def test_multiple_LEs(): positions = (np.random.random( (10000, 2)) * ((grid.max_long - grid.min_long), (grid.max_long - grid.min_long)) + (grid.min_long, grid.min_lat)).astype(np.float32) mass = np.ones((positions.shape[0], ), np.float32) flags = np.zeros_like(mass, dtype=np.uint8) # flags = np.array( (16, 0) , dtype=np.uint8) # 16 is the notOnSurface: flag start = time.time() mass_grid1 = comp_volume(positions, mass, flags, grid) py_time = time.time() - start print "python version took %s seconds" % py_time start = time.time() mass_grid2 = cy_comp_volume(positions, mass, flags, grid) cy_time = time.time() - start print "cython version took %s seconds" % cy_time print "speedup ratio:", py_time / cy_time if np.array_equal(mass_grid1, mass_grid2): print "They are the same" else: print "No match!!! somethign is wrong!!!"
def test_multiple_LEs(): positions = ( np.random.random((10000, 2)) * ( (grid.max_long-grid.min_long), (grid.max_long-grid.min_long)) + ( grid.min_long, grid.min_lat) ).astype(np.float32) mass = np.ones( (positions.shape[0],), np.float32) flags = np.zeros_like(mass, dtype=np.uint8) # flags = np.array( (16, 0) , dtype=np.uint8) # 16 is the notOnSurface: flag start = time.time() mass_grid1 = comp_volume(positions, mass, flags, grid) py_time = time.time() - start print "python version took %s seconds"%py_time start = time.time() mass_grid2 = cy_comp_volume(positions, mass, flags, grid) cy_time = time.time() - start print "cython version took %s seconds"%cy_time print "speedup ratio:", py_time / cy_time if np.array_equal(mass_grid1, mass_grid2): print "They are the same" else: print "No match!!! somethign is wrong!!!"
import os, sys import numpy as np from batch_gnome import tap_mod, tap_comp_volume # some test data infilename = "micro_test.bin" (Trajectory, (NumTimesteps, NumLEs), HeaderData, Flags) = tap_mod.ReadTrajectory(infilename) print Flags print Flags.dtype max = Trajectory.max(axis=0).max(axis=0) min = Trajectory.min(axis=0).min(axis=0) # set up a grid: grid = tap_mod.Grid(min[0], max[0], min[1], max[1], 10, 10) print grid # loop through the time steps: for t_ind in xrange(NumTimesteps): #for t_ind in [10]: print "timestep :", t_ind Positions = Trajectory[t_ind] flags = Flags[t_ind] masses = np.ones_like(flags, dtype=np.float32) Volumes = tap_comp_volume.comp_volume(Positions, masses, flags, grid) print Volumes
def CompThicknessCube_mf(FileList, OutputTimes, Grid, Weather=None): """ CompThicknessCube computes the average thickness of the oil over each receptor site. It only works for grid receptors. Filelist is a list of netcdf file names: one for each trajectory OutputTimes is a sequence of output times, in hours, from the beginning of the run. Grid is a Grid object, specifying the grid parameters If Weather is not None it must be a tap_comp_volume.weather_curve object If Weather is None, then there is no change in volume. """ ## read the header of the first trajectory file: It is assumed that ## the others will check is made to assure this, but it ## will crash if anything is very wrong. # (junk, junk, HeaderData, junk) = ReadTrajectory(FileList[0],2) # read the trajectory data from the first netcdf file # print "**************" # print "getting header info from file:", FileList[0] traj_file = nc_particles.Reader(FileList[0]) if traj_file.get_units('age') != 'seconds': raise ValueError("particle age units in netcdf file must be in seconds") NumTimesteps = len(traj_file.times) MaxNumLEs = traj_file.particle_count[:].max() TimeStep = traj_file.times[1] - traj_file.times[0] # assume constant timestep! traj_file.close() TimeStepHours = TimeStep.total_seconds() / 3600.00 ## OutputTimes should already be in hours OutputSteps = (np.array([0] + OutputTimes) / TimeStepHours).astype(np.int32) # in integer units of time step # Allocate the Cube NumSpills, NumSites, NumTimes = len(FileList), Grid.num_cells, len(OutputTimes) ## fixme: need to make this a float cube! Cube = np.zeros((NumTimes, NumSites, NumSpills), np.float32) Cube_mf = np.zeros((NumTimes, NumSites, NumSpills), np.float32) start = time.time() # just for timing how long it takes to run print OutputSteps ## Loop through each individual trajectory for SpillNum in range(NumSpills): # print "computing spill number %i"%(SpillNum,) # read new trajectory file: print "working with file:", FileList[SpillNum] traj_file = nc_particles.Reader(FileList[SpillNum]) VolTable = np.zeros((NumSites), np.float32) # this will store the Maximum volume in each grid box. VolTable_mf = np.zeros((NumSites), np.float32) # this will store the Maximum volume in each grid box. ## Step through the Cube output time steps for step in xrange(len(OutputSteps) - 1): ## step through the Trajectory time steps between each Cube Timestep for t in xrange(OutputSteps[step], OutputSteps[step + 1]): LE_vars = traj_file.get_timestep(t, variables=['longitude', 'latitude', 'age', 'status_codes']) LE_lat = LE_vars['latitude'] LE_long = LE_vars['longitude'] LE_positions = np.column_stack((LE_long, LE_lat)) NumLEs = LE_positions.shape[0] LE_age = LE_vars['age'].astype(np.float32) / 3600.00 # NOTE: for TAP -- we assume that are the particles have unit mass at the start # so we don't read it from the file LE_mass = np.ones((NumLEs,), dtype=np.float32) if Weather: # print "weathering the LEs" LE_mass =, LE_age) flags = LE_vars['status_codes'].astype(np.uint8) Vol = tap_comp_volume.comp_volume(LE_positions, LE_mass, flags, Grid) Vol_mf = comp_volume_mf(LE_positions, LE_mass, flags, Grid) # keep the largest volume computed between output timesteps VolTable = np.maximum(Vol.flat, VolTable) VolTable_mf = np.maximum(Vol_mf.flat, VolTable_mf) ## put the max volume in the Cube at this Cube time step # Cube[step,:,SpillNum] = transform(VolTable, MaxNumLEs) Cube[step, :, SpillNum] = VolTable Cube_mf[step, :, SpillNum] = VolTable_mf traj_file.close() # print "cube took %s seconds to generate"%(time.time() - start) return Cube, Cube_mf
from batch_gnome import tap_mod, tap_comp_volume # some test data infilename = "micro_test.bin" (Trajectory,(NumTimesteps,NumLEs),HeaderData,Flags) = tap_mod.ReadTrajectory(infilename) print Flags print Flags.dtype max = Trajectory.max(axis=0).max(axis=0) min = Trajectory.min(axis=0).min(axis=0) # set up a grid: grid = tap_mod.Grid(min[0], max[0], min[1], max[1], 10, 10) print grid # loop through the time steps: for t_ind in xrange(NumTimesteps): #for t_ind in [10]: print "timestep :", t_ind Positions = Trajectory[t_ind] flags = Flags[t_ind] masses = np.ones_like(flags, dtype=np.float32) Volumes = tap_comp_volume.comp_volume(Positions, masses, flags, grid) print Volumes