Example #1
 def find_element(self, by):
   # TODO: this method has to be modified! Add very basic design.
   if typecheck.is_string(by):
     for element in self.get_elements():
       if element.get_designator() == by:
         return element
   return None
Example #2
  def set_memory_model(self, model):
    """Set memory model (not case sensetive). Available models:

    ======= ================================================================
    Model   Description
    ======= ================================================================
    cog     Generate code for COG model. In this model the code is placed in
            cog internal memory (which has only 2K). Data is placed in hub
            memory. This is the native execution mode, but is very
            restricted because of the small code size available.
    lmm     Generate code for LMM (Large Memory Model). In this model both
            code and data are placed in hub. A small kernel runs in cog
            memory to fetch code and execute it. This is the default.
    xmm     Generate code for XMM (eXternal Memory Model). In this model
            both code and data are placed in external memory (flash or RAM);
            only the stack remains in the hub memory. A kernel is run in
            cog memory to fetch instructions and data from the external
    xmmc    Generate code for XMMC (eXternal Memory Model - Code). In this
            model code is placed in external memory (flash or RAM) and data
            is placed in the hub. A kernel is run in cog memory to fetch
            instructions from the external memory.
    ======= ================================================================

    :param model: A string that represents model type.

    :raises: TypeError
    if not typecheck.is_string(model):
      raise TypeError("Must be string.")
    self._memory_model = model.lower()
Example #3
 def __init__(self, name, size=0):
   if not typecheck.is_string(name):
     raise TypeError('Field name has to be a string')
   self._name = name
   self._size = 0
   if size:
     self.size = size
Example #4
 def add_include_dir(self, path):
   """Add `path` to the list of directories that will be searched for header
   files. The compiler is instructed to search directories in the order in
   which they are supplied by successive calls to :func:`add_include_dir()`.
   if not typecheck.is_string(path):
     raise TypeError()
Example #5
  def set_name(self, name):
    """Set application name.

    :param name: A string.
    if not typecheck.is_string(name):
      raise TypeError()
    self._name = name
Example #6
 def has_property(self, name):
   """Returns whether or not the primitive has a property `property_`. The
   `property_` can be defined as a string or instance of :class:`Property`
   if not typecheck.is_string(name):
     raise TypeError()
   return name in self._properties
Example #7
  def set_name(self, name):
    """Set mapping name.

    :param name: A string that will represent mapping name.
    if not typecheck.is_string(name):
      raise TypeError("name must be string")
    self._name = name
Example #8
def identify_compiler(object_):
  if typecheck.is_string(object_):
    return _COMPILER_CLASSES.get(object_, None)
  elif typecheck.is_class(object_):
    if _fix_compiler_name(object_.__name__) in _COMPILER_CLASSES:
      return _COMPILER_CLASSES[_fix_compiler_name(object_.__name__)]
  elif isinstance(object_, Compiler):
    return identify_compiler(object_.__class__)
  return None
Example #9
  def set_label(self, label):
    """Set message label.

    :param label: A string that represents message label.

    :raises: TypeError
    if not typecheck.is_string(label):
      raise TypeError('`label` has to be a string')
    self._label = label
Example #10
 def buildpath(self, path, recursive=True):
   """Path will be created if it doesn't exist."""
   if typecheck.is_list(path):
     path = path_utils.join(*path)
   elif not typecheck.is_string(path):
     raise TypeError("path can be only a string or list")
   path = path_utils.join(self.get_build_dir(), path)
   if path_utils.exists(path):
     return path
   return path_utils.touch(path, recursive=recursive)
Example #11
  def is_home_dir(cls, path):
    """Returns whether or not a given path is application home directory.

    :returns: `True` or `False`.
    :raises: :class:`TypeError`, :class:`IOError`
    if not typecheck.is_string(path):
      raise TypeError("'path' has to be a string")
    elif not path_utils.exists(path):
      raise IOError("'%s' path doesn't exist" % path)
    return SETTINGS_DIR in os.listdir(path)
Example #12
def new_compiler(name, args={}):
  """Returns :class:`Compiler` instance. Returns ``None`` if compiler is not
  if not typecheck.is_string(name):
    raise Exception("Must be string")
  name = _fix_compiler_name()
  class_ = _COMPILER_CLASSES.get(name, None)
  if not class_:
    print "Compiler '%s' is not supported" % name
    return None
  return class_(**args)
Example #13
  def register_port(self, port, name):
    """Registers port within this mapping by the given name.

    :param port: A :class:`Port` derived instance.
    :param name: A string that represents name to which this port will be

    :raises: TypeError
    if not typecheck.is_string(name):
      raise TypeError("name must be a string")
    if not isinstance(port, Port):
      raise TypeError("port must be derived from Port")
    self._ports[name] = port
Example #14
 def add_source(self, source):
   """The source may have any type, it can be another rule, string, function or
   an outside object. However, it cannot be None. Returns source, once it has
   been added.
   if not source:
     raise TypeError()
   # The source is an object or another rule.
   if (isinstance(source, object) and not typecheck.is_function(source) and \
         not typecheck.is_string(source)) or \
         (typecheck.is_string(source) and source.startswith(":")):
     # First of all check for attribute "__build__" and call it to resolve
     # dependencies.
     if hasattr(source, "__build__"):
     elif callable(source):
     rule = parse_address(source)
     if rule:
       if source not in self.get_dependencies():
       source = rule
     #  logger.warning("Cannot find appropriate rule for the source: %s" %
     #                 source)
   # Source is a function or something that we should call. The result is
   # assumed to be an extra sources that will be added by add_sources().
   elif callable(source):
   elif typecheck.is_string(source):
     if not os.path.isabs(source):
       source = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._work_dir, source))
   # FIXME: can be add not string based sources?
   if typecheck.is_string(source) or isinstance(source, Rule):
   return source
Example #15
 def __init__(self, target=None, name=None, execute=None, deps=[]):
   """Each rule has a name that identifies it within existed context. In case
   name wasn't provided, it becomes a target and vice-versa.
   if not target and not name:
     raise Exception("target and/or name have to be provided")
   if name and not typecheck.is_string(name):
     raise TypeError("name has to be a string: %s,%s" % (name, target))
   self._target = target
   if not name:
     if typecheck.is_string(target):
       name = target
     elif typecheck.is_class(target) or typecheck.is_function(target):
       name = target.__name__
       name = "i%d" % id(target)
   self._name = name
   self._description = None
   self._address = None
   self._address = self.locate()
   self._dependencies = [] # TODO: deprecated
   self._properties = dict()
   self._build_dir = None
   # TODO: test on windows and other systems!
       bb.config.user_settings.get("b3", "builddir"), os.getcwd()[1:]))
   if hasattr(self.__class__, "properties"):
   if execute:
     if not callable(execute):
       raise TypeError()
     self.execute = types.MethodType(execute, self)
   # Defer dependency resolution after parsing the current BUILD file to
   # allow for forward references
   self._post_init(self._finalize_deps, deps)
Example #16
def parse_address(spec):
  context = Context.locate()
  address = None
  if typecheck.is_string(spec):
    if spec.startswith(':'):
      # the :[rule] could be in a sibling BUILD - so parse using the canonical
      # address
      pathish = "%s:%s" % (context.buildfile.canonical_relpath, spec[1:])
      address = get_address(context.buildfile.root_dir, pathish, False)
      address = get_address(context.buildfile.root_dir, spec, False)
    for child_target_class in bb.object.get_all_subclasses(spec):
      for parent_target_class, rule_classes in _dynamic_rules.items():
        if issubclass(child_target_class, parent_target_class):
          rule = parse_address(":i%s" % id(rule_classes))
          if not rule:
            deps = map(lambda rc: rc(target=spec), rule_classes)
            rule = Fork(name="i%s" % id(rule_classes), deps=deps)
          return rule
  return None if not address else get_rule(address)
Example #17
  def find_home_dir(cls, path):
    """Finds top directory of an application by a given path and returns home
    path. Returns `None` if home direcotry cannot be identified.

    :param path: Path to directory.

    :returns: Path as string or `None`.
    if not typecheck.is_string(path):
      raise TypeError("'path' must be a string")
    elif not len(path):
      raise TypeError("'path' is empty")
    path = path_utils.realpath(path)
    if path_utils.isfile(path):
      (path, _) = path_utils.split(path)
    while path is not os.sep:
      if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
        if cls.is_home_dir(path):
          return path
      (path, _) = path_utils.split(path)
    return None
Example #18
  def register_thread(self, thread, name=None):
    """Registers thread by its name. The name has to be unique within this
    mapping. If thread doesn't have a name and it wasn't provided, mapping will
    try to use its name format to generate one.

    If the thread has a port, this port will be registered by thread's name.

    .. seealso:: :func:`~bb.app.os.thread.Thread.get_name_format`

    .. todo::

      Improve name generation within a mapping; it has to be unique.

    :param thread: A :class:`~bb.app.os.thread.Thread` instance.
    :param name: Another name to register `thread`.

    :returns: A :class:`~bb.app.os.thread.Thread` instance.

    :raises: :class:`TypeError`
    if not isinstance(thread, Thread):
      raise TypeError("Must be derived from bb.app.os.Thread: %s", thread)
    if name and not typecheck.is_string(name):
      raise TypeError()
    if name:
      if thread.get_name() is None:
        frmt = thread.get_name_format()
        if not frmt:
          logger.warning("Thread %s doesn't have a name and the format cannot"
                         "be obtained to generate one." % thread)
        thread.set_name(frmt % self.get_num_threads())
      name = thread.get_name()
    if thread.has_port():
      self.register_port(thread.get_port(), name)
    self._threads[name] = thread
    return thread
Example #19
 def execute(self):
   print("Build cc binary '%s' with '%s'" %
         (self.get_name(), self.compiler.__class__.__name__))
   # NOTE: this has to be fixed
   for src in self.get_sources():
     if typecheck.is_string(src):
     elif isinstance(src, Fileset):
   for dep in self.get_dependencies():
     if isinstance(dep, CCLibrary):
   if not self.compiler.get_files():
     print("No source files", file=sys.stderr)
   except Exception, e:
Example #20
  def add_file(self, path):
    """Adds file to the list of files. The path will be normalized by using

    :param path: A string that represents file path.

    :returns: A normalized string path.

    :raises: TypeError
    if typecheck.is_string(path):
      if not path_utils.exists(path):
        caller_frame = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe(), 2)
        filename = inspect.getsourcefile(caller_frame[2][0])
        possible_dir = path_utils.dirname(filename)
        alternative_path = path_utils.join(possible_dir, path)
        if path_utils.exists(alternative_path):
          return self.add_file(alternative_path)
      path = path_utils.abspath(path)
      if not path_utils.exists(path):
        raise Exception("Path doesn't exist: %s" % path)
      if not path in self._files:
      return path
    elif typecheck.is_callable(path):
      result = path()
      if not result:
      elif typecheck.is_list(result):
    elif not path:
      return None
      raise TypeError("Unknown path type '%s' of '%s'" % (type(path), path))
Example #21
 def set_output_filename(self, path):
   """Set output file name."""
   if not typecheck.is_string(path):
     raise TypeError("'path' must be a string")
   self._output_filename = path
Example #22
  def add_edge(self, sender, receiver, key=None, attr_dict=None, **attrs):
    """Create an edge between sender and receiver. Return an edge
    represented by :class:`NetworkXEdge` instance which is mainly replacing
    a tuple (sender, receiver, key, attrs).

    `sender` and `receiver` can be represented by a tuple of mapping and
    target communication device.

    `key` is an optional hashable identifier. By default it has
    :const:`NetworkXEdge.KEY_FORMAT` format. Note, this key has to be unique
    in order to distinguish multiedges between a pair of nodes. At the same
    time edge's label equals to the key.

    By default label equals to the key value but can be changes by using
    associated data as follows::

      edge = network.add_edge(Mapping("M1"), Mapping("M2"),
                              label="My serial connection")


      edge = network.add_edge(Mapping("M1"), Mapping("M2"))
      edge.set_label("My serial connection")

    Note, the nodes for sender and receiver mappings will be automatically
    added if they are not already in the graph.

    # Analyse incomming arguments
    if typecheck.is_tuple(sender):
      (sender, sending_device) = sender
    if typecheck.is_tuple(receiver):
      (receiver, receiving_device) = receiver
    # Setup dictionary of attributes
    if attr_dict is None:
      attr_dict = attrs
    if not self.has_node(sender):
    if not self.has_node(receiver):
        # Define hashable identifier
    if not key:
      key_format = attr_dict.get("key_format", None) or \
      if not typecheck.is_string(key_format):
        raise TypeError("Has to be string")
      key = key_format % self.number_of_edges(sender, receiver)
      if not typecheck.is_string(key):
        raise TypeError("Has to be string")
      if self.has_edge(sender, receiver, key):
        raise Exception("Edge %s already exists between %s and %s"
                        % (key, sender, receiver))
    # Define edge label
    if not attr_dict.get("label", None):
      attr_dict["label"] = key
      if not typecheck.is_string(attr_dict.get("label")):
        raise TypeError("Has to be string")
    # Use super method
    networkx.MultiDiGraph.add_edge(self, sender, receiver,
                                   key=key, attr_dict=attr_dict)
    return NetworkXEdge(sender, receiver, key,
                        self.get_edge_data(sender, receiver, key=key))
Example #23
 def set_port(self, port):
   if not typecheck.is_string(port):
     raise TypeError()
   self._port = port
Example #24
def _fix_compiler_name(name):
  if not typecheck.is_string(name):
    raise TypeError("Compiler's name must be a string")
  return name.lower()
Example #25
File: os.py Project: sladeware/bbos
 def build_from_json(cls, os_model):
   if typecheck.is_string(os_model):
     os_model = json.loads(os_model)
   os = cls(max_message_size=os_model.get('max_message_size', 0))
   for message_model in os_model.get('messages', []):
Example #26
 def _set_name(self, name):
   if not typecheck.is_string(name):
     raise TypeError()
   self._name = name
Example #27
 def set_output_dir(self, path):
   if not typecheck.is_string(path):
     raise TypeError("'path' must be a string")
   self._output_dir = path
Example #28
  cmdtuples = []
  _build_tuple(directory, cmdtuples)
  for cmd in cmdtuples:
      # remove dir from cache if it's already there
      abspath = abspath(cmd[1])
      if abspath in _path_created:
        del _path_created[abspath]
    except (IOError, OSError), exc:
      print exc, "error removing %s: " % directory

def touch(name, mode=0777, recursive=False):
  if typecheck.is_list(name):
    name = join(*name)
  if not typecheck.is_string(name):
    raise TypeError()
  if not typecheck.is_int(mode):
    raise TypeError()
  if not typecheck.is_bool(recursive):
    raise TypeError()
  if recursive:
    mkpath(dirname(name), mode=mode)
  open(name, "w").close()
  return name

def mkpath(name, mode=0777, verbose=0, dry_run=False):
  """Creates a file/directory and any missing ancestor directories. If the
  directory already exists (or if `name` is the empty string, which means the
  current directory, which of course exists), then do nothing. Raises
  :class:`OSError` if unable to create some directory along the way (eg. some
Example #29
 def set_output_dir(self, output_dir):
   """Sets output directory."""
   if not output_dir or not typecheck.is_string(output_dir):
     raise TypeError("'output_dir' must be a string or None")
     self._output_dir = output_dir
Example #30
 def _setup_compile(self, output_dir):
   if output_dir is None:
     outputdir = self._output_dir
   elif not typecheck.is_string(output_dir):
     raise TypeError("'output_dir' must be a string or None")