def measure(self, state, debug=False): """ given the current robot pose, return the lidar data :param state array(3)[float]: [x, y, theta (radians)] pose of the robot :param debug bool: show debug plot? :return Tuple[array(N)[float], array(N)[float]]: [lidar angles radians, lidar ranges meters] if ray did not hit obstacle, value is np.nan """ assert self._map is not None \ and "Please set the map using set_map() before calling measure, this will initialize lidar as well." pose = state.copy() pose_px = xy_to_rc(pose, self._map) ranges = np.zeros_like(self._ray_angles) for i, ego_ray in enumerate(self._ego_rays): rotation_matrix = get_rotation_matrix_2d(-state[2]) rotated_ray = np.rint( ray = (pose_px[:2] + rotated_ray).astype( ray = ray[which_coords_in_bounds(ray, self._map.get_shape())] occupied_ind = np.argwhere([ray[:, 0], ray[:, 1]] == Costmap.OCCUPIED) if occupied_ind.shape[0]: ranges[i] = np.linalg.norm(pose_px[:2] - ray[int( occupied_ind[0])]) * self._map.resolution else: ranges[i] = np.nan if debug: points = scan_to_points(self._ray_angles + state[2], ranges) + pose_px[:2] plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) return self._ray_angles, ranges
def draw_scan_ranges(visualization_map, state, scan_angles, scan_ranges, color): """ Draw the occupied points of a lidar scan onto the map :param visualization_map Costmap: costmap to draw on :param state array(3)[float]: pose of the robot [x, y, theta] :param scan_angles array(N)[float]: angles of the lidar scan :param scan_ranges array(N)[float]: ranges of the lidar scan :param color Union[int, array(3)[uint8]]: depending on the shape of, a valid value for the color to draw the path """ occupied_coords = scan_to_points(scan_angles + state[2], scan_ranges) + state[:2] occupied_coords = xy_to_rc(occupied_coords, visualization_map).astype( occupied_coords = occupied_coords[which_coords_in_bounds(occupied_coords, visualization_map.get_shape())][occupied_coords[:, 0], occupied_coords[:, 1]] = color
def run_frontier_exploration(map_filename, params_filename, start_state, sensor_range, map_resolution, completion_percentage, render=True, render_mode='exp', render_interval=1, render_size_scale=1.7, completion_check_interval=1, render_wait_for_key=True, max_exploration_iterations=None): """ Interface for running frontier exploration on the grid world environment that is initialized via map_filename.. etc :param map_filename str: path of the map to load into the grid world environment, needs to be a uint8 png with values 127 for unexplored, 255 for free, 0 for occupied. :param params_filename str: path of the params file for setting up the frontier agent etc. See exploration/params/ for examples :param start_state array(3)[float]: starting state of the robot in the map (in meters) [x, y, theta], if None the starting state is random :param sensor_range float: range of the sensor (lidar) in meters :param map_resolution float: resolution of the map desired :param completion_percentage float: decimal of the completion percentage desired i.e (.97), how much of the ground truth environment to explore, note that 1.0 is not always reachable because of footprint. :param render bool: whether or not to visualize :param render_mode str: specify rendering function (bc_exploration or bc_gym_planning_env) :param render_interval int: visualize every render_interval iterations :param render_size_scale Tuple(int): (h, w), the size of the render window in pixels :param completion_check_interval int: check for exploration completion every completion_check_interval iterations :param render_wait_for_key bool: if render is enabled, if render_wait_for_key is True then the exploration algorithm will wait for key press to start exploration. Timing is not affected. :param max_exploration_iterations int: number of exploration cycles to run before exiting :return Costmap: occupancy_map, final map from exploration), percentage explored, time taken to explore """ # some parameters frontier_agent = create_frontier_agent_from_params(params_filename) footprint = frontier_agent.get_footprint() # pick a sensor sensor = Lidar(sensor_range=sensor_range, angular_range=250 * np.pi / 180, angular_resolution=1.0 * np.pi / 180, map_resolution=map_resolution) # setup grid world environment env = GridWorld(map_filename=map_filename, map_resolution=map_resolution, sensor=sensor, footprint=footprint, start_state=start_state) # setup corresponding gym environment env_instance = RandomAisleTurnEnv() render_size = (np.array(env.get_map_shape()[::-1]) * render_size_scale).astype( # setup log-odds mapper, we assume the measurements are very accurate, # thus one scan should be enough to fill the map padding = 1. map_shape = np.array(env.get_map_shape()) + int( 2. * padding // map_resolution) initial_map = Costmap( data=Costmap.UNEXPLORED * np.ones(map_shape, dtype=np.uint8), resolution=env.get_map_resolution(), origin=[-padding - env.start_state[0], -padding - env.start_state[1]]) clearing_footprint_points = footprint.get_clearing_points(map_resolution) clearing_footprint_coords = xy_to_rc(clearing_footprint_points, initial_map).astype([clearing_footprint_coords[:, 0], clearing_footprint_coords[:, 1]] = Costmap.FREE mapper = LogOddsMapper(initial_map=initial_map, sensor_range=sensor.get_sensor_range(), measurement_certainty=0.8, max_log_odd=8, min_log_odd=-8, threshold_occupied=.5, threshold_free=.5) # reset the environment to the start state, map the first observations pose, [scan_angles, scan_ranges] = env.reset() occupancy_map = mapper.update(state=pose, scan_angles=scan_angles, scan_ranges=scan_ranges) if render: if render_mode == 'exp': visualize(occupancy_map=occupancy_map, state=pose, footprint=footprint, start_state=start_state, scan_angles=scan_angles, scan_ranges=scan_ranges, path=[], render_size=render_size, frontiers=[], wait_key=0 if render_wait_for_key else 1) elif render_mode == 'gym': visualize_in_gym(gym_env=env_instance, exp_map=occupancy_map, path=[], pose=pose) else: raise NameError( "Invalid rendering method.\nPlease choose one of \"exp\" or \"gym\" methods." ) iteration = 0 is_last_plan = False was_successful = True percentage_explored = 0.0 while True: if iteration % completion_check_interval == 0: percentage_explored = env.compare_maps(occupancy_map) if percentage_explored >= completion_percentage: is_last_plan = True if max_exploration_iterations is not None and iteration > max_exploration_iterations: was_successful = False is_last_plan = True # using the current map, make an action plan path = frontier_agent.plan(state=pose, occupancy_map=occupancy_map, is_last_plan=is_last_plan) # if we get empty lists for policy/path, that means that the agent was # not able to find a path/frontier to plan to. if not path.shape[0]: print( "No more frontiers! Either the map is 100% explored, or bad start state, or there is a bug!" ) break # if we have a policy, follow it until the end. update the map sparsely (speeds it up) for j, desired_state in enumerate(path): if footprint.check_for_collision(desired_state, occupancy_map, unexplored_is_occupied=True): footprint_coords = footprint.get_ego_points( desired_state[2], map_resolution) + desired_state[:2] footprint_coords = xy_to_rc(footprint_coords, occupancy_map).astype( footprint_coords = footprint_coords[which_coords_in_bounds( footprint_coords, occupancy_map.get_shape())][footprint_coords[:, 0], footprint_coords[:, 1]] = Costmap.FREE pose, [scan_angles, scan_ranges] = env.step(desired_state) occupancy_map = mapper.update(state=pose, scan_angles=scan_angles, scan_ranges=scan_ranges) # put the current laserscan on the map before planning occupied_coords = scan_to_points(scan_angles + pose[2], scan_ranges) + pose[:2] occupied_coords = xy_to_rc(occupied_coords, occupancy_map).astype( occupied_coords = occupied_coords[which_coords_in_bounds( occupied_coords, occupancy_map.get_shape())][occupied_coords[:, 0], occupied_coords[:, 1]] = Costmap.OCCUPIED # shows a live visualization of the exploration process if render is set to true if render and j % render_interval == 0: if render_mode == 'exp': visualize(occupancy_map=occupancy_map, state=pose, footprint=footprint, start_state=start_state, scan_angles=scan_angles, scan_ranges=scan_ranges, path=path, render_size=render_size, frontiers=frontier_agent.get_frontiers( compute=True, occupancy_map=occupancy_map), wait_key=1, path_idx=j) elif render_mode == 'gym': visualize_in_gym(gym_env=env_instance, exp_map=occupancy_map, path=path, pose=pose) else: raise NameError( "Invalid rendering method.\nPlease choose one of \"exp\" or \"gym\" methods." ) if is_last_plan: break iteration += 1 if render: cv2.waitKey(0) return occupancy_map, percentage_explored, iteration, was_successful
def _scan_to_occupied_free_coords(self, state, angles, ranges, debug=False): """ converts laser scan to occupied and free coordinates for mapping :param state array(3)[float]: current state of the robot :param angles array(N)[float]: lidar angles of the robot :param ranges array(N)[float]: lidar ranges corresponding to the angles :param debug bool: show debug? :return Tuple[array(N,2)[int], array(N,2)[int]]: occupied coordinates, and free coordinates (in row column) """ new_angles = wrap_angles(angles.copy() + state[2]) state_px = xy_to_rc(state, self._map) position_px = state_px[:2].astype( with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): free_inds = np.logical_or(np.isnan(ranges), ranges >= self.sensor_range) occ_inds = np.logical_not(free_inds) ranges = ranges.copy() ranges[free_inds] = self.sensor_range occupied_coords = scan_to_points(new_angles[occ_inds], ranges[occ_inds]) + state[:2] occupied_coords = xy_to_rc(occupied_coords, self._map).astype( free_endcoords = scan_to_points(new_angles[free_inds], ranges[free_inds]) + state[:2] free_endcoords = xy_to_rc(free_endcoords, self._map).astype( if debug: occupied_coords_vis = occupied_coords[which_coords_in_bounds( occupied_coords, self._map.get_shape())] free_coords_vis = free_endcoords[which_coords_in_bounds( free_endcoords, self._map.get_shape())] map_vis = np.repeat([], repeats=3, axis=0).transpose( (1, 2, 0)).copy() map_vis[occupied_coords_vis[:, 0], occupied_coords_vis[:, 1]] = [255, 0, 0] map_vis[free_coords_vis[:, 0], free_coords_vis[:, 1]] = [0, 255, 0] plt.imshow(map_vis) free_coords = np.array([position_px]) for i in range(occupied_coords.shape[0]): bresenham_line = bresenham2d_with_intensities( position_px, occupied_coords[i, :],[:-1] free_coords = np.vstack((free_coords, bresenham_line[:, :2])) for i in range(free_endcoords.shape[0]): bresenham_line = bresenham2d_with_intensities( position_px, free_endcoords[i, :], free_coords = np.vstack((free_coords, bresenham_line[:, :2])) free_coords = free_coords.astype( occupied_coords = occupied_coords[which_coords_in_bounds( occupied_coords, self._map.get_shape())] free_coords = free_coords[which_coords_in_bounds( free_coords, self._map.get_shape())] if debug: map_vis = np.repeat([self._map.copy()], repeats=3, axis=0).transpose((1, 2, 0)) map_vis[occupied_coords[:, 0], occupied_coords[:, 1]] = [10, 10, 127] map_vis[free_coords[:, 0], free_coords[:, 1]] = [127, 10, 127] map_vis[int(state[0]), int(state[1])] = [127, 122, 10] plt.imshow(map_vis, interpolation='nearest') return occupied_coords.astype(, free_coords.astype(