Example #1
def _fastp_trim(fastq_files, adapters, out_dir, data):
    """Perform multicore trimming with fastp (https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp)
    report_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-report.json" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(fastq_files[0]))[0])
    out_files = [os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-trimmed.fq.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(x))[0])
                 for x in fastq_files]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_files[0]):
        with file_transaction(data, *[report_file] + out_files) as tx_out:
            tx_report = tx_out[0]
            tx_out_files = tx_out[1:]
            cmd = ["fastp", "--thread", dd.get_num_cores(data)]
            if dd.get_quality_format(data).lower() == "illumina":
                cmd += ["--phred64"]
            for i, (inf, outf) in enumerate(zip(fastq_files, tx_out_files)):
                if i == 0:
                    cmd += ["-i", inf, "-o", outf]
                    cmd += ["-I", inf, "-O", outf]
            cmd += ["--cut_by_quality3", "--cut_mean_quality", "5",
                    "--length_required", str(dd.get_min_read_length(data)),
            if "polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data):
                cmd += ["--trim_poly_x", "--poly_x_min_len", "8"]
            if "polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data) or "polyg" in dd.get_adapters(data):
                cmd += ["--trim_poly_g", "--poly_g_min_len", "8"]
            for a in adapters:
                cmd += ["--adapter_sequence", a]
            if not adapters:
                cmd += ["--disable_adapter_trimming"]
            cmd += ["--json", report_file, "--report_title", dd.get_sample_name(data)]
            do.run(cmd, "Trimming with fastp: %s" % dd.get_sample_name(data))
    return out_files, report_file
Example #2
def _fastp_trim(fastq_files, adapters, out_dir, data):
    """Perform multicore trimming with fastp (https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp)
    report_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-report.json" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(fastq_files[0]))[0])
    out_files = [os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-trimmed.fq.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(x))[0])
                 for x in fastq_files]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_files[0]):
        with file_transaction(data, *[report_file] + out_files) as tx_out:
            tx_report = tx_out[0]
            tx_out_files = tx_out[1:]
            cmd = ["fastp", "--thread", dd.get_num_cores(data)]
            if dd.get_quality_format(data).lower() == "illumina":
                cmd += ["--phred64"]
            for i, (inf, outf) in enumerate(zip(fastq_files, tx_out_files)):
                if i == 0:
                    cmd += ["-i", inf, "-o", outf]
                    cmd += ["-I", inf, "-O", outf]
            cmd += ["--cut_by_quality3", "--cut_mean_quality", "5",
                    "--length_required", str(dd.get_min_read_length(data)),
            if "polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data):
                cmd += ["--trim_poly_x", "--poly_x_min_len", "8"]
            if "polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data) or "polyg" in dd.get_adapters(data):
                cmd += ["--trim_poly_g", "--poly_g_min_len", "8"]
            for a in adapters:
                cmd += ["--adapter_sequence", a]
            if not adapters:
                cmd += ["--disable_adapter_trimming"]
            cmd += ["--json", report_file, "--report_title", dd.get_sample_name(data)]
            do.run(cmd, "Trimming with fastp: %s" % dd.get_sample_name(data))
    return out_files, report_file
Example #3
def _atropos_trim(fastq_files, adapters, out_dir, data):
    """Perform multicore trimming with atropos.
    report_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-report.json" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(fastq_files[0]))[0])
    out_files = [os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-trimmed.fq.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(x))[0])
                 for x in fastq_files]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_files[0]):
        with file_transaction(data, *[report_file] + out_files) as tx_out:
            tx_report_file, tx_out1 = tx_out[:2]
            if len(tx_out) > 2:
                tx_out2 = tx_out[2]
            # polyX trimming, anchored to the 3' ends of reads
            if "polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data):
                adapters += ["A{200}", "C{200}", "G{200}", "T{200}"]
            adapters_args = " ".join(["-a '%s'" % a for a in adapters])
            adapters_args += " --overlap 8"  # Avoid very short internal matches (default is 3)
            adapters_args += " --no-default-adapters --no-cache-adapters"  # Prevent GitHub queries and saving pickles
            aligner_args = "--aligner adapter"
            if len(fastq_files) == 1:
                cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
                input_args = "-se %s" % objectstore.cl_input(fastq_files[0])
                output_args = "-o >(bgzip --threads {cores} -c > {tx_out1})".format(**locals())
                assert len(fastq_files) == 2, fastq_files
                cores = max(1, dd.get_num_cores(data) // 2)
                adapters_args = adapters_args + " " + " ".join(["-A '%s'" % a for a in adapters])
                input_args = "-pe1 %s -pe2 %s" % tuple([objectstore.cl_input(x) for x in fastq_files])
                output_args = ("-o >(bgzip --threads {cores} -c > {tx_out1}) "
                               "-p >(bgzip --threads {cores} -c > {tx_out2})").format(**locals())
            quality_base = "64" if dd.get_quality_format(data).lower() == "illumina" else "33"
            sample_name = dd.get_sample_name(data)
            report_args = "--report-file %s --report-formats json --sample-id %s" % (tx_report_file,
            ropts = " ".join(str(x) for x in
                             config_utils.get_resources("atropos", data["config"]).get("options", []))
            extra_opts = []
            for k, alt_ks, v, want in [("--quality-cutoff", ["-q "], "5", True),
                                       ("--minimum-length", ["-m "], str(dd.get_min_read_length(data)), True),
                                       ("--nextseq-trim", [], "25", ("polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data) or
                                                                     "polyg" in dd.get_adapters(data)))]:
                if k not in ropts and not any(alt_k in ropts for alt_k in alt_ks):
                    if want:
                        extra_opts.append("%s=%s" % (k, v))
            extra_opts = " ".join(extra_opts)
            thread_args = ("--threads %s" % cores if cores > 1 else "")
            cmd = ("atropos trim {ropts} {thread_args} --quality-base {quality_base} --format fastq "
                   "{adapters_args} {input_args} {output_args} {report_args} {extra_opts}")
            do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "Trimming with atropos: %s" % dd.get_sample_name(data))
    return out_files, report_file
Example #4
def _atropos_trim(fastq_files, adapters, out_dir, data):
    """Perform multicore trimming with atropos.
    report_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-report.json" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(fastq_files[0]))[0])
    out_files = [os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-trimmed.fq.gz" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(x))[0])
                 for x in fastq_files]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_files[0]):
        with file_transaction(data, *[report_file] + out_files) as tx_out:
            tx_report_file, tx_out1 = tx_out[:2]
            if len(tx_out) > 2:
                tx_out2 = tx_out[2]
            # polyX trimming, anchored to the 3' ends of reads
            if "polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data):
                adapters += ["A{200}$", "C{200}$", "G{200}$", "T{200}$"]
            adapters_args = " ".join(["-a '%s'" % a for a in adapters])
            adapters_args += " --overlap 8"  # Avoid very short internal matches (default is 3)
            adapters_args += " --no-default-adapters --no-cache-adapters"  # Prevent GitHub queries and saving pickles
            aligner_args = "--aligner adapter"
            if len(fastq_files) == 1:
                cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
                input_args = "-se %s" % objectstore.cl_input(fastq_files[0])
                output_args = "-o >(bgzip --threads {cores} -c > {tx_out1})".format(**locals())
                assert len(fastq_files) == 2, fastq_files
                cores = max(1, dd.get_num_cores(data) // 2)
                adapters_args = adapters_args + " " + " ".join(["-A '%s'" % a for a in adapters])
                input_args = "-pe1 %s -pe2 %s" % tuple([objectstore.cl_input(x) for x in fastq_files])
                output_args = ("-o >(bgzip --threads {cores} -c > {tx_out1}) "
                               "-p >(bgzip --threads {cores} -c > {tx_out2})").format(**locals())
            quality_base = "64" if dd.get_quality_format(data).lower() == "illumina" else "33"
            sample_name = dd.get_sample_name(data)
            report_args = "--report-file %s --report-formats json --sample-id %s" % (tx_report_file,
            ropts = " ".join(str(x) for x in
                             config_utils.get_resources("atropos", data["config"]).get("options", []))
            extra_opts = []
            for k, alt_ks, v, want in [("--quality-cutoff", ["-q "], "5", True),
                                       ("--minimum-length", ["-m "], str(dd.get_min_read_length(data)), True),
                                       ("--nextseq-trim", [], "25", ("polyx" in dd.get_adapters(data) or
                                                                     "polyg" in dd.get_adapters(data)))]:
                if k not in ropts and not any(alt_k in ropts for alt_k in alt_ks):
                    if want:
                        extra_opts.append("%s=%s" % (k, v))
            extra_opts = " ".join(extra_opts)
            thread_args = ("--threads %s" % cores if cores > 1 else "")
            cmd = ("atropos trim {ropts} {thread_args} --quality-base {quality_base} --format fastq "
                   "{adapters_args} {input_args} {output_args} {report_args} {extra_opts}")
            do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "Trimming with atropos: %s" % dd.get_sample_name(data))
    return out_files, report_file
Example #5
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    Remove 3' adapter for smallRNA-seq
    Uses cutadapt but with different parameters than for other pipelines.
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    trim_reads = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("trim_reads", True)
    if trim_reads:
        adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)[0]
        out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
        out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"), out_dir)
        cutadapt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cutadapt")
        cmd = _cmd_cutadapt()
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter")
        symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #6
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    Remove 3' adapter for smallRNA-seq
    Uses cutadapt but with different parameters than for other pipelines.
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    trim_reads = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("trim_reads", True)
    adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)
    if trim_reads and not adapter and error_dnapi:
        raise ValueError(error_dnapi)
    adapters = adapter if adapter else _dnapi_prediction(in_file)
    times = "" if len(adapters) == 1 else "--times %s" % len(adapters)
    if trim_reads and adapters:
        adapter_cmd = " ".join(map(lambda x: "-a " + x, adapters))
        out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(
            append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
        out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"),
        log_out = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s.log" % names)
        atropos = _get_atropos()
        options = " ".join(
            data.get('resources', {}).get('atropos', {}).get("options", ""))
        cores = ("--threads %s" %
                 dd.get_num_cores(data) if dd.get_num_cores(data) > 1 else "")
        if " ".join(
                data.get('resources', {}).get('cutadapt',
                                              {}).get("options", "")):
            raise ValueError(
                "Atropos is now used, but cutadapt options found in YAML file."
                "See https://atropos.readthedocs.io/en/latest/")
        cmd = _cmd_atropos()
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter for %s" % names)
                if utils.file_exists(log_out):
                    content = open(log_out).read().replace(
                        out_short_file, names)
                    open(log_out, 'w').write(content)
                if options:
                    in_file = append_stem(tx_out_file, ".tmp")
                    utils.move_safe(tx_out_file, in_file)
                    cmd = "{atropos} {cores} {options} -se {in_file} -o {tx_out_file} -m 17"
                           "cutadapt with this %s for %s" % (options, names))
        if not trim_reads:
            logger.debug("Skip trimming for: %s" % names)
        elif not adapters:
            logger.info("No adapter founds in %s, this is an issue related"
                        " to no small RNA enrichment in your sample." % names)
        symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #7
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    Remove 3' adapter for smallRNA-seq
    Uses cutadapt but with different parameters than for other pipelines.
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    trim_reads = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("trim_reads", True)
    if trim_reads:
        adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)[0]
        out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(
            append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
        out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"),
        cutadapt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cutadapt")
        cmd = _cmd_cutadapt()
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter")
        symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #8
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    Remove 3' adapter for smallRNA-seq
    Uses cutadapt but with different parameters than for other pipelines.
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    trim_reads = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("trim_reads", True)
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
        data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
        data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
        return [[data]]

    adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)
    if trim_reads and not adapter and error_dnapi:
        raise ValueError(error_dnapi)
    adapters = adapter if adapter else _dnapi_prediction(in_file, out_dir)
    times = "" if len(adapters) == 1 else "--times %s" % len(adapters)
    if trim_reads and adapters:
        adapter_cmd = " ".join(map(lambda x: "-a " + x, adapters))
        out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
        out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"), out_dir)
        log_out = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s.log" % names)
        atropos = _get_atropos()
        options = " ".join(data.get('resources', {}).get('atropos', {}).get("options", ""))
        cores = ("--threads %s" % dd.get_num_cores(data) if dd.get_num_cores(data) > 1 else "")
        if " ".join(data.get('resources', {}).get('cutadapt', {}).get("options", "")):
            raise ValueError("Atropos is now used, but cutadapt options found in YAML file."
                             "See https://atropos.readthedocs.io/en/latest/")
        cmd = _cmd_atropos()
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter for %s" % names)
                if utils.file_exists(log_out):
                    content = open(log_out).read().replace(out_short_file, names)
                    open(log_out, 'w').write(content)
                if options:
                    in_file = append_stem(tx_out_file, ".tmp")
                    utils.move_safe(tx_out_file, in_file)
                    cmd = "{atropos} {cores} {options} -se {in_file} -o {tx_out_file} -m 17"
                    do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "cutadapt with this %s for %s" %(options, names))
        if not trim_reads:
            logger.debug("Skip trimming for: %s" % names)
        elif not adapters:
            logger.info("No adapter founds in %s, this is an issue related"
                        " to no small RNA enrichment in your sample." % names)
        symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #9
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    Remove 3' adapter for smallRNA-seq
    Uses cutadapt but with different parameters than for other pipelines.
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    trim_reads = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("trim_reads", True)
    adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)
    if trim_reads and adapter:
        adapter = adapter[0]
        out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(
            append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
        out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"),
        log_out = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s.log" % names)
        cutadapt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cutadapt")
        options = " ".join(
                                       data['config']).get("options", ""))
        cmd = _cmd_cutadapt()
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter for %s" % names)
                if utils.file_exists(log_out):
                    content = open(log_out).read().replace(
                        out_short_file, names)
                    open(log_out, 'w').write(content)
                if options:
                    in_file = tx_out_file + ".tmp.fastq"
                    utils.move_safe(tx_out_file, in_file)
                    cmd = "{cutadapt} {options} {in_file} -o {tx_out_file} -m 17"
                           "cutadapt with this %s for %s" % (options, names))
        logger.debug("Skip trimming for: %s" % names)
        symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #10
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)[0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
    out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"), out_dir)
    cutadapt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cutadapt")
    cmd = _cmd_cutadapt()
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
            do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter")
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #11
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)[0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"),
    out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"), out_dir)
    cutadapt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cutadapt")
    cmd = _cmd_cutadapt()
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
            do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter")
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #12
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    Remove 3' adapter for smallRNA-seq
    Uses cutadapt but with different parameters than for other pipelines.
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    trim_reads = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("trim_reads", True)
    adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)
    if trim_reads and adapter:
        adapter = adapter[0]
        out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
        out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"), out_dir)
        log_out = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s.log" % names)
        cutadapt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "cutadapt")
        options = " ".join(data.get('resources', {}).get('cutadapt', {}).get("options", ""))
        cmd = _cmd_cutadapt()
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter for %s" % names)
                if utils.file_exists(log_out):
                    content = open(log_out).read().replace(out_short_file, names)
                    open(log_out, 'w').write(content)
                if options:
                    in_file = append_stem(tx_out_file, ".tmp")
                    utils.move_safe(tx_out_file, in_file)
                    cmd = "{cutadapt} {options} {in_file} -o {tx_out_file} -m 17"
                    do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "cutadapt with this %s for %s" %(options, names))
        logger.debug("Skip trimming for: %s" % names)
        symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #13
def trim_srna_sample(data):
    Remove 3' adapter for smallRNA-seq
    Uses cutadapt but with different parameters than for other pipelines.
    data = umi_transform(data)
    in_file = data["files"][0]
    names = data["rgnames"]['sample']
    work_dir = os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "trimmed")
    out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, names)
    log_out = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s.log" % names)
    out_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".clean"), out_dir)
    trim_reads = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("trim_reads", True)
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        data["files"][0] = out_file
        data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
        data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
        data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
        data["log_trimming"] = log_out
        return [[data]]

    adapter = dd.get_adapters(data)
    is_4n = any([a == "4N" for a in adapter])
    adapter = [a for a in adapter if re.compile("^([NATGC]+)$").match(a)]
    if adapter and not trim_reads:
        trim_reads = True
            "Adapter is set up in config file, but trim_reads is not true."
            "If you want to skip trimming, skip adapter option from config.")
    if trim_reads and not adapter and error_dnapi:
        raise ValueError(error_dnapi)
    if trim_reads:
        adapters = adapter if adapter else _dnapi_prediction(in_file, out_dir)
    times = "" if not trim_reads or len(
        adapters) == 1 else "--times %s" % len(adapters)
    if trim_reads and adapters:
        adapter_cmd = " ".join(map(lambda x: "-a " + x, adapters))
        if any([a for a in adapters if re.compile("^N+$").match(a)]):
            adapter_cmd = "-N %s" % adapter_cmd
        out_noadapter_file = replace_directory(
            append_stem(in_file, ".fragments"), out_dir)
        out_short_file = replace_directory(append_stem(in_file, ".short"),
        # atropos = _get_atropos()
        atropos = config_utils.get_program("atropos", data, default="atropos")
        options = " ".join(
            data.get('resources', {}).get('atropos', {}).get("options", ""))
        if options.strip() == "-u 4 -u -4":
            options = ""
            is_4n = "4N"
        cores = ("--threads %s" %
                 dd.get_num_cores(data) if dd.get_num_cores(data) > 1 else "")
        if " ".join(
                data.get('resources', {}).get('cutadapt',
                                              {}).get("options", "")):
            raise ValueError(
                "Atropos is now used, but cutadapt options found in YAML file."
                "See https://atropos.readthedocs.io/en/latest/")
        cmd = _cmd_atropos()
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                do.run(cmd.format(**locals()), "remove adapter for %s" % names)
                if utils.file_exists(log_out):
                    content = open(log_out).read().replace(
                        out_short_file, names)
                    open(log_out, 'w').write(content)
                if is_4n:
                    options = "-u 4 -u -4"
                    in_file = append_stem(tx_out_file, ".tmp")
                    utils.move_safe(tx_out_file, in_file)
                    cmd = "{atropos} {cores} {options} -se {in_file} -o {tx_out_file} -m 17"
                        "atropos with this parameters %s for %s" %
                        (options, names))
        data["log_trimming"] = log_out
        if not trim_reads:
            logger.debug("Skip trimming for: %s" % names)
        elif not adapters:
            logger.info("No adapter founds in %s, this is an issue related"
                        " to no small RNA enrichment in your sample." % names)
        symlink_plus(in_file, out_file)
    data["files"][0] = out_file
    data["clean_fastq"] = out_file
    data["collapse"] = _collapse(data["clean_fastq"])
    data["size_stats"] = _summary(data['collapse'])
    return [[data]]
Example #14
def _get_rv_adapters(data):
    builtin = [
        RV_ADAPTERS[x] for x in dd.get_adapters(data) if x in FW_ADAPTERS
    return flatten(builtin + dd.get_custom_trim(data))
Example #15
def _get_rv_adapters(data):
    builtin = [RV_ADAPTERS[x] for x in dd.get_adapters(data) if x in FW_ADAPTERS]
    return flatten(builtin + dd.get_custom_trim(data))