def test_with_zero_weathering(): """ actually a test of very persistant oil -- weathered, but with a very long half-life. """ VeryPersistant = oil_weathering.weather_curve(C=1.0, H=1e100) OutputTimes = [8, 16, 24] cube1 = tap_mod.CompThicknessCubeOld([tap_data_file], OutputTimes, grid, Weather=None) cube2 = tap_mod.CompThicknessCube([nc_data_file], OutputTimes, grid, Weather=VeryPersistant) ## cube 2 is weathered so little that it should be the same #assert np.array_equal(cube1, cube2) assert np.allclose(cube1, cube2)
def test_compare_with_old_way(): OutputTimes = [8, 16, 24] #OutputTimes = [8] cube1 = tap_mod.CompThicknessCubeOld([tap_data_file], OutputTimes, grid, Weather=None) cube2 = tap_mod.CompThicknessCube([nc_data_file], OutputTimes, grid, Weather=None) #print "cube1 shape:", cube1.shape #print cube1[0,:,0] #print "non-zero entries in cube", np.nonzero(cube1 > 0) print "cube2 shape:", cube2.shape #print cube2[0,:,0] print "Allzero -- cube 2:" print np.alltrue(cube2 == 0) #assert np.array_equal(cube1, cube2) assert np.allclose(cube1, cube2)
def test_with_weathering(): MediumCrude = oil_weathering.weather_curve(C=(.22, .26, .52), H=(14.4, 48.6, 1e9)) OutputTimes = [8, 16, 24] cube1 = tap_mod.CompThicknessCubeOld([tap_data_file], OutputTimes, grid, Weather=None) cube2 = tap_mod.CompThicknessCube([nc_data_file], OutputTimes, grid, Weather=MediumCrude) #print "cube1 shape:", cube1.shape #print cube1[0,:,0] #print "non-zero entries in cube", np.nonzero(cube1 > 0) #print "cube2 shape:", cube2.shape #print cube2[0,:,0] ## cube 2 is weathered -- it should always be less. assert np.alltrue(cube1 >= cube2)
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.split(CubeName)[0]): os.mkdir(os.path.split(CubeName)[0]) if setup.CubeType == "Cumulative": if setup.OilWeatheringType is not None: raise NotImplimentedError("weathering not implimented for cumulative cubes") print "computing cumulative cubes" Cube = tap_mod.CompTAPIICube(TrajFiles, setup.OutputTimes, Receptors, oil_weathering.OilTypes[setup.OilWeatheringType]) elif setup.CubeType == "Volume": print "computing volume cubes" Cube = tap_mod.CompThicknessCube(TrajFiles, setup.OutputTimes, Receptors, oil_weathering.OilTypes[setup.OilWeatheringType]) types = {'float32': np.float32, 'uint8' : np.uint8, 'uint16' : np.uint16, } try: Cube = tap_mod.transform(Cube, setup.NumLEs, n = 1.5, dtype=types[setup.CubeDataType]) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported Cube Data Type: %s"%CubeDataType) #print " The Cube Shape is: %s"%(Cube.shape,) #print "The cube is %i elements, each one %i bytes"%(np.product(Cube.shape), Cube.itemsize()) print "Computing the whole cube took %f seconds (%f minutes)"%((time()- start),(time()- start)/60)
def main(RootDir, CubesPath, CubesRootNames, CubeType, CubeDataType, Seasons, TrajectoriesPath, ReceptorType, Grid, OilWeatheringType, OutputTimes, NumLEs): # create the dir for all the cubes: FullCubesPath = os.path.join(RootDir, CubesPath) if not os.path.isdir(FullCubesPath): os.mkdir(FullCubesPath) # Build list of Trajectory dirs and cube names: CubesList = [] for ((Season, Months), CubeRootName) in zip(Seasons, CubesRootNames): # build the directory structure SeasonTrajDir = os.path.join(RootDir, TrajectoriesPath, Season) #DDR # SeasonTrajDir = os.path.join(setup.RootDir, setup.TrajectoriesPath) SeasonCubesDir = os.path.join(RootDir, CubesPath, Season) if not os.path.isdir(SeasonCubesDir): print "Creating directory: ", SeasonCubesDir os.mkdir(SeasonCubesDir) DirList = os.listdir(SeasonTrajDir) DirList.sort() for d in DirList: try: int(d[4:7]) GoOn = True except ValueError: GoOn = False if GoOn: TrajName = os.path.join(RootDir, TrajectoriesPath, Season, d) CubeName = os.path.join( RootDir, CubesPath, Season, "%s%s%s" % (CubeRootName, d[4:7].zfill(4), ".bin")) CubesList.append((TrajName, CubeName, Months)) print len(CubesList) if ReceptorType == "Grid": Receptors = tap_mod.Grid(Grid.min_long, Grid.max_long, Grid.min_lat, Grid.max_lat, Grid.num_lat, Grid.num_long) for TrajFilesDir, CubeName, Months in CubesList: print "processing Cube::", CubeName if not os.path.isdir(TrajFilesDir): raise Exception(TrajFilesDir + " is not a valid directory") ## if the file exists and it is non-empty it will be skipped CubeExists = os.path.isfile(CubeName) if CubeExists and (os.path.getsize(CubeName) > 0): print "Cube: %s Exists...skipping" % (CubeName, ) elif CubeExists and (( (time() - os.path.getmtime(CubeName)) / 60) < 30): print "EmptyCube: %s Exists less than 30min old...skipping" % ( CubeName, ) else: print "Compute Cube: %s \n from trajectory files in:\n %s" % ( CubeName, TrajFilesDir) # TrajFiles = [os.path.join(TrajFilesDir, ""%(i+1)) for i in range(setup.NumStarts)] TrajFiles = [ os.path.join(TrajFilesDir, i) for i in os.listdir(TrajFilesDir) ] # filter TrajFiles list # if setup.CubeStartFilter: tmnth = [int(i[-9:-7]) for i in TrajFiles] nmnth = np.asarray(tmnth) tt = np.where(np.in1d(nmnth, Months)) tlist = [] for i in tt[0]: tlist.append(TrajFiles[i]) TrajFiles = tlist # kludge fix to pad length of seasonal traj files to total NumStarts # if len(TrajFiles < setup.NumStarts): if len(TrajFiles) < 500: tlist = TrajFiles[0:250] for i in TrajFiles[0:250]: tlist.append(i) TrajFiles = tlist # make sure they exist ## fixme: should I check file size, too. for f in TrajFiles: if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception("trajectory file missing: %s" % f) # print "trajectory files are all there..." print "# of files %s ::" % (str(len(TrajFiles))) print "there are %i trajectory files" % len(TrajFiles) print "The first 5 are:" for name in TrajFiles[:5]: print name start = time() if not os.path.isdir(os.path.split(CubeName)[0]): os.mkdir(os.path.split(CubeName)[0]) if CubeType == "Cumulative": if OilWeatheringType is not None: raise NotImplimentedError( "weathering not implimented for cumulative cubes") print "computing cumulative cubes" Cube = tap_mod.CompTAPIICube( TrajFiles, OutputTimes, Receptors, oil_weathering.OilTypes[OilWeatheringType]) elif CubeType == "Volume": print "computing volume cubes" Cube = tap_mod.CompThicknessCube( TrajFiles, OutputTimes, Receptors, oil_weathering.OilTypes[OilWeatheringType]) types = { 'float32': np.float32, 'uint8': np.uint8, 'uint16': np.uint16, } try: Cube = tap_mod.transform(Cube, NumLEs, n=1.5, dtype=types[CubeDataType]) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported Cube Data Type: %s" % CubeDataType) #print " The Cube Shape is: %s"%(Cube.shape,) #print "The cube is %i elements, each one %i bytes"%(np.product(Cube.shape), Cube.itemsize()) print "Computing the whole cube took %f seconds (%f minutes)" % ( (time() - start), (time() - start) / 60) # write it out to a file: print "writing out cube:", CubeName #CubeFile = open(CubeName,'wb') #CubeFile.write(Cube.tostring()) #CubeFile.close() Cube.tofile(CubeName) else: print "Receptortype", ReceptorType, " isn't implimented yet"