Example #1
def visit(G, u, t, L):
    Vertex visit procedure for topological sort.

    Finished vertex is inserted at the head of linked list. The code is almost identical
     to the `dfs_visit()` procedure with a simple addition of `list_insert()`.

    Complexity: O(Adj) where `Adj` is number of adjacent vertices
    :param Graph G: Adjacency list representation of a DAG
    :param Vertex u: Vertex to visit
    :param Counter t: Mutable timer (integer counter)
    :param LinkedList L: Output linked list
    :return None: Finished vertex is updated and added to the list `L`
    t.tick += 1
    u.d = t.tick
    u.color = GRAY
    for v in G.Adj(u):
        if v.color is WHITE:
            v.p = u
            visit(G, v, t, L)
    u.color = BLACK
    t.tick += 1
    u.f = t.tick
    list_insert(L, Node(u))  # Finished vertex is added onto the front of a linked list
Example #2
 def test(self):
     l1 = List()
     list_insert(l1, Node(1))
     list_insert(l1, Node(2))
     list_insert(l1, Node(3))
     list_insert(l1, Node(1))
     list_insert(l1, Node(6))
     self.assertTrue(solution(l1, 5))
     self.assertTrue(solution(l1, 2))
     self.assertFalse(solution(l1, 1))
     self.assertFalse(solution(l1, 6))
Example #3
 def test(self):
     l1 = List()
     list_insert(l1, Node(1))
     list_insert(l1, Node(2))
     list_insert(l1, Node(2))
     list_insert(l1, Node(3))
     list_insert(l1, Node(4))
     list_insert(l1, Node(4))
     list_insert(l1, Node(4))
     node = l1.head
     for i in range(4, 0, -1):
         self.assertEqual(node.key, i)
         node = node.next