Example #1
    def __init__(self, name, servo_id, min_angle, neutral_angle, max_angle, length, parent, leg, offset_in_parent, mirrored=False, z_rot=False):
        self.name = name
        self.parent = parent  # segment to which this one is attached
        self.leg = leg  # leg to which this segment belongs

        self.length = length
        self.offset_in_parent = offset_in_parent  # X coordinate of this segment's origin in parent cs

        self.min_angle = min_angle
        self.max_angle = max_angle
        self.neutral_angle = neutral_angle

        if self.name == "lm_coxa":
            self.mount_correction = 45
            self.mount_correction = 0

        if "femur" in self.name:
            self.mount_correction = -90

        if "tibia" in self.name:
            self.load_direction = -1
            self.load_direction = 1

        self.mirrored = mirrored
        self.z_rot = z_rot  # indicates when segment rotates around Z-axis and not Y-axis, as usual
        self._current_angle = 0

        self.servo_id = servo_id  # dynamixel id of segment's servo

        if self.z_rot:
            self.cs = CoordinateSystem(parent.cs, self.name, self.offset_in_parent, 0, 0, 0, 0, self._current_angle)
            self.cs = CoordinateSystem(parent.cs, self.name, self.offset_in_parent, 0, 0, 0, self._current_angle, 0)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, name, parent, mount_descriptor, servo_ids):
        self.name = name
        self.parent = parent
        self.mount_descriptor = mount_descriptor

        self.swing_order = 0  # used to keep track of the order in which legs swing. If two legs are ready to swing, priority is given to the one that has been in stance longer

        self.r_was_increasing = False  # indicates whether restrictedness of this leg was increasing before reaching flat plateau

        self.cs = CoordinateSystem(parent.cs, self.name, mount_descriptor.x, mount_descriptor.y, mount_descriptor.z, 0, 0, mount_descriptor.rotz)

        self.segments = dict()
        self.segments["coxa"] = Segment(name=name + "_coxa", servo_id=servo_ids[0],
                                        min_angle=r(-35), neutral_angle=r(0), max_angle=r(35),
                                        length=COXA_LENGTH, parent=self,
                                        offset_in_parent=m(0), mirrored=(mount_descriptor.x < 0), z_rot=True)

        if self.name == "rf":
            self.segments["coxa"].max_angle = r(10)
        elif self.name == "lf":
            self.segments["coxa"].min_angle = r(-10)
        elif self.name == "rr":
            self.segments["coxa"].min_angle = r(-10)
        elif self.name == "lr":
            self.segments["coxa"].max_angle = r(10)

        self.segments["femur"] = Segment(name=name + "_femur", servo_id=servo_ids[1],
                                         min_angle=r(-45), neutral_angle=r(20), max_angle=r(90), length=FEMUR_LENGTH,
                                         parent=self.segments["coxa"], leg=self,

        self.segments["tibia"] = Segment(name=name + "_tibia", servo_id=servo_ids[2],
                                         min_angle=r(-115), neutral_angle=r(20), max_angle=r(20), length=TIBIA_LENGTH,
                                         parent=self.segments["femur"], leg=self,

        self.segments["tarsus"] = Segment(name=name + "_tarsus", servo_id=servo_ids[3],
                                          min_angle=r(-90), neutral_angle=r(0), max_angle=r(0), length=TARSUS_LENGTH,
                                          parent=self.segments["tibia"], leg=self,

        self.rostral_neighbor = None  # leg in front
        self.caudal_neighbor = None  # leg behind

        self.in_swing = False  # is this leg in swing

        self.swing_z = 0  # target highest Z of current swing (calculated as Z of lift-off point + DEFAULT_SWING_HEIGHT), all in thorax cs

        self.touched_down = False  # whether the leg actually touches ground

        self.wants_to_swing = False  # previously the leg wanted to swing, but was not allowed to do it

        self.landing = False  # leg is forced to land
        self.raising = False  # leg is in initial phase of swing

        coxa_seg = self.segments["coxa"]
        self.home_angle = (coxa_seg.min_angle + coxa_seg.max_angle) / 2
        self.home_position_leg = Position(self.cs)
        self.home_position_thorax = Position(self.cs.parent)

        self.task_cs = CoordinateSystem(parent.cs, self.name + "_tcs", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.swings_inwards = False  # foot swings towards thorax

        self._r_ws_inner = None  # restrictedness by inner edge of foot workspace
        self._r_ws_outer = None  # restrictedness by outer edge of foot workspace

        # stored previous values of restrictedness components
        self._r_coxa_prev = 0
        self._r_femur_prev = 0
        self._r_tibia_prev = 0
        self._r_tarsus_prev = 0
        self._r_stretch_prev = 0
        self._r_contract_prev = 0
        self._r_ws_outer_prev = 0
        self._r_ws_inner_prev = 0

        self._r_prev = 0  # previous total restrictedness

        # back-ups for angles and leg node positions
        self.angles_backup = StoredAngles(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.nodes_backup = dict()

        self.stored_node_positions = dict()  # already calculated coordinates of leg nodes

        # coxa coordinates in leg cs and thorax cs never change
        self.stored_node_positions["coxa"] = Position(self.cs, 0, 0, 0)
        self.stored_node_positions["coxa-thorax"] = self.cs.parent.to_this(self.stored_node_positions["coxa"])
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.cs = CoordinateSystem(g_odom_cs, "thorax", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.legs = dict()
Example #4
#! /usr/bin/env python

# BigBug hexapod body description
from collections import namedtuple
from math import sqrt, degrees as d, radians as r, atan2

from bb_cs import CoordinateSystem, Position
from bb_utility import angle_ab, angle_ac, exp_r, sind, cosd, third_side, mm_to_m as m

MountDescriptor = namedtuple('MountDescriptor', 'x y z rotz')  # describes attachment point for a leg in Thorax cs
StoredAngles = namedtuple('StoredAngles', 'coxa femur tibia tarsus')

# noinspection PyTypeChecker
g_odom_cs = CoordinateSystem(None, "odom", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

# noinspection PyBroadException
class Thorax(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.cs = CoordinateSystem(g_odom_cs, "thorax", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.legs = dict()

    def fill_legs(self):
        # initializes legs and puts them in a dictionary

        # leg mount point is on the top surface of thorax
        self.legs["rf"] = Leg("rf", self, MountDescriptor(m(+182.343), m(-104.843), m(0), r(-045.0)), (101, 102, 103, 19))
        self.legs["rm"] = Leg("rm", self, MountDescriptor(m(0000.000), m(-114.198), m(0), r(-90.00)), (104, 105, 106, 11))
        self.legs["rr"] = Leg("rr", self, MountDescriptor(m(-182.343), m(-084.843), m(0), r(-135.0)), (107, 108, 109, 14))