Example #1
def variant_filtration(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data):
    """Filter variant calls using Variant Quality Score Recalibration.

    Newer GATK with Haplotype calling has combined SNP/indel filtering.
    caller = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variantcaller")
    call_file = ploidy.filter_vcf_by_sex(call_file, data)
    if caller in ["freebayes"]:
        return vfilter.freebayes(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data)
    # no additional filtration for callers that filter as part of call process
    elif caller in ["samtools", "varscan", "mutect"]:
        return call_file
        config = data["config"]
        snp_file, indel_file = vcfutils.split_snps_indels(
            call_file, ref_file, config)
        snp_filter_file = _variant_filtration_snp(snp_file, ref_file,
                                                  vrn_files, data)
        indel_filter_file = _variant_filtration_indel(indel_file, ref_file,
                                                      vrn_files, data)
        orig_files = [snp_filter_file, indel_filter_file]
        out_file = "{base}combined.vcf".format(
        return vcfutils.combine_variant_files(orig_files, out_file, ref_file,
Example #2
def variant_filtration(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data):
    """Filter variant calls using Variant Quality Score Recalibration.

    Newer GATK with Haplotype calling has combined SNP/indel filtering.
    caller = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variantcaller")
    call_file = ploidy.filter_vcf_by_sex(call_file, data)
    if caller in ["freebayes"]:
        return vfilter.freebayes(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data)
    elif caller in ["gatk", "gatk-haplotype"]:
        return gatkfilter.run(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data)
    # no additional filtration for callers that filter as part of call process
        return call_file
Example #3
def variant_filtration(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data):
    """Filter variant calls using Variant Quality Score Recalibration.

    Newer GATK with Haplotype calling has combined SNP/indel filtering.
    caller = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variantcaller")
    call_file = ploidy.filter_vcf_by_sex(call_file, data)
    if caller in ["freebayes"]:
        return vfilter.freebayes(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data)
    elif caller in ["gatk", "gatk-haplotype"]:
        return gatkfilter.run(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data)
    # no additional filtration for callers that filter as part of call process
        return call_file
Example #4
def variant_filtration(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, config):
    """Filter variant calls using Variant Quality Score Recalibration.

    Newer GATK with Haplotype calling has combined SNP/indel filtering.
    caller = config["algorithm"].get("variantcaller")
    if caller in ["freebayes"]:
        return vfilter.freebayes(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, config)
    # no additional filtration for callers that filter as part of call process
    elif caller in ["samtools", "varscan"]:
        return call_file
        snp_file, indel_file = vcfutils.split_snps_indels(call_file, ref_file, config)
        snp_filter_file = _variant_filtration_snp(snp_file, ref_file, vrn_files, config)
        indel_filter_file = _variant_filtration_indel(indel_file, ref_file, vrn_files, config)
        orig_files = [snp_filter_file, indel_filter_file]
        out_file = "{base}combined.vcf".format(base=os.path.commonprefix(orig_files))
        return vcfutils.combine_variant_files(orig_files, out_file, ref_file, config)
def variant_filtration(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data, items):
    """Filter variant calls using Variant Quality Score Recalibration.

    Newer GATK with Haplotype calling has combined SNP/indel filtering.
    caller = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variantcaller")
    if "gvcf" not in dd.get_tools_on(data):
        call_file = ploidy.filter_vcf_by_sex(call_file, items)
    if caller in ["freebayes"]:
        return vfilter.freebayes(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data)
    elif caller in ["platypus"]:
        return vfilter.platypus(call_file, data)
    elif caller in ["samtools"]:
        return vfilter.samtools(call_file, data)
    elif caller in ["gatk", "gatk-haplotype", "haplotyper"]:
        if dd.get_analysis(data).lower().find("rna-seq") >= 0:
            from bcbio.rnaseq import variation as rnaseq_variation
            return rnaseq_variation.gatk_filter_rnaseq(call_file, data)
            return gatkfilter.run(call_file, ref_file, vrn_files, data)
    # no additional filtration for callers that filter as part of call process
        return call_file