def getPKwithMostCount(schema, table, pKeys):
    if len(pKeys) <= 0:
        print "%s ERROR: No Primary Keys Found for %s" % (common.whoami(),
        return -1

    curBiggestPKcount = 0
    mainPK = ""

    for pk in pKeys:
        query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT %s) FROM %s" % (pk, table)
        PKcount = bdb.GetDBResultset(query, schema)

            # print "%s %s.%s count = %s" % (common.whoami(), table, pk, PKcount)
            if PKcount > curBiggestPKcount:
                curBiggestPKcount = PKcount
                mainPK = pk
                # print "Main PK is now (%s)" % (mainPK)
            print "%s ERROR: Crash happened in counting for %s" % (
                common.whoami(), pk)

    #Return the mainPK
    return mainPK
Example #2
def getAllSMSoutbox(send_status='SENT', limit=20):
        query = """SELECT sms_id, timestamp_written, timestamp_sent, recepients 
            FROM smsoutbox
            WHERE send_status = '%s' 
            AND timestamp_written IS NOT NULL 
            AND timestamp_sent IS NOT NULL 
            ORDER BY sms_id ASC LIMIT %d""" % (send_status, limit)

        print query
        result = bdb.GetDBResultset(query)
        return result

    except MySQLdb.OperationalError:
        print 'getAllSMSoutbox DB Error',
Example #3
def syncSpecialClientToWSS(host, port, batchRows=200):
    url = "ws://%s:%s/" % (host, port)

    print "%s: Starting Start Up Sync" % (common.whoami())
    ws = create_connection(url)

    #List of blocked schemas
    schemasBlocked = [
        "information_schema", "mysql", "performance_schema", "phpmyadmin"

    # TODO: Check all schemas allowed by WSS for syncing from Special Client

    # Get list of tables from local database
    queryShowLocalTables = "SHOW TABLES;"
    allowedSchema = "senslopedb"
    schema = allowedSchema
    returnedRows = bdb.GetDBResultset(queryShowLocalTables, schema)

    # Iterate through the list of tables
    for row in returnedRows:
        table = row[0]

        updateTableOfWSS(ws, schema, table, batchRows)

        # if table in ["agbsb","gndmeas","smsoutbox","lootb"]:
        # # if table in ["agbsb","parta","sinb","sintb","tueta"]:
        # # if table in ["agbsb","parta","sinb"]:
        #     # print "%s: %s" % (schema, table)
        #     # Check if table target exists on WSS
        #     doesExist = masyncGD.findTableExistence(ws, schema, table)
        #     if doesExist:
        #         print "\nEXISTS on WSS: %s" % (table)
        #     else:
        #         print "DOES NOT exist on WSS: %s" % (table)
        #         # Create table on WSS if target doesn't exist
        #         ret = masyncPD.pushTableCreation(ws, schema, table)

        #     # Collect latest data to be transferred to WSS from Special Client
        #     masyncGD.getInsertQueryForServerTX(ws, schema, table, batchRows)

#        print "\nExisting: "
#        print tablesExisting
#        print "\nNon-existent: "
#        print tablesNonExistent
#        print "\n\n"

Example #4
def getAllSMSinbox(web_flag='W', read_status='READ-SUCCESS', limit=20):
        #sms_id, timestamp, sender, message
        query = """SELECT sms_id, timestamp, sim_num, sms_msg
                FROM smsinbox
                WHERE web_flag = '%s'
                AND read_status = '%s'
                ORDER BY sms_id ASC LIMIT %d """ % (web_flag, read_status,

        print query
        result = bdb.GetDBResultset(query)
        return result

    except MySQLdb.OperationalError:
        print 'getAllSMSinbox DB Error',
def constructPKjson(schema, table, pKey):
    #Get the latest value of Main PK
    query = """
                SELECT %s 
                FROM %s 
                ORDER BY %s DESC 
                LIMIT 1""" % (pKey, table, pKey)
    pkLatestValues = bdb.GetDBResultset(query, schema)

    #Construct json string
        jsonPKandValstring = '{"%s":"%s"}' % (pKey, pkLatestValues[0][0])
    except IndexError:
        jsonPKandValstring = '{"%s":null}' % (pKey)

    #Return JSON PK and Value/s
    jsonPKandVal = json.loads(jsonPKandValstring)
    print "%s: %s" % (common.whoami(), jsonPKandVal)
    return jsonPKandVal
Example #6
def pushTableCreation(ws=None, schema=None, table=None):
    if not ws or not schema or not table:
        print "%s ERROR: No ws|schema|table value passed" % (common.whoami())
        return false

    qShowCreateTable = "SHOW CREATE TABLE %s" % (table)
    qTableCreation = (bdb.GetDBResultset(qShowCreateTable, schema))[0][1]
    # print qTableCreation
    requestMsg = masyncSR.modifierQuery(schema, qTableCreation)
    # print requestMsg

    if requestMsg:    
        result = ws.recv()
        # print "Result: %s" % (result)

        if result == "false":
            print "Table (%s) creation on Web Server Failed" % (table)
            return False
        elif result == "true":
            print "Table (%s) creation on Web Server SUCCEEDED!" % (table)
            return True
def getInsertQueryForServerTX(ws=None,
    # Compare PK Values of Special Client (localhost) and Websocket Server
    wssPKandVal = comparePKValuesSCandWSS(ws, schema, table, rankOffset)

    # Collect latest data to be transferred to WSS from Special Client
    if wssPKandVal:
        mainPK = None
        pkValLocalMax = None
        for key, value in wssPKandVal.iteritems():
            mainPK = key
            pkValLocalMax = value

        if pkValLocalMax:
            qGetLocalData = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s >= '%s' LIMIT %s" % (
                table, mainPK, pkValLocalMax, limit)
            qGetLocalData = "SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT %s" % (table, limit)

        # print "Query: %s" % (qGetLocalData)
        result = bdb.GetDBResultset(qGetLocalData, schema)

        # Compose SQL to be sent to the WSS from Local Data Gathered
        queryHeader = "REPLACE INTO %s " % (table)
        queryValues = "VALUES "

        ctrRow = 0
        numRows = len(result)
        for data in result:
            ctr = 0
            numElements = len(data)
            queryValues = queryValues + "("
            for value in data:
                    # TODO: Make sure to escape special characters
                    # test = "%s" % (value)
                    # esc_value = json.dumps(test)
                    # queryValues = queryValues + esc_value
                    queryValues = queryValues + "'%s'" % (value)
                except TypeError:
                    queryValues = queryValues + "null"

                ctr = ctr + 1
                if ctr < numElements:
                    queryValues = queryValues + ","
                    queryValues = queryValues + ")"

            ctrRow = ctrRow + 1
            if ctrRow < numRows:
                queryValues = queryValues + ","

        # Compose data insertion query
        query = queryHeader + queryValues
        # print query

        # Transfer data from Special Client to WSS
        requestMsg = masyncSR.modifierQuery(schema, query)
        # print requestMsg

        if requestMsg:
            result = ws.recv()
            # print "Result: %s" % (result)

            if result == "false":
                print "Table (%s) writing data on Web Server Failed" % (table)
                # return False
            elif result == "true":
                print "Table (%s) writing data on Web Server SUCCEEDED!" % (
                # return True
                # Repeat until latest of Special Client and WSS are the same
                getInsertQueryForServerTX(ws, schema, table, limit)