Example #1
def experiment_11(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 11.  Number of ballots audited for no-error example from Checkoway et al., Section 4.3 (49)"
    print "n=100,000 ballots, m ranges from 0.5% to 5%, 100 simulated audits for each m"
    #L = [ (1, 1,   0), (1, 2,    0), (1, 3,  200),
    #      (2, 1, 200), (2, 2, 4800), (2, 3,  100),
    #      (3, 1,   0), (3, 2,    0), (3, 3, 4700) ]
    m_list = tuple(0.01*m for m in [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5])
    epsilon = 0.01
    print "epsilon = ",epsilon
    num_trials = 100
    for m in m_list:
        L = [ (1, 1, int(0.1*n)), (1, 2, 0), (1, 3, 0),
              (2, 1, 0), (2, 2, int(0.45*n-0.5*m*n)), (2, 3, 0),
              (3, 1, 0), (3, 2, 0), (3, 3, int(0.45*n+0.5*m*n))]
        for audit_type in ["N","P","NP"]:
            for i in range(num_trials):
                r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
                schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
                t1 = time.time(); 
                num_audited = num_audited+s
                if printing_wanted:
                    print "Reported outcome is "+result+" after examining %d ballots"%s
                    print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
            avg_num_audited = num_audited / float(num_trials)
            print "m=%7.4f audit_type=%2s avg_num_audited=%5d"%(m,audit_type,avg_num_audited)
Example #2
def experiment_14(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 14.  Number of ballots audited for bidirectional errors with 2-errors example from Checkoway et al., Section 4.3 (52)"
    print "n=100,000 ballots, m ranges from 0.5% to 5%, 100 simulated audits for each m"
    #L = [ (1, 1,   0), (1, 2,    0), (1, 3,  200),
    #      (2, 1, 200), (2, 2, 4800), (2, 3,  100),
    #      (3, 1,   0), (3, 2,    0), (3, 3, 4700) ]
    m_list = tuple(0.01*m for m in [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5])
    epsilon = 0.01
    error = 16/float(100000)
    num_trials = 100
    print "margin m     avg num ballots audited"
    print "--------     -----------------------"
    for m in m_list:
        L = [ (1, 1, int(0.1*n-4*error*n)), (1, 2, int(3*error*n)), (1, 3, int(3*error*n)),
              (2, 1, int(2*error*n)), (2, 2, int(0.45*n-0.5*(m+7*error)*n)), (2, 3, 0),
              (3, 1, int(2*error*n)), (3, 2, 0), (3, 3, int(0.45*n+0.5*(m-7*error)*n))]
        for i in range(num_trials):
            r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
            schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
            #schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2])
            t1 = time.time(); 
            num_audited = num_audited+s
            if printing_wanted:
                print "Reported outcome is "+result+" after examining %d ballots"%s
                print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
        avg_num_audited = num_audited / float(num_trials)
        print "%7.4f           %d"%(m,avg_num_audited)
Example #3
def experiment_9(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 9.  Miscertification rates on example from Checkoway et al., Section 4.1 (48)"
    print "Scaled down to n=1000 ballots, m ranges from 0.5% to 5%, 1000 simulations for each m"
    #L = [ (1, 1,   0), (1, 2,    0), (1, 3,  200),
    #      (2, 1, 200), (2, 2, 4800), (2, 3,  100),
    #      (3, 1,   0), (3, 2,    0), (3, 3, 4700) ]
    m_list = tuple(0.01*m for m in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    epsilon_list = [ 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.07, 0.10 ]          # added 0.00 rlr 5/14
    epsilon_list = [ 0.10, 0.07, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.00 ]          # reverse so we see interesting results first
    for epsilon in epsilon_list:
        print "epsilon=%7.4f"%epsilon
        for m in m_list:
            print "m=%7.4f"%m
            L = [ (1, 1, 0), (1, 2, 0), (1, 3, int(0.4*m*n)),
                  (2, 1, int(0.4*m*n)), (2, 2, int(0.5*n-0.4*m*n)), (2, 3, int(0.2*m*n)),
                  (3, 1, 0), (3, 2, 0), (3, 3, int(0.5*n-0.6*m*n))]
            for i in range(num_trials):
                r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
                #schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
                t1 = time.time(); 
                if printing_wanted:
                    print "Reported outcome is",result,"with sample of size",s
                    print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
                if result=="OK":
                    count_ok = count_ok+1
            print "epsilon = %7.4f, m = %7.4f, number of miscertifications = %d (out of %d trials)"%(epsilon,m,count_ok,num_trials)
Example #4
def experiment_10(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 10.  Miscertification rates on a near tie."
    L = [(1,1,4999), (1,2,   2),                                       # increased 10x rlr 5/18
         (2,1,   0), (2,2,4999)]
    print "L = ",L
    epsilon_list = [ 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 ]               # added 0.00 rlr 5/14
    seed = 11
    print "random number seed = ",seed
    for epsilon in epsilon_list:
        for audit_type in ["N","P","NP"]:
            random.seed(seed)                 # fix seed, for reproducible results
            count_ok = 0
            for i in range(num_trials):
                r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
                schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
                t1 = time.time(); 
                if printing_wanted:
                    print "trial:",i
                    print "Reported outcome is",result
                    print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
                if result=="OK":
                    count_ok = count_ok+1
            print "For audit type %2s, epsilon = %2.2f, number of miscertifications = %d (out of %d trials)"%(audit_type,epsilon,count_ok,num_trials)
Example #5
def experiment_19(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 19.  Comparison with Stark's comparison audit in Stanislaus Oakdale Measure O, risk limit alpha = 10%"
    print "Assumes no errors in reported results, ignores undervotes."
    print "100 simulated audits"
    epsilon = 0.1
    num_trials = 100
    L = [ (1, 1, 1728), (1, 2, 0), (2, 1, 0), (2, 2, 1392) ]
    s_list = [ ]
    for i in range(num_trials):
        r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
        schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,range(1,n+1))
        t1 = time.time(); 
        num_audited = num_audited+s
        if printing_wanted:
            print "Reported outcome is "+result+" after examining %d ballots"%s
            print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
        print "%d"%s
    avg_num_audited = num_audited / float(num_trials)
    print "Average number of ballots audited = %7.2f"%avg_num_audited
    s_list = sorted(s_list)
    print "Median number of ballots audited = %7.2f"%s_list[len(s_list)/2]
    n49 = len([x for x in s_list if x<49])
    print "Fraction of time bayes audit examines less than 49 ballots:", float(n49)/float(num_trials)
Example #6
def experiment_21(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 21: Miscertification on IRV example"
    import vs       # voting system code 
    A = [ 1, 2, 3 ]                           # candidates (alternatives)
    params = vs.default_params()              # parameters (nothing special needed)
    vs.setup_TB(A,params)                     # establish tie-breaker values
    B123 = 1                    # ballot types in order as generated by vs.perms
    B132 = 2
    B213 = 3
    B231 = 4
    B312 = 5
    B321 = 6
    err = 1        # with err=1 we have an incorrect election
    #L = [ (B123,B123,100), (B123,B132,5*err),
    #      (B132,B132,100), (B132,B123,6*err),
    #      (B213,B213,120), (B213,B123,4*err),
    #      (B231,B231, 90), (B231,B213,5*err),
    #      (B312,B312,100), (B312,B132,5*err),
    #      (B321,B321,100), (B321,B312,10*err) ]
    L = [ (B123, B123, 100), (B123, B132, 20),
          (B132, B132, 100), (B132, B123, 24),
          (B213, B213, 120), (B213, B123, 16),
          (B231, B231, 90), (B231, B213, 20),
          (B312, B312, 100), (B312, B132, 20),
          (B321, B321, 100), (B321, B312, 40) ]
    # schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,range(1,10000))
    #epsilon_list = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.07, 0.10]
    epsilon_list = [0.01]
    # list of voting system methods implemented in vs.py, just for reference:
    #    unanimous_winner
    #    majority_winner
    #    plurality_winners
    #    Condorcet_winner
    #    Borda_winner
    #    minimax_winner
    #    Smith_set
    #    IRV_winner
    #    Schulze_winner
    # following may not work if interface to cvxopt not available
    #    gt_winner
    # set global variable to select which voting system winner computation to use in vs.f_vs
    # print "minimax"
    # vs.vs_winner = vs.minimax_winner    
    print "IRV"
    vs.vs_winner = vs.IRV_winner
    num_trials = 1000
    for epsilon in epsilon_list:
        count_ok = 0
        for i in range(num_trials):
            r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
            schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[10,11])
            # now do audit
            t1 = time.time(); 
            print "Reported outcome is ",result,"after examining %d ballots"%s
            print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
            if result=="OK":
                count_ok = count_ok+1
        print "For epsilon = %2.2f, there were %d miscertifications (out of %d trials)"%(epsilon,count_ok,num_trials)
Example #7
def experiment_17(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 17.  Comparison with Stark's ballot-polling audit in Monterey 2011, risk limit alpha = 10%"
    print "Assumes no errors in reported results, and combines write-ins and Mancini into one candidate as Stark did."
    print "100 simulated audits"
    epsilon = 0.1
    num_trials = 100
    L = [ (1, 1, 1353), (1, 2, 0), (2, 1, 0), (2, 2, 755) ]
    s_list = [ ]
    for i in range(num_trials):
        r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
        schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,range(1,n+1))
        t1 = time.time(); 
        audit_type = "N"
        num_audited = num_audited+s
        if printing_wanted:
            print "Reported outcome is "+result+" after examining %d ballots"%s
            print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
        print "%d"%s
    avg_num_audited = num_audited / float(num_trials)
    print "Average number of ballots audited = %7.2f"%avg_num_audited
    s_list = sorted(s_list)
    print "Median number of ballots audited = %7.2f"%s_list[len(s_list)/2]
Example #8
def experiment_1(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 1. Small error data set."
    L = [ (1,1,600), (1,2,100), (2,2,200) ]
    r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
    schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
    epsilon = 0.05
    t1 = time.time(); 
    t2 = time.time()
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Reported outcome is",result
        print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
Example #9
def experiment_6(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 6. Small debugging data set."
    L = [ (1,1,4), (1,2,1),
          (2,1,2), (2,2,3) ]
    epsilon = 0.05
    r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
    schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
    t1 = time.time(); 
    t2 = time.time()
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Reported outcome is",result
        print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
    return result
Example #10
def experiment_3(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 3. No error data set from Checkoway/Sarwate/Shacham (eqn 49, page 11 m=1000)"
    L = [ (1,1,10000), (2,2,40000), (3,3,50000) ]
    r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
    # schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
    # epsilon = 0.01
    schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[10,11])
    epsilon = 0.01
    t1 = time.time(); 
    t2 = time.time()
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Reported outcome is",result
        print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
Example #11
def experiment_5(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 5. Data set from Checkoway/Sarwate/Shacham (section 3.4, page 9), divided by 10"
    L = [ (1,1,150), (1,2,  40), (1,3,  10),
          (2,1, 30), (2,2,4630), (2,3,  20),
          (3,1, 60), (3,2,  60), (3,3,5000) ]    
    r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
    schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
    epsilon = 0.01
    t1 = time.time(); 
    t2 = time.time()
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Reported outcome is",result
        print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
    return result
Example #12
def experiment_8(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 8. Same as 7, but just one run."
    L = [ (1,1,5000), (1,2,  80), (1,3,  5),
          (2,1,  10), (2,2,4500), (2,3,  5),
          (3,1,   0), (3,2,   0), (3,3,400) ]
    epsilon = 0.05
    r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
    schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,range(1,1000,10))
    t1 = time.time(); 
    t2 = time.time()
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Reported outcome is",result
        print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
    return result
Example #13
def experiment_15(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 15: IRV test."
    import vs       # voting system code 
    A = [ 1, 2, 3 ]                           # candidates (alternatives)
    params = vs.default_params()              # parameters (nothing special needed)
    vs.setup_TB(A,params)                     # establish tie-breaker values
    B123 = 1                    # ballot types in order as generated by vs.perms
    B132 = 2
    B213 = 3
    B231 = 4
    B312 = 5
    B321 = 6
    err = 1        # with err=1 we have an incorrect election
    L = [ (B123,B123,1000), (B123,B132,50*err),
          (B132,B132,1000), (B132,B123,60*err),
          (B213,B213,1200), (B213,B123,40*err),
          (B231,B231, 900), (B231,B213,50*err),
          (B312,B312,1000), (B312,B132,50*err),
          (B321,B321,1000), (B321,B312,100*err) ]
    r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
    schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[10,11])
    # schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,range(1,10000))
    epsilon = 0.001
    # list of voting system methods implemented in vs.py, just for reference:
    #    unanimous_winner
    #    majority_winner
    #    plurality_winners
    #    Condorcet_winner
    #    Borda_winner
    #    minimax_winner
    #    Smith_set
    #    IRV_winner
    #    Schulze_winner
    # following may not work if interface to cvxopt not available
    #    gt_winner
    # set global variable to select which voting system winner computation to use in vs.f_vs
    # print "minimax"
    # vs.vs_winner = vs.minimax_winner    
    print "IRV"
    vs.vs_winner = vs.IRV_winner
    # now do audit
    t1 = time.time(); 
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Reported outcome is ",result,"after examining %d ballots"%s
        print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
Example #14
def experiment_16(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 16.  Comparison with Stark's single-ballot audit in San Luis Obispo, Measure A, risk limit alpha = 10%"
    print "100 simulated audits"
    epsilon = 0.1
    num_trials = 100
    L = [ (1, 1, 7848), (1, 2, 0), (2, 1, 0), (2, 2, 2764) ]
    for i in range(num_trials):
        r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
        schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,range(1,n+1))
        t1 = time.time(); 
        num_audited = num_audited+s
        if printing_wanted:
            print "Reported outcome is "+result+" after examining %d ballots"%s
            print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
    avg_num_audited = num_audited / float(num_trials)
    print "Average number of ballots audited = %7.2f"%avg_num_audited
Example #15
def experiment_20(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 20.  Miscertification rates on a near tie."
    L = [(1,1,499), (1,2,2),
         (2,1,0), (2,2,499)]
    epsilon_list = [ 0.07 ]
    for epsilon in epsilon_list:
        count_ok = 0
        for i in range(num_trials):
            r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
            schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
            t1 = time.time(); 
            if printing_wanted:
                print "Reported outcome is",result
                print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
            if result=="OK":
                count_ok = count_ok+1
        print "For epsilon = %2.2f, there were %d miscertifications (out of %d trials)"%(epsilon,count_ok,num_trials)
Example #16
def experiment_18(printing_wanted=True):
    print "Experiment 18.  Single ballot comparison audit on Monterey 2011, Water Management District Director, risk limit alpha = 10%"
    print "Assumes no errors in reported results, and combines write-ins and Mancini into one candidate as Stark did in his ballot-polling audit."
    print "100 simulated audits"
    epsilon = 0.1
    num_trials = 100
    L = [ (1, 1, 1353), (1, 2, 0), (2, 1, 0), (2, 2, 755) ]
    for i in range(num_trials):
        r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
        schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,range(1,n+1))
        t1 = time.time(); 
        num_audited = num_audited+s
        if printing_wanted:
            print "Reported outcome is "+result+" after examining %d ballots"%s
            print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
        print "%d"%s
    avg_num_audited = num_audited / float(num_trials)
    print "Average number of ballots audited = %7.2f"%avg_num_audited
Example #17
def experiment_23(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 23. To compare with go implementation for ballot polling."
    L = [ (1,1,223250), (1,2,225750), (1,3,225200), (1,4,225800) ]
    epsilon_list = [ 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.07, 0.10 ]
    epsilon_list = [ 0.02 ]
    # num_trials=1000
    for epsilon in epsilon_list:
        count_ok = 0
        for i in range(num_trials):
            r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
            schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[4,5])
            t1 = time.time(); 
            if printing_wanted:
                print "Reported outcome is",result
                print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
            if result=="OK":
                count_ok = count_ok+1
                print "miscertification trial",i,"s=",s
        print "For epsilon = %2.2f, there were %d miscertifications (out of %d trials)"%(epsilon,count_ok,num_trials)
Example #18
def experiment_4(printing_wanted=True):
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Experiment 4. Data set from Checkoway/Sarwate/Shacham (section 3.4, page 9)"
    # ---> Note that their matrix is transpose of ours!!
    # ---> Ballot type 1 corresponds to "None", whereas 2 and 3 are candidates,
    # ---> but this doesn't affect anything here since 1 has no chance of winning.
    L = [ (1,1,1500), (1,2,  400), (1,3,  100),
          (2,1, 300), (2,2,46300), (2,3,  200),
          (3,1, 600), (3,2,  600), (3,3,50000) ]
    # with our procedure, audited only 1420 ballots
    # (with epsilon = 0.01) rather than 2496 ballots for CSS.
    r,a,t,n = make_profiles(L,printing_wanted)
    # schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
    schedule = bayes.make_schedule(n,[10,11])
    epsilon = 0.01
    ballot_polling = True
    t1 = time.time(); 
    t2 = time.time()
    if printing_wanted:
        print "Reported outcome is",result
        print "Done in %g seconds."%(t2-t1)
    return result