') ny, nx = strip.shape a1.imshow(strip, cmap='hot', aspect=nx / 1000.0, vmin=z1, vmax=z2) a1.set_xlim((0, nx)) a1.set_ylim((0, ny)) a1.set_title('%s' % (strdesc, )) f2.savefig(PNG_PATH + strdesc + '.png') strdesc = 'tIGRINS_%s_%s.%03d' % (band, lname, k) strip, hdr = ip.readfits(MANUAL_PATH + strdesc + '.fits') wave = np.loadtxt(MANUAL_PATH + strdesc + '.wave') draw_strips(strip, wave, desc=strdesc, linedata=[cwv, cflx])
def test2(band, lname='ohlines'): ''' Draw the original image ''' timg, thdr = ip.readfits(IMAGE_PATH + 'IGRINS_%s_%s.fits' % (band, lname)) z1, z2 = ip.zscale(timg, contrast=0.2) f1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 12), dpi=200) a1 = f1.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') a1.imshow(timg, cmap='hot', vmin=z1, vmax=z2) a1.set_xlim((0, 2048)) a1.set_ylim((0, 2048)) a1.set_title('IGRINS %s band - %s (simulated)' % (band, lname)) a1.set_xlabel('X [pixel]') a1.set_ylabel('Y [pixel]') f1.savefig(PNG_PATH + 'IGRINS_%s_%s.png' % (band, lname)) plt.close('all')
def test2(band, lname='ohlines'): ''' Draw the original image ''' timg, thdr = ip.readfits(IMAGE_PATH+'IGRINS_%s_%s.fits' % (band,lname)) z1, z2 = ip.zscale(timg, contrast=0.2) f1 = plt.figure(1,figsize=(12,12),dpi=200) a1 = f1.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') a1.imshow(timg, cmap='hot', vmin=z1, vmax=z2) a1.set_xlim((0,2048)) a1.set_ylim((0,2048)) a1.set_title('IGRINS %s band - %s (simulated)' % (band,lname)) a1.set_xlabel('X [pixel]') a1.set_ylabel('Y [pixel]') f1.savefig(PNG_PATH+'IGRINS_%s_%s.png' % (band,lname)) plt.close('all')
def draw_strips(strip, wave, desc='', linedata=[], lampname='', grayplot=False, \ target_path=PNG_PATH): ''' Draw the strips with wavelength - INPUTS: 1. strip data 2. wavelength data 3. line data - OUTPUTS: PNG files ''' #print 'draw_strips', lampname if len(linedata) > 0: cwv, cflx = linedata wmin, wmax = (np.min(wave), np.max(wave)) z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) f2 = plt.figure(2,figsize=(12,5),dpi=200) a1 = f2.add_subplot(211, aspect='auto') a2 = f2.add_subplot(212, aspect='auto') ny, nx = strip.shape cuty = ny/2-8 a1.imshow(strip, cmap='hot', aspect=nx/1000.0, vmin=z1, vmax=z2) a1.plot([0,nx],[cuty,cuty], 'g--', alpha=0.8, linewidth=3) a1.set_xlim((0,nx)) a1.set_ylim((0,ny)) a1.set_title('%s' % (desc,)) a2.plot(wave, strip[cuty,:], 'b-', linewidth=1) ww = np.where((cwv < wmax) & (cwv > wmin))[0] fmax = np.zeros([len(ww)]) + np.max(strip[cuty,:])*1.05 a2.plot(cwv[ww], fmax, 'r|', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2, alpha=0.7 ) if lampname != '': lampname = '('+lampname+')' a2.set_title('%s %s' % (desc,lampname)) a2.set_xlabel('Wavelength [um]') a2.set_xlim((wmin, wmax)) a2.set_ylim((0, fmax[0]*1.1)) # f2.savefig(target_path+'%s_prof.png' % (desc,)) #2013-11-21 cksim commented this f2.savefig(target_path+'%s.png' % (desc,)) #2013-11-21 cksim if grayplot == True: f3 = plt.figure(3, figsize=(12,5),dpi=200) a3 = f3.add_subplot(111) a3.imshow(strip, cmap='gray', aspect=nx/200.0, vmin=z1, vmax=z2) x, y = (np.arange(nx), np.sum(strip, axis=0)) a3.plot(x, (y-np.min(y))/(np.max(y)-np.min(y))*ny*0.9,\ 'b-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.7) x, y = ( (cwv[ww]-wmin)/(wmax-wmin)*(nx-1), np.zeros(len(ww))+ny*1.05) a3.plot(x, y, 'r|', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2, alpha=0.7) a3.set_xlim((0,nx)) a3.set_ylim((0,ny*1.1)) cticks = wticks[np.where((wticks > wmin) & (wticks < wmax))] xticks = (cticks-wmin)/(wmax-wmin)*(nx-1) #print xticks a3.set_yticks([]) a3.set_xticks(xticks) a3.set_xticklabels(['%.3f' % x for x in cticks]) a3.set_xlabel('Wavelength [um]') f3.savefig(target_path+'%s_gray.png' % (desc,)) plt.close('all')
def line_identify(stripfile, linedata=[], outputfile=None, \ npoints=30, spix=5, dpix=5, thres=15000): ''' Identify the lines in the strip based on the line database - inputs : 1. stripfile (with wavelength data or not) 2. linefile (for line database) ''' def key_press(event): ax = event.inaxes if ax == None: return ax_title = ax.get_title() if event.key == 'q': plt.close('all') if event.key == 'm': click_x, click_y = event.xdata, event.ydata rr = np.arange((x2-2*dpix),(x2+2*dpix+1), #p = ip.gauss_fit(rr, row[rr], p0=[1, x2, 1]) #a2.plot(rr, ip.gauss(rr, *p), 'r--') #mx = p[1] mx, mval = ip.find_features(rr, row[rr], gpix=dpix) mx, mval = mx[0], mval[0] a2.plot(mx, mval, 'ro') fig.canvas.draw() fwv = cwv[np.argmin(np.abs(cwv-wav[mx]))] strtmp = raw_input('input wavelength at (%d, %d) = %.7f:' % (mx, my, fwv)) if strtmp == '': strtmp = fwv try: mwv = np.float(strtmp) lxx.append(mx) lyy.append(my) lwv.append(mwv) a1.plot(mx, my, 'ro') fig.canvas.draw() print '%.7f at (%d, %d)' % (mwv, mx, my) except: print 'No input, again...' if len(linedata) == 2: cwv, cflx = linedata else: print 'No input data for line information' cwv, cflx = None, None strip, hdr = ip.readfits(stripfile) fpath, fname = ip.split_path(stripfile) if outputfile == None: outputfile = fpath+'c'+fname # extract the file name only without extension name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) ny, nx = strip.shape yy, xx = np.indices(strip.shape) if 'WV-DIM' in hdr.keys(): xdim, ydim = np.array(hdr.get('WV-DIM').split(','), wl_coeff = np.zeros([xdim*ydim]) for i in range(xdim): tmp = hdr.get('WV-X%03d' % (i,)) wl_coeff[(i*ydim):(i*ydim+ydim)] = np.array(tmp.split(','), dtype=np.double) awave = ip.polyval2d(xx, yy, wl_coeff, deg=[xdim-1, ydim-1]) else: print 'No wavelength data in FITS header' awave = None # define figure object fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,7)) a1 = fig.add_subplot(211, title='strip') a2 = fig.add_subplot(212, title='line') # draw the strip image z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) a1.imshow(strip, cmap='gray',vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') a1.set_xlim(0,nx) a1.set_ylim(-10,ny+10) lspec = np.sum(strip, axis=0) lxpos = np.arange(nx) a2.plot(lxpos, lspec) a2.set_xlim(0,nx) # draw the lines in the database if (awave != None) & (cwv != None): twave = awave[int(ny/2),:] print twave wv1, wv2 = np.min(twave), np.max(twave) for wv0 in cwv[(cwv > wv1) & (cwv < wv2)]: x0 = np.argmin(np.abs(twave-wv0)) a2.plot([x0, x0], [0, ny], 'r--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.4) # make the array for emission feature points lxx, lyy, lwave = ([], [], []) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', key_press) print '[m] mark the line and input the wavelength' print '[q] quit from this aperture' return
def _line_identify_old(stripfile, linefile=None, \ npoints=30, spix=4, dpix=5, thres=13000, fdeg=5, desc=''): def key_press(event): if event.key == 'q': plt.close('all') if event.key == 'a': line_idx = np.argmin( (event.xdata - ysignal)**2 ) line_x = ysignal[line_idx] print line_idx, line_x # mark the points for fitting ll, = np.where((xx < line_x+dpix) & (xx > line_x-dpix)) print len(ll) l1 = ax.plot([line_x, line_x], [0,ny], 'r-', linewidth=5, alpha=0.5) l2 = ax.plot(xx[ll], yy[ll], 'ro') coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(xx[ll],yy[ll],fdeg) fig.canvas.draw() print coeff ycoeff[line_idx,:] = np.array(coeff) # redraw for the marked points # read the wavelength for this line input = raw_input('input wavelength:') try: line_wv = np.float(input) except: line_wv = 0.0 print line_idx, line_x, line_wv ywave[line_idx] = line_wv strip, hdr = ip.readfits(stripfile) ny, nx = strip.shape z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) # fitting the base level snr = 10 ysum = np.average(strip[(ny/2-spix):(ny/2+spix),:], axis=0) ll = np.arange(nx) nrejt = 0 while (1): yc = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(ll, ysum[ll], fdeg) yfit = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(np.arange(nx), yc) ll, = np.where(ysum < yfit*(1.0 + 1.0/snr)) #print nrejt if nrejt == len(ll): break nrejt = len(ll) ysignal = np.array(peak_find(ysum, thres=thres, dpix=dpix )) # define figure object fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # draw the strip image ax.imshow(strip, cmap='gray',vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') ax.set_xlim(0,nx) ax.set_ylim(-5,ny+5) # mark the number of lines for i, ypeak in enumerate(ysignal): if i % 2 == 1: ytext = ny else: ytext = -5 ax.text(ypeak, ytext, i+1, fontsize=15) # find the emission feature in each row ysteps = np.linspace(spix, ny-spix, npoints) # make the array for emission feature points xx, yy = ([], []) for ypos in ysteps: irow = np.mean(strip[(ypos-spix/2):(ypos+spix/2),:],axis=0) #a2.plot(irow) # find the peak positions xpos_list = peak_find(irow, dpix=dpix, thres=thres) # draw and save the peak positions (x, y) for xpos in xpos_list: ax.plot(xpos, ypos, 'go', markersize=5, alpha=0.5) xx.append(xpos) yy.append(ypos) # convert into the numpy array xx = np.array(xx, dtype=np.float) yy = np.array(yy, dtype=np.float) # generate the wavelength array for each line ywave = np.zeros(len(ysignal)) ycoeff = np.zeros([len(ysignal),fdeg+1]) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', key_press) print '[a] add line and input wavelength' print '[r] reset' print '[q] quit from this aperture' print 'thanks'
def ap_tracing_strip(band, filename, npoints=40, spix=10, dpix=20, thres=14000, \ start_col=None, ap_thres=None, degree=None, \ devide=8.0, target_path=MANUAL_PATH): ''' Trace the apertures starting at "start_col" position (for FLAT spectrum) - inputs 0. band 1. npoints : slicing number along the column direction 2. spix : summing pixel size along vertical column for finding strips 3. dpix : detecting pixel range of feature to be regarded as the same 4. thres : detecting intensity level for emission features 5. start_col : starting column number for tracing 6. ap_thres : threshold of pixel range to identify nearby aperture features 7. degree : degree of polynomial fitting - outputs 1. coefficients of polynomial fittings for start position of each aperture on y-axis 2. coefficients of polynomial fittings for end position of each aperture on y-axis ''' img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename) img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename) fpath, fname = ip.split_path(filename) if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) # image size ny, nx = img.shape # define the threshold pixel range to be matched with nearby aperture positions if ap_thres == None: ap_thres= nx/npoints/4 # define the degree of polynomials for fitting if degree == None: degree = 3 #7 # find the apertures in the middle column #if start_col == None: start_col = start_col #1500 #nx/2 icol = np.mean(img[:,(start_col-spix/2):(start_col+spix/2)], axis=1) #print 'icol', icol, len(icol) mcaps1, mcaps2 = strip_find(band, icol) n_ap = len(mcaps1) # make set of (x, y) positions for each aperture # add the (x, y) positions at default column apx1, apx2 = [], [] apy1, apy2 = [], [] for mcap1, mcap2 in zip(mcaps1, mcaps2): apx1.append([start_col]) apx2.append([start_col]) apy1.append([mcap1]) apy2.append([mcap2]) # define the tracing direction (left, right) xsteps = np.linspace(spix,nx-spix,npoints) xlefts = xsteps[(xsteps < start_col)] xrights = xsteps[(xsteps > start_col)] # the left side columns pcaps1, pcaps2 = np.copy(mcaps1), np.copy(mcaps2) for xpos in reversed(xlefts): icol = np.mean(img[:,(xpos-spix/2):(xpos+spix/2)],axis=1) caps1, caps2 = np.array(strip_find(band, icol, dpix=dpix, margin=10)) #print xpos, n_ap, len(caps1), len(caps2) # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap1, pcap2 in zip(range(n_ap), pcaps1, pcaps2): tcap1 = caps1[(caps1 < pcap1+ap_thres) & ( caps1 > pcap1-ap_thres)] if len(tcap1) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx1[i].append(xpos) apy1[i].append(tcap1[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps1[i] = tcap1[0] elif len(tcap1) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap1)) tcap2 = caps2[(caps2 < pcap2+ap_thres) & ( caps2 > pcap2-ap_thres)] if len(tcap2) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx2[i].append(xpos) apy2[i].append(tcap2[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps2[i] = tcap2[0] elif len(tcap2) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap2)) # the right side columns pcaps1, pcaps2 = np.copy(mcaps1), np.copy(mcaps2) for xpos in xrights: icol = np.mean(img[:,(xpos-spix/2):(xpos+spix/2)],axis=1) caps1, caps2 = np.array(strip_find(band, icol, dpix=dpix)) print xpos, n_ap, len(caps1), len(caps2) # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap1, pcap2 in zip(range(n_ap), pcaps1, pcaps2): tcap1 = caps1[(caps1 < pcap1+ap_thres) & ( caps1 > pcap1-ap_thres)] if len(tcap1) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx1[i].append(xpos) apy1[i].append(tcap1[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps1[i] = tcap1[0] elif len(tcap1) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap1)) tcap2 = caps2[(caps2 < pcap2+ap_thres) & ( caps2 > pcap2-ap_thres)] if len(tcap2) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx2[i].append(xpos) apy2[i].append(tcap2[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps2[i] = tcap2[0] elif len(tcap2) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap2)) # sorting the (x, y) positions along x-direction for each aperture # polynomial fitting with degree ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2 = [], [] z1, z2 = ip.zscale(img) plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray', vmin=z1, vmax=z2) for k in range(len(apx1)): #n_ap): tapx1 = np.array(apx1[k],dtype=np.float) tapx2 = np.array(apx2[k],dtype=np.float) tapy1 = np.array(apy1[k],dtype=np.float) tapy2 = np.array(apy2[k],dtype=np.float) tsort1 = np.argsort(tapx1) tsort2 = np.argsort(tapx2) coeff1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx1[tsort1],tapy1[tsort1],degree) coeff2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx2[tsort2],tapy2[tsort2],degree) # save the fitting coefficients ap_coeff = np.zeros([2,degree+1]) ap_coeff[0,:] = coeff1 ap_coeff[1,:] = coeff2 np.savetxt(target_path+'apmap_%s_%02d.%03d.dat' % (band, degree, k), ap_coeff) ap_coeffs1.append(coeff1) ap_coeffs2.append(coeff2) yfit1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx1[tsort1],coeff1) yfit2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx2[tsort2],coeff2) plt.plot(tapx1[tsort1],tapy1[tsort1], 'go') plt.plot(tapx2[tsort2],tapy2[tsort2], 'ro') print 'ap[%d]: delta_y1 = %12.8f %12.8f ' \ % (k, np.mean(tapy1[tsort1]-yfit1), np.std(tapy1[tsort1]-yfit1)) print 'ap[%d]: delta_y2 = %12.8f %12.8f ' \ % (k, np.mean(tapy2[tsort2]-yfit2), np.std(tapy2[tsort2]-yfit2)) xx = np.arange(nx) yfit1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xx,coeff1) yfit2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xx,coeff2) plt.plot(xx,yfit1,'g-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.6) plt.plot(xx,yfit2,'r-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.6) plt.xlim(0,nx) plt.ylim(0,ny) plt.savefig(target_path+name+'_aptracing2.png') plt.close('all') return ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2
def ap_tracing_peak(img, npoints=40, spix=10, dpix=20, thres=1400, \ start_col=None, ap_thres=None, degree=None): ''' Trace the apertures starting at "start_col" position (for stellar spectrum) - inputs 1. npoints : slicing number along the column direction 2. spix : summing pixel size along column for finding peaks 3. dpix : detecting pixel range of feature to be regarded as the same 4. thres : detecting intensity level for emission features 5. start_col : starting column number for tracing 6. ap_thres : threshold of pixel range to identify nearby aperture features 7. degree : degree of polynomial fitting - outputs coefficients of polynomial fittings for each aperture ''' # image size ny, nx = img.shape # define the threshold pixel range to be matched with nearby aperture positions if ap_thres == None: ap_thres= nx/npoints/2 # define the degree of polynomials for fitting if degree == None: degree = 3 #5 # find the apertures in the middle column if start_col == None: start_col = nx/2 icol = np.mean(img[:,(start_col-spix/2):(start_col+spix/2)],axis=1) mcaps = peak_find(icol, thres=thres, dpix=dpix) n_ap = len(mcaps) # make set of (x, y) positions for each aperture # add the (x, y) positions at default column apx = [] apy = [] for mcap in mcaps: apx.append([start_col]) apy.append([mcap]) # define the tracing direction (left, right) xsteps = np.linspace(spix,nx-spix,npoints) xlefts = xsteps[(xsteps < start_col)] xrights = xsteps[(xsteps > start_col)] # the left side columns pcaps = np.copy(mcaps) for xpos in reversed(xlefts): icol = np.mean(img[:,(xpos-spix/2):(xpos+spix/2)],axis=1) caps = np.array(peak_find(icol, dpix=dpix, thres=thres)) print xpos, len(caps), n_ap # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap in enumerate(pcaps): tcap = caps[(caps < pcap+ap_thres) & ( caps > pcap-ap_thres)] if len(tcap) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx[i].append(xpos) apy[i].append(tcap[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps[i] = tcap[0] elif len(tcap) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap)) # the right side columns pcaps = np.copy(mcaps) for xpos in xrights: icol = np.mean(img[:,(xpos-spix/2):(xpos+spix/2)],axis=1) caps = np.array(peak_find(icol, dpix=dpix, thres=thres)) print xpos, len(caps), n_ap # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap in enumerate(pcaps): tcap = caps[(caps < pcap+ap_thres) & ( caps > pcap-ap_thres)] if len(tcap) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx[i].append(xpos) apy[i].append(tcap[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps[i] = tcap[0] elif len(tcap) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap)) # sorting the (x, y) positions along x-direction for each aperture # polynomial fitting with degree ap_coeffs = [] z1, z2 = ip.zscale(img) plt.imshow(img, cmap='hot', vmin=z1, vmax=z2) for i in range(n_ap-1): tapx = np.array(apx[i],dtype=np.float) tapy = np.array(apy[i],dtype=np.float) tsort = np.argsort(tapx) coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx[tsort],tapy[tsort],degree) ap_coeffs.append(coeff) yfit = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx[tsort],coeff) plt.plot(tapx[tsort],tapy[tsort], 'go') plt.plot(tapx[tsort],yfit,'b-', linewidth=10, alpha=0.3) print 'ap[%d]: delta_y = %12.8f %12.8f ' \ % (i, np.mean(tapy[tsort]-yfit), np.std(tapy[tsort]-yfit)) plt.xlim(0,2048) plt.ylim(0,2048) return ap_coeffs
def _line_identify_old(stripfile, linefile=None, \ npoints=30, spix=4, dpix=5, thres=13000, fdeg=5, desc=''): def key_press(event): if event.key == 'q': plt.close('all') if event.key == 'a': line_idx = np.argmin((event.xdata - ysignal)**2) line_x = ysignal[line_idx] print line_idx, line_x # mark the points for fitting ll, = np.where((xx < line_x + dpix) & (xx > line_x - dpix)) print len(ll) l1 = ax.plot([line_x, line_x], [0, ny], 'r-', linewidth=5, alpha=0.5) l2 = ax.plot(xx[ll], yy[ll], 'ro') coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(xx[ll], yy[ll], fdeg) fig.canvas.draw() print coeff ycoeff[line_idx, :] = np.array(coeff) # redraw for the marked points # read the wavelength for this line input = raw_input('input wavelength:') try: line_wv = np.float(input) except: line_wv = 0.0 print line_idx, line_x, line_wv ywave[line_idx] = line_wv strip, hdr = ip.readfits(stripfile) ny, nx = strip.shape z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) # fitting the base level snr = 10 ysum = np.average(strip[(ny / 2 - spix):(ny / 2 + spix), :], axis=0) ll = np.arange(nx) nrejt = 0 while (1): yc = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(ll, ysum[ll], fdeg) yfit = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(np.arange(nx), yc) ll, = np.where(ysum < yfit * (1.0 + 1.0 / snr)) #print nrejt if nrejt == len(ll): break nrejt = len(ll) ysignal = np.array(peak_find(ysum, thres=thres, dpix=dpix)) # define figure object fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # draw the strip image ax.imshow(strip, cmap='gray', vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') ax.set_xlim(0, nx) ax.set_ylim(-5, ny + 5) # mark the number of lines for i, ypeak in enumerate(ysignal): if i % 2 == 1: ytext = ny else: ytext = -5 ax.text(ypeak, ytext, i + 1, fontsize=15) # find the emission feature in each row ysteps = np.linspace(spix, ny - spix, npoints) # make the array for emission feature points xx, yy = ([], []) for ypos in ysteps: irow = np.mean(strip[(ypos - spix / 2):(ypos + spix / 2), :], axis=0) #a2.plot(irow) # find the peak positions xpos_list = peak_find(irow, dpix=dpix, thres=thres) # draw and save the peak positions (x, y) for xpos in xpos_list: ax.plot(xpos, ypos, 'go', markersize=5, alpha=0.5) xx.append(xpos) yy.append(ypos) # convert into the numpy array xx = np.array(xx, dtype=np.float) yy = np.array(yy, dtype=np.float) # generate the wavelength array for each line ywave = np.zeros(len(ysignal)) ycoeff = np.zeros([len(ysignal), fdeg + 1]) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', key_press) print '[a] add line and input wavelength' print '[r] reset' print '[q] quit from this aperture' print 'thanks'
def line_identify(stripfile, linedata=[], outputfile=None, \ npoints=30, spix=5, dpix=5, thres=15000): ''' Identify the lines in the strip based on the line database - inputs : 1. stripfile (with wavelength data or not) 2. linefile (for line database) ''' def key_press(event): ax = event.inaxes if ax == None: return ax_title = ax.get_title() if event.key == 'q': plt.close('all') if event.key == 'm': click_x, click_y = event.xdata, event.ydata rr = np.arange((click_x - 2 * dpix), (click_x + 2 * dpix + 1), #p = ip.gauss_fit(rr, row[rr], p0=[1, x2, 1]) #a2.plot(rr, ip.gauss(rr, *p), 'r--') #mx = p[1] mx, mval = ip.find_features(rr, row[rr], gpix=dpix) mx, mval = mx[0], mval[0] a2.plot(mx, mval, 'ro') fig.canvas.draw() fwv = cwv[np.argmin(np.abs(cwv - wav[mx]))] strtmp = raw_input('input wavelength at (%d, %d) = %.7f:' % (mx, my, fwv)) if strtmp == '': strtmp = fwv try: mwv = np.float(strtmp) lxx.append(mx) lyy.append(my) lwv.append(mwv) a1.plot(mx, my, 'ro') fig.canvas.draw() print '%.7f at (%d, %d)' % (mwv, mx, my) except: print 'No input, again...' if len(linedata) == 2: cwv, cflx = linedata else: print 'No input data for line information' cwv, cflx = None, None strip, hdr = ip.readfits(stripfile) fpath, fname = ip.split_path(stripfile) if outputfile == None: outputfile = fpath + 'c' + fname # extract the file name only without extension name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) ny, nx = strip.shape yy, xx = np.indices(strip.shape) if 'WV-DIM' in hdr.keys(): xdim, ydim = np.array(hdr.get('WV-DIM').split(','), wl_coeff = np.zeros([xdim * ydim]) for i in range(xdim): tmp = hdr.get('WV-X%03d' % (i, )) wl_coeff[(i * ydim):(i * ydim + ydim)] = np.array(tmp.split(','), dtype=np.double) awave = ip.polyval2d(xx, yy, wl_coeff, deg=[xdim - 1, ydim - 1]) else: print 'No wavelength data in FITS header' awave = None # define figure object fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7)) a1 = fig.add_subplot(211, title='strip') a2 = fig.add_subplot(212, title='line') # draw the strip image z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) a1.imshow(strip, cmap='gray', vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') a1.set_xlim(0, nx) a1.set_ylim(-10, ny + 10) lspec = np.sum(strip, axis=0) lxpos = np.arange(nx) a2.plot(lxpos, lspec) a2.set_xlim(0, nx) # draw the lines in the database if (awave != None) & (cwv != None): twave = awave[int(ny / 2), :] print twave wv1, wv2 = np.min(twave), np.max(twave) for wv0 in cwv[(cwv > wv1) & (cwv < wv2)]: x0 = np.argmin(np.abs(twave - wv0)) a2.plot([x0, x0], [0, ny], 'r--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.4) # make the array for emission feature points lxx, lyy, lwave = ([], [], []) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', key_press) print '[m] mark the line and input the wavelength' print '[q] quit from this aperture' return
def ap_tracing_strip(band, filename, npoints=40, spix=10, dpix=20, thres=14000, \ start_col=None, ap_thres=None, degree=None, \ devide=8.0, target_path=MANUAL_PATH): ''' Trace the apertures starting at "start_col" position (for FLAT spectrum) - inputs 0. band 1. npoints : slicing number along the column direction 2. spix : summing pixel size along vertical column for finding strips 3. dpix : detecting pixel range of feature to be regarded as the same 4. thres : detecting intensity level for emission features 5. start_col : starting column number for tracing 6. ap_thres : threshold of pixel range to identify nearby aperture features 7. degree : degree of polynomial fitting - outputs 1. coefficients of polynomial fittings for start position of each aperture on y-axis 2. coefficients of polynomial fittings for end position of each aperture on y-axis ''' img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename) img, hdr = ip.readfits(filename) fpath, fname = ip.split_path(filename) if ip.exist_path(target_path) == False: target_path = fpath name = '.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) # image size ny, nx = img.shape # define the threshold pixel range to be matched with nearby aperture positions if ap_thres == None: ap_thres = nx / npoints / 4 # define the degree of polynomials for fitting if degree == None: degree = 3 #7 # find the apertures in the middle column #if start_col == None: start_col = start_col #1500 #nx/2 icol = np.mean(img[:, (start_col - spix / 2):(start_col + spix / 2)], axis=1) #print 'icol', icol, len(icol) mcaps1, mcaps2 = strip_find(band, icol) n_ap = len(mcaps1) # make set of (x, y) positions for each aperture # add the (x, y) positions at default column apx1, apx2 = [], [] apy1, apy2 = [], [] for mcap1, mcap2 in zip(mcaps1, mcaps2): apx1.append([start_col]) apx2.append([start_col]) apy1.append([mcap1]) apy2.append([mcap2]) # define the tracing direction (left, right) xsteps = np.linspace(spix, nx - spix, npoints) xlefts = xsteps[(xsteps < start_col)] xrights = xsteps[(xsteps > start_col)] # the left side columns pcaps1, pcaps2 = np.copy(mcaps1), np.copy(mcaps2) for xpos in reversed(xlefts): icol = np.mean(img[:, (xpos - spix / 2):(xpos + spix / 2)], axis=1) caps1, caps2 = np.array(strip_find(band, icol, dpix=dpix, margin=10)) #print xpos, n_ap, len(caps1), len(caps2) # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap1, pcap2 in zip(range(n_ap), pcaps1, pcaps2): tcap1 = caps1[(caps1 < pcap1 + ap_thres) & (caps1 > pcap1 - ap_thres)] if len(tcap1) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx1[i].append(xpos) apy1[i].append(tcap1[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps1[i] = tcap1[0] elif len(tcap1) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap1)) tcap2 = caps2[(caps2 < pcap2 + ap_thres) & (caps2 > pcap2 - ap_thres)] if len(tcap2) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx2[i].append(xpos) apy2[i].append(tcap2[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps2[i] = tcap2[0] elif len(tcap2) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap2)) # the right side columns pcaps1, pcaps2 = np.copy(mcaps1), np.copy(mcaps2) for xpos in xrights: icol = np.mean(img[:, (xpos - spix / 2):(xpos + spix / 2)], axis=1) caps1, caps2 = np.array(strip_find(band, icol, dpix=dpix)) print xpos, n_ap, len(caps1), len(caps2) # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap1, pcap2 in zip(range(n_ap), pcaps1, pcaps2): tcap1 = caps1[(caps1 < pcap1 + ap_thres) & (caps1 > pcap1 - ap_thres)] if len(tcap1) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx1[i].append(xpos) apy1[i].append(tcap1[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps1[i] = tcap1[0] elif len(tcap1) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap1)) tcap2 = caps2[(caps2 < pcap2 + ap_thres) & (caps2 > pcap2 - ap_thres)] if len(tcap2) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx2[i].append(xpos) apy2[i].append(tcap2[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps2[i] = tcap2[0] elif len(tcap2) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap2)) # sorting the (x, y) positions along x-direction for each aperture # polynomial fitting with degree ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2 = [], [] z1, z2 = ip.zscale(img) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray', vmin=z1, vmax=z2) for k in range(len(apx1)): #n_ap): tapx1 = np.array(apx1[k], dtype=np.float) tapx2 = np.array(apx2[k], dtype=np.float) tapy1 = np.array(apy1[k], dtype=np.float) tapy2 = np.array(apy2[k], dtype=np.float) tsort1 = np.argsort(tapx1) tsort2 = np.argsort(tapx2) coeff1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx1[tsort1], tapy1[tsort1], degree) coeff2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx2[tsort2], tapy2[tsort2], degree) # save the fitting coefficients ap_coeff = np.zeros([2, degree + 1]) ap_coeff[0, :] = coeff1 ap_coeff[1, :] = coeff2 np.savetxt(target_path + 'apmap_%s_%02d.%03d.dat' % (band, degree, k), ap_coeff) ap_coeffs1.append(coeff1) ap_coeffs2.append(coeff2) yfit1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx1[tsort1], coeff1) yfit2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx2[tsort2], coeff2) plt.plot(tapx1[tsort1], tapy1[tsort1], 'go') plt.plot(tapx2[tsort2], tapy2[tsort2], 'ro') print 'ap[%d]: delta_y1 = %12.8f %12.8f ' \ % (k, np.mean(tapy1[tsort1]-yfit1), np.std(tapy1[tsort1]-yfit1)) print 'ap[%d]: delta_y2 = %12.8f %12.8f ' \ % (k, np.mean(tapy2[tsort2]-yfit2), np.std(tapy2[tsort2]-yfit2)) xx = np.arange(nx) yfit1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xx, coeff1) yfit2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xx, coeff2) plt.plot(xx, yfit1, 'g-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.6) plt.plot(xx, yfit2, 'r-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.6) plt.xlim(0, nx) plt.ylim(0, ny) plt.savefig(target_path + name + '_aptracing2.png') plt.close('all') return ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2
def ap_tracing_peak(img, npoints=40, spix=10, dpix=20, thres=1400, \ start_col=None, ap_thres=None, degree=None): ''' Trace the apertures starting at "start_col" position (for stellar spectrum) - inputs 1. npoints : slicing number along the column direction 2. spix : summing pixel size along column for finding peaks 3. dpix : detecting pixel range of feature to be regarded as the same 4. thres : detecting intensity level for emission features 5. start_col : starting column number for tracing 6. ap_thres : threshold of pixel range to identify nearby aperture features 7. degree : degree of polynomial fitting - outputs coefficients of polynomial fittings for each aperture ''' # image size ny, nx = img.shape # define the threshold pixel range to be matched with nearby aperture positions if ap_thres == None: ap_thres = nx / npoints / 2 # define the degree of polynomials for fitting if degree == None: degree = 3 #5 # find the apertures in the middle column if start_col == None: start_col = nx / 2 icol = np.mean(img[:, (start_col - spix / 2):(start_col + spix / 2)], axis=1) mcaps = peak_find(icol, thres=thres, dpix=dpix) n_ap = len(mcaps) # make set of (x, y) positions for each aperture # add the (x, y) positions at default column apx = [] apy = [] for mcap in mcaps: apx.append([start_col]) apy.append([mcap]) # define the tracing direction (left, right) xsteps = np.linspace(spix, nx - spix, npoints) xlefts = xsteps[(xsteps < start_col)] xrights = xsteps[(xsteps > start_col)] # the left side columns pcaps = np.copy(mcaps) for xpos in reversed(xlefts): icol = np.mean(img[:, (xpos - spix / 2):(xpos + spix / 2)], axis=1) caps = np.array(peak_find(icol, dpix=dpix, thres=thres)) print xpos, len(caps), n_ap # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap in enumerate(pcaps): tcap = caps[(caps < pcap + ap_thres) & (caps > pcap - ap_thres)] if len(tcap) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx[i].append(xpos) apy[i].append(tcap[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps[i] = tcap[0] elif len(tcap) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap)) # the right side columns pcaps = np.copy(mcaps) for xpos in xrights: icol = np.mean(img[:, (xpos - spix / 2):(xpos + spix / 2)], axis=1) caps = np.array(peak_find(icol, dpix=dpix, thres=thres)) print xpos, len(caps), n_ap # check the aperture number based on mcap positions for i, pcap in enumerate(pcaps): tcap = caps[(caps < pcap + ap_thres) & (caps > pcap - ap_thres)] if len(tcap) == 1: # save this position to the (x, y) position list apx[i].append(xpos) apy[i].append(tcap[0]) # save this position for the next tracing loop pcaps[i] = tcap[0] elif len(tcap) == 0: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \ % (i, xpos) else: print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \ % (i, xpos, len(tcap)) # sorting the (x, y) positions along x-direction for each aperture # polynomial fitting with degree ap_coeffs = [] z1, z2 = ip.zscale(img) plt.imshow(img, cmap='hot', vmin=z1, vmax=z2) for i in range(n_ap - 1): tapx = np.array(apx[i], dtype=np.float) tapy = np.array(apy[i], dtype=np.float) tsort = np.argsort(tapx) coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx[tsort], tapy[tsort], degree) ap_coeffs.append(coeff) yfit = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx[tsort], coeff) plt.plot(tapx[tsort], tapy[tsort], 'go') plt.plot(tapx[tsort], yfit, 'b-', linewidth=10, alpha=0.3) print 'ap[%d]: delta_y = %12.8f %12.8f ' \ % (i, np.mean(tapy[tsort]-yfit), np.std(tapy[tsort]-yfit)) plt.xlim(0, 2048) plt.ylim(0, 2048) return ap_coeffs
def check(stripfile, aperture, tstrip, lxx_t, lwave, b, linear_wave, pngpath='', datpath='', outputname=''): # Input images img, ahdr = ip.readfits(stripfile) ny, nx = img.shape wavel = np.array(lwave) npix = 9 # Range pixel of each identify lines # The belove steps are used to check the transform processes. ti_peakline, tlwidth = peak_reidentify(tstrip, npix, lxx_t) npix = np.zeros(len(lxx_t)) for i in range(len(lxx_t)): npix[i] = round(np.average(tlwidth[i]))*2 + 1 tilxx = np.zeros(len(lxx_t)) for i in range(len(lxx_t)): tilxx[i] = ti_peakline[i][2] #print 'identify lxx', tilxx peak_w = reidentify(tstrip, npix, list(tilxx)) # Check peak line stable of Gaussian profile for i in range(len(peak_w)): for j in range(len(peak_w[i])): if (peak_w[i][j] - np.median(peak_w[i])) > 3: peak_w[i][j] = np.median(peak_w[i]) if (peak_w[i][j] - np.median(peak_w[i])) < -3: peak_w[i][j] = np.median(peak_w[i]) # Using polynomial to fit the emission lines tfit_x, tvmiddle = linefitting(tstrip, peak_w, lxx_t) # Test distortion of emission lines residual(peak_w, tvmiddle) # txx values transform step = int(ny/6) txx = np.zeros(len(lxx_t)) for i in range(0, len(lxx_t)): txx[i] = peak_w[i][2] # Sum of 10 lines in the middle stripfile #print 'center of identify lines after transform', txx # Second order coeff2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, txx, 2) #print 'cofficient fitting linear wave', coeff2 tp_min = [coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0]] tvalue_min = np.roots(tp_min) tp_max = [coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - 2047] tvalue_max = np.roots(tp_max) tlamda_min = find_nearest(tvalue_min, min(wavel)) tlamda_max = find_nearest(tvalue_max, max(wavel)) #print 'position', np.where(tvalue_min == tlamda_min)[0], np.where(tvalue_max == tlamda_max)[0] #print 'lambda min and max', tlamda_min, tlamda_max # Position array position = np.where(tvalue_max == tlamda_max)[0] # Check in case of complex values if (np.iscomplexobj(tlamda_min)): lamda_min = np.real(tlamda_min) elif (np.iscomplexobj(tlamda_max)): lamda_max = np.real(tlamda_max) tlamda = np.zeros(nx) for i in range(nx): pt = [coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - i] if (np.iscomplexobj(np.roots(pt))): temp = np.real(np.roots(pt)) tlamda[i] = temp[position] else: tlamda[i] = np.roots(pt)[position] # 4nd order ''' coeff2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, txx, 4) print 'cofficient fitting linear wave', coeff2 tp_min = [coeff2[4], coeff2[3], coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0]] tvalue_min = np.roots(tp_min) tp_max = [coeff2[4], coeff2[3], coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - 2047] tvalue_max = np.roots(tp_max) tlamda_min = find_nearest(tvalue_min, min(wavel)) tlamda_max = find_nearest(tvalue_max, max(wavel)) print 'position', np.where(tvalue_min == tlamda_min)[0], np.where(tvalue_max == tlamda_max)[0] print 'lambda min and max', tlamda_min, tlamda_max print 'lambda min and max after transform', tlamda_min, tlamda_max tlamda = np.zeros(nx) for i in range(nx): p = [coeff2[4], coeff2[3], coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - i] tlamda[i] = np.roots(p)[np.where(tvalue_min == tlamda_min)[0]] ''' #fig = plt.figure(4, figsize=(10,8)) #a = fig.add_subplot(111) #a.plot(tlamda, range(nx), 'r', wavel, txx, 'ko') #a.plot(wavel, txx, 'ko') #plt.ylabel('X-position [pixels]') #plt.xlabel('Wavelength [microns]') #plt.legend(['Polyfit', 'X-after transform']) # Test file of results # wavelength calculate from the linear equation from the # line lists f_linear = np.zeros(len(wavel)) for i in range(len(wavel)): f_linear[i] = b[0] + b[1] * wavel[i] #print 'linear coeff', b f = open(datpath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.dat','w') A = np.arange(len(f_linear)) for j in range(len(peak_w[0])): for i in A: temp = "%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f \n" %(wavel[i], f_linear[i], np.array(peak_w[i][j]), \ np.array(peak_w[i][j]) - f_linear[i]) f.write(temp) f.close() # Draw the strip image f6 = plt.figure(None, figsize=(14,6)) ax6= f6.add_subplot(311, title= outputname + str(aperture)) z1, z2 = ip.zscale(tstrip) ax6.imshow(img, cmap='hot',vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') ax6.set_xlim(0,nx) ax6.set_ylim(-10,ny+10) plt.ylabel('Y [pixels]') #plt.xlabel('X [pixels]') #f7 = plt.figure(7, figsize=(14,3)) ax7= f6.add_subplot(312) ax7.imshow(tstrip, cmap='hot',vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') #ax7.plot(range(nx), img_shift[ny/2,:], 'k.', trxx, tstrip[ny/2,:], 'r.') #plt.legend(['before transform', 'after transform']) ax7.set_xlim(0,nx) ax7.set_ylim(-10,ny+10) #plt.xlabel('X [pixels]') #f8 = plt.figure(8, figsize=(14,3)) ax8 = f6.add_subplot(313, title='') ax8.plot(linear_wave, tstrip[ny/2,:], 'b') #ax4.set_xlim(0, len(tstrip[1,:])) #ax4.set_ylim(-10,ny+10) #ax4.set_xlim(min(w_fitting), max(w_fitting)) ax8.set_xlim(min(linear_wave), max(linear_wave)) plt.xlabel('Wavelength [microns]') plt.savefig(pngpath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.png') plt.close() return coeff2
def draw_strips(strip, wave, desc='', linedata=[], lampname='', grayplot=False, \ target_path=PNG_PATH): ''' Draw the strips with wavelength - INPUTS: 1. strip data 2. wavelength data 3. line data - OUTPUTS: PNG files ''' #print 'draw_strips', lampname if len(linedata) > 0: cwv, cflx = linedata wmin, wmax = (np.min(wave), np.max(wave)) z1, z2 = ip.zscale(strip) f2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(12, 5), dpi=200) a1 = f2.add_subplot(211, aspect='auto') a2 = f2.add_subplot(212, aspect='auto') ny, nx = strip.shape cuty = ny / 2 - 8 a1.imshow(strip, cmap='hot', aspect=nx / 1000.0, vmin=z1, vmax=z2) a1.plot([0, nx], [cuty, cuty], 'g--', alpha=0.8, linewidth=3) a1.set_xlim((0, nx)) a1.set_ylim((0, ny)) a1.set_title('%s' % (desc, )) a2.plot(wave, strip[cuty, :], 'b-', linewidth=1) ww = np.where((cwv < wmax) & (cwv > wmin))[0] fmax = np.zeros([len(ww)]) + np.max(strip[cuty, :]) * 1.05 a2.plot(cwv[ww], fmax, 'r|', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2, alpha=0.7) if lampname != '': lampname = '(' + lampname + ')' a2.set_title('%s %s' % (desc, lampname)) a2.set_xlabel('Wavelength [um]') a2.set_xlim((wmin, wmax)) a2.set_ylim((0, fmax[0] * 1.1)) # f2.savefig(target_path+'%s_prof.png' % (desc,)) #2013-11-21 cksim commented this f2.savefig(target_path + '%s.png' % (desc, )) #2013-11-21 cksim if grayplot == True: f3 = plt.figure(3, figsize=(12, 5), dpi=200) a3 = f3.add_subplot(111) a3.imshow(strip, cmap='gray', aspect=nx / 200.0, vmin=z1, vmax=z2) x, y = (np.arange(nx), np.sum(strip, axis=0)) a3.plot(x, (y-np.min(y))/(np.max(y)-np.min(y))*ny*0.9,\ 'b-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.7) x, y = ((cwv[ww] - wmin) / (wmax - wmin) * (nx - 1), np.zeros(len(ww)) + ny * 1.05) a3.plot(x, y, 'r|', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2, alpha=0.7) a3.set_xlim((0, nx)) a3.set_ylim((0, ny * 1.1)) cticks = wticks[np.where((wticks > wmin) & (wticks < wmax))] xticks = (cticks - wmin) / (wmax - wmin) * (nx - 1) #print xticks a3.set_yticks([]) a3.set_xticks(xticks) a3.set_xticklabels(['%.3f' % x for x in cticks]) a3.set_xlabel('Wavelength [um]') f3.savefig(target_path + '%s_gray.png' % (desc, )) plt.close('all')
def check(stripfile, aperture, tstrip, lxx_t, lwave, b, linear_wave, pngpath='', datpath='', outputname=''): # Input images img, ahdr = ip.readfits(stripfile) ny, nx = img.shape wavel = np.array(lwave) npix = 9 # Range pixel of each identify lines # The belove steps are used to check the transform processes. ti_peakline, tlwidth = peak_reidentify(tstrip, npix, lxx_t) npix = np.zeros(len(lxx_t)) for i in range(len(lxx_t)): npix[i] = round(np.average(tlwidth[i])) * 2 + 1 tilxx = np.zeros(len(lxx_t)) for i in range(len(lxx_t)): tilxx[i] = ti_peakline[i][2] #print 'identify lxx', tilxx peak_w = reidentify(tstrip, npix, list(tilxx)) # Check peak line stable of Gaussian profile for i in range(len(peak_w)): for j in range(len(peak_w[i])): if (peak_w[i][j] - np.median(peak_w[i])) > 3: peak_w[i][j] = np.median(peak_w[i]) if (peak_w[i][j] - np.median(peak_w[i])) < -3: peak_w[i][j] = np.median(peak_w[i]) # Using polynomial to fit the emission lines tfit_x, tvmiddle = linefitting(tstrip, peak_w, lxx_t) # Test distortion of emission lines residual(peak_w, tvmiddle) # txx values transform step = int(ny / 6) txx = np.zeros(len(lxx_t)) for i in range(0, len(lxx_t)): txx[i] = peak_w[i][2] # Sum of 10 lines in the middle stripfile #print 'center of identify lines after transform', txx # Second order coeff2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, txx, 2) #print 'cofficient fitting linear wave', coeff2 tp_min = [coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0]] tvalue_min = np.roots(tp_min) tp_max = [coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - 2047] tvalue_max = np.roots(tp_max) tlamda_min = find_nearest(tvalue_min, min(wavel)) tlamda_max = find_nearest(tvalue_max, max(wavel)) #print 'position', np.where(tvalue_min == tlamda_min)[0], np.where(tvalue_max == tlamda_max)[0] #print 'lambda min and max', tlamda_min, tlamda_max # Position array position = np.where(tvalue_max == tlamda_max)[0] # Check in case of complex values if (np.iscomplexobj(tlamda_min)): lamda_min = np.real(tlamda_min) elif (np.iscomplexobj(tlamda_max)): lamda_max = np.real(tlamda_max) tlamda = np.zeros(nx) for i in range(nx): pt = [coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - i] if (np.iscomplexobj(np.roots(pt))): temp = np.real(np.roots(pt)) tlamda[i] = temp[position] else: tlamda[i] = np.roots(pt)[position] # 4nd order ''' coeff2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(wavel, txx, 4) print 'cofficient fitting linear wave', coeff2 tp_min = [coeff2[4], coeff2[3], coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0]] tvalue_min = np.roots(tp_min) tp_max = [coeff2[4], coeff2[3], coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - 2047] tvalue_max = np.roots(tp_max) tlamda_min = find_nearest(tvalue_min, min(wavel)) tlamda_max = find_nearest(tvalue_max, max(wavel)) print 'position', np.where(tvalue_min == tlamda_min)[0], np.where(tvalue_max == tlamda_max)[0] print 'lambda min and max', tlamda_min, tlamda_max print 'lambda min and max after transform', tlamda_min, tlamda_max tlamda = np.zeros(nx) for i in range(nx): p = [coeff2[4], coeff2[3], coeff2[2], coeff2[1], coeff2[0] - i] tlamda[i] = np.roots(p)[np.where(tvalue_min == tlamda_min)[0]] ''' #fig = plt.figure(4, figsize=(10,8)) #a = fig.add_subplot(111) #a.plot(tlamda, range(nx), 'r', wavel, txx, 'ko') #a.plot(wavel, txx, 'ko') #plt.ylabel('X-position [pixels]') #plt.xlabel('Wavelength [microns]') #plt.legend(['Polyfit', 'X-after transform']) # Test file of results # wavelength calculate from the linear equation from the # line lists f_linear = np.zeros(len(wavel)) for i in range(len(wavel)): f_linear[i] = b[0] + b[1] * wavel[i] #print 'linear coeff', b f = open(datpath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.dat', 'w') A = np.arange(len(f_linear)) for j in range(len(peak_w[0])): for i in A: temp = "%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f \n" %(wavel[i], f_linear[i], np.array(peak_w[i][j]), \ np.array(peak_w[i][j]) - f_linear[i]) f.write(temp) f.close() # Draw the strip image f6 = plt.figure(None, figsize=(14, 6)) ax6 = f6.add_subplot(311, title=outputname + str(aperture)) z1, z2 = ip.zscale(tstrip) ax6.imshow(img, cmap='hot', vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') ax6.set_xlim(0, nx) ax6.set_ylim(-10, ny + 10) plt.ylabel('Y [pixels]') #plt.xlabel('X [pixels]') #f7 = plt.figure(7, figsize=(14,3)) ax7 = f6.add_subplot(312) ax7.imshow(tstrip, cmap='hot', vmin=z1, vmax=z2, aspect='auto') #ax7.plot(range(nx), img_shift[ny/2,:], 'k.', trxx, tstrip[ny/2,:], 'r.') #plt.legend(['before transform', 'after transform']) ax7.set_xlim(0, nx) ax7.set_ylim(-10, ny + 10) #plt.xlabel('X [pixels]') #f8 = plt.figure(8, figsize=(14,3)) ax8 = f6.add_subplot(313, title='') ax8.plot(linear_wave, tstrip[ny / 2, :], 'b') #ax4.set_xlim(0, len(tstrip[1,:])) #ax4.set_ylim(-10,ny+10) #ax4.set_xlim(min(w_fitting), max(w_fitting)) ax8.set_xlim(min(linear_wave), max(linear_wave)) plt.xlabel('Wavelength [microns]') plt.savefig(pngpath + outputname + str(aperture) + '.png') plt.close() return coeff2