Example #1
def kx_photon_glass(omega):
	e1 = real(LDBB('BK7','LD',array([2*pi*constants.c/omega]))[0])
	return sqrt(e1)*omega/constants.c
Example #2
def kx_photon_glass_tilted(omega):
	e1 = real(LDBB('BK7','LD',array([2*pi*constants.c/omega]))[0])
	return sqrt(e1)*omega/(constants.c*sin(0.77))
Example #3
def kx_sp_metal_vacuum(omega):
	e1 = 1.0
	e2 = real(LDBB('Ag','LD',array([2*pi*constants.c/omega]))[0])
	return (omega/constants.c)*sqrt(e1*e2/(e1+e2))
Example #4
def kx_sp_metal_glass(omega):
	e1 = real(LDBB('BK7','LD',array([2*pi*constants.c/omega]))[0])
	e2 = real(LDBB('Ag','LD',array([2*pi*constants.c/omega]))[0])
	return (omega/constants.c)*sqrt(e1*e2/(e1+e2))
Example #5
        if val == "er":
            print "(%s, %s)" % (one[i], real(two[i]))
        if val == "ei":
            print "(%s, %s)" % (one[i], imag(two[i]))
        q = (1 / sqrt(2)) * sqrt(
            sqrt(real(two)**2 + imag(two)**2) + real(two)) + 1.0J * sqrt(
                sqrt(real(two)**2 + imag(two)**2) - real(two))
        if val == "nr":
            print "(%s, %s)" % (one[i], real(q[i]))
        if val == "ni":
            print "(%s, %s)" % (one[i], imag(q[i]))

for metal in metals:
    lambda0 = linspace(200e-9, 2000e-9, 100)
    data_LD = LDBB(metal, "LD", lambda0)
    data_D = LDBB(metal, "D", lambda0)
    data_BB = LDBB(metal, "BB", lambda0)

    print "\\newpage"
    print "\\subsection{%s}" % metal
    print "\\begin{figure}[h!]"
    print "\\centering"
    print "\\begin{tabular}{l}"

    for i in range(0, 4):
        #print "\\subfigure{"
        print "\\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline,trim axis left]"
        print "\\begin{axis}[xlabel=%s,ylabel=%s]" % (xlabels[3], ylabels[i])
        print "\\addplot[color=colora] coordinates {"
        prettyprint(lambda0, data_D, params[i])
Example #6

# dielectric function for LAH79, in nanometers
n_LAH79 = lambda x:\
sqrt( 1 + 2.32557148E+00*pow(x*1e6,2)/(pow(x*1e6,2)-1.32895208E-02) +\
5.07967133E-01*pow(x*1e6,2)/(pow(x*1e6,2)-5.28335449E-02) +\
2.43087198E+00*pow(x*1e6,2)/(pow(x*1e6,2)-1.61122408E+02) )

metals = ['Ag', 'Au', 'Cu', 'Al', 'Be', 'Cr', 'Ni', 'Pd', 'Pt', 'Ti', 'W']
# global variables
# wavelength of incident radiation
lambda0 = 632.8e-9

for metal in metals:
	# dielectric properties
	epsilon = array([ n_BK7(lambda0)**2, LDBB(metal,'LD',array([lambda0]))[0], 1.0])

	k0 = 2*pi/lambda0
	# z component of k vector
	kz = lambda i,theta : sqrt(k0**2*epsilon[i]-(k0*sqrt(epsilon[0])*sin(theta))**2)
	# reflectivity guys
	r  = lambda i,j,theta : (epsilon[j]*kz(i,theta)-epsilon[i]*kz(j,theta))/(epsilon[j]*kz(i,theta)+epsilon[i]*kz(j,theta)) 
	# combined fresnel relation
	fr123 = lambda x0: abs((r(0,1,x0[0])+r(1,2,x0[0])*exp(2J*kz(1,x0[0])*x0[1]))/(1+r(0,1,x0[0])*r(1,2,x0[0])*exp(2J*kz(1,x0[0])*x0[1])))
	r123 = lambda theta,d: \
	(r(0,1,theta)+r(1,2,theta)*exp(2J*kz(1,theta)*d))/ \

	theta = linspace(0,pi/2,1000)
	dat = [ abs(r123(theta,d)) for d in linspace(0,100e-9,1000) ]
Example #7
sqrt( 1 + 2.32557148E+00*pow(x*1e6,2)/(pow(x*1e6,2)-1.32895208E-02) +\
5.07967133E-01*pow(x*1e6,2)/(pow(x*1e6,2)-5.28335449E-02) +\
2.43087198E+00*pow(x*1e6,2)/(pow(x*1e6,2)-1.61122408E+02) )

eps_h2o = complex(1.7692, 0.051569)

metals = ['Ag', 'Au', 'Cu', 'Al', 'Be', 'Cr', 'Ni', 'Pd', 'Pt', 'Ti', 'W']
# global variables
# wavelength of incident radiation
lambda0 = 632.8e-9

for metal in metals:
    # dielectric properties
    epsilon = array(
         LDBB(metal, 'LD', array([lambda0]))[0], eps_h2o])

    k0 = 2 * pi / lambda0
    # z component of k vector
    kz = lambda i, theta: sqrt(k0**2 * epsilon[i] -
                               (k0 * sqrt(epsilon[0]) * sin(theta))**2)
    # reflectivity guys
    r = lambda i, j, theta: (epsilon[j] * kz(i, theta) - epsilon[i] * kz(
        j, theta)) / (epsilon[j] * kz(i, theta) + epsilon[i] * kz(j, theta))
    # combined fresnel relation
    fr123 = lambda x0: abs(
        (r(0, 1, x0[0]) + r(1, 2, x0[0]) * exp(2J * kz(1, x0[0]) * x0[1])) /
        (1 + r(0, 1, x0[0]) * r(1, 2, x0[0]) * exp(2J * kz(1, x0[0]) * x0[1])))
    r123 = lambda theta,d: \
    (r(0,1,theta)+r(1,2,theta)*exp(2J*kz(1,theta)*d))/ \