Example #1
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file.

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # populate `obsVars`
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    # populate `edges`
    for houseVar in HOUSE_VARS:
        edges.append((X_POS_VAR, houseVar))
        edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, houseVar))
        for obsVar in obsVars:
            edges.append((houseVar, obsVar))

    # set values
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS
    for houseVar in HOUSE_VARS:
        variableDomainsDict[houseVar] = HOUSE_VALS
    for obsVar in obsVars:
        variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = OBS_VALS

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
def parseSolutionBayesNet(solutionDict):
    # needs to be able to parse in a bayes net
    variableDomainsDict = {}
    for line in solutionDict['variableDomainsDict'].split('\n'):
        variable, domain = line.split(' : ')
        variableDomainsDict[variable] = domain.split(' ')

    variables = list(variableDomainsDict.keys())
    edgeList = []
    for variable in variables:
        parents = solutionDict[variable + 'conditionedVariables'].split(' ')
        for parent in parents:
            if parent != '':
                edgeList.append((parent, variable))

    net = bayesNet.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edgeList,

    factors = {}
    for variable in variables:
            parseFactorFromFileDict(solutionDict, variableDomainsDict,

    return net
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    global OBS_VARs
    OBS_VARs = obsVars

    for houseVar in HOUSE_VARS:
        for obsVar in OBS_VARs:
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = OBS_VALS

    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[FOOD_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[GHOST_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + OBS_VARs
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, OBS_VARs
Example #4
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    NOTES: VARS represent variables (nodes), VALS represent values taken on by
    those variables. Keys in the dictionary are X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.
    and a key for each obs(%d, %d) where (%d, %d) is the x, y position for each
    of the 28 positions where there could be a house wall. Values is the list of
    all possible values that each key could be.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {X_POS_VAR: X_POS_VALS, Y_POS_VAR: Y_POS_VALS}

    for HOUSE in HOUSE_VARS:
        edges.extend(((X_POS_VAR, HOUSE), (Y_POS_VAR, HOUSE)))
        # edges.append((X_POS_VAR, HOUSE))
        # edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, HOUSE))
        variableDomainsDict[HOUSE] = HOUSE_VALS

    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = OBS_VALS
            for HOUSE in HOUSE_VARS:
                edges.append((HOUSE, obsVar))

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
Example #5
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}


    edges = edges + [(X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR), (Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR), 

    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            obsVars = obsVars + [obsVar]
            edges = edges + [(FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar)]
            edges = edges + [(GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar)]
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = [NO_OBS_VAL, BLUE_OBS_VAL, RED_OBS_VAL]

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = [BLUE_OBS_VAL, RED_OBS_VAL, NO_OBS_VAL]
            obsVars += [obsVar]
            edges += [(FOOD_HOUSE_VAR,obsVar)]
            edges += [(GHOST_HOUSE_VAR,obsVar)]
    edges += [(X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR)]
    edges += [(Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR)]
    edges += [(X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR)]
    edges += [(Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR)]
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = [FOOD_LEFT_VAL,GHOST_LEFT_VAL]
    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
Example #7
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    arr = []
    d = {}
    r = []
    r.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    r.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    r.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    r.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    for i in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for j in gameState.getHouseWalls(i):
            temp = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % j
            d[temp] = OBS_VALS
    for temp in arr:
        r.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, temp))
        r.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, temp))
    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + arr
    c = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, r, d)
    return c, arr
Example #8
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    # Populate Edge list with original 4 variables

    # Get list of Obs Variables and populate Edges as we go along
    obsVars = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = OBS_VALS
            edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))
            edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))

    # Set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
    # of possible assignments to `var`
    #variableDomainsDict = {}
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[FOOD_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[GHOST_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS  # set x pos domain
    # - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS  # set y pos domain
    # - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    variableDomainsDict[FOOD_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS  # set food pos domain
    # - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    variableDomainsDict[GHOST_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS  # set ghost pos domain

    # - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            # get full set of observation variables
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
    # - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    for item in obsVars:
        variableDomainsDict[item] = OBS_VALS  # set domain of obsVar
        edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, item))
        edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, item))

    # return
    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)

    return net, obsVars
def parseSolutionBayesNet(solutionDict):
    # needs to be able to parse in a bayes net
    variableDomainsDict = {}
    for line in solutionDict['variableDomainsDict'].split('\n'):
        variable, domain = line.split(' : ')
        variableDomainsDict[variable] = domain.split(' ')

    variables = list(variableDomainsDict.keys())
    edgeList = []
    for variable in variables:
        parents = solutionDict[variable + 'conditionedVariables'].split(' ')
        for parent in parents:
            if parent != '':
                edgeList.append((parent, variable))

    net = bayesNet.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edgeList, variableDomainsDict)

    factors = {}
    for variable in variables:
        net.setCPT(variable, parseFactorFromFileDict(solutionDict, variableDomainsDict, variable))

    return net
Example #11
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    #At first, we use the above described methods to get the full set of observetion variables 
    #and add the observation variables to obsvars[], add the (house,obsvar) edge to edges[],and set the domain for each observetion variable
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar=OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR,obsVar)) #each edge is a (from,to) tuple
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar]=OBS_VALS #use the dictionary struct to store the domain

    #After add all the obervation variable, we need to add edge about X,Y,FoodHose,GoastHouse variable and set their domain
    #add edge
    #set domain

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
Example #12
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # add all the things to obsVars and to edges lists
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
                edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))
                edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    # variableDomainsDict['Raining']  = ['yes', 'no']

    # add all the things to variableDomainsDict
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = [FOOD_LEFT_VAL, GHOST_LEFT_VAL]
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = [BLUE_OBS_VAL, RED_OBS_VAL, NO_OBS_VAL]

    # print "@@@@EDGES", edges
    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
def parseBayesNetProblem(testDict):
    # needs to be able to parse in a bayes net,
    # and figure out what type of operation to perform and on what
    parseDict = {}

    variableDomainsDict = {}
    for line in testDict['variableDomainsDict'].split('\n'):
        variable, domain = line.split(' : ')
        variableDomainsDict[variable] = domain.split(' ')

    parseDict['variableDomainsDict'] = variableDomainsDict

    variables = []
    for line in testDict["variables"].split('\n'):
        variable = line.strip()

    edges = []
    for line in testDict["edges"].split('\n'):
        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if len(tokens) == 2:
            edges.append((tokens[0], tokens[1]))

            raise Exception, "[parseBayesNetProblem] Bad evaluation line: |%s|" % (line,)

    # inference query args

    queryVariables = testDict['queryVariables'].split(' ')

    parseDict['queryVariables'] = queryVariables

    evidenceDict = {}
    for line in testDict['evidenceDict'].split('\n'):
        if(line.count(' : ')): #so we can pass empty dicts for unnormalized variables        
            (evidenceVariable, evidenceValue) = line.split(' : ')
            evidenceDict[evidenceVariable] = evidenceValue

    parseDict['evidenceDict'] = evidenceDict

    if testDict['constructRandomly'] == 'False':
        # load from test file
        problemBayesNet = bayesNet.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
        for variable in variables:
            currentFactor = bayesNet.Factor([variable], problemBayesNet.inEdges()[variable], variableDomainsDict)
            for line in testDict[variable + 'FactorTable'].split('\n'):
                assignments, probability = line.split(" = ")
                assignmentList = [assignment for assignment in assignments.split(', ')]

                assignmentsDict = {}
                for assignment in assignmentList:
                    var, value = assignment.split(' : ')
                    assignmentsDict[var] = value
                currentFactor.setProbability(assignmentsDict, float(probability))
            problemBayesNet.setCPT(variable, currentFactor)
            #print currentFactor
    elif testDict['constructRandomly'] == 'True':
        problemBayesNet = bayesNet.constructRandomlyFilledBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)

    parseDict['problemBayesNet'] = problemBayesNet

    if testDict['alg'] == 'inferenceByVariableElimination':
        variableEliminationOrder = testDict['variableEliminationOrder'].split(' ')
        parseDict['variableEliminationOrder'] = variableEliminationOrder
    elif testDict['alg'] == 'inferenceByLikelihoodWeightingSampling':
        numSamples = int(testDict['numSamples'])
        parseDict['numSamples'] = numSamples

    return parseDict
def parseBayesNetProblem(testDict):
    # needs to be able to parse in a bayes net,
    # and figure out what type of operation to perform and on what
    parseDict = {}

    variableDomainsDict = {}
    for line in testDict['variableDomainsDict'].split('\n'):
        variable, domain = line.split(' : ')
        variableDomainsDict[variable] = domain.split(' ')

    parseDict['variableDomainsDict'] = variableDomainsDict

    variables = []
    for line in testDict["variables"].split('\n'):

        variable = line.strip()

    edges = []
    for line in testDict["edges"].split('\n'):

        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if len(tokens) == 2:
            edges.append((tokens[0], tokens[1]))

            raise Exception(
                "[parseBayesNetProblem] Bad evaluation line: |%s|" % (line, ))

    # inference query args

    queryVariables = testDict['queryVariables'].split(' ')

    parseDict['queryVariables'] = queryVariables

    evidenceDict = {}
    for line in testDict['evidenceDict'].split('\n'):
        if (line.count(' : ')
            ):  #so we can pass empty dicts for unnormalized variables
            (evidenceVariable, evidenceValue) = line.split(' : ')
            evidenceDict[evidenceVariable] = evidenceValue

    parseDict['evidenceDict'] = evidenceDict

    if testDict['constructRandomly'] == 'False':
        # load from test file
        problemBayesNet = bayesNet.constructEmptyBayesNet(
            variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
        for variable in variables:
            currentFactor = bayesNet.Factor(
                problemBayesNet.inEdges()[variable], variableDomainsDict)
            for line in testDict[variable + 'FactorTable'].split('\n'):
                assignments, probability = line.split(" = ")
                assignmentList = [
                    assignment for assignment in assignments.split(', ')

                assignmentsDict = {}
                for assignment in assignmentList:
                    var, value = assignment.split(' : ')
                    assignmentsDict[var] = value

            problemBayesNet.setCPT(variable, currentFactor)
            #print currentFactor
    elif testDict['constructRandomly'] == 'True':
        problemBayesNet = bayesNet.constructRandomlyFilledBayesNet(
            variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)

    parseDict['problemBayesNet'] = problemBayesNet

    if testDict['alg'] == 'inferenceByVariableElimination':
        variableEliminationOrder = testDict['variableEliminationOrder'].split(
            ' ')
        parseDict['variableEliminationOrder'] = variableEliminationOrder
    elif testDict['alg'] == 'inferenceByLikelihoodWeightingSampling':
        numSamples = int(testDict['numSamples'])
        parseDict['numSamples'] = numSamples

    return parseDict
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        by looking at the requirement, we know that two things needs to be done:
        1. get the obsVars[] all assigned (with method above)
        2. get the edges[] all assigned (with method in bayesNet.py)


    #here's sample of how to connect edges, the remainning problem is to connect house to the obsVars

    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = [
                OBS_VALS[0], OBS_VALS[1], OBS_VALS[2]
            edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))
            edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))

    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = [X_POS_VALS[0], X_POS_VALS[1]]
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = [
        Y_POS_VALS[0], Y_POS_VALS[1], Y_POS_VALS[2], Y_POS_VALS[3]
    variableDomainsDict[HOUSE_VARS[0]] = [
    variableDomainsDict[HOUSE_VARS[1]] = [

    # print
    # `print obsVars

    # util.raiseNotDefined()

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars

    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    #here list the three thing we should compute:
    #variables.   has an expression, need to fill in X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR, HOUSE_VARS, obsVars
    #edges.       has to connect those, i think there's function about in/out in bayesNet.py
    #obsVars.     has to be computed with the given method

    return net, obsVars
Example #16
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    #first we should get all the observation variables
    #use the procedure above
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
            #append the current observation variable into the observation var list
    #second,populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    #define all the edges in Q1 and qppend them into the edges list
    #Constructing Bayes' nets, edge list: (x, y) means edge from x to y
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    i = 0
    while i < len(obsVars):
        edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obsVars[i]))
        edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obsVars[i]))
        i = i + 1
    #third,set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[FOOD_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[GHOST_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS
    m = 0
    while m < len(obsVars):
        variableDomainsDict[obsVars[m]] = OBS_VALS
        m = m + 1
    #create an empty bayesian network use the list we define above
    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
Example #17
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            # Append the obsVar to the list
            obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

            # Bottom layer of BN
            # Food house -> All observations
            # Ghost house -> All observations
            edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))
            edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obsVar))

            # Add observation dictionary
            variableDomainsDict[obsVar] = OBS_VALS

    # Top layer of BNN
    # Positions (X and Y) -> House (Food house and Ghost house)
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))

    # Dictionaries for position nodes and house nodes
    variableDomainsDict[FOOD_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[GHOST_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    in this section structure of the Bayesnet is made. for the first section, all
    observations are made through the following alorithm mentioned in the description
        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos
    Then all edges are added. for each X_POS_VAR and Y_POS_VAR, there are two options of 
    FOOD_HOUSE_VAR which contains food and GHOST_HOUSE_VAR whcih contains ghost. these 4
    values can be added to the edge manually and then all other possible edges based on the 
    observation is added consequently. This implementation is based on the two X_POSITION
    and Y_POSITION are connected to FoodHouse and GhostHouse and thus 4 possibilities are
    The same process is made for the variableDomainsDict too. first all possible values
    are added manually and then based upon observations all other observation values are
    added. these values can be [BLUE_OBS_VAL, RED_OBS_VAL, NO_OBS_VAL] for any observation

    "generating all obsevation point in the obsVars"
    for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos):
            obsVars.append(OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos)
    "generating all edges with all 4 possibilies of (X,food), (Y,food), (X,ghost), (Y,ghost)"
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    #print edges
    "adding all other edges based upon all observations. it consists of (food/ghost, position)"
    for obs in obsVars:
        edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, obs))
        edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, obs))

    #print edges
    "generating all variableDomainsDict with all 4 possibilies of manually"    
    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS       #[FOOD_LEFT_VAL, GHOST_LEFT_VAL]

    "adding all other values based upon all observations. it consists of (blue, red, none) optiosn for each cell"    
    for obs in obsVars:
        variableDomainsDict[obs] = OBS_VALS # [BLUE_OBS_VAL, RED_OBS_VAL, NO_OBS_VAL]


    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
Example #19
def constructBayesNet(gameState):
    Question 1: Bayes net structure

    Construct an empty Bayes net according to the structure given in the project

    There are 5 kinds of variables in this Bayes net:
    - a single "x position" variable (controlling the x pos of the houses)
    - a single "y position" variable (controlling the y pos of the houses)
    - a single "food house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a single "ghost house" variable (containing the house centers)
    - a large number of "observation" variables for each cell Pacman can measure

    You *must* name all position and house variables using the constants
    (X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, etc.) at the top of this file. 

    The full set of observation variables can be obtained as follows:

        for housePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
            for obsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(housePos)
                obsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % obsPos

    In this method, you should:
    - populate `obsVars` using the procedure above
    - populate `edges` with every edge in the Bayes Net (a tuple `(from, to)`)
    - set each `variableDomainsDict[var] = values`, where `values` is the set
      of possible assignments to `var`. These should again be set using the
      constants defined at the top of this file.

    obsVars = []
    edges = []
    variableDomainsDict = {}

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    variableDomainsDict[X_POS_VAR] = X_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[Y_POS_VAR] = Y_POS_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[FOOD_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS
    variableDomainsDict[GHOST_HOUSE_VAR] = HOUSE_VALS

    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((X_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, FOOD_HOUSE_VAR))
    edges.append((Y_POS_VAR, GHOST_HOUSE_VAR))

    #obtaining the full set of observed variables as
    #guided before the code

    #parsing through all the legal house positions
    for legalhousePos in gameState.getPossibleHouses():
        #parsing through all walls in the house
        for legalobsPos in gameState.getHouseWalls(legalhousePos):
            currentobsVar = OBS_VAR_TEMPLATE % legalobsPos
            #append the observed variable to the variables array
            #set the dict val of current observed value to constant -> OBS_VALS=(none)
            variableDomainsDict[currentobsVar] = OBS_VALS
    #parsing through all the observed variables
    for currentobsVar in obsVars:
        #populating every food and ghost house edge
        edges.append((FOOD_HOUSE_VAR, currentobsVar))
        edges.append((GHOST_HOUSE_VAR, currentobsVar))

    variables = [X_POS_VAR, Y_POS_VAR] + HOUSE_VARS + obsVars
    net = bn.constructEmptyBayesNet(variables, edges, variableDomainsDict)
    return net, obsVars
def powersBayesNet():
    powerVars = ['laser', 'capacity', 'invisibility', 
                     'respawn', 'speed']
    sumVars = ['sum0', 'sum1', 'sum2', 'sum3']
    variablesList = powerVars + sumVars

    variableDomainsDict = {} 
    variableDomainsDict['laser'] = range(3)
    variableDomainsDict['speed'] = range(3)
    variableDomainsDict['capacity'] = range(3)
    variableDomainsDict['invisibility'] = range(3)
    variableDomainsDict['respawn'] = range(3)

    variableDomainsDict['sum0'] = range(6)
    variableDomainsDict['sum1'] = range(9)
    variableDomainsDict['sum2'] = range(9)
    variableDomainsDict['sum3'] = range(6)

    edgeTuplesList = [('laser', 'sum0'), ('laser', 'sum2'),
                      ('capacity', 'sum0'), ('capacity', 'sum1'),
                      ('invisibility', 'sum0'), ('invisibility', 'sum1'),
                      ('respawn', 'sum1'), ('respawn', 'sum2'),
                      ('speed', 'sum1'), ('speed', 'sum2'),
                      #('speed', 'sum1')  ('speed', 'sum3')
    edgeTuplesList = [('laser', 'sum1'), ('laser', 'sum2'),
                      ('capacity', 'sum0'), ('capacity', 'sum2'),
                      ('invisibility', 'sum1'), ('invisibility', 'sum3'),
                      ('respawn', 'sum0'), ('respawn', 'sum1'),
                      ('speed', 'sum2'), ('speed', 'sum3'),
                      #('speed', 'sum1') # ('speed', 'sum3')

    net = bayesNet.constructEmptyBayesNet(variablesList, edgeTuplesList, variableDomainsDict)
    def sumFactor(sumVar, inputVars):
        newFactor = bayesNet.Factor([sumVar], inputVars, variableDomainsDict)
        # only need to set the ones
        for assignmentDict in newFactor.getAllPossibleAssignmentDicts():
            inputSum = sum([int(assignmentDict[inputVar]) for inputVar in inputVars])
            if inputSum == int(assignmentDict[sumVar]):
                newFactor.setProbability(assignmentDict, 1.0)
        return newFactor

    def powerFactor(powerVar):
        newFactor = bayesNet.Factor([powerVar], [], variableDomainsDict)
        numChoices = len(variableDomainsDict[powerVar])
        for assignmentDict in newFactor.getAllPossibleAssignmentDicts():
            newFactor.setProbability(assignmentDict, 1.0 / numChoices)

        return newFactor

    inEdges = net.inEdges()
    for sumVar in sumVars:
        inputVars = inEdges[sumVar]
        net.setCPT(sumVar, sumFactor(sumVar, inputVars))

    for powerVar in powerVars:
        net.setCPT(powerVar, powerFactor(powerVar))

    return net