Example #1
def fetch_worker(request, data_url, job):
    # get location of local data file

        loc = fetch_file(request, data_url)
        # FIXME: have to import here due to circular import
        from pyramid.settings import asbool
        install_to_db = asbool(request.params.get('INSTALL_TO_DB', False))

        # Check the dataset is to be imported to database server
        if install_to_db:
            datadir, filename = os.path.split(loc)
            fname, fext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if fext == '.zip':
                # Check if shape file exists. If so, already unzip.
                with zipfile.ZipFile(loc, 'r') as zipf:

            # Import dataset to postgis server
            schemaname = None
            if DatabaseManager.is_configured():
                # TODO: To support other file type?
                # Check for shape file, then for gdb directories
                dbFiles = [
                    for dbfile in glob.glob(
                        os.path.join(datadir, fname, 'data/*.dbf'))
                if len(dbFiles) == 0:
                    dbFiles = [
                        for dbfile in glob.glob(
                            os.path.join(datadir, fname, 'data/*.gdb.zip'))
                if len(dbFiles) == 0:
                    raise Exception("Unsupported dataset type")

                # Import each df file into database
                metadata = {}
                for dbFilename in dbFiles:
                    dbfname = os.path.basename(dbFilename)

                    # Skip this db file if it has been imported before
                    # if DatabaseManager.get_metadata(filename) is not None:
                    #    continue

                    # Import db file into the database
                    schemaname = fname.replace('.', '_').replace('-',
                    import_into_db(dbFilename, schemaname)

                    # get the layer info as metadata.
                    md = get_dataset_metadata(schemaname, dbFilename)
                    metadata[dbfname] = md
                    # metadata.update(md)

                    # update the metadata stored in DatabaseManager
                    DatabaseManager.update_metadata(dbfname, md)

                # Save the metadata as json file for loading when visualiser
                # start
                jsonfile = open(os.path.join(datadir, "layer_info.json"), 'w')
                json.dump(metadata, jsonfile, indent=4)

    except Exception as e:
        reason = 'Failed to fetch data from {0}. {1}'.format(data_url, str(e))
Example #2
    def add_layer_obj(self, map):
        Create mapserver layer object.

        The raster data for the layer is located at filename, which
        should be an absolute path on the local filesystem.
        # inspect data if we haven't yet
        # create a layer object
        layer = mapscript.layerObj()

        # NAME
        layer.name = "DEFAULT"  # TODO: filename?
        # TYPE
        layer.type = mapscript.MS_LAYER_POLYGON
        # STATUS
        layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON
        # mark layer as queryable
        layer.template = "query"  # anything non null and with length > 0 works here

        # Extract the base table and attribute table from layers in the format below.
        # {base_filename}-{base tablename}.{attrinute_filename}-{attribute tablename}.{column name}
        # i.e.
        # SH_Network.gdb.zip:catchment.stream_attributesv1.1.5.gdb.zip:climate.catannrad
        layers = self.request.params.get('layers', None)
        if layers is None:
            raise Exception("Missing layers parameter")

        layer.name = layers

        # Parse to get filenames and short table names so that we can get the
        # corresponding geometry and attribute tables.
        base_fname, base_table, attr_fname, attr_table, property_name = self.parse_layers(

        if attr_fname is None or attr_table is None or property_name is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid layers '{layer}'".format(layer=layers))

        # get the attribute table and its metadata
        db_attr_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(
            attr_fname, attr_table)
        if db_attr_table is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid 'layers' parameter in request: no such table '{tablename}'".format(

        # Get the corresposning base table, and its id and geometry column
        # names
        db_base_table = None
        common_col = None
        if base_table:
            db_base_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(
                base_fname, base_table)

            # Get the foreign key i.e. the joinable column
            # This is only required for joining tables
            common_col = self.request.params.get('foreignKey', None)
            if common_col is None:
                raise Exception("Missing 'foreignKey' parameter in request")
            db_base_table = db_attr_table

        if db_base_table is None or id_col is None or geom_col is None:
            raise Exception("Missing or invalid table for {layer}".format(
                layer=base_table or attr_table))

        # DATA, in the format of "<column> from <tablename> using unique fid using srid=xxxx"
        # table must have fid and geom
        # table_attribute in the form 'table-name:attrubute1'
        # TODO: Shall we check that the column and table exists??

        # Set extent to improve performance of getting data from DB server
        if extent:
            layer.setExtent(extent['xmin'], extent['ymin'],
                            extent['xmax'], extent['ymax'])

        if DatabaseManager.is_configured():
            # Connection to POSTGIS DB server
            layer.connectiontype = mapscript.MS_POSTGIS
            layer.connection = DatabaseManager.connection_details()

            # To speed up DB performance, simplify geometry for low resolution
            # i.e. <= 300000 pixel per degree.
            resolution, tolerance = self.resolution_tolerance(layer)
            the_geom = 'b.{geomcol}'.format(geomcol=geom_col)
            if resolution <= 300000 and tolerance > 0.001:
                the_geom = "ST_Simplify(b.{geomcol}, {tol}) as {geomcol}".format(
                    geomcol=geom_col, tol=tolerance)

            # Get property as value
            if db_attr_table != db_base_table:
                newtable = "(select a.{colname} as value, b.{idcol}, {geom} from {layer} a join {base} b on a.{ccol} = b.{ccol})".format(
                    colname=property_name, layer=db_attr_table, base=db_base_table, ccol=common_col, idcol=id_col, geom=the_geom)
                newtable = "(select b.{colname} as value, b.{idcol}, {geom} from {base} b)".format(
                    colname=property_name, base=db_base_table, idcol=id_col, geom=the_geom)

            srid = self.request.params.get('SRID', '4326')
            layer.data = "{geom} from {table} as new_layer using unique {idcol} using srid={srid}".format(
                geom=geom_col, table=newtable, idcol=id_col, srid=srid)

            # Defer closing connection

            # TO DO: read from file
            raise Exception("Database server is not configured")

        # PROJECTION ... should we set this properly?
        crs = self._data['crs']
        # set the min and max of the attribute
        self._data['min'], self._data['max'] = self.get_minmax_value(
            property_name, db_attr_table)


        # METADATA
        # TODO: check return value of setMetaData MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE
        layer.setMetaData("gml_types", "auto")
        # Shall be the id column of the base table
        layer.setMetaData("gml_featureid", id_col)
        layer.setMetaData("gml_include_items", "all")  # allow raster queries
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_include_items", "all")
        # projection to serve
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_srs", "EPSG:4326 EPSG:3857")
        # title required for GetCapabilities
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_title", "BCCVL Layer")

        # TODO: metadata
        #       other things like title, author, attribution etc...

        # TODO: if we have a STYLES parameter we should add a STYLES element
        # here
        if not (self.request.params.get('STYLES') or
                'SLD' in self.request.params or
                'SLD_BODY' in self.request.params):
            # set some default style if the user didn't specify any' STYLE

        ret = map.insertLayer(layer)

        sld = self.request.params.get('SLD_BODY')
        sld_url = self.request.params.get('SLD')
        if sld_url:
        elif sld:
        return ret
Example #3
    def add_layer_obj(self, map):
        Create mapserver layer object.

        The raster data for the layer is located at filename, which
        should be an absolute path on the local filesystem.
        # inspect data if we haven't yet
        # create a layer object
        layer = mapscript.layerObj()

        # NAME
        layer.name = "DEFAULT"  # TODO: filename?
        # TYPE
        layer.type = mapscript.MS_LAYER_POLYGON
        # STATUS
        layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON
        # mark layer as queryable
        layer.template = "query"  # anything non null and with length > 0 works here

        # Extract the base table and attribute table from typeNames
        # typeNames = {base_filename}-{base tanlename}.{attribute_filename}-{attribute tablename}
        # i.e. SH_Network.gdb-ahgfcatchment.stream_attributesv1.1.5.gdb-climate_lut
        type_name = self.request.params.get('typeNames', None)
        if type_name is None:
            raise Exception("Missing typeNames")

        # Parse to get filenames and layer names so that we can get the corresponding geometry and attribute tables.
        base_fname, base_table, attr_fname, attr_table = self.parse_typeName(

        if attr_fname is None or attr_table is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid typeNames in request: no such layer '{layer}'".format(

        # set layer name
        layer.name = type_name

        # get the attribute table and its metadata
        db_attr_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(
            attr_fname, attr_table)
        if db_attr_table is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid typeNames in request: no such layer '{layer}'".format(

        # Get the corresposning base table, and its id and geometry column names
        db_base_table = None
        common_col = None
        if base_table:
            db_base_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(
                base_fname, base_table)

            if db_base_table is None or id_col is None or geom_col is None:
                raise Exception(
                    "Missing or invalid base table for {layer}".format(

            # Get the foreign key i.e. the joinable column
            common_col = self.request.params.get('foreignKey', None)
            if common_col is None:
                raise Exception("Missing foreignKey in request")
            db_base_table = db_attr_table

        if extent:
            layer.setExtent(extent['xmin'], extent['ymin'], extent['xmax'],

        # get the feature ids. It must be in the format: {layername}.fid
        featureId = self.request.params.get('featureID', '')
        fidlist = featureId.split(',')
        fid = ','.join([
            for v in fidlist if len(v.split('.')) > 1
        if len(fid) == 0:
            fid = None

        # get the attribute names.
        attributeNames = self.request.params.get('attributes', None)

        # DATA, in the format of "<column> from <tablename> using unique fid using srid=xxxx"
        # table must have fid and geom
        # table_attribute in the form 'table-name:attrubute1'
        if DatabaseManager.is_configured():
            # Connection to POSTGIS DB server
            layer.connectiontype = mapscript.MS_POSTGIS
            layer.connection = DatabaseManager.connection_details()

            if db_attr_table != db_base_table:
                # Get all attributes of the attribute table if not specified
                layer_info = None
                if attributeNames is None:
                    mddata = DatabaseManager.get_metadata(attr_fname)
                    if mddata:
                        layer_info = mddata.get(attr_table, None)

                    if layer_info:
                        fields = [i.lower() for i in layer_info.get('fields')]
                        # Remove the id column and foreign key
                        a_idcol = layer_info.get('id_column')
                        for item in [a_idcol.lower(), common_col.lower()]:
                            if item in fields:
                        attributeNames = ','.join(fields)
                if fid:
                    newtable = "(select b.*, {attributes} from {atable} a join {base} b on a.{ccol} = b.{ccol} and b.{idcol} in ({ids}))".format(
                    newtable = "(select b.*, {attributes} from {atable} a join {base} b on a.{ccol} = b.{ccol})".format(
                if fid:
                    newtable = "(select * from {base} where {idcol} in ({ids}))".format(
                        base=db_base_table, idcol=id_col, ids=fid)
                    newtable = "(select * from {base})".format(

            srid = self.request.params.get('SRID', '4326')
            layer.data = "{geom} from {table} as new_layer using unique {idcol} using srid={srid}".format(
                geom=geom_col, table=newtable, idcol=id_col, srid=srid)

            # Defer closing connection

            # TO DO: read from file
            raise Exception("Database is not configured.")

        # PROJECTION ... should we set this properly?
        crs = self._data['crs']

        # METADATA
        # TODO: check return value of setMetaData MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE
        layer.setMetaData("gml_types", "auto")
                          id_col)  # Shall be the id column of the base table
        layer.setMetaData("gml_include_items", "all")  # allow raster queries
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_include_items", "all")
                          "EPSG:4326 EPSG:3857")  # projection to serve
                          "BCCVL Layer")  # title required for GetCapabilities

        # TODO: metadata
        #       other things like title, author, attribution etc...

        return map.insertLayer(layer)
Example #4
def fetch_worker(request, data_url, job):
    # get location of local data file

        loc = fetch_file(request, data_url)
        # FIXME: have to import here due to circular import
        from pyramid.settings import asbool
        install_to_db = asbool(request.params.get('INSTALL_TO_DB', False))

        # Check the dataset is to be imported to database server
        if install_to_db:
            datadir, filename = os.path.split(loc)
            fname, fext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if fext == '.zip':
                # Check if shape file exists. If so, already unzip.
                with zipfile.ZipFile(loc, 'r') as zipf:

            # Import dataset to postgis server
            schemaname = None
            if DatabaseManager.is_configured():
                # TODO: To support other file type?
                # Check for shape file, then for gdb directories
                dbFiles = [
                    dbfile for dbfile in glob.glob(
                        os.path.join(datadir, fname, 'data/*.dbf'))
                if len(dbFiles) == 0:
                    dbFiles = [
                        dbfile for dbfile in glob.glob(
                            os.path.join(datadir, fname, 'data/*.gdb.zip'))
                if len(dbFiles) == 0:
                    raise Exception("Unsupported dataset type")

                # Import each df file into database
                metadata = {}
                for dbFilename in dbFiles:
                    dbfname = os.path.basename(dbFilename)

                    # Skip this db file if it has been imported before
                    # if DatabaseManager.get_metadata(filename) is not None:
                    #    continue

                    # Import db file into the database
                    schemaname = fname.replace('.', '_').replace('-',
                    import_into_db(dbFilename, schemaname)

                    # get the layer info as metadata.
                    md = get_dataset_metadata(schemaname, dbFilename)
                    metadata[dbfname] = md
                    # metadata.update(md)

                    # update the metadata stored in DatabaseManager
                    DatabaseManager.update_metadata(dbfname, md)

                # Save the metadata as json file for loading when visualiser
                # start
                jsonfile = open(os.path.join(datadir, "layer_info.json"), 'w')
                json.dump(metadata, jsonfile, indent=4)

    except Exception as e:
        reason = 'Failed to fetch data from {0}. {1}'.format(data_url, str(e))
Example #5
    def add_layer_obj(self, map):
        Create mapserver layer object.

        The raster data for the layer is located at filename, which
        should be an absolute path on the local filesystem.
        # inspect data if we haven't yet
        # create a layer object
        layer = mapscript.layerObj()

        # NAME
        layer.name = "DEFAULT"  # TODO: filename?
        # TYPE
        layer.type = mapscript.MS_LAYER_POLYGON
        # STATUS
        layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON
        # mark layer as queryable
        layer.template = "query"  # anything non null and with length > 0 works here

        # Extract the base table and attribute table from layers in the format below.
        # {base_filename}-{base tablename}.{attrinute_filename}-{attribute tablename}.{column name}
        # i.e.
        # SH_Network.gdb.zip:catchment.stream_attributesv1.1.5.gdb.zip:climate.catannrad
        layers = self.request.params.get('layers', None)
        if layers is None:
            raise Exception("Missing layers parameter")

        layer.name = layers

        # Parse to get filenames and short table names so that we can get the
        # corresponding geometry and attribute tables.
        base_fname, base_table, attr_fname, attr_table, property_name = self.parse_layers(

        if attr_fname is None or attr_table is None or property_name is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid layers '{layer}'".format(layer=layers))

        # get the attribute table and its metadata
        db_attr_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(
            attr_fname, attr_table)
        if db_attr_table is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid 'layers' parameter in request: no such table '{tablename}'"

        # Get the corresposning base table, and its id and geometry column
        # names
        db_base_table = None
        common_col = None
        if base_table:
            db_base_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(
                base_fname, base_table)

            # Get the foreign key i.e. the joinable column
            # This is only required for joining tables
            common_col = self.request.params.get('foreignKey', None)
            if common_col is None:
                raise Exception("Missing 'foreignKey' parameter in request")
            db_base_table = db_attr_table

        if db_base_table is None or id_col is None or geom_col is None:
            raise Exception("Missing or invalid table for {layer}".format(
                layer=base_table or attr_table))

        # DATA, in the format of "<column> from <tablename> using unique fid using srid=xxxx"
        # table must have fid and geom
        # table_attribute in the form 'table-name:attrubute1'
        # TODO: Shall we check that the column and table exists??

        # Set extent to improve performance of getting data from DB server
        if extent:
            layer.setExtent(extent['xmin'], extent['ymin'], extent['xmax'],

        if DatabaseManager.is_configured():
            # Connection to POSTGIS DB server
            layer.connectiontype = mapscript.MS_POSTGIS
            layer.connection = DatabaseManager.connection_details()

            # To speed up DB performance, simplify geometry for low resolution
            # i.e. <= 300000 pixel per degree.
            resolution, tolerance = self.resolution_tolerance(layer)
            the_geom = 'b.{geomcol}'.format(geomcol=geom_col)
            if resolution <= 300000 and tolerance > 0.001:
                the_geom = "ST_Simplify(b.{geomcol}, {tol}) as {geomcol}".format(
                    geomcol=geom_col, tol=tolerance)

            # Get property as value
            if db_attr_table != db_base_table:
                newtable = "(select a.{colname} as value, b.{idcol}, {geom} from {layer} a join {base} b on a.{ccol} = b.{ccol})".format(
                newtable = "(select b.{colname} as value, b.{idcol}, {geom} from {base} b)".format(

            srid = self.request.params.get('SRID', '4326')
            layer.data = "{geom} from {table} as new_layer using unique {idcol} using srid={srid}".format(
                geom=geom_col, table=newtable, idcol=id_col, srid=srid)

            # Defer closing connection

            # TO DO: read from file
            raise Exception("Database server is not configured")

        # PROJECTION ... should we set this properly?
        crs = self._data['crs']
        # set the min and max of the attribute
        self._data['min'], self._data['max'] = self.get_minmax_value(
            property_name, db_attr_table)


        # METADATA
        # TODO: check return value of setMetaData MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE
        layer.setMetaData("gml_types", "auto")
        # Shall be the id column of the base table
        layer.setMetaData("gml_featureid", id_col)
        layer.setMetaData("gml_include_items", "all")  # allow raster queries
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_include_items", "all")
        # projection to serve
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_srs", "EPSG:4326 EPSG:3857")
        # title required for GetCapabilities
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_title", "BCCVL Layer")

        # TODO: metadata
        #       other things like title, author, attribution etc...

        # TODO: if we have a STYLES parameter we should add a STYLES element
        # here
        if not (self.request.params.get('STYLES') or 'SLD'
                in self.request.params or 'SLD_BODY' in self.request.params):
            # set some default style if the user didn't specify any' STYLE

        ret = map.insertLayer(layer)

        sld = self.request.params.get('SLD_BODY')
        sld_url = self.request.params.get('SLD')
        if sld_url:
        elif sld:
        return ret
Example #6
    def add_layer_obj(self, map):
        Create mapserver layer object.

        The raster data for the layer is located at filename, which
        should be an absolute path on the local filesystem.
        # inspect data if we haven't yet
        # create a layer object
        layer = mapscript.layerObj()

        # NAME
        layer.name = "DEFAULT"  # TODO: filename?
        # TYPE
        layer.type = mapscript.MS_LAYER_POLYGON
        # STATUS
        layer.status = mapscript.MS_ON
        # mark layer as queryable
        layer.template = "query"  # anything non null and with length > 0 works here

        # Extract the base table and attribute table from typeNames
        # typeNames = {base_filename}-{base tanlename}.{attribute_filename}-{attribute tablename}
        # i.e. SH_Network.gdb-ahgfcatchment.stream_attributesv1.1.5.gdb-climate_lut
        type_name = self.request.params.get("typeNames", None)
        if type_name is None:
            raise Exception("Missing typeNames")

        # Parse to get filenames and layer names so that we can get the corresponding geometry and attribute tables.
        base_fname, base_table, attr_fname, attr_table = self.parse_typeName(type_name)

        if attr_fname is None or attr_table is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid typeNames in request: no such layer '{layer}'".format(layer=attr_table))

        # set layer name
        layer.name = type_name

        # get the attribute table and its metadata
        db_attr_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(attr_fname, attr_table)
        if db_attr_table is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid typeNames in request: no such layer '{layer}'".format(layer=attr_table))

        # Get the corresposning base table, and its id and geometry column names
        db_base_table = None
        common_col = None
        if base_table:
            db_base_table, id_col, geom_col, extent = self.get_table_details(base_fname, base_table)

            if db_base_table is None or id_col is None or geom_col is None:
                raise Exception("Missing or invalid base table for {layer}".format(layer=base_table))

            # Get the foreign key i.e. the joinable column
            common_col = self.request.params.get("foreignKey", None)
            if common_col is None:
                raise Exception("Missing foreignKey in request")
            db_base_table = db_attr_table

        if extent:
            layer.setExtent(extent["xmin"], extent["ymin"], extent["xmax"], extent["ymax"])

        # get the feature ids. It must be in the format: {layername}.fid
        featureId = self.request.params.get("featureID", "")
        fidlist = featureId.split(",")
        fid = ",".join(
            [v.split("{layername}.".format(layername=layer.name))[1] for v in fidlist if len(v.split(".")) > 1]
        if len(fid) == 0:
            fid = None

        # get the attribute names.
        attributeNames = self.request.params.get("attributes", None)

        # DATA, in the format of "<column> from <tablename> using unique fid using srid=xxxx"
        # table must have fid and geom
        # table_attribute in the form 'table-name:attrubute1'
        if DatabaseManager.is_configured():
            # Connection to POSTGIS DB server
            layer.connectiontype = mapscript.MS_POSTGIS
            layer.connection = DatabaseManager.connection_details()

            if db_attr_table != db_base_table:
                # Get all attributes of the attribute table if not specified
                layer_info = None
                if attributeNames is None:
                    mddata = DatabaseManager.get_metadata(attr_fname)
                    if mddata:
                        layer_info = mddata.get(attr_table, None)

                    if layer_info:
                        fields = [i.lower() for i in layer_info.get("fields")]
                        # Remove the id column and foreign key
                        a_idcol = layer_info.get("id_column")
                        for item in [a_idcol.lower(), common_col.lower()]:
                            if item in fields:
                        attributeNames = ",".join(fields)
                if fid:
                    newtable = "(select b.*, {attributes} from {atable} a join {base} b on a.{ccol} = b.{ccol} and b.{idcol} in ({ids}))".format(
                    newtable = "(select b.*, {attributes} from {atable} a join {base} b on a.{ccol} = b.{ccol})".format(
                if fid:
                    newtable = "(select * from {base} where {idcol} in ({ids}))".format(
                        base=db_base_table, idcol=id_col, ids=fid
                    newtable = "(select * from {base})".format(base=db_base_table)

            srid = self.request.params.get("SRID", "4326")
            layer.data = "{geom} from {table} as new_layer using unique {idcol} using srid={srid}".format(
                geom=geom_col, table=newtable, idcol=id_col, srid=srid

            # Defer closing connection

            # TO DO: read from file
            raise Exception("Database is not configured.")

        # PROJECTION ... should we set this properly?
        crs = self._data["crs"]

        # METADATA
        # TODO: check return value of setMetaData MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE
        layer.setMetaData("gml_types", "auto")
        layer.setMetaData("gml_featureid", id_col)  # Shall be the id column of the base table
        layer.setMetaData("gml_include_items", "all")  # allow raster queries
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_include_items", "all")
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_srs", "EPSG:4326 EPSG:3857")  # projection to serve
        layer.setMetaData("wfs_title", "BCCVL Layer")  # title required for GetCapabilities

        # TODO: metadata
        #       other things like title, author, attribution etc...

        return map.insertLayer(layer)