Example #1
    def draw(self, pipeline, texture1, texture2, texture3):

        if self.jump:  #cuando esta saltando
            self.monkey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture2),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transmonkey)

        elif self.winner:
            self.monkey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture3),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transmonkey)

        else:  #cuando se encuentra en reposo
            self.monkey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture1),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transmonkey)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, tamaño):
        self.tamaño = tamaño

        #centra la cabeza de la serpiente al comienzo
        if self.tamaño % 2 == 0:
            self.pos = [[d / self.tamaño, d / self.tamaño],
                        [d * 3 / self.tamaño, d / self.tamaño],
                        [d * 5 / tamaño, d / self.tamaño],
                        [d * 7 / tamaño, d / self.tamaño]]
            #self.pos = [[1/self.tamaño,1/self.tamaño],[3/self.tamaño,1/self.tamaño],[5/tamaño,1/self.tamaño]]
            self.pos = [[0, 0], [d * 2 / self.tamaño, 0],
                        [d * 4 / self.tamaño, 0], [d * 6 / self.tamaño, 0]]
            #self.pos = [[0,0],[2/self.tamaño,0],[4/self.tamaño,0]]
        #self.dir = [['left','left'],['left','left'],['left','left']]
        self.dir = [['left', 'left'], ['left', 'left'], ['left', 'left'],
                    ['left', 'left']]

        self.die = False
        self.comio = False
        self.comio_cola = False
        self.comiendo = False

        # Figuras básicas
        #gpu_trozo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 0.3, 0))  # verde
        gpu_trozo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad('cuerpo.png'),
                                  GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
        gpu_trozo_cabeza = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad('cabeza.png'),
                                         GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

        trozo = sg.SceneGraphNode('trozo')
        trozo.transform = tr.uniformScale(d * 2 / self.tamaño)
        trozo.childs += [gpu_trozo]

        trozo_cabeza = sg.SceneGraphNode('trozo')
        trozo_cabeza.transform = tr.uniformScale(d * 2 / self.tamaño)
        trozo_cabeza.childs += [gpu_trozo_cabeza]

        cuerpo = sg.SceneGraphNode('cuerpo')
        cuerpo.childs += [trozo]

        cuerpo2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cuerpo2')
        cuerpo2.childs += [trozo]

        cola = sg.SceneGraphNode('cola')
        cola.childs += [trozo]

        cabeza = sg.SceneGraphNode('cabeza')
        cabeza.childs += [trozo_cabeza]

        self.serpiente = [cabeza, cuerpo, cuerpo2, cola]
        #self.serpiente =[cabeza,cuerpo,cola]

        self.tiempo = 0
Example #3
 def draw(self, pipeline):
     if self.last_direction == "D":
         self.face_orientation = "D"
         new_gpu_snake = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("boo_r.png"),
                                       GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)
         sg.findNode(self.model, "snake_head").childs = [new_gpu_snake]
     elif self.last_direction == "A":
         self.face_orientation = "A"
         new_gpu_snake = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("boo_l.png"),
                                       GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)
         sg.findNode(self.model, "snake_head").childs = [new_gpu_snake]
     sg.drawSceneGraphNode(self.model, pipeline, "transform")
Example #4
 def __init__(self, texture):
     self.notice = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture), GL_REPEAT,
     self.transnotice = np.matmul(tr2.translate(0, 0.4, 0),
                                  tr2.scale(-1, 1, 1))
     self.winner = False
     self.loser = False
Example #5
    def crece(self):
        tamaño_snake = len(self.dir)
        direccion_cola = self.dir[-1][1]
        #self.pos += [self.pos[-1]]
        if direccion_cola == 'left':
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
        elif direccion_cola == 'right':
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
        elif direccion_cola == 'up':
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
        self.dir += [['stop', 'stop']]

        gpu_trozo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad('cuerpo.png'),
                                  GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

        trozo = sg.SceneGraphNode('trozo')
        trozo.transform = tr.uniformScale(d * 2 / self.tamaño)
        trozo.childs += [gpu_trozo]

        aum = sg.SceneGraphNode(str(tamaño_snake))
        aum.childs += [trozo]

        self.serpiente += [aum]
Example #6
 def __init__(self, pos, orientation):
     fondo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("liana.jpg", 1, 1), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
     fondoTransform= tr.uniformScale(2)
     self.model = fondo
     self.tra = fondoTransform
     self.pos = pos
     self.orientation = orientation
Example #7
 def __init__(self, texture):
     self.banana = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture), GL_REPEAT,
     self.pos_x = 0  #será la posición lógica donde se ubicará la banana, se indicará con posterioridad
     self.level = 0  #indica en que nivel partira la banana, se indicará con posterioridad
     self.transbanana = np.matmul(
         tr2.translate(0.7 * self.pos_x, 0.47 * self.level, 0),
         tr2.scale(0.3, 0.3, 1))
     self.set = False
Example #8
    def __init__(self, frame_width, frame_height, tiles=50):
        self.tiles = min(50, max(10, tiles))
        self.frame_dim = [frame_width, frame_height]
        self.locationX = int(self.tiles / 2)
        self.locationY = int(self.tiles / 2)
        self.last_position = [self.locationX, self.locationY]
        self.last_direction = "A"  # "A" means "left" according to our WASD control buttons
        self.next_direction = "A"
        self.face_orientation = "A"
        self.life_status = True
        self.body_queue = []
        self.movement_queue = []
        self.occupied_positions = [[self.last_position]]

        self.recently_added_body = False

        self.gpu_body = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("question_box.png"),
                                      GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)

        self.current_apple = None

        # Aspect ratio
        ar = frame_height / frame_width
        self.dimensions = [ar * 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5, 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5]

        gpu_snake = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("boo_l.png"), GL_CLAMP,

        snake_head = sg.SceneGraphNode('snake_head')
        snake_head.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.scale(self.dimensions[0] / self.tiles,
                     self.dimensions[1] / self.tiles, 0),
            tr.translate(-self.tiles / 2 + self.locationX + 0.5,
                         -self.tiles / 2 + self.locationY - 0.5, 0)
        snake_head.childs += [gpu_snake]

        snake = sg.SceneGraphNode('snake')
        snake.childs += [snake_head]

        snake_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('snake_TR')
        snake_tr.childs += [snake]

        self.model = snake_tr
Example #9
    def draw(self, pipeline, texture1, texture2):

        if self.winner:  #cuando esta saltando
            self.notice = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture1),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transnotice)

        elif self.loser:
            self.notice = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture2),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transnotice)
Example #10
 def __init__(self, texture1):
     self.monkey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture1), GL_REPEAT,
     self.transmonkey = np.matmul(tr2.translate(0, -0.74, 0),
                                  tr2.scale(0.4, 0.4, 1))
     self.pos = 0
     self.jump = False  #indicará si el monito esta saltando para poder dibujarlo con otra textura
     self.logic = False  #indica si la lógica del juego está activa o no
     self.winner = False  #indica si el jugador ganó o no
     self.level = 0  #indica en que nivel con respecto al suelo se encuentra el monito
     self.started = False  #indica que si el juego empezó o no. Empieza cuando el mono se sube a la primera plataforma.
Example #11
 def __init__(self, texture):
     self.texture = texture
     monop = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(self.texture, 1, 1), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
     self.model = monop
     self.pos_x = 0
     self.pos_y = -0.7
     monopTransform= tr.matmul([tr.translate(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, 0), tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
     self.tra = monopTransform
     self.winner = False #aun no gana
     self.loser = False #aun no pierde  
Example #12
def createGameOver(victory=False):

    image = "victory_texture.png" if victory else "game_over_texture.png"
    textureShape = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(image), GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,

    scaledTexture = sg.SceneGraphNode("scaledTexture")
    scaledTexture.transform = tr.uniformScale(2)
    scaledTexture.childs += [textureShape]

    texture = sg.SceneGraphNode("texture")
    texture.childs += [scaledTexture]

    return texture
Example #13
def create_gameover_screen(filename):
    # filename - File path of game over texture
    # Load background image
    gpuGameOver = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(filename), GL_REPEAT,

    #Create two background copies to have a scrolling effect
    gameover = sg.SceneGraphNode("gameover")
    gameover.transform = tr.scale(2, 2, 1)
    gameover.childs = [gpuGameOver]

    # Node to control vertical movement of the two gameovers objects
    gameoverVertical = sg.SceneGraphNode("gameoverVertical")
    gameoverVertical.childs = [gameover]
    return gameoverVertical
Example #14
    def game_over(self):
        gpu_game_over = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("game_over.png"),
                                      GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)

        game_over = sg.SceneGraphNode('game_over_banner')
        game_over.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.scale(2.3, 1 / 5, 0),
             tr.translate(0, 0, 0)])  # traslation to top was 4.5
        game_over.childs += [gpu_game_over]

        game_over_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('game_over_banner_TR')
        game_over_tr.childs += [game_over]

        self.g_over = game_over_tr
        self.alive = False
Example #15
    def choca_esquina(self, snake: 'Snake'):
        condicionx = snake.pos[0][0] > 1 - d * 2 / snake.tamaño or snake.pos[
            0][0] < -1 + d * 2 / snake.tamaño
        condiciony = snake.pos[0][1] > 1 - d * 2 / snake.tamaño or snake.pos[
            0][1] < -1 + d * 2 / snake.tamaño
        condicion_come_cola = snake.comio_cola
        if condicionx or condiciony or condicion_come_cola:
            gpu_gameover = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad('gameover.png'),
                                         GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)  # azul

            gameover = sg.SceneGraphNode('gameover')
            gameover.transform = tr.uniformScale(2)
            gameover.childs += [gpu_gameover]

            self.model = gameover
            snake.die = True
Example #16
def createEarth():
    gpuEarth_texture = es.toGPUShape(
        bs.createTextureQuad("textures/earth.png"), GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
    earth_scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode("earth_scaled")
    earth_scaled.transform = tr2.scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    earth_scaled.childs += [gpuEarth_texture]

    earth_rotated = sg.SceneGraphNode("earth_rotated_x")
    earth_rotated.transform = tr2.rotationX(np.pi / 2)
    earth_rotated.childs += [earth_scaled]

    earth = sg.SceneGraphNode("earth")
    earth.transform = tr2.translate(0.5, 4, 0.6)
    earth.childs += [earth_rotated]

    return earth
def createGround(image, trans):
    gpuGround_texture = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(image), GL_REPEAT,
    ground_scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode("ground_scaled")
    ground_scaled.transform = tr2.scale(2, 2, 2)
    ground_scaled.childs += [gpuGround_texture]

    ground_rotated = sg.SceneGraphNode("ground_rotated_x")
    ground_rotated.transform = tr2.rotationX(0)
    ground_rotated.childs += [ground_scaled]

    ground = sg.SceneGraphNode("ground")
    ground.transform = tr2.translate(0, 0, trans)
    ground.childs += [ground_rotated]

    return ground
def createAmbiente(filename, x, y, z, rot):
    gpuAirport_texture = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(filename),
                                       GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
    ambiente_scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode("ambiente_scaled")
    ambiente_scaled.transform = tr2.scale(2, 2, 2)
    ambiente_scaled.childs += [gpuAirport_texture]

    ambiente_rotated = sg.SceneGraphNode("ambiente_rotated")
    ambiente_rotated.transform = np.matmul(tr2.rotationX(np.pi / 2),
    ambiente_rotated.childs += [ambiente_scaled]

    ambiente = sg.SceneGraphNode("ambiente")
    ambiente.transform = tr2.translate(x, y, z)
    ambiente.childs += [ambiente_rotated]

    return ambiente
Example #19
def create_background(filename):
    # filename - File path of background texture
    # Load background image
    gpuStars = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(filename), GL_REPEAT,

    #Create two background copies to have a scrolling effect
    background = sg.SceneGraphNode("background")
    background.transform = tr.scale(2, 2, 1)
    background.childs = [gpuStars]

    background2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("background2")
    background2.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.scale(2, 2, 1), tr.translate(0, -1, 0)])
    background2.childs = [gpuStars]

    # Node to control vertical movement of the two backgrounds objects
    backgroundVertical = sg.SceneGraphNode("backgroundVertical")
    backgroundVertical.childs = [background, background2]
    return backgroundVertical
def TapaCursoNorm(codigo):
    #Primer año
    DP101 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DP_101.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DP102 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DP_102.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DP103 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DP_103.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DT104 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DT_104.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DT105 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DT_105.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DH106 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DH_106.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DH107 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DH_107.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DH108 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DH_108.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    #Segundo año
    DGP201 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_201.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGP202 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_202.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGP203 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_203.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT204 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_204.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT205 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_205.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH206 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_206.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH207 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_207.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH208 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_208.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    #Quinto Semestre
    DGP301 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_301.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT302 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_302.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT303 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_303.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT304 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_304.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH305 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_305.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH306 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_306.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH307 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_307.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DE1 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_1.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    #Sexto Semestre
    DGP401 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_401.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT402 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_402.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT403 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_403.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT404 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_404.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH405 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_405.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH406 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_406.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH407 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_407.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DE2 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_2.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    #Septimo Semestre
    DGP501 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_501.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGP502 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_502.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT503 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_503.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH504 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_504.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH505 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_505.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH506 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_506.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH507 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_507.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DE3 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_2.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    #Octavo Semestre
    DGP601 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_601.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGP602 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_602.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGT603 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_603.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH604 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_604.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH605 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_605.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DGH606 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_606.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DE4 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_4.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    #Noveno Semestre
    DG701 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DG_701.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    DG702 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DG_702.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    #Decimo Semestre
    DG801 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DG_801.png"), GL_REPEAT,

    Tap_DP_101 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DP_101")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DP_101.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DP_101.childs += [DP101]

    Tap_DP_102 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DP_102")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DP_102.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DP_102.childs += [DP102]

    Tap_DP_103 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DP_103")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DP_103.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DP_103.childs += [DP103]

    Tap_DT_104 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DT_104")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DT_104.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DT_104.childs += [DT104]

    Tap_DT_105 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DT_105")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DT_105.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DT_105.childs += [DT105]

    Tap_DH_106 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DH_106")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DH_106.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DH_106.childs += [DH106]

    Tap_DH_107 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DH_107")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DH_107.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DH_107.childs += [DH107]

    Tap_DH_108 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DH_108")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DH_108.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DH_108.childs += [DH108]

    #Segundo año
    Tap_DGP_201 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_201")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_201.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_201.childs += [DGP201]

    Tap_DGP_202 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_202")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_202.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_202.childs += [DGP202]

    Tap_DGP_203 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_203")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_203.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_203.childs += [DGP203]

    Tap_DGT_204 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_204")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_204.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_204.childs += [DGT204]

    Tap_DGT_205 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_205")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_205.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_205.childs += [DGT205]

    Tap_DGH_206 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_206")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_206.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_206.childs += [DGH206]

    Tap_DGH_207 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_207")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_207.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_207.childs += [DGH207]

    Tap_DGH_208 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_208")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_208.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_208.childs += [DGH208]

    #Quinto Semestre

    Tap_DGP_301 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_301")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_301.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_301.childs += [DGP301]

    Tap_DGT_302 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_302")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_302.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_302.childs += [DGT302]

    Tap_DGT_303 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_303")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_303.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_303.childs += [DGT303]

    Tap_DGT_304 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_304")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_304.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_304.childs += [DGT304]

    Tap_DGH_305 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_305")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_305.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_305.childs += [DGH305]

    Tap_DGH_306 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_306")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_306.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_306.childs += [DGH306]

    Tap_DGH_307 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_307")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_307.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_307.childs += [DGH307]

    Tap_DE_1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_1")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DE_1.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DE_1.childs += [DE1]

    #Sexto Semestre
    Tap_DGP_401 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_401")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_401.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_401.childs += [DGP401]

    Tap_DGT_402 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_402")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_402.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_402.childs += [DGT402]

    Tap_DGT_403 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_403")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_403.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_403.childs += [DGT403]

    Tap_DGT_404 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_404")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_404.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_404.childs += [DGT404]

    Tap_DGH_405 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_405")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_405.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_405.childs += [DGH405]

    Tap_DGH_406 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_406")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_406.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_406.childs += [DGH406]

    Tap_DGH_407 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_407")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_407.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_407.childs += [DGH407]

    Tap_DE_2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_2")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DE_2.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DE_2.childs += [DE2]

    #Septimo Semestre

    Tap_DGP_501 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_501")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_501.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_501.childs += [DGP501]

    Tap_DGP_502 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_502")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_502.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_502.childs += [DGP502]

    Tap_DGT_503 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_503")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_503.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_503.childs += [DGT503]

    Tap_DGH_504 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_504")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_504.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_504.childs += [DGH504]

    Tap_DGH_505 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_505")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_505.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_505.childs += [DGH505]

    Tap_DGH_506 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_506")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_506.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_506.childs += [DGH506]

    Tap_DGH_507 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_507")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_507.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_507.childs += [DGH507]

    Tap_DE_3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_3")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DE_3.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DE_3.childs += [DE3]

    #Octavo Semestre

    Tap_DGP_601 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_601")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_601.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_601.childs += [DGP601]

    Tap_DGP_602 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGP_602")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGP_602.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGP_602.childs += [DGP602]

    Tap_DGT_603 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGT_603")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGT_603.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGT_603.childs += [DGT603]

    Tap_DGH_604 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_604")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_604.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_604.childs += [DGH604]

    Tap_DGH_605 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_605")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_605.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_605.childs += [DGH605]

    Tap_DGH_606 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DGH_606")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DGH_606.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DGH_606.childs += [DGH606]

    Tap_DE_4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_4")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DE_4.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DE_4.childs += [DE4]

    #Noveno semestre
    Tap_DG_701 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DG_701")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DG_701.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DG_701.childs += [DG701]

    Tap_DG_702 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DG_702")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DG_702.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DG_702.childs += [DG702]

    #Decimo semestre
    Tap_DG_801 = sg.SceneGraphNode(
        "Tap_DG_801")  #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
    Tap_DG_801.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0, 0.252),
    Tap_DG_801.childs += [DG801]

    if codigo == 'DP_101':
        return Tap_DP_101

    elif codigo == 'DP_102':
        return Tap_DP_102

    elif codigo == 'DP_103':
        return Tap_DP_103

    elif codigo == 'DT_104':
        return Tap_DT_104

    elif codigo == 'DT_105':
        return Tap_DT_105

    elif codigo == 'DH_106':
        return Tap_DH_106

    elif codigo == 'DH_107':
        return Tap_DH_107

    elif codigo == 'DH_108':
        return Tap_DH_108

    elif codigo == 'DGP_201':
        return Tap_DGP_201

    elif codigo == 'DGP_202':
        return Tap_DGP_202

    elif codigo == 'DGP_203':
        return Tap_DGP_203

    elif codigo == 'DGT_204':
        return Tap_DGT_204

    elif codigo == 'DGT_205':
        return Tap_DGT_205

    elif codigo == 'DGH_206':
        return Tap_DGH_206

    elif codigo == 'DGH_207':
        return Tap_DGH_207

    elif codigo == 'DGH_208':
        return Tap_DGH_208

    elif codigo == 'DGP_301':
        return Tap_DGP_301

    elif codigo == 'DGT_302':
        return Tap_DGT_302

    elif codigo == 'DGT_303':
        return Tap_DGT_303

    elif codigo == 'DGT_304':
        return Tap_DGT_304

    elif codigo == 'DGH_305':
        return Tap_DGH_305

    elif codigo == 'DGH_306':
        return Tap_DGH_306

    elif codigo == 'DGH_307':
        return Tap_DGH_307

    elif codigo == 'DE_1':
        return Tap_DE_1

    elif codigo == 'DGP_401':
        return Tap_DGP_401

    elif codigo == 'DGT_402':
        return Tap_DGT_402

    elif codigo == 'DGT_403':
        return Tap_DGT_403

    elif codigo == 'DGT_404':
        return Tap_DGT_404

    elif codigo == 'DGH_405':
        return Tap_DGH_405

    elif codigo == 'DGH_406':
        return Tap_DGH_406

    elif codigo == 'DGH_407':
        return Tap_DGH_407

    elif codigo == 'DE_2':
        return Tap_DE_2

    elif codigo == 'DGP_501':
        return Tap_DGP_501

    elif codigo == 'DGP_502':
        return Tap_DGP_502

    elif codigo == 'DGT_503':
        return Tap_DGT_503

    elif codigo == 'DGH_504':
        return Tap_DGH_504

    elif codigo == 'DGH_505':
        return Tap_DGH_505

    elif codigo == 'DGH_506':
        return Tap_DGH_506

    elif codigo == 'DGH_507':
        return Tap_DGH_507

    elif codigo == 'DE_3':
        return Tap_DE_3

    elif codigo == 'DGP_601':
        return Tap_DGP_601

    elif codigo == 'DGP_602':
        return Tap_DGP_602

    elif codigo == 'DGT_603':
        return Tap_DGT_603

    elif codigo == 'DGH_604':
        return Tap_DGH_604

    elif codigo == 'DGH_605':
        return Tap_DGH_605

    elif codigo == 'DGH_606':
        return Tap_DGH_606

    elif codigo == 'DE_4':
        return Tap_DE_4

    elif codigo == 'DG_701':
        return Tap_DG_701

    elif codigo == 'DG_702':
        return Tap_DG_702

    elif codigo == 'DG_801':
        return Tap_DG_801
def crearCurso(cubo):

	cuboRojo = cubo

	#Primer año
	DP101 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DP_101.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DP102 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DP_102.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DP103 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DP_103.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DT104 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DT_104.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DT105 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DT_105.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DH106 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DH_106.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DH107 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DH_107.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DH108 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DH_108.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Segundo año
	DGP201 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_201.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGP202 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_202.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGP203 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_203.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT204 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_204.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT205 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_205.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH206 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_206.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH207 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_207.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH208 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_208.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Quinto Semestre 
	DGP301 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_301.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT302 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_302.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT303 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_303.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT304 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_304.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH305 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_305.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH306 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_306.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH307 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_307.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DE1 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_1.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Sexto Semestre 
	DGP401 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_401.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT402 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_402.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT403 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_403.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT404 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_404.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH405 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_405.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH406 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_406.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH407 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_407.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DE2 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_2.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Septimo Semestre
	DGP501 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_501.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGP502 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_502.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT503 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_503.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH504 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_504.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH505 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_505.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH506 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_506.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH507 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_507.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DE3 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_2.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Octavo Semestre
	DGP601 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_601.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGP602 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGP_602.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGT603 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGT_603.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH604 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_604.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH605 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_605.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DGH606 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DGH_606.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DE4 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DE_4.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Noveno Semestre
	DG701 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DG_701.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	DG702 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DG_702.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Decimo Semestre 
	DG801 =  es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("DG_801.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Aqui se comienzan a crear los cursos 

	#Primer año
	Tap_DP_101 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DP_101") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DP_101.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DP_101.childs += [DP101]

	TDP_101 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDP_101") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta
	TDP_101.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,2.1,0)
	TDP_101.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DP_101]

	DP_101 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DP_101") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DP_101.childs += [TDP_101]

	CDP_101 = cc.Curso('DP_101',[],-2.1,2.1,0,['DGP_201','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DP_102 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DP_102") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DP_102.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DP_102.childs += [DP102]

	TDP_102 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDP_102") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta
	TDP_102.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,2.1,0)
	TDP_102.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DP_102]

	DP_102 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DP_102") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DP_102.childs += [TDP_102]

	CDP_102 = cc.Curso('DP_102',[],-1.5,2.1,0,['DGP_202','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DP_103 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DP_103") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DP_103.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DP_103.childs += [DP103]

	TDP_103 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDP_103") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDP_103.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,2.1,0)
	TDP_103.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DP_103]

	DP_103 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DP_103") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DP_103.childs += [TDP_103]

	CDP_103 = cc.Curso('DP_103',[],-0.9,2.1,0,['DGP_203','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DT_104 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DT_104") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DT_104.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DT_104.childs += [DT104]

	TDT_104 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDT_104") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta
	TDT_104.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,2.1,0)
	TDT_104.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DT_104]

	DT_104 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DT_104") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DT_104.childs += [TDT_104]

	CDT_104 = cc.Curso('DT_104',[],-0.3,2.1,0,['DGT_303','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DT_105 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DT_105") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DT_105.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DT_105.childs += [DT105]

	TDT_105 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDT_105") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la pisicion correcta
	TDT_105.transform = tr.translate(0.3,2.1,0) 
	TDT_105.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DT_105]

	DT_105 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DT_105") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DT_105.childs += [ TDT_105]

	CDT_105 = cc.Curso('DT_105',[],0.3,2.1,0,['DGT_205','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DH_106 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DH_106") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DH_106.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DH_106.childs += [DH106]

	TDH_106 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDH_106") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDH_106.transform = tr.translate(0.9,2.1,0)
	TDH_106.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DH_106]

	DH_106 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DH_106") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DH_106.childs += [TDH_106]

	CDH_106 = cc.Curso('DH_106',[],0.9,2.1,0,['DGH_206','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DH_107 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DH_107") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DH_107.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DH_107.childs += [DH107]

	TDH_107 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDH_107") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDH_107.transform = tr.translate(1.5,2.1,0)
	TDH_107.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DH_107]

	DH_107 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DH_107") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DH_107.childs += [TDH_107]

	CDH_107 = cc.Curso('DH_107',[],1.5,2.1,0,['DGH_305','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DH_108 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DH_108") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DH_108.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DH_108.childs += [DH108]

	TDH_108 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDH_108") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDH_108.transform = tr.translate(2.1,2.1,0)
	TDH_108.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DH_108]

	DH_108 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DH_108") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DH_108.childs += [TDH_108]

	CDH_108 = cc.Curso('DH_108',[],2.1,2.1,0,['DGH_208','DG_701','DG_702'])

	#Segundo año 
	Tap_DGP_201 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_201") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_201.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_201.childs += [DGP201]

	TDGP_201 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_201") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_201.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,1.5,0)
	TDGP_201.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_201]

	DGP_201 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_201") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_201.childs += [TDGP_201]

	CDGP_201 = cc.Curso('DGP_201',['DP_101'],-2.1,1.5,0,['DGP_301','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGP_202 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_202") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_202.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_202.childs += [DGP202]

	TDGP_202 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_202") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_202.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,1.5,0)
	TDGP_202.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_202]

	DGP_202 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_202") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_202.childs += [TDGP_202]

	CDGP_202 = cc.Curso('DGP_202',['DP_102'],-1.5,1.5,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGP_203 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_203") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_203.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_203.childs += [DGP203]

	TDGP_203 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_203") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_203.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,1.5,0)
	TDGP_203.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_203]

	DGP_203 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_203") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_203.childs += [TDGP_203]

	CDGP_203 = cc.Curso('DGP_203',['DP_103'],-0.9,1.5,0,['DGP_301','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_204 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_204") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_204.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_204.childs += [DGT204]

	TDGT_204 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_204") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_204.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,1.5,0)
	TDGT_204.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_204]

	DGT_204 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_204") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_204.childs += [TDGT_204]

	CDGT_204 = cc.Curso('DGT_204',[],-0.3,1.5,0,['DGT_304','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_205 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_205") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_205.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_205.childs += [DGT205]

	TDGT_205 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_205") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_205.transform = tr.translate(0.3,1.5,0)
	TDGT_205.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_205]

	DGT_205 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_205") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_205.childs += [TDGT_205]

	CDGT_205 = cc.Curso('DGT_205',['DT_105'],0.3,1.5,0,['DGT_303', 'DGT_302','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_206 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_206") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_206.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_206.childs += [DGH206]

	TDGH_206 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_206") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_206.transform = tr.translate(0.9,1.5,0)
	TDGH_206.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_206]

	DGH_206 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_206") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_206.childs += [TDGH_206]

	CDGH_206 = cc.Curso('DGH_206',['DH_106'],0.9,1.5,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_207 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_207") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_207.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_207.childs += [DGH207]

	TDGH_207 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_207") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta
	TDGH_207.transform = tr.translate(1.5,1.5,0) 
	TDGH_207.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_207]

	DGH_207 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_207") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_207.childs += [TDGH_207]

	CDGH_207 = cc.Curso('DGH_207',[],1.5,1.5,0,['DGP_301', 'DGH_306','DG_701','DG_702'])


	Tap_DGH_208 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_208") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_208.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_208.childs += [DGH208]

	TDGH_208 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_208") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_208.transform = tr.translate(2.1,1.5,0)
	TDGH_208.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_208]

	DGH_208 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_208") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_208.childs += [TDGH_208]

	CDGH_208 = cc.Curso('DGH_208',['DH_108'],0.9,1.5,0,['DGH_307','DG_701','DG_702'])

	#Quinto Semestre 

	Tap_DGP_301 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_301") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_301.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_301.childs += [DGP301]

	TDGP_301 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_301") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_301.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,0.9,0)
	TDGP_301.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_301]

	DGP_301 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_301") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_301.childs += [TDGP_301]

	CDGP_301 = cc.Curso('DGP_301',['DGP_201','DGP_203','DGH_207'],-2.1,0.9,0,['DGP_401','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_302 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_302") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_302.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_302.childs += [DGT302]

	TDGT_302 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_302") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_302.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,0.9,0)
	TDGT_302.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_302]

	DGT_302 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_302") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_302.childs += [TDGT_302]

	CDGT_302 = cc.Curso('DGT_302',['DGT_205'],-1.5,0.9,0,['DGT_402','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_303 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_303") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_303.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_303.childs += [DGT303]

	TDGT_303 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_303") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_303.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,0.9,0)
	TDGT_303.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_303]

	DGT_303 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_303") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_303.childs += [TDGT_303]

	CDGT_303 = cc.Curso('DGT_303',['DGT_205','DT_104'],-0.9,0.9,0,['DGT_403','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_304 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_304") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_304.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_304.childs += [DGT304]

	TDGT_304 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_304") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta
	TDGT_304.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,0.9,0) 
	TDGT_304.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_304]

	DGT_304 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_304") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_304.childs += [TDGT_304]

	CDGT_304 = cc.Curso('DGT_304',['DGT_204'],-0.3,0.9,0,['DGT_404','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_305 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_305") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_305.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_305.childs += [DGH305]

	TDGH_305 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_305") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_305.transform = tr.translate(0.3,0.9,0)
	TDGH_305.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_305]

	DGH_305 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_305") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_305.childs += [TDGH_305]

	CDGH_305 = cc.Curso('DGH_305',['DH_107'],0.3,0.9,0,['DGH_505','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_306 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_306") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_306.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_306.childs += [DGH306]

	TDGH_306 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_306") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_306.transform = tr.translate(0.9,0.9,0)
	TDGH_306.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_306]

	DGH_306 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_306") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_306.childs += [TDGH_306]

	CDGH_306 = cc.Curso('DGH_306',['DGH_207'],0.9,0.9,0,['DGP_401', 'DGH_406','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_307 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_307") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_307.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_307.childs += [DGH307]

	TDGH_307 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_307") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_307.transform = tr.translate(1.5,0.9,0)
	TDGH_307.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_307]

	DGH_307 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_307") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_307.childs += [TDGH_307]

	CDGH_307 = cc.Curso('DGH_307',['DGH_208'],1.5,0.9,0, ['DGP_401', 'DGH_407','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DE_1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_1") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DE_1.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DE_1.childs += [DE1]

	TDE_1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_1") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDE_1.transform = tr.translate(2.1,0.9,0)
	TDE_1.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DE_1]

	DE_1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_1") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DE_1.childs += [TDE_1]

	CDE_1 = cc.Curso('DE_1',[],2.1,0.9,0,['DE_3','DE_4','DG_701','DG_702'])

	#Sexto Semestre 
	Tap_DGP_401 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_401") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_401.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_401.childs += [DGP401]

	TDGP_401 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_401") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_401.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,0.3,0)
	TDGP_401.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_401]

	DGP_401 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_401") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_401.childs += [TDGP_401]

	CDGP_401 = cc.Curso('DGP_401',['DGH_307','DGP_301','DGH_306'],-2.1,0.3,0,['DGP_501','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_402 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_402") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_402.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_402.childs += [DGT402]

	TDGT_402 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_402") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_402.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,0.3,0)
	TDGT_402.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_402]

	DGT_402 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_402") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_402.childs += [TDGT_402]

	CDGT_402 = cc.Curso('DGT_402',['DGT_302'],-1.5,0.3,0,['DGH_507','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_403 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_403") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_403.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_403.childs += [DGT403]

	TDGT_403 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_403") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_403.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,0.3,0)
	TDGT_403.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_403]

	DGT_403 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_403") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_403.childs += [TDGT_403]

	CDGT_403 = cc.Curso('DGT_403',['DGT_303'],-0.9,0.3,0,['DGP_501', 'DGP_502','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_404 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_404") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_404.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_404.childs += [DGT404]

	TDGT_404 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_404") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_404.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,0.3,0)
	TDGT_404.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_404]

	DGT_404 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_404") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_404.childs += [TDGT_404]

	CDGT_404 = cc.Curso('DGT_404',['DGT_304'],-0.3,0.3,0,['DGT_503','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_405 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_405") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_405.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_405.childs += [DGH405]

	TDGH_405 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_405") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_405.transform = tr.translate(0.3,0.3,0)
	TDGH_405.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_405]

	DGH_405 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_405") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_405.childs += [TDGH_405]

	CDGH_405 = cc.Curso('DGH_405',[],0.3,0.3,0,['DGH_504','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_406 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_406") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_406.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_406.childs += [DGH406]

	TDGH_406 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_406") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_406.transform = tr.translate(0.9,0.3,0)
	TDGH_406.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_406]

	DGH_406 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_406") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_406.childs += [TDGH_406]

	CDGH_406 = cc.Curso('DGH_406',['DGH_306'],0.9,0.3,0,['DGP_501','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_407 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_407") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_407.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_407.childs += [DGH407]

	TDGH_407 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_407") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_407.transform = tr.translate(1.5,0.3,0)
	TDGH_407.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_407]

	DGH_407 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_407") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_407.childs += [TDGH_407]

	CDGH_407 = cc.Curso('DGH_407',['DGH_307'],1.5,0.3,0,['DGP_501','DGH_506','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DE_2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_2") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DE_2.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DE_2.childs += [DE2]

	TDE_2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_2") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDE_2.transform = tr.translate(2.1,0.3,0)
	TDE_2.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DE_2]

	DE_2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_2") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DE_2.childs += [TDE_2]

	CDE_2 = cc.Curso('DE_2',[],2.1,0.3,0,['DE_4','DG_701','DG_702'])

	#Septimo Semestre

	Tap_DGP_501 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_501") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_501.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_501.childs += [DGP501]

	TDGP_501 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_501") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_501.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-0.3,0)
	TDGP_501.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_501]

	DGP_501 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_501") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_501.childs += [TDGP_501]

	CDGP_501 = cc.Curso('DGP_501',['DGT_403','DGH_407','DGH_406','DGP_401'],-2.1,-0.3,0,['DGP_601','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGP_502 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_502") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_502.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_502.childs += [DGP502]

	TDGP_502 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_502") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_502.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,-0.3,0)
	TDGP_502.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_502]

	DGP_502 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_502") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_502.childs += [TDGP_502]

	CDGP_502 = cc.Curso('DGP_502',['DGT_403'],-1.5,-0.3,0,['DGP_602','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_503 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_503") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_503.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_503.childs += [DGT503]

	TDGT_503 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_503") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_503.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,-0.3,0)
	TDGT_503.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_503]

	DGT_503 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_503") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_503.childs += [TDGT_503]

	CDGT_503 = cc.Curso('DGT_503',['DGT_404'],-0.9,-0.3,0,['DGT_603','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_504 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_504") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_504.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_504.childs += [DGH504]

	TDGH_504 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_504") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta
	TDGH_504.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,-0.3,0) 
	TDGH_504.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_504]

	DGH_504 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_504") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_504.childs += [TDGH_504]

	CDGH_504 = cc.Curso('DGH_504',['DGH_405'],-0.3,-0.3,0,['DGH_604','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_505 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_505") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_505.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_505.childs += [DGH505]

	TDGH_505 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_505") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_505.transform = tr.translate(0.3,-0.3,0)
	TDGH_505.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_505]

	DGH_505 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_505") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_505.childs += [TDGH_505]

	CDGH_505 = cc.Curso('DGH_505',['DGH_305'],0.3,-0.3,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_506 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_506") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_506.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_506.childs += [DGH506]

	TDGH_506 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_506") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_506.transform = tr.translate(0.9,-0.3,0)
	TDGH_506.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_506]

	DGH_506 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_506") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_506.childs += [TDGH_506]

	CDGH_506 = cc.Curso('DGH_506',['DGH_407'],0.9,-0.3,0,['DGP_601','DGH_606','DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_507 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_507") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_507.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_507.childs += [DGH507]

	TDGH_507 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_507") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_507.transform = tr.translate(1.5,-0.3,0)
	TDGH_507.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_507]

	DGH_507 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_507") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_507.childs += [TDGH_507]

	CDGH_507 = cc.Curso('DGH_507',['DGT_402'],1.5,-0.3,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DE_3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_3") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DE_3.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DE_3.childs += [DE3]

	TDE_3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_3") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDE_3.transform = tr.translate(2.1,-0.3,0)
	TDE_3.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DE_3]

	DE_3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_3") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DE_3.childs += [TDE_3]

	CDE_3 = cc.Curso('DE_3',['DE_1'],2.1,-0.3,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	#Octavo Semestre 

	Tap_DGP_601 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_601") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_601.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_601.childs += [DGP601]

	TDGP_601 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_601") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_601.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-0.9,0)
	TDGP_601.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_601]

	DGP_601 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_601") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_601.childs += [TDGP_601]

	CDGP_601 = cc.Curso('DGP_601',['DGH_506','DGP_501'],-2.1,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGP_602 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGP_602") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGP_602.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGP_602.childs += [DGP602]

	TDGP_602 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_602") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGP_602.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,-0.9,0)
	TDGP_602.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGP_602]

	DGP_602 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_602") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGP_602.childs += [TDGP_602]

	CDGP_602 = cc.Curso('DGP_602',['DGP_502'],-1.5,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGT_603 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGT_603") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGT_603.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGT_603.childs += [DGT603]

	TDGT_603 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_603") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGT_603.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,-0.9,0)
	TDGT_603.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGT_603]

	DGT_603 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_603") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGT_603.childs += [TDGT_603]

	CDGT_603 = cc.Curso('DGT_603',['DGT_503'],-0.9,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_604 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_604") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_604.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_604.childs += [DGH604]

	TDGH_604 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_604") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_604.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,-0.9,0)
	TDGH_604.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_604]

	DGH_604 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_604") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_604.childs += [TDGH_604]

	CDGH_604 = cc.Curso('DGH_604',['DGH_504'],-0.3,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_605 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_605") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_605.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_605.childs += [DGH605]

	TDGH_605 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_605") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_605.transform = tr.translate(0.3,-0.9,0)
	TDGH_605.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_605]

	DGH_605 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_605") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_605.childs += [TDGH_605]

	CDGH_605 = cc.Curso('DGH_605',[],0.3,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DGH_606 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DGH_606") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DGH_606.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DGH_606.childs += [DGH606]

	TDGH_606 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_606") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDGH_606.transform = tr.translate(0.9,-0.9,0)
	TDGH_606.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DGH_606]

	DGH_606 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_606") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DGH_606.childs += [TDGH_606]

	CDGH_606 = cc.Curso('DGH_606',['DGH_506'],0.9,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Tap_DE_4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DE_4") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DE_4.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DE_4.childs += [DE4]

	TDE_4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_4") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDE_4.transform = tr.translate(1.5,-0.9,0)
	TDE_4.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DE_4]

	DE_4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_4") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DE_4.childs += [TDE_4]

	CDE_4 = cc.Curso('DE_4',['DE_1','DE_2'],1.5,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702'])

	Licenciatura_P_Prof = ['DP_101','DP_102','DP_103','DT_104','DT_105','DH_106','DH_107','DH_108',

	#Noveno semestre 
	Tap_DG_701 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DG_701") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DG_701.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DG_701.childs += [DG701]

	TDG_701 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDG_701") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDG_701.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-1.5,0)
	TDG_701.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DG_701]

	DG_701 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DG_701") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DG_701.childs += [TDG_701]

	CDG_701 = cc.Curso('DG_701',Licenciatura_P_Prof,-2.1,-1.5,0,['DG_801'])

	Tap_DG_702 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DG_702") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DG_702.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DG_702.childs += [DG702]

	TDG_702 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDG_702") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDG_702.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,-1.5,0)
	TDG_702.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DG_702]

	DG_702 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DG_702") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DG_702.childs += [TDG_702]

	CDG_702 = cc.Curso('DG_702',Licenciatura_P_Prof,-1.5,-1.5,0,['DG_801'])

	#Decimo semestre 
	Tap_DG_801 = sg.SceneGraphNode("Tap_DG_801") #Se crea la 'tapa' para el cubo
	Tap_DG_801.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0.252),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	Tap_DG_801.childs += [DG801]

	TDG_801 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDG_801") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta 
	TDG_801.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-2.1,0)
	TDG_801.childs += [cuboRojo, Tap_DG_801]

	DG_801 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DG_801") #Se crea el cubo completo 
	DG_801.childs += [TDG_801]

	CDG_801 = cc.Curso('DG_801',['DG_701','DG_702'],-2.1,-2.1,0)

	#Aqui se comienzan a crear los cursos en un mismo plano 
	semestre1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre1")
	semestre1.childs += [DP_101,DP_102,DP_103,DT_104,DT_105,DH_106,DH_107,DH_108]

	semestre2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre2")
	semestre2.childs += [DGP_201,DGP_202,DGP_203,DGT_204,DGT_205,DGH_206,DGH_207,DGH_208]

	semestre3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre3")
	semestre3.childs += [DGP_301,DGT_302,DGT_303,DGT_304,DGH_305,DGH_306,DGH_307,DE_1]

	semestre4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre4")
	semestre4.childs += [DGP_401,DGT_402,DGT_403,DGT_404,DGH_405,DGH_406,DGH_407,DE_2]

	semestre5 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre5")
	semestre5.childs += [DGP_501,DGP_502,DGT_503,DGH_504,DGH_505,DGH_506,DGH_507,DE_3]

	semestre6 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre6")
	semestre6.childs += [DGP_601,DGP_602,DGT_603,DGH_604,DGH_605,DGH_606,DE_4]

	semestre7 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre7")
	semestre7.childs += [DG_701,DG_702]

	semestre8 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre8")
	semestre8.childs += [DG_801]

	Csemestre1 = [CDP_101,CDP_102,CDP_103,CDT_104,CDT_105,CDH_106,CDH_107,CDH_108]

	Csemestre2 = [CDGP_201,CDGP_202,CDGP_203,CDGT_204,CDGT_205,CDGH_206,CDGH_207,CDGH_208]

	Csemestre3 = [CDGP_301,CDGT_302,CDGT_303,CDGT_304,CDGH_305,CDGH_306,CDGH_307,CDE_1]

	Csemestre4 = [CDGP_401,CDGT_402,CDGT_403,CDGT_404,CDGH_405,CDGH_406,CDGH_407,CDE_2]

	Csemestre5 = [CDGP_501,CDGP_502,CDGT_503,CDGH_504,CDGH_505,CDGH_506,CDGH_507,CDE_3]

	Csemestre6 = [CDGP_601,CDGP_602,CDGT_603,CDGH_604,CDGH_605,CDGH_606,CDE_4]

	Csemestre7 = [CDG_701,CDG_702]

	Csemestre8 = [CDG_801]

	Cmalla = [Csemestre1,Csemestre2,Csemestre3,Csemestre4,Csemestre5,Csemestre6,Csemestre7,Csemestre8]

	malla = sg.SceneGraphNode("malla")
	malla.childs = [semestre1,semestre2,semestre3,semestre4,semestre5,semestre6,semestre7,semestre8]

	return malla , Cmalla
Example #22
    star3 = createStar(); star13 = createStar()
    star4 = createStar(); star14 = createStar()
    star5 = createStar(); star15 = createStar()
    star6 = createStar(); star16 = createStar()
    star7 = createStar(); star17 = createStar()
    star8 = createStar(); star18 = createStar()
    star9 = createStar(); star19 = createStar()
    star10 = createStar(); star20 = createStar()

    redPlanets = [redPlanet1, redPlanet2, redPlanet3, redPlanet4, redPlanet5, redPlanet6]
    greenPlanets = [greenPlanet1, greenPlanet2, greenPlanet3, greenPlanet4, greenPlanet5, greenPlanet6]
    bluePlanets = [bluePlanet1, bluePlanet2, bluePlanet3, bluePlanet4, bluePlanet5, bluePlanet6]
    stars = [star1, star2, star3, star4, star5, star6, star7, star8, star9, star10,
             star11, star12, star13, star14, star15, star16, star17, star18, star19, star20]

    gpuGameOver = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("gameover.png"), GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
    gpuGameOverTransform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(1.9)])

    # Our shapes here are always fully painted
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)

    t0 = glfw.get_time()

    # Number of times the user ship is hit by the enemy shots
    tirosAlUsuario = 0
    # Number of times the enemy ship is hit by the shots of the user ship
    tirosAlEnemigo = 0

    while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
        # Getting the time difference from the previous iteration
        t1 = glfw.get_time()
Example #23
 def __init__(self):
     pasto = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("Pasto.png", 1, 1), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
     pastoTransform= tr.uniformScale(2)
     self.model = pasto
     self.tra = pastoTransform
     self.pos = 0.1
Example #24
def Amy_jump(estructura):
    if __name__ == "__main__":

        # Initialize glfw
        if not glfw.init():

        width = 700
        height = 700

        window = glfw.create_window(width, height, "Amy Jump", None, None)

        if not window:


        # Connecting the callback function 'on_key' to handle keyboard events
        glfw.set_key_callback(window, on_key)

        # Defining shader programs
        pipeline = ls.SimpleGouraudShaderProgram()
        texture_pipeline = es.SimpleTextureModelViewProjectionShaderProgram()
        color_pipeline = es.SimpleModelViewProjectionShaderProgram()
        tex_pipeline = es.SimpleTextureTransformShaderProgram()

        # Telling OpenGL to use our shader program

        # Setting up the clear screen color
        glClearColor(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.0)

        # As we work in 3D, we need to check which part is in front,
        # and which one is at the back

        # Creamos los objetos
        # Amy
        gpuAmy = es.toGPUShape(shape=readOBJ('amy.obj', (1, 0, 0.5)))

        # Anillo (trofeo)
        gpuAnillo = es.toGPUShape(shape=readOBJ('ring.obj', (0.9, 0.9, 0)))

        # Fondo
        fondo = Fondo()

        piso = bs.createTextureCube('piso.jpg')
        gpupiso = es.toGPUShape(piso, GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        piso_transform = tr.matmul(
             tr.translate(0, 0, -0.53)])

        # Pantalla de inicio
        amyi = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("amy2.png", 1, 1), GL_REPEAT,

        # Pantala de perdida
        eggman = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("eggman.png", 1, 1),
                               GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)

        # Pantalla de ganador
        amyf = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("am.png", 1, 1), GL_REPEAT,

        # Barras
        barras = CreateBarras()

        #Revisamos el tiempo
        t0 = glfw.get_time()

        # Posiciones de Amy
        posX = 0
        posY = 0
        posZ = 0.5

        #Cuenta los fondo que ya se crearon
        count = 1

        # Indica hasta que altura se debe llegar al saltar
        alt = 0

        # Dice si se puede saltar o no
        salto = True

        #Indica cuando se "pierde" por saltar mal
        perder = False

        #Indica cuando se pierde por una flecha
        perder2 = False

        # Dice si se debe mandar una flecha de ataque
        arrow = True

        #Se crea la flecha con las posiciones hacia Amy
        flechas = Flecha(posX, posY, posZ)

        #Tamaño inicial de la imagen de partida, de perdida y de ganador
        ag = 2
        eg = 0
        af = 0

        # rotaciones de Amy
        rotz = np.pi
        rotx = np.pi / 2
        roty = 0

        #Indica si ya estuvo en una barra
        bt = False

        #Rotaciones y posiciones del aro
        ra = 0
        x = 0
        y = 0
        #Indica si gana o pierde
        ganar = False

        while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
            # Using GLFW to check for input events

            # Getting the time difference from the previous iteration
            t1 = glfw.get_time()
            dt = t1 - t0
            t0 = t1

            #Se define la vista "fija" del juego
            view = tr.lookAt(np.array([12, -5, 8 + (posZ - 0.5)]),
                             np.array([posX * 0.4, posY * 0.4, posZ]),
                             np.array([0, 0, 1]))

            #Cambia la vista mientras se mantengan apretadas las teclas

            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_B) == glfw.PRESS):
                view = tr.lookAt(np.array([0, 1, 17.5 + (posZ)]),
                                 np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]))
            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_N) == glfw.PRESS):
                view = tr.lookAt(np.array([-12, -5, 7.5 + posZ]),
                                 np.array([posX, posY, posZ]),
                                 np.array([0, 0, 1]))
            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_M) == glfw.PRESS):
                view = tr.lookAt(np.array([0, 10, -0.5 + posZ]),
                                 np.array([posX, posY, posZ]),
                                 np.array([0, 0, 1]))

            # Setting up the projection transform
            projection = tr.perspective(60,
                                        float(width) / float(height), 0.1, 100)

            # Clearing the screen in both, color and depth

            #Dibujamos el fondo
            fondo.Draw(texture_pipeline, projection, view)

            # Revisamos si se debe crear otro fondo
            if posZ > 13 * count:
                fondoazul = FondoAzul(count, fondo)
                count += 1

            #Dibujamos el piso
                glGetUniformLocation(texture_pipeline.shaderProgram, "model"),
                1, GL_TRUE, piso_transform)
                                     "projection"), 1, GL_TRUE, projection)
                glGetUniformLocation(texture_pipeline.shaderProgram, "view"),
                1, GL_TRUE, view)

            # Luz
            glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "La"),
                        1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
            glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "Ld"),
                        1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
            glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "Ls"),
                        1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

            glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "Ka"),
                        0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
            glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "Kd"),
                        0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
            glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "Ks"),
                        0.2, 0.2, 0.2)

                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "lightPosition"),
                0, 0, posZ + 5)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "viewPosition"),
                0, 0, posZ + 5)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "shininess"),
                                     "constantAttenuation"), 0.01)
                                     "linearAttenuation"), 0.1)
                                     "quadraticAttenuation"), 0.01)

            #Dibujamos a Amy
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "projection"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, projection)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "view"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, view)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "model"), 1,
                    tr.translate(posX, posY, posZ),

            #Dibujamos el anillo a la altura de la ultima barra
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "model"), 1,
                    tr.translate(x, y, barras.altura * 2),

            # Dibujamos la pantalla inicial
                glGetUniformLocation(tex_pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"),
                1, GL_TRUE,
                tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0, 0),

            # Dibujamos la pantalla de perdida
                glGetUniformLocation(tex_pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"),
                1, GL_TRUE,
                tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0, 0),

            # Dibujamos la pantalla de ganador
                glGetUniformLocation(tex_pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"),
                1, GL_TRUE,
                tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0, 0),

            # Hace una copia de la lista de barras
            b = barras.barras

            #Indica que hay gravedad por lo cual amy va a caer mientras no este en una plataforma
            grav = True

            #Cambia el angulo de de rotación del aro
            ra -= 2 * dt

            #Revisa que la posición de las barras calza con Amy
            for i in range(len(b)):
                if posX <= 2 * b[i].posx + 1 and posX >= 2 * b[
                        i].posx - 1 and posY <= 2 * b[
                            i].posy + 1 and posY >= 2 * b[
                                i].posy - 1 and posZ <= b[
                                    i].posz * 0.3 + 1.4 and posZ >= b[
                                        i].posz * 0.3 + 1.25:
                    if b[i].real == False:  #Revisa si la barra es real, de serlo no la dibuja y no apaga la gravedad
                        b[i].dibujo = False
                        grav = False  #si no, apaga la gravedad
                        bt = True  #indica que ya se subio una barra

            # Implementa la gravedad
            if posZ > 0.6 and grav == True:
                posZ -= 3 * dt

            #Mueve a Amy dependiendo de la tecla que se precione
            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_A) == glfw.PRESS):
                if posX > -6:
                    posX -= 5 * dt
            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_D) == glfw.PRESS):
                if posX < 6:
                    posX += 5 * dt
            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_W) == glfw.PRESS):
                if posY < 6:
                    posY += 5 * dt
            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_S) == glfw.PRESS):
                if posY > -6:
                    posY -= 5 * dt
            #Implementa los saltos
            if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_SPACE) == glfw.PRESS):
                #si se puede saltar
                if salto == True:
                    salto = False  #se bloquea otro salto
                    alt = 2 + posZ  #calcula hasta donde debe llegar
                #si no pierde y no llega al limite de altura
                if alt >= posZ and perder == False:
                    posZ += 5 * dt  #salta
                #Si esta en una barra y aún no pierde
                if grav == False and perder2 == False:
                    salto = True  #Puede volver a saltar
                    perder = False  #aún no pierde
                #Inidica que perdio
                if alt < posZ + 0.01:
                    perder = True
            # Si es que se puede hacer una flecha
            if arrow == True:
                ti = t1  #Revisamos el tiempo actual
                arrow = False  #decimos que no se pueden hacer mas flechas
                flechas = Flecha(posX, posY,
                                 posZ)  #se indica las posicones de la flecha
            # Si ya pasa un tiempo especifico
            if ti + 3 < t1:
                arrow = True  # se puede hacer otra flecha
            #Revisamos que una flecha toca a Amy
            if flechas.posx <= posX + 0.1 and flechas.posx >= posX - 0.1 and flechas.posy <= -posY * 0.2 + 0.1 and flechas.posy >= -posY * 0.2 - 0.1 and flechas.posz <= posZ * 0.2 + 0.1 and flechas.posz >= posZ * 0.2 - 0.1:
                perder2 = True  #Pierde
            #Mueve las flechas a partir de un tiempo en especifico
            if t1 > 8:
                flechas.update(4 * dt)
                flechas.draw(pipeline, projection, view)
            #Hace el movimiento de la imagen inicial
            if t1 < 8:
                if ag > 0:
                    ag -= dt
            #Si pierde genera la imagen de game over y Amy empieza a rotar
            if ((posZ >= 0.5 and posZ <= 0.6 and grav and bt) or perder2 or
                (salto == False and posZ >= 0.5
                 and posZ <= 0.6)) and ganar == False:
                if eg < 2:
                    eg += 0.8 * dt
                rotx -= 2 * dt
                rotz -= 2 * dt
            #Indica cuando gana
            if barras.altura * 2 - posZ <= 0.5 and barras.altura * 2 - posZ >= 0 and grav == False:
                ganar = True
                #Mueve el aro a Amy
                if x < 1.7 * posX:
                    x += 5 * dt
                elif x >= 1.7 * posX:
                    x -= 5 * dt
                if y < 1 * posY:
                    y += 5 * dt
                elif y >= 1 * posY:
                    y -= 5 * dt
                #Hace el movimiento de la imagen de ganador
                if af < 2:
                    af += 0.8 * dt

            #Dibuja las barras
            barras.draw(color_pipeline, projection, view)

            # Once the drawing is rendered, buffers are swap so an uncomplete drawing is never seen.

Example #25
    # Connecting the callback function 'on_key' to handle keyboard events
    glfw.set_key_callback(window, controller.on_key)

    # Assembling the shader program (pipeline) with both shaders
    pipeline = es.SimpleTransformShaderProgram()
    pipeline2 = es.SimpleTextureTransformShaderProgram()

    # Telling OpenGL to use ou shader program

    # Setting up the clear screen color
    glClearColor(23 / 255, 9 / 255, 54 / 255, 1.0)

    # Our shapes here are always fully painted
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)
    gpuShape = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("starry_sky.png", 1, 1), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)

    ### Create shapes
    # gpuStars = es.to_gpu_shape(basic_shapes.creature_texture_quad('/static/starry_sky copy.png'), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAL)

    data = main(*sys.argv[1:])  # argv[0] es el nombre de este archivo
    systems = []
    for system in data:
        color = system['Color']
        radius = system['Radius']
        distance = system['Distance']
        velocity = system['Velocity']
        satellites = system['Satellites']
        sun = Cuerpo(color, radius, distance, velocity, satellites)
Example #26
 def __init__(self, texture):
     self.background = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture),
                                     GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
     self.transbackground = np.matmul(tr2.translate(0, 0.2, 0),
                                      tr2.scale(2, 2.5, 1))
     self.level = 0  #indica en que nivel esta el monito, parte desde 0: suelo
Example #27
    greenPlanets = [
        greenPlanet1, greenPlanet2, greenPlanet3, greenPlanet4, greenPlanet5,
    bluePlanets = [
        bluePlanet1, bluePlanet2, bluePlanet3, bluePlanet4, bluePlanet5,
    stars = [
        star1, star2, star3, star4, star5, star6, star7, star8, star9, star10,
        star11, star12, star13, star14, star15, star16, star17, star18, star19,

    gpuGameOver = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("gameover.png"),
                                GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
    gpuGameOverTransform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(1.9)])

    # Our shapes here are always fully painted
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)

    t0 = glfw.get_time()

    # Number of times the user ship is hit by the enemy shots
    tirosAlUsuario = 0
    # Number of times the enemy ship is hit by the shots of the user ship
    tirosAlEnemigo = 0

    while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
        # Getting the time difference from the previous iteration
Example #28
def draw(p1, p2, p3, p4):
    # Initialize glfw
    if not glfw.init():

    width = 600
    height = 600

    window = glfw.create_window(width, height,
                                "Datos acumulados hasta el dia de Hoy", None,

    if not window:

    glfw.set_key_callback(window, on_key)

    # shaders a usar
    pipeline = es.SimpleTransformShaderProgram()
    pipeline_tex = es.SimpleTextureTransformShaderProgram()
    # matrices
    transform1 = np.matmul(tr.scale(1, 0.5, 0), tr.translate(0, 1.5, 0))
    transform2 = tr.translate(0, -1, 0)
    # textura de la leyenda
    imagen = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("img/leyenda.png", 1, 1),
                           GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

    # Telling OpenGL to use our shader program

    # Setting up the clear screen color
    glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

    torta = createTortaGraph(p1, p2, p3, p4)

    while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
        # Clearing the screen in both, color and depth
        # Texturas con fondos transparentes
        # Shader de textura y dibujar
            glGetUniformLocation(pipeline_tex.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
            GL_TRUE, transform1)

        # Cambiar shaders y dibujar grafico de torta
            glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
            GL_TRUE, transform2)
        drawShape(pipeline.shaderProgram, torta)

        # Once the drawing is rendered, buffers are swap so an uncomplete drawing is never seen.

Example #29
def createSky():
    skyTexture = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("sky.jpg"), GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
    sky = sg.SceneGraphNode("sky")
    sky.childs += [skyTexture]
    return sky
Example #30
    # A simple shader program with position and texture coordinates as inputs.
    pipeline = es.SimpleTextureTransformShaderProgram()

    # Telling OpenGL to use our shader program

    # Setting up the clear screen color
    glClearColor(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0)

    # Enabling transparencies

    # Creating shapes on GPU memory
    gpuBoo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("img/boo.png"), GL_REPEAT,
    gpuQuestionBox = es.toGPUShape(
        bs.createTextureQuad("img/question_box.png", 10, 1), GL_REPEAT,

    questionBoxTransform = np.matmul(tr2.translate(0, -0.8, 0),
                                     tr2.scale(-2, 0.2, 1))

    while not glfw.window_should_close(window):
        # Using GLFW to check for input events

        if (controller.fillPolygon):
            glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)