def checkstatus(self, uri, ud, d): fetchcmd = "%s ls-remote %s" % (ud.basecmd, uri) try: runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, quiet=True) return True except FetchError: return False
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" jsondepobj = {} shrinkobj = {} lockdown = {} if not os.listdir(ud.pkgdatadir) and os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): dest = d.getVar("DL_DIR", True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(dest) runfetchcmd("tar -xJf %s" % (ud.fullmirror), d, workdir=dest) return shwrf = d.getVar('NPM_SHRINKWRAP', True) logger.debug(2, "NPM shrinkwrap file is %s" % shwrf) try: with open(shwrf) as datafile: shrinkobj = json.load(datafile) except: logger.warning('Missing shrinkwrap file in NPM_SHRINKWRAP for %s, this will lead to unreliable builds!' % ud.pkgname) lckdf = d.getVar('NPM_LOCKDOWN', True) logger.debug(2, "NPM lockdown file is %s" % lckdf) try: with open(lckdf) as datafile: lockdown = json.load(datafile) except: logger.warning('Missing lockdown file in NPM_LOCKDOWN for %s, this will lead to unreproducible builds!' % ud.pkgname) if ('name' not in shrinkobj): self._getdependencies(ud.pkgname, jsondepobj, ud.version, d, ud) else: self._getshrinkeddependencies(ud.pkgname, shrinkobj, ud.version, d, ud, lockdown, jsondepobj) with open(ud.localpath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(jsondepobj, outfile)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): Git.unpack(self, ud, destdir, d) submodules = self.uses_submodules(ud, d, ud.destdir) if submodules: runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " checkout " + ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], d, workdir=ud.destdir) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " submodule update --init --recursive", d, workdir=ud.destdir)
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch urls""" urlo = URI(ud.url) basecmd = 'sftp -oBatchMode=yes' port = '' if urlo.port: port = '-P %d' % urlo.port urlo.port = None dldir = data.getVar('DL_DIR', d, True) lpath = os.path.join(dldir, ud.localfile) user = '' if urlo.userinfo: user = urlo.userinfo + '@' path = urlo.path # Supoprt URIs relative to the user's home directory, with # the tilde syntax. (E.g. <s>). if path[:3] == '/~/': path = path[3:] remote = '%s%s:%s' % (user, urlo.hostname, path) cmd = '%s %s %s %s' % (basecmd, port, remote, lpath) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(cmd, d) return True
def download(self, uri, ud, d, checkonly = False): """Fetch urls""" if checkonly: fetchcmd = data.getVar("CHECKCOMMAND_wget", d, True) or d.expand("/usr/bin/env wget --spider -t 5 --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P ${DL_DIR} '${URI}'") elif os.path.exists(ud.localpath): # file exists, but we didnt complete it.. trying again.. fetchcmd = data.getVar("RESUMECOMMAND_wget", d, True) or d.expand("/usr/bin/env wget -c -t 5 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P ${DL_DIR} '${URI}'") else: fetchcmd = data.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND_wget", d, True) or d.expand("/usr/bin/env wget -t 5 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P ${DL_DIR} '${URI}'") uri = uri.split(";")[0] uri_decoded = list(decodeurl(uri)) uri_type = uri_decoded[0] uri_host = uri_decoded[1] fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${URI}", uri.split(";")[0]) fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${FILE}", ud.basename) if not checkonly:"fetch " + uri) logger.debug(2, "executing " + fetchcmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetchcmd) runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, quiet=checkonly) # Sanity check since wget can pretend it succeed when it didn't # Also, this used to happen if sourceforge sent us to the mirror page if not os.path.exists(ud.localpath) and not checkonly: raise FetchError("The fetch command returned success for url %s but %s doesn't exist?!" % (uri, ud.localpath), uri) return True
def download(self, urldata, d): dldir = d.getVar('DL_DIR', True) m = __pattern__.match(urldata.url) path ='path') host ='host') port ='port') user ='user') password ='pass') if port: portarg = '-P %s' % port else: portarg = '' if user: fr = user if password: fr += ':%s' % password fr += '@%s' % host else: fr = host fr += ':%s' % path import commands cmd = 'scp -B -r %s %s %s/' % ( portarg, commands.mkarg(fr), commands.mkarg(dldir) ) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, urldata.url) runfetchcmd(cmd, d)
def fetch_uri(uri, ud, d): if checkonly: fetchcmd = data.getVar("CHECKCOMMAND", d, True) elif os.path.exists(ud.localpath): # file exists, but we didnt complete it.. trying again.. fetchcmd = data.getVar("RESUMECOMMAND", d, True) else: fetchcmd = data.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND", d, True) uri = uri.split(";")[0] uri_decoded = list(decodeurl(uri)) uri_type = uri_decoded[0] uri_host = uri_decoded[1] fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${URI}", uri.split(";")[0]) fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${FILE}", ud.basename) if not checkonly:"fetch " + uri) logger.debug(2, "executing " + fetchcmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetchcmd) runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, quiet=checkonly) # Sanity check since wget can pretend it succeed when it didn't # Also, this used to happen if sourceforge sent us to the mirror page if not os.path.exists(ud.localpath) and not checkonly: raise FetchError("The fetch command returned success for url %s but %s doesn't exist?!" % (uri, ud.localpath), uri)
def _getdependencies(self, pkg, data, version, d, ud): pkgfullname = pkg if version: pkgfullname += "@%s" % version logger.debug(2, "Calling getdeps on %s" % pkg) fetchcmd = "npm view %s dist.tarball --registry %s" % (pkgfullname, ud.registry) output = runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, True) # npm may resolve multiple versions outputarray = output.strip().splitlines() # we just take the latest version npm resolved #logger.debug(2, "Output URL is %s - %s - %s" % (ud.basepath, ud.basename, ud.localfile)) outputurl = outputarray[len(outputarray)-1].rstrip() if (len(outputarray) > 1): # remove the preceding version/name from npm output and then the # first and last quotes outputurl = outputurl.split(" ")[1][1:-1] data[pkg] = {} data[pkg]['tgz'] = os.path.basename(outputurl) self._runwget(ud, d, "%s %s" % (self.basecmd, outputurl), False) #fetchcmd = "npm view %s@%s dependencies --json" % (pkg, version) fetchcmd = "npm view %s dependencies --json --registry %s" % (pkgfullname, ud.registry) output = runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, True) try: depsfound = json.loads(output) except: # just assume there is no deps to be loaded here return data[pkg]['deps'] = {} for dep, version in depsfound.iteritems(): self._getdependencies(dep, data[pkg]['deps'], version, d, ud)
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch urls""" urlo = URI(ud.url) basecmd = "sftp -oPasswordAuthentication=no" port = "" if urlo.port: port = "-P %d" % urlo.port urlo.port = None dldir = data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True) lpath = os.path.join(dldir, ud.localfile) user = "" if urlo.userinfo: user = urlo.userinfo + "@" path = urlo.path # Supoprt URIs relative to the user's home directory, with # the tilde syntax. (E.g. <s>). if path[:3] == "/~/": path = path[3:] remote = "%s%s:%s" % (user, urlo.hostname, path) cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (basecmd, port, commands.mkarg(remote), commands.mkarg(lpath)) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(cmd, d) return True
def download(self, loc, ud, d): """Fetch urls""" svkroot = + ud.path svkcmd = "svk co -r {%s} %s/%s" % (, svkroot, ud.module) if ud.revision: svkcmd = "svk co -r %s %s/%s" % (ud.revision, svkroot, ud.module) # create temp directory localdata = data.createCopy(d) data.update_data(localdata) logger.debug(2, "Fetch: creating temporary directory") bb.utils.mkdirhier(data.expand('${WORKDIR}', localdata)) data.setVar('TMPBASE', data.expand('${WORKDIR}/oesvk.XXXXXX', localdata), localdata) tmpfile, errors ='MKTEMPDIRCMD', localdata, True) or "false") tmpfile = tmpfile.strip() if not tmpfile: logger.error() raise FetchError("Fetch: unable to create temporary directory.. make sure 'mktemp' is in the PATH.", loc) # check out sources there os.chdir(tmpfile)"Fetch " + loc) logger.debug(1, "Running %s", svkcmd) runfetchcmd(svkcmd, d, cleanup = [tmpfile]) os.chdir(os.path.join(tmpfile, os.path.dirname(ud.module))) # tar them up to a defined filename runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, os.path.basename(ud.module)), d, cleanup = [ud.localpath]) # cleanup bb.utils.prunedir(tmpfile)
def build_mirror_data(self, url, ud, d): # Generate a mirror tarball if needed if ud.write_tarballs and (ud.repochanged or not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror)): os.chdir(ud.clonedir)"Creating tarball of git repository") runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.fullmirror, os.path.join(".") ), d) runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % (ud.fullmirror), d)
def copy_submodules(self, submodules, ud, destdir, d): if ud.bareclone: repo_conf = destdir else: repo_conf = os.path.join(destdir, '.git') if submodules and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_conf, 'modules')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(repo_conf, 'modules')) for module, md in submodules.items(): srcpath = os.path.join(ud.clonedir, 'modules', md['path']) modpath = os.path.join(repo_conf, 'modules', md['path']) if os.path.exists(srcpath): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(srcpath, '.git')): srcpath = os.path.join(srcpath, '.git') target = modpath if os.path.exists(modpath): target = os.path.dirname(modpath) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target), exist_ok=True) runfetchcmd("cp -fpLR %s %s" % (srcpath, target), d) elif os.path.exists(modpath): # Module already exists, likely unpacked from a shallow mirror clone pass else: # This is fatal, as we do NOT want git-submodule to hit the network raise bb.fetch2.FetchError('Submodule %s does not exist in %s or %s.' % (module, srcpath, modpath))
def download(self, urldata, d): dldir = d.getVar("DL_DIR") m = __pattern__.match(urldata.url) path ="path") host ="host") port ="port") user ="user") password ="pass") if port: portarg = "-P %s" % port else: portarg = "" if user: fr = user if password: fr += ":%s" % password fr += "@%s" % host else: fr = host fr += ":%s" % path cmd = "scp -B -r %s %s %s/" % (portarg, fr, dldir) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, urldata.url) runfetchcmd(cmd, d)
def _runwget(self, ud, d, command, quiet, workdir=None): progresshandler = WgetProgressHandler(d) logger.debug(2, "Fetching %s using command '%s'" % (ud.url, command)) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, command, ud.url) runfetchcmd(command + ' --progress=dot -v', d, quiet, log=progresshandler, workdir=workdir)
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" # Make a fresh view bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.ccasedir) self._write_configspec(ud, d) cmd = self._build_ccase_command(ud, 'mkview')"creating view [VOB=%s label=%s view=%s]", ud.vob, ud.label, ud.viewname) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, ud.url) try: runfetchcmd(cmd, d) except FetchError as e: if "CRCLI2008E" in e.msg: raise FetchError("%s\n%s\n" % (e.msg, "Call `rcleartool login` in your console to authenticate to the clearcase server before running bitbake.")) else: raise e # Set configspec: Setting the configspec effectively fetches the files as defined in the configspec cmd = self._build_ccase_command(ud, 'setcs');"fetching data [VOB=%s label=%s view=%s]", ud.vob, ud.label, ud.viewname) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, ud.url) output = runfetchcmd(cmd, d, workdir=ud.viewdir)"%s", output) # Copy the configspec to the viewdir so we have it in our source tarball later shutil.copyfile(ud.configspecfile, os.path.join(ud.viewdir, ud.csname)) # Clean clearcase meta-data before tar runfetchcmd('tar -czf "%s" .' % (ud.localpath), d, cleanup = [ud.localpath]) # Clean up so we can create a new view next time self.clean(ud, d);
def download(self, uri, ud, d, checkonly = False): """Fetch urls""" basecmd = d.getVar("FETCHCMD_wget", True) or "/usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate" if not checkonly and 'downloadfilename' in ud.parm: dldir = d.getVar("DL_DIR", True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(dldir + os.sep + ud.localfile)) basecmd += " -O " + dldir + os.sep + ud.localfile if checkonly: fetchcmd = d.getVar("CHECKCOMMAND_wget", True) or d.expand(basecmd + " --spider '${URI}'") elif os.path.exists(ud.localpath): # file exists, but we didnt complete it.. trying again.. fetchcmd = d.getVar("RESUMECOMMAND_wget", True) or d.expand(basecmd + " -c -P ${DL_DIR} '${URI}'") else: fetchcmd = d.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND_wget", True) or d.expand(basecmd + " -P ${DL_DIR} '${URI}'") uri = uri.split(";")[0] fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${URI}", uri.split(";")[0]) fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${FILE}", ud.basename) if not checkonly:"fetch " + uri) logger.debug(2, "executing " + fetchcmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetchcmd) runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, quiet=checkonly) # Sanity check since wget can pretend it succeed when it didn't # Also, this used to happen if sourceforge sent us to the mirror page if not os.path.exists(ud.localpath) and not checkonly: raise FetchError("The fetch command returned success for url %s but %s doesn't exist?!" % (uri, ud.localpath), uri) return True
def uses_submodules(self, ud, d): for name in ud.names: try: runfetchcmd("%s show %s:.gitmodules" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[name]), d, quiet=True) return True except bb.fetch.FetchError: pass return False
def update_annex(self, ud, d): try: runfetchcmd("%s annex get --all" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True) except bb.fetch.FetchError: return False runfetchcmd("chmod u+w -R %s/annex" % (ud.clonedir), d, quiet=True) return True
def uses_annex(self, ud, d): for name in ud.names: try: runfetchcmd("%s rev-list git-annex" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True) return True except bb.fetch.FetchError: pass return False
def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d): # Generate a mirror tarball if needed if ud.write_tarballs and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): # it's possible that this symlink points to read-only filesystem with PREMIRROR if os.path.islink(ud.fullmirror): os.unlink(ud.fullmirror)"Creating tarball of git repository") runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.fullmirror, os.path.join(".") ), d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % (ud.fullmirror), d, workdir=ud.clonedir)
def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d): # Generate a mirror tarball if needed if ud.write_tarballs == "1" and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): # it's possible that this symlink points to read-only filesystem with PREMIRROR if os.path.islink(ud.fullmirror): os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) os.chdir(ud.pkgdir)"Creating tarball of hg repository") runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.fullmirror, ud.module), d) runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % (ud.fullmirror), d)
def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d): # Generate a mirror tarball if needed if ud.write_tarballs and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): # it's possible that this symlink points to read-only filesystem with PREMIRROR if os.path.islink(ud.fullmirror): os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) dldir = d.getVar("DL_DIR", True)"Creating tarball of npm data") runfetchcmd("tar -cJf %s npm/%s npm/%s" % (ud.fullmirror, ud.bbnpmmanifest, ud.pkgname), d, workdir=dldir) runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % (ud.fullmirror), d, workdir=dldir)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): Git.unpack(self, ud, destdir, d) # Copy over the submodules' fetched histories too. if ud.bareclone: repo_conf = ud.destdir else: repo_conf = os.path.join(ud.destdir, '.git') update_submodules = False paths = {} uris = {} local_paths = {} for name in ud.names: try: gitmodules = runfetchcmd("%s show HEAD:.gitmodules" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.destdir) except: # No submodules to update continue submodules = self.parse_gitmodules(gitmodules) self.copy_submodules(submodules, ud, ud.destdir, d) submodules_queue = [(module, os.path.join(repo_conf, 'modules', md['path'])) for module, md in submodules.items()] while len(submodules_queue) != 0: module, modpath = submodules_queue.pop() # add submodule children recursively try: gitmodules = runfetchcmd("%s show HEAD:.gitmodules" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True, workdir=modpath) for m, md in self.parse_gitmodules(gitmodules).items(): submodules_queue.append([m, os.path.join(modpath, 'modules', md['path'])]) except: # no children pass # There are submodules to update update_submodules = True # Determine (from the submodule) the correct url to reference try: output = runfetchcmd("%(basecmd)s config remote.origin.url" % {'basecmd': ud.basecmd}, d, workdir=modpath) except bb.fetch2.FetchError as e: # No remote url defined in this submodule continue local_paths[module] = output # Setup the local URL properly (like git submodule init or sync would do...) runfetchcmd("%(basecmd)s config submodule.%(module)s.url %(url)s" % {'basecmd': ud.basecmd, 'module': module, 'url' : local_paths[module]}, d, workdir=ud.destdir) # Ensure the submodule repository is NOT set to bare, since we're checking it out... runfetchcmd("%s config core.bare false" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True, workdir=modpath) if update_submodules: # Run submodule update, this sets up the directories -- without touching the config runfetchcmd("%s submodule update --recursive --no-fetch" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.destdir)
def clone_shallow_local(self, ud, dest, d): """Clone the repo and make it shallow. The upstream url of the new clone isn't set at this time, as it'll be set correctly when unpacked.""" runfetchcmd("%s clone %s %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.cloneflags, ud.clonedir, dest), d) to_parse, shallow_branches = [], [] for name in ud.names: revision = ud.revisions[name] depth = ud.shallow_depths[name] if depth: to_parse.append('%s~%d^{}' % (revision, depth - 1)) # For nobranch, we need a ref, otherwise the commits will be # removed, and for non-nobranch, we truncate the branch to our # srcrev, to avoid keeping unnecessary history beyond that. branch = ud.branches[name] if ud.nobranch: ref = "refs/shallow/%s" % name elif ud.bareclone: ref = "refs/heads/%s" % branch else: ref = "refs/remotes/origin/%s" % branch shallow_branches.append(ref) runfetchcmd("%s update-ref %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ref, revision), d, workdir=dest) # Map srcrev+depths to revisions parsed_depths = runfetchcmd("%s rev-parse %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join(to_parse)), d, workdir=dest) # Resolve specified revisions parsed_revs = runfetchcmd("%s rev-parse %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join('"%s^{}"' % r for r in ud.shallow_revs)), d, workdir=dest) shallow_revisions = parsed_depths.splitlines() + parsed_revs.splitlines() # Apply extra ref wildcards all_refs = runfetchcmd('%s for-each-ref "--format=%%(refname)"' % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=dest).splitlines() for r in ud.shallow_extra_refs: if not ud.bareclone: r = r.replace('refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/origin/') if '*' in r: matches = filter(lambda a: fnmatch.fnmatchcase(a, r), all_refs) shallow_branches.extend(matches) else: shallow_branches.append(r) # Make the repository shallow shallow_cmd = [self.make_shallow_path, '-s'] for b in shallow_branches: shallow_cmd.append('-r') shallow_cmd.append(b) shallow_cmd.extend(shallow_revisions) runfetchcmd(subprocess.list2cmdline(shallow_cmd), d, workdir=dest)
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" logger.debug(2, "Fetch: checking for module directory '" + ud.moddir + "'") if os.access(os.path.join(ud.moddir, '.svn'), os.R_OK): svnupdatecmd = self._buildsvncommand(ud, d, "update")"Update " + ud.url) # We need to attempt to run svn upgrade first in case its an older working format try: runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " upgrade", d, workdir=ud.moddir) except FetchError: pass logger.debug(1, "Running %s", svnupdatecmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, svnupdatecmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(svnupdatecmd, d, workdir=ud.moddir) else: svnfetchcmd = self._buildsvncommand(ud, d, "fetch")"Fetch " + ud.url) # check out sources there bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.pkgdir) logger.debug(1, "Running %s", svnfetchcmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, svnfetchcmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(svnfetchcmd, d, workdir=ud.pkgdir) scmdata = ud.parm.get("scmdata", "") if scmdata == "keep": tar_flags = "" else: tar_flags = "--exclude='.svn'" # tar them up to a defined filename runfetchcmd("tar %s -czf %s %s" % (tar_flags, ud.localpath, ud.path_spec), d, cleanup=[ud.localpath], workdir=ud.pkgdir)
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" logger.debug(2, "Fetch: checking for module directory '" + ud.moddir + "'") # If the checkout doesn't exist and the mirror tarball does, extract it if not os.path.exists(ud.pkgdir) and os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.pkgdir) os.chdir(ud.pkgdir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % (ud.fullmirror), d) if os.access(os.path.join(ud.moddir, '.hg'), os.R_OK): # Found the source, check whether need pull updatecmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "update") os.chdir(ud.moddir) logger.debug(1, "Running %s", updatecmd) try: runfetchcmd(updatecmd, d) except bb.fetch2.FetchError: # Runnning pull in the repo pullcmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "pull")"Pulling " + ud.url) # update sources there os.chdir(ud.moddir) logger.debug(1, "Running %s", pullcmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, pullcmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(pullcmd, d) try: os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise # No source found, clone it. if not os.path.exists(ud.moddir): fetchcmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "fetch")"Fetch " + ud.url) # check out sources there bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.pkgdir) os.chdir(ud.pkgdir) logger.debug(1, "Running %s", fetchcmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetchcmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d) # Even when we clone (fetch), we still need to update as hg's clone # won't checkout the specified revision if its on a branch updatecmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "update") os.chdir(ud.moddir) logger.debug(1, "Running %s", updatecmd) runfetchcmd(updatecmd, d)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): """ unpack the downloaded src to destdir""" subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "") if subdir != "": readpathspec = ":%s" % (subdir) def_destsuffix = "%s/" % os.path.basename(subdir) else: readpathspec = "" def_destsuffix = "git/" destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", def_destsuffix) destdir = os.path.join(destdir, destsuffix) if os.path.exists(destdir): bb.utils.prunedir(destdir) cloneflags = "-s -n" if ud.bareclone: cloneflags += " --mirror" runfetchcmd("git clone %s %s/ %s" % (cloneflags, ud.clonedir, destdir), d) if not ud.nocheckout: os.chdir(destdir) if subdir != "": runfetchcmd("%s read-tree %s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], readpathspec), d) runfetchcmd("%s checkout-index -q -f -a" % ud.basecmd, d) else: runfetchcmd("%s checkout %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d) return True
def update_submodules(self, ud, d): # We have to convert bare -> full repo, do the submodule bit, then convert back tmpclonedir = ud.clonedir + ".tmp" gitdir = tmpclonedir + os.sep + ".git" bb.utils.remove(tmpclonedir, True) os.mkdir(tmpclonedir) os.rename(ud.clonedir, gitdir) runfetchcmd("sed " + gitdir + "/config -i -e 's/bare.*=.*true/bare = false/'", d) os.chdir(tmpclonedir) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " reset --hard", d) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " submodule init", d) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " submodule update", d) runfetchcmd("sed " + gitdir + "/config -i -e 's/bare.*=.*false/bare = true/'", d) os.rename(gitdir, ud.clonedir) bb.utils.remove(tmpclonedir, True)
def download_submodule(ud, url, module, modpath, d): url += ";bareclone=1;nobranch=1" # Is the following still needed? #url += ";nocheckout=1" try: newfetch = Fetch([url], d, cache=False) # Drop a nugget to add each of the srcrevs we've fetched (used by need_update) runfetchcmd("%s config --add bitbake.srcrev %s" % \ (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=ud.clonedir) except Exception as e: logger.error('gitsm: submodule download failed: %s %s' % (type(e).__name__, str(e))) raise
def download(self, ud, d): """ Get the list of files, fetch each one """ filelist = self._p4listfiles(ud, d) if not filelist: raise FetchError('No files found in depot %s@%s' % (, ud.path)) bb.utils.remove(ud.pkgdir, True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.pkgdir) for afile in filelist: p4fetchcmd = self._buildp4command(ud, d, 'print', afile) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, p4fetchcmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(p4fetchcmd, d, workdir=ud.pkgdir) runfetchcmd('tar -czf %s p4' % (ud.localpath), d, cleanup=[ud.localpath], workdir=ud.pkgdir)
def download(self, loc, ud, d): """Fetch url""" if ud.user: username = ud.user + '@' else: username = "" ud.repochanged = not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror) # If the checkout doesn't exist and the mirror tarball does, extract it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir) and os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.clonedir) os.chdir(ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % (ud.fullmirror), d) # If the repo still doesn't exist, fallback to cloning it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): clone_cmd = "%s clone --bare --mirror %s://%s%s%s %s" % \ (ud.basecmd, ud.proto, username,, ud.path, ud.clonedir) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd) runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d) os.chdir(ud.clonedir) # Update the checkout if needed needupdate = False for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud.revisions[name], d): needupdate = True if needupdate: try: runfetchcmd("%s remote prune origin" % ud.basecmd, d) runfetchcmd("%s remote rm origin" % ud.basecmd, d) except bb.fetch2.FetchError: logger.debug(1, "No Origin") runfetchcmd( "%s remote add --mirror origin %s://%s%s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.proto, username,, ud.path), d) fetch_cmd = "%s fetch --all -t" % ud.basecmd bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetch_cmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d) runfetchcmd("%s prune-packed" % ud.basecmd, d) runfetchcmd("%s pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm" % ud.basecmd, d) ud.repochanged = True
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" # A current clone is preferred to either tarball, a shallow tarball is # preferred to an out of date clone, and a missing clone will use # either tarball. if ud.shallow and os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow) and self.need_update( ud, d): ud.localpath = ud.fullshallow return elif os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror) and self.need_update(ud, d): if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullmirror, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) else: tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=d.getVar('DL_DIR')) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullmirror, d, workdir=tmpdir) fetch_cmd = "LANG=C %s fetch -f --progress %s " % ( ud.basecmd, shlex.quote(tmpdir)) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) # If the repo still doesn't exist, fallback to cloning it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): # We do this since git will use a "-l" option automatically for local urls where possible if repourl.startswith("file://"): repourl = repourl[7:] clone_cmd = "LANG=C %s clone --bare --mirror %s %s --progress" % ( ud.basecmd, shlex.quote(repourl), ud.clonedir) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd, ud.url) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d, log=progresshandler) # Update the checkout if needed if self.clonedir_need_update(ud, d): output = runfetchcmd("%s remote" % ud.basecmd, d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.clonedir) if "origin" in output: runfetchcmd("%s remote rm origin" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s remote add --mirror=fetch origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, shlex.quote(repourl)), d, workdir=ud.clonedir) fetch_cmd = "LANG=C %s fetch -f --progress %s refs/*:refs/*" % ( ud.basecmd, shlex.quote(repourl)) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetch_cmd, ud.url) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d, log=progresshandler, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s prune-packed" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s pack-refs --all" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) try: os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name, ud.clonedir): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Unable to find revision %s in branch %s even from upstream" % (ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name])) if ud.shallow and ud.write_shallow_tarballs: missing_rev = self.clonedir_need_shallow_revs(ud, d) if missing_rev: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Unable to find revision %s even from upstream" % missing_rev) if self._contains_lfs(ud, d, ud.clonedir) and self._need_lfs(ud): # Unpack temporary working copy, use it to run 'git checkout' to force pre-fetching # of all LFS blobs needed at the srcrev. # # It would be nice to just do this inline here by running 'git-lfs fetch' # on the bare clonedir, but that operation requires a working copy on some # releases of Git LFS. tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=d.getVar('DL_DIR')) try: # Do the checkout. This implicitly involves a Git LFS fetch. Git.unpack(self, ud, tmpdir, d) # Scoop up a copy of any stuff that Git LFS downloaded. Merge them into # the bare clonedir. # # As this procedure is invoked repeatedly on incremental fetches as # a recipe's SRCREV is bumped throughout its lifetime, this will # result in a gradual accumulation of LFS blobs in <ud.clonedir>/lfs # corresponding to all the blobs reachable from the different revs # fetched across time. # # Only do this if the unpack resulted in a .git/lfs directory being # created; this only happens if at least one blob needed to be # downloaded. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, "git", ".git", "lfs")): runfetchcmd("tar -cf - lfs | tar -xf - -C %s" % ud.clonedir, d, workdir="%s/git/.git" % tmpdir) finally: bb.utils.remove(tmpdir, recurse=True)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): """ unpack the downloaded src to destdir""" subdir = ud.parm.get("subdir") subpath = ud.parm.get("subpath") readpathspec = "" def_destsuffix = "git/" if subpath: readpathspec = ":%s" % subpath def_destsuffix = "%s/" % os.path.basename(subpath.rstrip('/')) if subdir: # If 'subdir' param exists, create a dir and use it as destination for unpack cmd if os.path.isabs(subdir): if not os.path.realpath(subdir).startswith( os.path.realpath(destdir)): raise bb.fetch2.UnpackError( "subdir argument isn't a subdirectory of unpack root %s" % destdir, ud.url) destdir = subdir else: destdir = os.path.join(destdir, subdir) def_destsuffix = "" destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", def_destsuffix) destdir = ud.destdir = os.path.join(destdir, destsuffix) if os.path.exists(destdir): bb.utils.prunedir(destdir) need_lfs = self._need_lfs(ud) if not need_lfs: ud.basecmd = "GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 " + ud.basecmd source_found = False source_error = [] if not source_found: clonedir_is_up_to_date = not self.clonedir_need_update(ud, d) if clonedir_is_up_to_date: runfetchcmd( "%s clone %s %s/ %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.cloneflags, ud.clonedir, destdir), d) source_found = True else: source_error.append( "clone directory not available or not up to date: " + ud.clonedir) if not source_found: if ud.shallow: if os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow): bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullshallow, d, workdir=destdir) source_found = True else: source_error.append("shallow clone not available: " + ud.fullshallow) else: source_error.append("shallow clone not enabled") if not source_found: raise bb.fetch2.UnpackError( "No up to date source found: " + "; ".join(source_error), ud.url) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) runfetchcmd("%s remote set-url origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, shlex.quote(repourl)), d, workdir=destdir) if self._contains_lfs(ud, d, destdir): if need_lfs and not self._find_git_lfs(d): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Repository %s has LFS content, install git-lfs on host to download (or set lfs=0 to ignore it)" % (repourl)) elif not need_lfs: bb.note( "Repository %s has LFS content but it is not being fetched" % (repourl)) if not ud.nocheckout: if subpath: runfetchcmd( "%s read-tree %s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], readpathspec), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s checkout-index -q -f -a" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=destdir) elif not ud.nobranch: branchname = ud.branches[ud.names[0]] runfetchcmd("%s checkout -B %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s branch %s --set-upstream-to origin/%s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ branchname), d, workdir=destdir) else: runfetchcmd("%s checkout %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) return True
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" if ud.user: username = ud.user + '@' else: username = "" ud.repochanged = not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror) # If the checkout doesn't exist and the mirror tarball does, extract it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir) and os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.clonedir) os.chdir(ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % (ud.fullmirror), d) repourl = "%s://%s%s%s" % (ud.proto, username,, ud.path) # If the repo still doesn't exist, fallback to cloning it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): # We do this since git will use a "-l" option automatically for local urls where possible if repourl.startswith("file://"): repourl = repourl[7:] clone_cmd = "%s clone --bare --mirror %s %s" % ( ud.basecmd, repourl, ud.clonedir) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd) runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d) os.chdir(ud.clonedir) # Update the checkout if needed needupdate = False for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name], d): needupdate = True if needupdate: try: runfetchcmd("%s remote rm origin" % ud.basecmd, d) except bb.fetch2.FetchError: logger.debug(1, "No Origin") runfetchcmd( "%s remote add --mirror=fetch origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d) fetch_cmd = "%s fetch -f --prune %s refs/*:refs/*" % (ud.basecmd, repourl) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetch_cmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d) runfetchcmd("%s prune-packed" % ud.basecmd, d) runfetchcmd("%s pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm" % ud.basecmd, d) ud.repochanged = True os.chdir(ud.clonedir) for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name], d): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Unable to find revision %s in branch %s even from upstream" % (ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name]))
def _populate_shallowclone(self, repourl, source, dest, gitcmd, branchinfo, nobranch, allbranches, bareclone, d): shallow_revisions = [] for name, (shallow, revision, branch) in branchinfo.iteritems(): if not shallow: continue try: shallow_revision = runfetchcmd("GIT_DIR=%s %s rev-parse %s^{}" % (source, gitcmd, shallow), d).rstrip() except bb.fetch2.FetchError: try: shallow = int(shallow) except ValueError: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Invalid BB_GIT_SHALLOW_%s: %s" % (name, shallow)) else: shallow_revision = runfetchcmd("GIT_DIR=%s %s rev-parse %s~%d^{}" % (source, gitcmd, revision, shallow - 1), d).rstrip() shallow_revisions.append(shallow_revision) cloneflags = "-s -n" if bareclone: cloneflags += " --mirror" runfetchcmd("%s clone %s %s %s" % (gitcmd, cloneflags, source, dest), d) os.chdir(dest) if allbranches: shallow_branches = None else: runfetchcmd("%s for-each-ref --format='%%(refname)' | xargs -n 1 %s update-ref -d" % (gitcmd, gitcmd), d) runfetchcmd('%s update-ref -d HEAD' % gitcmd, d) shallow_branches = [] for name, (shallow, revision, branch) in branchinfo.iteritems(): if nobranch: runfetchcmd("%s update-ref refs/shallow/%s %s" % (gitcmd, name, revision), d) shallow_branches.append('refs/shallow/%s' % name) else: runfetchcmd("%s update-ref refs/remotes/origin/%s %s" % (gitcmd, branch, revision), d) shallow_branches.append("origin/%s" % branch) git_dir = runfetchcmd('%s rev-parse --git-dir' % gitcmd, d).rstrip() self._make_repo_shallow(shallow_revisions, git_dir, gitcmd, d, branches=shallow_branches) alternates_file = os.path.join(git_dir, "objects", "info", "alternates") os.unlink(alternates_file)
def clone_shallow_local(self, ud, dest, d): """Clone the repo and make it shallow. The upstream url of the new clone isn't set at this time, as it'll be set correctly when unpacked.""" runfetchcmd( "%s clone %s %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.cloneflags, ud.clonedir, dest), d) to_parse, shallow_branches = [], [] for name in ud.names: revision = ud.revisions[name] depth = ud.shallow_depths[name] if depth: to_parse.append('%s~%d^{}' % (revision, depth - 1)) # For nobranch, we need a ref, otherwise the commits will be # removed, and for non-nobranch, we truncate the branch to our # srcrev, to avoid keeping unnecessary history beyond that. branch = ud.branches[name] if ud.nobranch: ref = "refs/shallow/%s" % name elif ud.bareclone: ref = "refs/heads/%s" % branch else: ref = "refs/remotes/origin/%s" % branch shallow_branches.append(ref) runfetchcmd("%s update-ref %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ref, revision), d, workdir=dest) # Map srcrev+depths to revisions parsed_depths = runfetchcmd("%s rev-parse %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join(to_parse)), d, workdir=dest) # Resolve specified revisions parsed_revs = runfetchcmd( "%s rev-parse %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join('"%s^{}"' % r for r in ud.shallow_revs)), d, workdir=dest) shallow_revisions = parsed_depths.splitlines( ) + parsed_revs.splitlines() # Apply extra ref wildcards all_refs = runfetchcmd('%s for-each-ref "--format=%%(refname)"' % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=dest).splitlines() for r in ud.shallow_extra_refs: if not ud.bareclone: r = r.replace('refs/heads/', 'refs/remotes/origin/') if '*' in r: matches = filter(lambda a: fnmatch.fnmatchcase(a, r), all_refs) shallow_branches.extend(matches) else: shallow_branches.append(r) # Make the repository shallow shallow_cmd = [self.make_shallow_path, '-s'] for b in shallow_branches: shallow_cmd.append('-r') shallow_cmd.append(b) shallow_cmd.extend(shallow_revisions) runfetchcmd(subprocess.list2cmdline(shallow_cmd), d, workdir=dest)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): """ unpack the downloaded src to destdir""" subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "") if subdir != "": readpathspec = ":%s" % (subdir) def_destsuffix = "%s/" % os.path.basename(subdir.rstrip('/')) else: readpathspec = "" def_destsuffix = "git/" destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", def_destsuffix) destdir = ud.destdir = os.path.join(destdir, destsuffix) if os.path.exists(destdir): bb.utils.prunedir(destdir) cloneflags = "-s -n" if ud.bareclone: cloneflags += " --mirror" runfetchcmd( "%s clone %s %s/ %s" % (ud.basecmd, cloneflags, ud.clonedir, destdir), d) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) runfetchcmd("%s remote set-url origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d, workdir=destdir) if not ud.nocheckout: if subdir != "": runfetchcmd( "%s read-tree %s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], readpathspec), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s checkout-index -q -f -a" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=destdir) elif not ud.nobranch: branchname = ud.branches[ud.names[0]] runfetchcmd("%s checkout -B %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s branch --set-upstream %s origin/%s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ branchname), d, workdir=destdir) else: runfetchcmd("%s checkout %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) return True
def download(self, loc, ud, d): """ Fetch urls """ (host, depot, user, pswd, parm) = Perforce.doparse(loc, d) if depot.find('/...') != -1: path = depot[:depot.find('/...')] else: path = depot module = parm.get('module', os.path.basename(path)) localdata = data.createCopy(d) data.setVar('OVERRIDES', "p4:%s" % data.getVar('OVERRIDES', localdata), localdata) data.update_data(localdata) # Get the p4 command p4opt = "" if user: p4opt += " -u %s" % (user) if pswd: p4opt += " -P %s" % (pswd) if host: p4opt += " -p %s" % (host) p4cmd = data.getVar('FETCHCOMMAND', localdata, True) # create temp directory logger.debug(2, "Fetch: creating temporary directory") bb.utils.mkdirhier(data.expand('${WORKDIR}', localdata)) data.setVar('TMPBASE', data.expand('${WORKDIR}/oep4.XXXXXX', localdata), localdata) tmpfile, errors ='MKTEMPDIRCMD', localdata, True) or "false") tmpfile = tmpfile.strip() if not tmpfile: raise FetchError("Fetch: unable to create temporary directory.. make sure 'mktemp' is in the PATH.", loc) if "label" in parm: depot = "%s@%s" % (depot, parm["label"]) else: cset = Perforce.getcset(d, depot, host, user, pswd, parm) depot = "%s@%s" % (depot, cset) os.chdir(tmpfile)"Fetch " + loc)"%s%s files %s", p4cmd, p4opt, depot) p4file, errors ="%s%s files %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot)) p4file = p4file.strip() if not p4file: raise FetchError("Fetch: unable to get the P4 files from %s" % depot, loc) count = 0 for file in p4file: list = file.split() if list[2] == "delete": continue dest = list[0][len(path)+1:] where = dest.find("#")"%s%s print -o %s/%s %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, module, dest[:where], list[0]), shell=True) count = count + 1 if count == 0: logger.error() raise FetchError("Fetch: No files gathered from the P4 fetch", loc) runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, module), d, cleanup = [ud.localpath]) # cleanup bb.utils.prunedir(tmpfile)
def process_submodules(self, ud, workdir, function, d): """ Iterate over all of the submodules in this repository and execute the 'function' for each of them. """ submodules = [] paths = {} revision = {} uris = {} subrevision = {} def parse_gitmodules(gitmodules): modules = {} module = "" for line in gitmodules.splitlines(): if line.startswith('[submodule'): module = line.split('"')[1] modules[module] = {} elif module and line.strip().startswith('path'): path = line.split('=')[1].strip() modules[module]['path'] = path elif module and line.strip().startswith('url'): url = line.split('=')[1].strip() modules[module]['url'] = url return modules # Collect the defined submodules, and their attributes for name in ud.names: try: gitmodules = runfetchcmd("%s show %s:.gitmodules" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[name]), d, quiet=True, workdir=workdir) except: # No submodules to update continue for m, md in parse_gitmodules(gitmodules).items(): try: module_hash = runfetchcmd("%s ls-tree -z -d %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[name], md['path']), d, quiet=True, workdir=workdir) except: # If the command fails, we don't have a valid file to check. If it doesn't # fail -- it still might be a failure, see next check... module_hash = "" if not module_hash: logger.debug(1, "submodule %s is defined, but is not initialized in the repository. Skipping", m) continue submodules.append(m) paths[m] = md['path'] revision[m] = ud.revisions[name] uris[m] = md['url'] subrevision[m] = module_hash.split()[2] # Convert relative to absolute uri based on parent uri if uris[m].startswith('..'): newud = copy.copy(ud) newud.path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(newud.path, uris[m])) uris[m] = Git._get_repo_url(self, newud) for module in submodules: # Translate the module url into a SRC_URI if "://" in uris[module]: # Properly formated URL already proto = uris[module].split(':', 1)[0] url = uris[module].replace('%s:' % proto, 'gitsm:', 1) else: if ":" in uris[module]: # Most likely an SSH style reference proto = "ssh" if ":/" in uris[module]: # Absolute reference, easy to convert.. url = "gitsm://" + uris[module].replace(':/', '/', 1) else: # Relative reference, no way to know if this is right! logger.warning("Submodule included by %s refers to relative ssh reference %s. References may fail if not absolute." % (ud.url, uris[module])) url = "gitsm://" + uris[module].replace(':', '/', 1) else: # This has to be a file reference proto = "file" url = "gitsm://" + uris[module] url += ';protocol=%s' % proto url += ";name=%s" % module url += ";subpath=%s" % module ld = d.createCopy() # Not necessary to set SRC_URI, since we're passing the URI to # Fetch. #ld.setVar('SRC_URI', url) ld.setVar('SRCREV_%s' % module, subrevision[module]) # Workaround for issues with SRCPV/SRCREV_FORMAT errors # error refer to 'multiple' repositories. Only the repository # in the original SRC_URI actually matters... ld.setVar('SRCPV', d.getVar('SRCPV')) ld.setVar('SRCREV_FORMAT', module) function(ud, url, module, paths[module], workdir, ld) return submodules != []
def _runwget(self, ud, d, command, quiet): logger.debug(2, "Fetching %s using command '%s'" % (ud.url, command)) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, command, ud.url) dldir = d.getVar("DL_DIR") runfetchcmd(command, d, quiet, workdir=dldir)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): FetchMethod.unpack(self, ud, destdir, d) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, "repo sync %s" % ud.url, ud.url) runfetchcmd("repo sync", d, workdir=ud.repodir)
def _getdependencies(self, pkg, data, version, d, ud, optional=False, fetchedlist=None): if fetchedlist is None: fetchedlist = [] pkgfullname = pkg if version != '*' and not '/' in version: pkgfullname += "@'%s'" % version logger.debug(2, "Calling getdeps on %s" % pkg) fetchcmd = "npm view %s --json --registry %s" % (pkgfullname, ud.registry) output = runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, True) pdata = self._parse_view(output) if not pdata: raise FetchError("The command '%s' returned no output" % fetchcmd) if optional: pkg_os = pdata.get('os', None) if pkg_os: if not isinstance(pkg_os, list): pkg_os = [pkg_os] blacklist = False for item in pkg_os: if item.startswith('!'): blacklist = True break if (not blacklist and 'linux' not in pkg_os) or '!linux' in pkg_os: logger.debug( 2, "Skipping %s since it's incompatible with Linux" % pkg) return #logger.debug(2, "Output URL is %s - %s - %s" % (ud.basepath, ud.basename, ud.localfile)) outputurl = pdata['dist']['tarball'] data[pkg] = {} data[pkg]['tgz'] = os.path.basename(outputurl) if outputurl in fetchedlist: return self._runwget( ud, d, "%s --directory-prefix=%s %s" % (self.basecmd, ud.prefixdir, outputurl), False) fetchedlist.append(outputurl) dependencies = pdata.get('dependencies', {}) optionalDependencies = pdata.get('optionalDependencies', {}) dependencies.update(optionalDependencies) depsfound = {} optdepsfound = {} data[pkg]['deps'] = {} for dep in dependencies: if dep in optionalDependencies: optdepsfound[dep] = dependencies[dep] else: depsfound[dep] = dependencies[dep] for dep, version in optdepsfound.items(): self._getdependencies(dep, data[pkg]['deps'], version, d, ud, optional=True, fetchedlist=fetchedlist) for dep, version in depsfound.items(): self._getdependencies(dep, data[pkg]['deps'], version, d, ud, fetchedlist=fetchedlist)
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" # A current clone is preferred to either tarball, a shallow tarball is # preferred to an out of date clone, and a missing clone will use # either tarball. if ud.shallow and os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow) and self.need_update( ud, d): ud.localpath = ud.fullshallow return elif os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror) and not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullmirror, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) # If the repo still doesn't exist, fallback to cloning it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): # We do this since git will use a "-l" option automatically for local urls where possible if repourl.startswith("file://"): repourl = repourl[7:] clone_cmd = "LANG=C %s clone --bare --mirror \"%s\" %s --progress" % ( ud.basecmd, repourl, ud.clonedir) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd, ud.url) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d, log=progresshandler) # Update the checkout if needed if self.clonedir_need_update(ud, d): output = runfetchcmd("%s remote" % ud.basecmd, d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.clonedir) if "origin" in output: runfetchcmd("%s remote rm origin" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s remote add --mirror=fetch origin \"%s\"" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d, workdir=ud.clonedir) fetch_cmd = "LANG=C %s fetch -f --progress \"%s\" refs/*:refs/*" % ( ud.basecmd, repourl) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetch_cmd, ud.url) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d, log=progresshandler, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s prune-packed" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s pack-refs --all" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) try: os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name, ud.clonedir): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Unable to find revision %s in branch %s even from upstream" % (ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name])) if ud.shallow and ud.write_shallow_tarballs: missing_rev = self.clonedir_need_shallow_revs(ud, d) if missing_rev: raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Unable to find revision %s even from upstream" % missing_rev)
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" logger.debug2("Fetch: checking for module directory '" + ud.moddir + "'") lf = bb.utils.lockfile(ud.svnlock) try: if os.access(os.path.join(ud.moddir, '.svn'), os.R_OK): svncmd = self._buildsvncommand(ud, d, "update")"Update " + ud.url) # We need to attempt to run svn upgrade first in case its an older working format try: runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " upgrade", d, workdir=ud.moddir) except FetchError: pass logger.debug("Running %s", svncmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, svncmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(svncmd, d, workdir=ud.moddir) else: svncmd = self._buildsvncommand(ud, d, "fetch")"Fetch " + ud.url) # check out sources there bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.pkgdir) logger.debug("Running %s", svncmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, svncmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(svncmd, d, workdir=ud.pkgdir) if not ("externals" in ud.parm and ud.parm["externals"] == "nowarn"): # Warn the user if this had externals (won't catch them all) output = runfetchcmd("svn propget svn:externals || true", d, workdir=ud.moddir) if output: if "--ignore-externals" in svncmd.split(): bb.warn("%s contains svn:externals." % ud.url) bb.warn( "These should be added to the recipe SRC_URI as necessary." ) bb.warn("svn fetch has ignored externals:\n%s" % output) bb.warn( "To disable this warning add ';externals=nowarn' to the url." ) else: bb.debug(1, "svn repository has externals:\n%s" % output) scmdata = ud.parm.get("scmdata", "") if scmdata == "keep": tar_flags = "" else: tar_flags = "--exclude='.svn'" # tar them up to a defined filename runfetchcmd("tar %s -czf %s %s" % (tar_flags, ud.localpath, ud.path_spec), d, cleanup=[ud.localpath], workdir=ud.pkgdir) finally: bb.utils.unlockfile(lf)
def download(self, ud, d): """ Fetch urls """ (host, depot, user, pswd, parm) = Perforce.doparse(ud.url, d) if depot.find('/...') != -1: path = depot[:depot.find('/...')] else: path = depot[:depot.rfind('/')] module = parm.get('module', os.path.basename(path)) # Get the p4 command p4opt = "" if user: p4opt += " -u %s" % (user) if pswd: p4opt += " -P %s" % (pswd) if host: p4opt += " -p %s" % (host) p4cmd = d.getVar('FETCHCMD_p4', True) or "p4" # create temp directory logger.debug(2, "Fetch: creating temporary directory") bb.utils.mkdirhier(d.expand('${WORKDIR}')) mktemp = d.getVar( "FETCHCMD_p4mktemp", True) or d.expand("mktemp -d -q '${WORKDIR}/oep4.XXXXXX'") tmpfile, errors = tmpfile = tmpfile.strip() if not tmpfile: raise FetchError( "Fetch: unable to create temporary directory.. make sure 'mktemp' is in the PATH.", ud.url) if "label" in parm: depot = "%s@%s" % (depot, parm["label"]) else: cset = Perforce.getcset(d, depot, host, user, pswd, parm) depot = "%s@%s" % (depot, cset) os.chdir(tmpfile)"Fetch " + ud.url)"%s%s files %s", p4cmd, p4opt, depot) p4file, errors ="%s%s files %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot)) p4file = [f.rstrip() for f in p4file.splitlines()] if not p4file: raise FetchError( "Fetch: unable to get the P4 files from %s" % depot, ud.url) count = 0 for file in p4file: list = file.split() if list[2] == "delete": continue dest = list[0][len(path) + 1:] where = dest.find("#")"%s%s print -o %s/%s %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, module, dest[:where], list[0]), shell=True) count = count + 1 if count == 0: logger.error() raise FetchError("Fetch: No files gathered from the P4 fetch", ud.url) runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, module), d, cleanup=[ud.localpath]) # cleanup bb.utils.prunedir(tmpfile)
def update_submodules(self, ud, d): # We have to convert bare -> full repo, do the submodule bit, then convert back tmpclonedir = ud.clonedir + ".tmp" gitdir = tmpclonedir + os.sep + ".git" bb.utils.remove(tmpclonedir, True) os.mkdir(tmpclonedir) os.rename(ud.clonedir, gitdir) runfetchcmd( "sed " + gitdir + "/config -i -e 's/bare.*=.*true/bare = false/'", d) os.chdir(tmpclonedir) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " reset --hard", d) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " checkout " + ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], d) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " submodule init", d) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " submodule update", d) self._set_relative_paths(tmpclonedir) runfetchcmd( "sed " + gitdir + "/config -i -e 's/bare.*=.*false/bare = true/'", d) os.rename( gitdir, ud.clonedir, ) bb.utils.remove(tmpclonedir, True)
def _runwget(self, ud, d, command, quiet): logger.debug(2, "Fetching %s using command '%s'" % (ud.url, command)) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, command) runfetchcmd(command, d, quiet)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): """ unpack the downloaded src to destdir""" subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "") if subdir != "": readpathspec = ":%s" % (subdir) def_destsuffix = "%s/" % os.path.basename(subdir.rstrip('/')) else: readpathspec = "" def_destsuffix = "git/" destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", def_destsuffix) destdir = ud.destdir = os.path.join(destdir, destsuffix) if os.path.exists(destdir): bb.utils.prunedir(destdir) cloneflags = "-s -n" if ud.bareclone: cloneflags += " --mirror" # Versions of git prior to have issues where foo.git and foo get confused # and you end up with some horrible union of the two when you attempt to clone it # The least invasive workaround seems to be a symlink to the real directory to # fool git into ignoring any .git version that may also be present. # # The issue is fixed in more recent versions of git so we can drop this hack in future # when that version becomes common enough. clonedir = ud.clonedir if not ud.path.endswith(".git"): indirectiondir = destdir[:-1] + ".indirectionsymlink" if os.path.exists(indirectiondir): os.remove(indirectiondir) bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(indirectiondir)) os.symlink(ud.clonedir, indirectiondir) clonedir = indirectiondir runfetchcmd( "%s clone %s %s/ %s" % (ud.basecmd, cloneflags, clonedir, destdir), d) os.chdir(destdir) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) runfetchcmd("%s remote set-url origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d) if not ud.nocheckout: if subdir != "": runfetchcmd( "%s read-tree %s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], readpathspec), d) runfetchcmd("%s checkout-index -q -f -a" % ud.basecmd, d) elif not ud.nobranch: branchname = ud.branches[ud.names[0]] runfetchcmd("%s checkout -B %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d) runfetchcmd("%s branch --set-upstream %s origin/%s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ branchname), d) else: runfetchcmd( "%s checkout %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d) return True
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" no_clone = not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir) need_update = no_clone or self.need_update(ud, d) # A current clone is preferred to either tarball, a shallow tarball is # preferred to an out of date clone, and a missing clone will use # either tarball. if ud.shallows and os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow) and need_update: ud.localpath = ud.fullshallow return elif os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror) and no_clone: bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.clonedir) os.chdir(ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % (ud.fullmirror), d) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) # If the repo still doesn't exist, fallback to cloning it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): # We do this since git will use a "-l" option automatically for local urls where possible if repourl.startswith("file://"): repourl = repourl[7:] clone_cmd = "%s clone --bare --mirror %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl, ud.clonedir) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd) runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d) os.chdir(ud.clonedir) # Update the checkout if needed needupdate = False for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name): needupdate = True if needupdate: try: runfetchcmd("%s remote rm origin" % ud.basecmd, d) except bb.fetch2.FetchError: logger.debug(1, "No Origin") runfetchcmd("%s remote add --mirror=fetch origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d) fetch_cmd = "%s fetch -f --prune %s refs/*:refs/*" % (ud.basecmd, repourl) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetch_cmd, ud.url) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d) runfetchcmd("%s prune-packed" % ud.basecmd, d) runfetchcmd("%s pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm" % ud.basecmd, d) try: os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise os.chdir(ud.clonedir) for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError("Unable to find revision %s in branch %s even from upstream" % (ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name]))
def download(self, ud, d): """Fetch url""" # If the checkout doesn't exist and the mirror tarball does, extract it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir) and os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror): bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % (ud.fullmirror), d, workdir=ud.clonedir) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) # If the repo still doesn't exist, fallback to cloning it if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): # We do this since git will use a "-l" option automatically for local urls where possible if repourl.startswith("file://"): repourl = repourl[7:] clone_cmd = "LANG=C %s clone --bare --mirror %s %s --progress" % ( ud.basecmd, repourl, ud.clonedir) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, clone_cmd) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(clone_cmd, d, log=progresshandler) # Update the checkout if needed needupdate = False for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name, ud.clonedir): needupdate = True if needupdate: try: runfetchcmd("%s remote rm origin" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) except bb.fetch2.FetchError: logger.debug(1, "No Origin") runfetchcmd("%s remote add --mirror=fetch origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d, workdir=ud.clonedir) fetch_cmd = "LANG=C %s fetch -f --prune --progress %s refs/*:refs/*" % ( ud.basecmd, repourl) if ud.proto.lower() != 'file': bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetch_cmd, ud.url) progresshandler = GitProgressHandler(d) runfetchcmd(fetch_cmd, d, log=progresshandler, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s prune-packed" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) runfetchcmd("%s pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) try: os.unlink(ud.fullmirror) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise for name in ud.names: if not self._contains_ref(ud, d, name, ud.clonedir): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Unable to find revision %s in branch %s even from upstream" % (ud.revisions[name], ud.branches[name]))
def download(self, ud, d): method = ud.parm.get('method', 'pserver') localdir = ud.parm.get('localdir', ud.module) cvs_port = ud.parm.get('port', '') cvs_rsh = None if method == "ext": if "rsh" in ud.parm: cvs_rsh = ud.parm["rsh"] if method == "dir": cvsroot = ud.path else: cvsroot = ":" + method cvsproxyhost = d.getVar('CVS_PROXY_HOST', True) if cvsproxyhost: cvsroot += ";proxy=" + cvsproxyhost cvsproxyport = d.getVar('CVS_PROXY_PORT', True) if cvsproxyport: cvsroot += ";proxyport=" + cvsproxyport cvsroot += ":" + ud.user if ud.pswd: cvsroot += ":" + ud.pswd cvsroot += "@" + + ":" + cvs_port + ud.path options = [] if 'norecurse' in ud.parm: options.append("-l") if # treat YYYYMMDDHHMM specially for CVS if len( == 12: options.append("-D \"%s %s:%s UTC\"" % ([0:8],[8:10],[10:12])) else: options.append("-D \"%s UTC\"" % if ud.tag: options.append("-r %s" % ud.tag) cvsbasecmd = d.getVar("FETCHCMD_cvs", True) cvscmd = cvsbasecmd + " '-d" + cvsroot + "' co " + " ".join( options) + " " + ud.module cvsupdatecmd = cvsbasecmd + " '-d" + cvsroot + "' update -d -P " + " ".join( options) if cvs_rsh: cvscmd = "CVS_RSH=\"%s\" %s" % (cvs_rsh, cvscmd) cvsupdatecmd = "CVS_RSH=\"%s\" %s" % (cvs_rsh, cvsupdatecmd) # create module directory logger.debug(2, "Fetch: checking for module directory") pkg = d.getVar('PN', True) pkgdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('CVSDIR', True), pkg) moddir = os.path.join(pkgdir, localdir) if os.access(os.path.join(moddir, 'CVS'), os.R_OK):"Update " + ud.url) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cvsupdatecmd, ud.url) # update sources there os.chdir(moddir) cmd = cvsupdatecmd else:"Fetch " + ud.url) # check out sources there bb.utils.mkdirhier(pkgdir) os.chdir(pkgdir) logger.debug(1, "Running %s", cvscmd) bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cvscmd, ud.url) cmd = cvscmd runfetchcmd(cmd, d, cleanup=[moddir]) if not os.access(moddir, os.R_OK): raise FetchError( "Directory %s was not readable despite sucessful fetch?!" % moddir, ud.url) scmdata = ud.parm.get("scmdata", "") if scmdata == "keep": tar_flags = "" else: tar_flags = "--exclude 'CVS'" # tar them up to a defined filename if 'fullpath' in ud.parm: os.chdir(pkgdir) cmd = "tar %s -czf %s %s" % (tar_flags, ud.localpath, localdir) else: os.chdir(moddir) os.chdir('..') cmd = "tar %s -czf %s %s" % (tar_flags, ud.localpath, os.path.basename(moddir)) runfetchcmd(cmd, d, cleanup=[ud.localpath])
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): def unpack_submodules(ud, url, module, modpath, d): url += ";bareclone=1;nobranch=1" # Figure out where we clone over the bare submodules... if ud.bareclone: repo_conf = ud.destdir else: repo_conf = os.path.join(ud.destdir, '.git') try: newfetch = Fetch([url], d, cache=False) newfetch.unpack(root=os.path.dirname( os.path.join(repo_conf, 'modules', module))) except Exception as e: logger.error('gitsm: submodule unpack failed: %s %s' % (type(e).__name__, str(e))) raise local_path = newfetch.localpath(url) # Correct the submodule references to the local download version... runfetchcmd("%(basecmd)s config submodule.%(module)s.url %(url)s" % { 'basecmd': ud.basecmd, 'module': module, 'url': local_path }, d, workdir=ud.destdir) if ud.shallow: runfetchcmd( "%(basecmd)s config submodule.%(module)s.shallow true" % { 'basecmd': ud.basecmd, 'module': module }, d, workdir=ud.destdir) # Ensure the submodule repository is NOT set to bare, since we're checking it out... try: runfetchcmd("%s config core.bare false" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True, workdir=os.path.join(repo_conf, 'modules', module)) except: logger.error( "Unable to set git config core.bare to false for %s" % os.path.join(repo_conf, 'modules', module)) raise Git.unpack(self, ud, destdir, d) ret = self.process_submodules(ud, ud.destdir, unpack_submodules, d) if not ud.bareclone and ret: # All submodules should already be downloaded and configured in the tree. This simply sets # up the configuration and checks out the files. The main project config should remain # unmodified, and no download from the internet should occur. runfetchcmd("%s submodule update --recursive --no-fetch" % (ud.basecmd), d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.destdir)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): """ unpack the downloaded src to destdir""" subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "") if subdir != "": readpathspec = ":%s" % subdir def_destsuffix = "%s/" % os.path.basename(subdir.rstrip('/')) else: readpathspec = "" def_destsuffix = "git/" destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", def_destsuffix) destdir = ud.destdir = os.path.join(destdir, destsuffix) if os.path.exists(destdir): bb.utils.prunedir(destdir) if ud.shallow and (not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir) or self.need_update(ud, d)): bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullshallow, d, workdir=destdir) else: runfetchcmd( "%s clone %s %s/ %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.cloneflags, ud.clonedir, destdir), d) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) runfetchcmd("%s remote set-url origin %s" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d, workdir=destdir) if not ud.nocheckout: if subdir != "": runfetchcmd( "%s read-tree %s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], readpathspec), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s checkout-index -q -f -a" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=destdir) elif not ud.nobranch: branchname = ud.branches[ud.names[0]] runfetchcmd("%s checkout -B %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s branch %s --set-upstream-to origin/%s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ branchname), d, workdir=destdir) else: runfetchcmd("%s checkout %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) return True
def _run(cmd): cmd = "NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG=%s " % ( + cmd cmd = "NPM_CONFIG_GLOBALCONFIG=%s " % ( self.global_config_name) + cmd return runfetchcmd(cmd, d, workdir=workdir)
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): Git.unpack(self, ud, destdir, d) if self.uses_submodules(ud, d, ud.destdir): runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " checkout " + ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], d, workdir=ud.destdir) runfetchcmd(ud.basecmd + " submodule update --init --recursive", d, workdir=ud.destdir)
def build_mirror_data(self, url, ud, d): # Generate a mirror tarball if needed if ud.write_tarballs and (ud.repochanged or not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror)): os.chdir(ud.clonedir)"Creating tarball of git repository") runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.fullmirror, os.path.join(".") ), d)
def clone_shallow_local(self, ud, dest, d): super(GitSM, self).clone_shallow_local(ud, dest, d) runfetchcmd('cp -fpPRH "%s/modules" "%s/"' % (ud.clonedir, os.path.join(dest, '.git')), d)
def update_submodules(self, ud, d): submodules = [] paths = {} uris = {} local_paths = {} for name in ud.names: try: gitmodules = runfetchcmd("%s show %s:.gitmodules" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[name]), d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.clonedir) except: # No submodules to update continue module = "" for line in gitmodules.splitlines(): if line.startswith('[submodule'): module = line.split('"')[1] submodules.append(module) elif module and line.strip().startswith('path'): path = line.split('=')[1].strip() paths[module] = path elif module and line.strip().startswith('url'): url = line.split('=')[1].strip() uris[module] = url for module in submodules: module_hash = runfetchcmd("%s ls-tree -z -d %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[name], paths[module]), d, quiet=True, workdir=ud.clonedir) module_hash = module_hash.split()[2] # Build new SRC_URI proto = uris[module].split(':', 1)[0] url = uris[module].replace('%s:' % proto, 'gitsm:', 1) url += ';protocol=%s' % proto url += ";name=%s" % module url += ";qbareclone=1;nocheckout=1" ld = d.createCopy() # Not necessary to set SRC_URI, since we're passing the URI to # Fetch. #ld.setVar('SRC_URI', url) ld.setVar('SRCREV_%s' % module, module_hash) # Workaround for issues with SRCPV/SRCREV_FORMAT errors # error refer to 'multiple' repositories. Only the repository # in the original SRC_URI actually matters... ld.setVar('SRCPV', d.getVar('SRCPV')) ld.setVar('SRCREV_FORMAT', module) newfetch = Fetch([url], ld, cache=False) local_paths[module] = newfetch.localpath(url) # Correct the submodule references to the local download version... runfetchcmd("%(basecmd)s config submodule.%(module)s.url %(url)s" % {'basecmd': ud.basecmd, 'module': module, 'url' : local_paths[module]}, d, workdir=ud.clonedir) try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(ud.clonedir, 'modules')) except OSError: pass if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ud.clonedir, 'modules', paths[module])): os.symlink(local_paths[module], os.path.join(ud.clonedir, 'modules', paths[module])) return True
def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d): """ unpack the downloaded src to destdir""" subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "") if subdir != "": readpathspec = ":%s" % subdir def_destsuffix = "%s/" % os.path.basename(subdir.rstrip('/')) else: readpathspec = "" def_destsuffix = "git/" destsuffix = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", def_destsuffix) destdir = ud.destdir = os.path.join(destdir, destsuffix) if os.path.exists(destdir): bb.utils.prunedir(destdir) need_lfs = ud.parm.get("lfs", "1") == "1" source_found = False source_error = [] if not source_found: clonedir_is_up_to_date = not self.clonedir_need_update(ud, d) if clonedir_is_up_to_date: runfetchcmd( "%s clone %s %s/ %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.cloneflags, ud.clonedir, destdir), d) source_found = True else: source_error.append( "clone directory not available or not up to date: " + ud.clonedir) if not source_found: if ud.shallow: if os.path.exists(ud.fullshallow): bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % ud.fullshallow, d, workdir=destdir) source_found = True else: source_error.append("shallow clone not available: " + ud.fullshallow) else: source_error.append("shallow clone not enabled") if not source_found: raise bb.fetch2.UnpackError( "No up to date source found: " + "; ".join(source_error), ud.url) repourl = self._get_repo_url(ud) runfetchcmd("%s remote set-url origin \"%s\"" % (ud.basecmd, repourl), d, workdir=destdir) if self._contains_lfs(ud, d, destdir): if need_lfs and not self._find_git_lfs(d): raise bb.fetch2.FetchError( "Repository %s has LFS content, install git-lfs on host to download (or set lfs=0 to ignore it)" % (repourl)) else: bb.note( "Repository %s has LFS content but it is not being fetched" % (repourl)) if not ud.nocheckout: if subdir != "": runfetchcmd( "%s read-tree %s%s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]], readpathspec), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s checkout-index -q -f -a" % ud.basecmd, d, workdir=destdir) elif not ud.nobranch: branchname = ud.branches[ud.names[0]] runfetchcmd("%s checkout -B %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) runfetchcmd("%s branch %s --set-upstream-to origin/%s" % (ud.basecmd, branchname, \ branchname), d, workdir=destdir) else: runfetchcmd("%s checkout %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.revisions[ud.names[0]]), d, workdir=destdir) return True