def _load_font(font_path=_DEFAULT_FONT_PATH, spacing=0): """ Returns font from LOADED_FONTS by name; if not loaded, loads it from file """ global _LOADED_FONTS match_font = [font for font in _LOADED_FONTS if font['font_path'] == font_path] if match_font: return match_font[0] else: try: with open(font_path, 'rb') as handle: bdf_font = reader.read_bdf(handle) new_font = { 'font_path': font_path, 'font_obj': bdf_font, 'spacing': spacing } _LOADED_FONTS.append(new_font) return new_font except: print('Font {} failed to load.'.format(font_path)) if _LOADED_FONTS: return _LOADED_FONTS[0] else: return None
def test_ignored_properties(self): """ Certain properties can't be set. These properties include: - FACE_NAME: comes from FONT header. - POINT_SIZE: comes from SIZE header. - RESOLUTION_X: comes from SIZE header. - RESOLUTION_Y: comes from SIZE header. - PIXEL_SIZE: calculated from 3 previous properties. """ bdf_data = ( "STARTFONT 2.1\n" "FONT TestFont\n" "SIZE 1 2 3\n" "FONTBOUNDINGBOX 0 0 0 0\n" "STARTPROPERTIES 5\n" "FACE_NAME \"NotATestFont\"\n" "POINT_SIZE 456\n" "PIXEL_SIZE 789\n" "RESOLUTION_X 012\n" "RESOLUTION_Y 345\n" "ENDPROPERTIES\n" "CHARS 0\n" "ENDFONT\n" ) font = reader.read_bdf(StringIO(bdf_data)) self.failUnlessEqual(font["FACE_NAME"], "TestFont") self.failUnlessEqual("%0.1f" % font["POINT_SIZE"], "1.0") self.failUnlessEqual(font["RESOLUTION_X"], 2) self.failUnlessEqual(font["RESOLUTION_Y"], 3) self.failIf("PIXEL_SIZE" in font)
def c8x8(rom, bdf, *iters): with open(bdf, 'rb') as fp: font = reader.read_bdf(fp) cp = font.codepoints() for c in itertools.chain(*iters): if c in cp: b = common.to_data(font[c], 8, 8) o = 249856 + c * 8 rom[o:(o + len(b))] = b
def read_bdf_file(filename: str) -> Optional[Font]: font = None try: with open(filename, "rb") as f: font = reader.read_bdf(f) except (FileNotFoundError, StopIteration): pass return font
def singlebyte(rom, bdf, *iters): with open(bdf, 'rb') as fp: font = reader.read_bdf(fp) cp = font.codepoints() for c in itertools.chain(*iters): if c in cp: b = common.to_data(font[c], 8, 16) o = 251904 + c * 16 rom[o:(o + len(b))] = b
def jisx0208(rom, bdf): with open(bdf, 'rb') as fp: font = reader.read_bdf(fp) cp = font.codepoints() for c1 in range(0x21, 0x7f): for c2 in range(0x21, 0x7f): c = c1 * 256 + c2 i = krom_index(c1, c2) if c in cp and i is not None: b = common.to_data(font[c], 16, 16) o = i * 32 rom[o:(o + len(b))] = b
def __init__(self, bdf_filename): with open(bdf_filename, 'rb') as f: self.bdf = reader.read_bdf(f) self.codeconv = codeconv(self.bdf[b'CHARSET_REGISTRY'].decode('ascii'), self.bdf[b'CHARSET_ENCODING'].decode('ascii')) self.width = self.bdf[self.bdf[b'DEFAULT_CHAR']].bbW * SCALE + MARGIN * 2 self.ascent = self.bdf[b'FONT_ASCENT'] * SCALE + MARGIN self.descent = -self.bdf[b'FONT_DESCENT'] * SCALE - MARGIN # For some reasons, IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE in jiskan24-2003-1.bdf is not # really a whitespace. Overwrite it. self.bdf[0x2121].data = map(lambda _: 0, self.bdf[0x2121].data)
def extract(filename): """extract bitmap data from bdf font""" from bdflib.reader import read_bdf with open(filename, 'r') as f: bdf = read_bdf(f) # flip both x and y ordering font = [[int(bin(row)[2:].rjust(6, '0')[::-1], 2) for row in bdf[codepoint].data[::-1]] for codepoint in bdf.codepoints()] assert len(set(len(data) for data in font)) == 1 print '\n'.join(' ' * 4 + ' '.join('%2s,' % row for row in data) for data in font)
def getData(): with open("ie9x14u.bdf", "rb") as handle: font = reader.read_bdf(handle) for i, char in enumerate(alphabet): charData.append([]) char = font[ord(char)].get_data() for c in range(0, len(char)): ba = hex_to_binary(char[c]) for j in range(0, len(ba)): charData[i].append(int(ba[j])) charData[i].append(int(0)) while (len(charData[i]) < 126): charData[i].append(0) #charData[i].append() solution = [0] * 26 solution[i] = 1 charSolutions.append(solution)
def test_jis(self): with open('bdf/jiskan24-2003-1.bdf', 'rb') as f: bdf = reader.read_bdf(f) cconv = charset.JIS() single_cp = 0 multi_cp = 0 for cp in bdf.codepoints(): unicode = cconv.unicode(cp) if unicode is None: pass elif len(unicode) == 1: single_cp += 1 else: multi_cp += 1 self.assertEqual(single_cp, 8772) self.assertEqual(multi_cp, 25)
def __init__(self): from bdflib.reader import read_bdf self.fnt = read_bdf(SkipIter(sys.stdin)) sizes = Counter(((glyph.advance, glyph.get_bounding_box()) for glyph in self.fnt.glyphs)) self.advance, = sizes.most_common()[0][0] self.size =[2:] self.codepoints = set(self.fnt.codepoints()) rowWidth, extraBits = divmod(self.size[0], 8) if extraBits > 0: rowWidth += 1 paddingBits = 8 - extraBits else: paddingBits = 0 def get_data_line(value): return "%0*X" % (rowWidth * 2, value << paddingBits) self.get_data_line = get_data_line
def test_fractional_point_size(self): """ We should correctly interpret and store a fractional point size. """ bdf_data = ( "STARTFONT 2.1\n" "FONT TestFont\n" "SIZE 12.2 100 100\n" "FONTBOUNDINGBOX 0 0 0 0\n" "STARTPROPERTIES 5\n" "FACE_NAME \"TestFont\"\n" "FONT_ASCENT 0\n" "FONT_DESCENT 0\n" "RESOLUTION_X 100\n" "RESOLUTION_Y 100\n" "ENDPROPERTIES\n" "CHARS 0\n" "ENDFONT\n" ) font = reader.read_bdf(StringIO(bdf_data)) self.failUnlessEqual("%0.1f" % font["POINT_SIZE"], "12.2")
def setup_font(self): f = open(self.fontpath) content = f.readlines() f.close() self.font = reader.read_bdf(iter(content))
def hex_to_str(num): s = "" for i in range(0, 8): if (num & (0x80 >> i)): s += "X" else: s += "_" return s parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('bdfin') parser.add_argument('hexout') args = parser.parse_args() font = reader.read_bdf(open(args.bdfin, 'rb')) fontbytes = [] for idx in range(0, 256): print("char 0x{:02x} {}".format(idx, idx)) try: glyph = font[idx] except KeyError: print("(undefined in font)") for i in range(0, 8): print(" {},".format(hex_to_str(0xff))) continue (left, bottom, width, height) = glyph.get_bounding_box() reversed_data = []
# get the bits in each line glh = int(gl, 16) bits = bin(glh)[2:] double_bits = [] for bit in bits: # output two bits for each bit in the line double_bits.append(bit) double_bits.append(bit) double_bits = ''.join(double_bits) double_glh = int(double_bits, 2) double_gl = hex(double_glh)[2:].upper() # must 0-pad to two times the length of the original lines double_gl = "0" * (len(gl) * 2 - len(double_gl)) + double_gl # output the line two times ret.append(double_gl) ret.append(double_gl) return ret bdf = reader.read_bdf(sys.stdin) double_bdf = model.Font(bdf['FACE_NAME'], bdf['POINT_SIZE'], bdf['RESOLUTION_X'], bdf['RESOLUTION_Y']) for g in bdf.glyphs_by_codepoint.values(): double_bdf.new_glyph_from_data(, double_glyph_data(g.get_data()), g.bbX * 2, g.bbY * 2, g.bbW * 2, g.bbH * 2, g.advance * 2, g.codepoint) writer.write_bdf(double_bdf, sys.stdout)
def __init__(self, fontfilename): self.bdffont = reader.read_bdf(open(fontfilename, 'rb'))
def OpenBDF(path): with open(path, "rb") as handle: return reader.read_bdf(handle)
if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write ("usage: %s fontfile.bdf\n" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit (1) fname = sys.argv [1] rx = (r"^(.*)\.[Bb][Dd][Ff]$", fname) if not rx: sys.stderr.write ("filename '%s' does not looks as bdf-file\n" % fname) sys.exit (1) name = (1) outname = name + ".png" metaname = name + ".meta" print "load font from file %s" % fname font = reader.read_bdf (file (fname, "rt")) if colored: if big_palette: print "create palette" palette = [(0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00),] for r in nums: for g in nums: for b in nums: palette.append((r, g, b, 0xFF)) else: palette = [(0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00), (0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF), (0x00,0x00,0x7F,0xFF), (0x00,0x7F,0x00,0xFF), (0x00,0x7F,0x7F,0xFF),
def _translate(data, dxdy): dx, dy = dxdy if dx > 0: data = [row >> dx for row in data] if dx < 0: data = [row << -dx for row in data] if dy > 0: dy -= len(data) if dy < 0: data = data[-dy:] + data[:-dy] return data if __name__ == '__main__': with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: bdf = reader.read_bdf(f) out = model.Font('vertical', bdf['POINT_SIZE'], bdf['RESOLUTION_X'], bdf['RESOLUTION_Y']) for cp in bdf.codepoints(): vg = vertical_glyph(bdf[cp]) if vg is None: continue out.glyphs.append(vg) out.glyphs_by_codepoint[cp] = vg writer.write_bdf(out, sys.stdout)
def hex_to_str(num): s = "" for i in range(0, 8): if (num & (0x80 >> i)): s += "X" else: s += "_" return s print("// allow human readable font files") for i in range(256): print("#define {} 0x{:02x}".format(hex_to_str(i), i)) with open("cpufont", "rb") as f: font = reader.read_bdf(f) print("static const unsigned char __font_bitmap__[] = {") for idx in range(0, 256): print("// char 0x{:02x} {}".format(idx, idx)) try: glyph = font[idx] except KeyError: print("// (undefined in font)") for i in range(0, 8): print(" {},".format(hex_to_str(0xff))) continue (left, bottom, width, height) = glyph.get_bounding_box() reversed_data = []
def read_bdf_font(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as handle: font = reader.read_bdf(handle) return font
def test_basic_operation(self): testFontData = StringIO(SAMPLE_FONT) testFont = reader.read_bdf(testFontData) self._check_font(testFont)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # font download fontname = sys.argv[1] filename = "%s.bdf" % fontname if not os.path.isfile(filename): response = urllib.urlopen( '' % filename) src_bdf = else: with open(filename, 'r') as bdf_file: src_bdf = src_bdf.close() font = reader.read_bdf(iter(src_bdf.splitlines())) def asc(s): return ord(s.decode('utf-8').encode('iso-8859-1')) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy one glyph over another def replace(t, f): fr = font[asc(f)] to = font[asc(t)] #font.glyphs_by_codepoint[to] = font.glyphs_by_codepoint[fr] =
mode = sys.argv[2] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # font download fontname = sys.argv[1] filename = "%s.bdf" % fontname if not os.path.isfile(filename): response = urllib.urlopen('' % filename) src_bdf = else: with open(filename, 'r') as bdf_file: src_bdf.close() font = reader.read_bdf(iter(src_bdf.splitlines())) def asc(s): return ord(s.decode('utf-8').encode('iso-8859-1')) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy one glyph over another def replace(t, f): fr = font[asc(f)] to = font[asc(t)] #font.glyphs_by_codepoint[to] = font.glyphs_by_codepoint[fr] = to.bbX = fr.bbX to.bbY = fr.bbY to.bbW = fr.bbW
from curses import color_content from bdflib import reader from setup import matrix, settings from rgbmatrix import graphics import time import numpy as np with open('./fonts/tom-thumb.bdf', 'rb') as filehandle: font = reader.read_bdf(filehandle) color_matrix = np.ndarray((matrix.width, matrix.height, 3), dtype=int) # Creates a linear color gradient def create_color_grad(cm, start_color, end_color): # Initially this is assuming moving from the far left of the grid to the right. Angles will be added later width, height, _ = cm.shape cm_copy = np.copy(cm) for i in range(width): new_color = ((end_color - start_color) * (i / width) + start_color).astype(int) cm_copy[i, :] = new_color return cm_copy def draw_glyph(canvas, x, y, cm, font, glyph): for i, row in enumerate(glyph.iter_pixels()): for j, pixel, in enumerate(row): pixel_x = x + j
def _load_bdf_font(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: font = bdfreader.read_bdf(f) #ascent, descent = font[b'FONT_ASCENT'], font[b'FONT_DESCENT'] for glyph in font.glyphs(): bitmap = glyph.bitmap
def cjkFont(): from bdflib import reader as bdfreader with open(os.path.join(HERE, "wqy-bitmapsong/wenquanyi_9pt.bdf"), "rb") as f: return bdfreader.read_bdf(f)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from bdflib import reader from sys import argv import struct if len(argv) != 3: print("usage: <input> <output>") exit(-1) with open(argv[1], "rb") as handle: font = reader.read_bdf(handle) # this part sucks. bdflib doesn't provide this information height = 0 width = 0 with open(argv[1], "rb") as handle: for line in handle: if line.startswith(b"FONTBOUNDINGBOX"): parts = line.split(b" ") height = int(parts[2]) width = int(parts[2]) MAGIC = 0x464f4e54 cmap = struct.pack("") dmap = struct.pack("") count = len(font.codepoints()) i = 0 for cp in font.codepoints():
def cjk_font() -> Font: with open(os.path.join(HERE, "wqy-bitmapsong/wenquanyi_9pt.bdf"), "rb") as f: return bdfreader.read_bdf(f)
def read_bdf_font(font_filename): font_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0] / font_filename with"rb") as f: return reader.read_bdf(f)
def load_font(self, path): logging.debug('loading font {}'.format(path)) with open(path, 'rb') as filehandle: font = reader.read_bdf(filehandle) return font
import sys import fontTables import re import subprocess from bdflib import reader as bdfreader HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__) try: to_unicode = unicode except NameError: to_unicode = str with open(os.path.join(HERE, "wqy-bitmapsong/wenquanyi_9pt.bdf"), "rb") as handle: cjkFont = bdfreader.read_bdf(handle) def log(message): print(message, file=sys.stdout) # Loading a single JSON file def loadJson(fileName, skipFirstLine): with, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: if skipFirstLine: f.readline() obj = json.loads( return obj