def __init__(self, designerFile, name, path, ZA, yi, halflife=None, bdflsFile=None): """In general, this routine should be used indirectly via ) or endlZA.addFile( ) and not called directly, unless you know what you are doing.""" if (bdflsFile == None): bdflsFile = bdfls.getDefaultBdfls() self.bdflsFile = bdflsFile self.designerFile = designerFile = name self.path = path self.ZA = ZA self.yiTags = endlmisc.incidentParticleTags(yi) self.yi = self.yiTags[0] self.yo = int(name[2:4]) self.C = int(name[5:7]) self.I = int(name[8:11]) self.S = int(name[12:15]) self.mode = endlmisc.getmodestring_(self.I, "endlFile.__init__") self.halflife = halflife # Added so uses can input for natural ZA because the halflife is not in the bdfls file. self.levels = []
def possibleReactions( projectile, target, energy_MeV, maxProducts = 4, bdflsFile = None ) : """This function returns a list of all reactions for the projectile with kinetic energy energy_MeV hitting the stationary target that are allowed by the amount of energy_MeV available in the center-of-mass and a reaction's Q. Reactions considered will only contain products of n_1, H_1, H_2, H_3, He_3, He_4 and a residual. The reactions considered are also limited to the number of outgoing products, not including the residual, being no greater than maxProducts.""" if( bdflsFile is None ) : import bdfls bdflsFile = bdfls.getDefaultBdfls( ) import endlmisc projectile_ = endlmisc.incidentParticleTags( projectile ) projectiles = [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1001, 0 ], [ 1002, 0 ], [ 1003, 0 ], [ 2003, 0 ], [ 2004, 0 ] ] nProjectiles = len( projectiles ) if( not ( 0 < projectile_[0] <= nProjectiles ) and projectile != 7 ) : raise Exception( '%s is an unsupported projectile' % projectile ) projectileZA = yoToZA( projectile_[0] ) incidentZA = projectileZA + target if projectile != 7: for p in projectiles : p[1] = bdflsFile.mass( p[0] ) if( p[0] == projectileZA ) : projectileMass = p[1] else: projectileMass = 0.0 targetMass = bdflsFile.mass( target ) incidentMass = projectileMass + targetMass kineticMass = energy_MeV / bdflsFile.constant( 4 ) if( kineticMass < 1e-6 * projectileMass ) : # Use non-relativity incidentMass += targetMass * kineticMass / incidentMass else : # Need relativity incidentMass = math.sqrt( incidentMass * incidentMass + 2. * kineticMass * targetMass ) reactions = [] def possibleReactions2( currentZA, products, productMass, level ) : if( level > maxProducts ) : return for ZA, mass in projectiles : residualZA = currentZA - ZA if( residualZA < ZA ) : break Z, A = ZandAFromZA( residualZA ) if( A < Z ) : continue newProducts = products + [ ZA ] newProductMass = productMass + mass if( not( 1 < residualZA < 1001 ) ) : residualMass = bdflsFile.mass( residualZA ) if( residualMass is not None ) : if( incidentMass >= ( residualMass + newProductMass ) ) : reactions.append( newProducts + [ residualZA ] ) possibleReactions2( residualZA, newProducts, newProductMass, level + 1 ) possibleReactions2( incidentZA, [], 0., 1 ) return( reactions )
def reactionThreshold( yi, ZA, C, targetELevel = 0., residualELevel = 0., Q = None, specialCases = 0, S = None, bdflsFile = None ) : """Returns the threshold for this reaction. targetELevel is the excited state of the target and residualELevel is the excited state of the residual.""" if( bdflsFile is None ) : import bdfls bdflsFile = bdfls.getDefaultBdfls( ) QRequired = False if( AFromZA( ZA ) == 0 ) : # User must enter Q QRequired = True elif( 99120 <= ZA <= 99200 ) : # User must enter Q QRequired = True elif( C == 1 ) : raise Exception( 'Error from reactionThreshold: cannot calculate threshold for C = 1 reaction' ) elif( C == 5 ) : raise Exception( 'Error from reactionThreshold: cannot calculate threshold for C = 5 reaction' ) elif( C == 15 ) : # User must enter Q QRequired = True elif( C >= 50 ) : # User must enter Q QRequired = True else : C_ = C if( S == 1 ) : yos = endl_C.endl_C_yoInfo( C ) if( len( yos ) > 1 ) : # Attempt to handle breakup of residual properly (e.g., n + C12 --> n + (C12' -> 3a )). yo = yos[:1] CList = endl_C.endl_C_CList( ) for Cp in CList : if( yo == endl_C.endl_C_yoInfo( Cp ) ) : C_ = Cp break Q = reactionQ( yi, ZA, C_, specialCases = specialCases, bdflsFile = bdflsFile ) if( QRequired and ( Q is None ) ) : raise Exception( 'Error from reactionThreshold: user must supply Q for requested ZA = %s or C = %d' % ( `ZA`, C ) ) Threshold = -Q - targetELevel + residualELevel if( Threshold < 0. ) : Threshold = 0. r = 1. + bdflsFile.mass( yi ) / bdflsFile.mass( ZA ) Threshold *= r return( Threshold )
def reactionQByZAs( incomingZAs, outgoingZAs, bdflsFile = None ) : """Returns the Q in MeV for the reaction, that is, the (sum of incoming masses) - (sum of outgoing mass) in MeV. Returns None if at least one of the masses is unknown.""" if( bdflsFile is None ) : import bdfls bdflsFile = bdfls.getDefaultBdfls( ) ZAMultiplicities = {} for ZA in incomingZAs : if( ZA < 1000 ) : ZA = yoToZA_forNuclei( ZA ) if( ZA not in ZAMultiplicities ) : ZAMultiplicities[ZA] = 0 ZAMultiplicities[ZA] += 1 for ZA in outgoingZAs : if( ZA < 1000 ) : ZA = yoToZA_forNuclei( ZA ) if( ZA not in ZAMultiplicities ) : ZAMultiplicities[ZA] = 0 ZAMultiplicities[ZA] -= 1 mass = 0. ZAs = ZAMultiplicities.keys( ) ZAs.sort( ) for ZA in ZAs : m = bdflsFile.mass( ZA ) if( m is None ) : return( None ) mass += m * ZAMultiplicities[ZA] return( mass * bdflsFile.constant( 4 ) )
def residualZA_yos_Q( yi_, ZA_, C, targetELevel = 0., X4 = 0, specialCases = 1, printQWarning = True, bdflsFile = None ) : """Returns a tuple containing the residual ZA', yos and Q for reaction of type C involving incident particle yi and target ZA. yos is a list. For example, the reation, ZA + yi -> ZA' + yo_1 + yo_2 + ... + yo_n + Q, would return ( ZA', [ yo_1, yo_2, ..., yo_n ], Q ).""" if( bdflsFile is None ) : import bdfls bdflsFile = bdfls.getDefaultBdfls( ) import endlmisc ZA, Suffix = endlmisc.intZASuffix( ZA_ ) if( ( ( ZA % 1000 ) / 100 ) > 7 ) : ZA = ZA % 100 + 1000 * ( ZA / 1000 ) yi = endlmisc.incidentParticleTags( yi_ )[0] if( ( ( yi == 3 ) and ( ZA == 1003 ) and ( C == 30 ) ) or # Added kludge to handle t(d,g n)He reaction. ( ( yi == 4 ) and ( ZA == 1002 ) and ( C == 30 ) ) ) : yos = [ 7, 1 ] else : yos = endl_C.endl_C_yoInfo( C ) if ( yos is None ) or ( yos == () ) : return (None, ( ), None) # No such C-value or C-value does is not a reaction (e.g., C=1). if ( yos[0] == -1 ) : return ( ZA, ( yi, ), None ) # yo unknown. if ( yos[0] == -2 ) : return ( ZA, ( yi, ), 0. ) # yo = yi. if ( yos[0] == -3 ) : return ( None, ( -3, ), None ) # Fission if ( yos[0] == -4 ) : return ( None, ( -4, yos[1] ), None ) # Xyo if ( ZA >= 99000 ) and ( ZA <= 99200 ) : return( None, yos, None ) Zr, Ar = ZandAFromZA( ZA ) Z_A = ZandAFromZA( yoToZA_forNuclei( ZAToYo( yi ) ) ) # yi's Z and A. Zr += Z_A[0] if( Ar != 0 ) : Ar += Z_A[1] ZAr = ZA + yoToZA_forNuclei( ZAToYo( yi ) ) # Add yi's ZA to ZAr. for yo in yos : # Subtract yos' Z, A and ZA from ZAr. if( yo in [ 7, 8, 9 ] ) : continue yo_ = yo if ( yo < 1001 ) : yo_ = yoToZA_forNuclei( yo ) Z_A = ZandAFromZA( yo_ ) Zr -= Z_A[0] if( Ar != 0 ) : Ar -= Z_A[1] ZAr -= yo_ if( Zr < 0 ) : # Check all ok. raise Exception( "\nError in residualZA_yos_Q: bad C-value = %d for ZA = %d and yi = %d" % ( C, ZA, yi ) ) if( specialCases and ( ZAr == 4008 ) ) : # Special case for Be8 -> 2 He (e.g., n + Be9 -> 2 n + (Be8 -> 2 He)). yos = yos + ( 2004, ) Zr, Ar, ZAr = 2, 4, 2004 if( Ar < 0 ) : Ar = 0 if( Ar == 0 ) : return( 1000 * Zr, yos, None ) Remove_yi = True yos_ = [] for yo in yos : # To make math better, do not add and then subtract when yo = yi. try : yo_ = ZAToYo( yo ) except : yo_ = yo if( Remove_yi and ( yo_ == yi ) ) : Remove_yi = False else : if ( yo != 0 ) : yos_.append( yo ) if ( ZAr == ZA ) : ZAyos = 0 for yo in yos : if( yo < 1000 ) : ZAyos += yoToZA_forNuclei( yo ) else : ZAyos += yo q = bdflsFile.mass( yi ) for yo in yos : q -= bdflsFile.mass( yo ) if ( len( yos_ ) == 0 ) or ( ZAyos == yoToZA_forNuclei( yi ) ) : q = ( bdflsFile.constant( 4 ) * q ) q += targetELevel - X4 return ( ZAr, yos, q ) endlmisc.printWarning( "Printing yo list") for yo in yos_ : endlmisc.printWarning( `yo` ) endlmisc.printWarning( "\n" ) raise Exception( "Error in residualZA_yos_Q: ZAr == ZA, but yo list not empty" ) q = 0. if( Remove_yi ) : q += bdflsFile.mass( yi ) for yo in yos_ : q -= bdflsFile.mass( yo ) ZAm = bdflsFile.mass( ZA ) if ( ZAm is None ) : if( printQWarning ) : endlmisc.printWarning( "Warning in residualZA_yos_Q: target ZA = %d not in bdfls file (yi = %d, ZA = %d, C = %d)" % \ ( ZA, yi, ZA, C ) ) q = None else : m = bdflsFile.mass( ZAr ) # Mass of residual. if ( m is None ) : if( printQWarning ) : endlmisc.printWarning( "Warning in residualZA_yos_Q: could not calculate Q as residual ZA = %d" % ZAr + " not in bdfls file (yi = %d, ZA = %d, C = %d)" % ( yi, ZA, C ) ) q = None else : q += bdflsFile.mass( ZA ) - m q *= bdflsFile.constant( 4 ) # Convert AMU to MeVs. if q is not None : q += targetELevel - X4 return ( ZAr, yos, q )
def processTDF_Reaction(target, C, S=None, X1=None, X2=None, X3=None, X4=None, Q=None, outputFile='tdfgen.out', workDir=None, bdflsFile=None): if (bdflsFile is None): bdflsFile = bdfls.getDefaultBdfls() AMUToMeV = bdflsFile.constant(4) xsec = target.findData(C=C, I=0, S=S, X1=X1, X2=X2, X3=X3, X4=X4, Q=Q) residualZA, yos, Q = endl2.residualZA_yos_Q(target.yi, target.ZA, C, bdflsFile=bdflsFile) projectileMass = bdflsFile.mass(target.yi) targetMass = bdflsFile.mass(target.ZA) yi = endl2.ZAToYo(target.yi) yiZA = endl2.yoToZA(yi) yiZ, yiA = endl2.ZandAFromZA(yiZA) ZA = target.ZA # ZAZA = endl2.yoToZA( ZA ) ZAZA = ZA ZAZ, ZAA = endl2.ZandAFromZA(ZAZA) if (projectileMass > targetMass): reaction = '%s%d__%s%d_' % (endl_Z.endl_ZSymbol(yiZ), yiA, endl_Z.endl_ZSymbol(ZAZ), ZAA) else: reaction = '%s%d__%s%d_' % (endl_Z.endl_ZSymbol(ZAZ), ZAA, endl_Z.endl_ZSymbol(yiZ), yiA) outGoing = [] print yos for yo in yos: if (yo < 1000): outGoing.append([endl2.yoToZA(yo)]) else: outGoing.append([yo]) outGoing.append([residualZA]) for i in outGoing: iZA = i[0] i.insert(0, bdflsFile.mass(iZA)) Z, A = endl2.ZandAFromZA(iZA) i.append(Z) i.append(A) outGoing.sort() s = '' for mass, iZA, Z, A in outGoing: reaction += '%s%s%d' % (s, endl_Z.endl_ZSymbol(Z), A) s = '__' outputStr = ['## Fudge generated data for tdfgen version:0.9.9'] outputStr.append('## Data generated from:fudge') outputStr.append('') outputStr.append('## Reaction:%s' % reaction) outputStr.append('') outputStr.append('# Masses of particles in MeV.') outputStr.append('## Mass of projectile:%.12e' % (projectileMass * AMUToMeV)) outputStr.append('## Mass of target:%.12e' % (targetMass * AMUToMeV)) outputStr.append('') outputStr.append('## Number of final particles:%d' % len(outGoing)) for mass, iZA, Z, A in outGoing: outputStr.append('## %.12e' % (mass * AMUToMeV)) outputStr.append('') outputStr.append('## Lab of CM frame:Lab') outputStr.append('## Number of data points:%d' % len(xsec)) outputStr.append('# E(MeV) Sigma( barn )') outputStr.append('#------------------------') outputStr.append(xsec.toString()) outputStr = '\n'.join(outputStr) inputFile = fudgeFileMisc.fudgeTempFile(dir=workDir) inputFile.write(outputStr) inputName = inputFile.getName() print inputName os.system('./tdfgen -i %s -o %s' % (inputFile.getName(), outputFile))
def __init__(self, f, I_, yo, C, I, S, h, points, i0=0, i1=1, i2=None, i3=None, bdflsFile=None): """For internal use only.""" if (I != I_): raise Exception("\nError in endlI%d.__init__: I = %d != %d" % (I_, I, I_)) if (bdflsFile == None): bdflsFile = bdfls.getDefaultBdfls() self.bdflsFile = bdflsFile self.columns = endlmisc.getNumberOfColumns_(I, "endlNd.__init__") self.yo = yo self.C = C self.I = I self.S = S self.format = 12 if (f == None): # Designer data. self.h = copy.deepcopy(h) data = points self.designerData = 1 elif (type(f) == file ): # Otherwise, data must be in an endl formatted file. self.h = [f.readline(), ""] if (self.h[0] == ""): return self.h[1] = f.readline() if (self.h[1] == ""): raise Exception( "\nError in endlNd.__init__: end-of-file while reading from %s" % data = readNdEndlData(f, i0, i1, i2, i3) # File data. self.designerData = 0 else: raise Exception( "\nError from endlNd.__init__: invalid type = %s for f" % type(f)) if (not ((self.h[0] == "\n") and (C == 1) and (I == 0))): if (self.yo != int(self.h[0][9:12])): raise Exception( "\nError in endlNd.__init__: yo in header differs from requested yo\n" + ` self.h `) if (self.C != int(self.h[1][:2])): raise Exception( "\nError in endlNd.__init__: C in header differs from requested C\n" + ` self.h `) if (self.I != int(self.h[1][2:5])): raise Exception( "\nError in endlNd.__init__: I in header differs from requested I\n" + ` self.h `) if (self.S != int(self.h[1][5:8])): raise Exception( "\nError in endlNd.__init__: S in header differs from requested S\n" + ` self.h `) try: self.ZA = int(self.h[0][:6]) self.yi = int(self.h[0][6:9]) self.Mass = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[0], 13, "endlNd.__init__") if (self.h[0][31] == ' '): self.ENDLInterpolation = 0 else: self.ENDLInterpolation = int(self.h[0][31]) self.format = int(self.h[0][32:34]) self.ELevel = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[0], 35, "endlNd.__init__") self.Halflife = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[0], 47, "endlNd.__init__") self.Temperature = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[0], 59, "endlNd.__init__") self.Q = 0. except: endlmisc.printWarning(self.h[0]) endlmisc.printWarning(self.h[1]) raise if (len(self.h[1]) >= 20): self.Q = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[1], 9, "endlNd.__init__") self.X1 = 0. if (len(self.h[1]) >= 32): self.X1 = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[1], 21, "endlNd.__init__") self.X2 = 0. if (len(self.h[1]) >= 44): self.X2 = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[1], 33, "endlNd.__init__") self.X3 = 0. if (len(self.h[1]) >= 56): self.X3 = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[1], 45, "endlNd.__init__") self.X4 = 0. if (len(self.h[1]) >= 68): self.X4 = endlmisc.headerString2FunkyDouble( self.h[1], 57, "endlNd.__init__") else: if (not (self.designerData)): endlmisc.printWarning( "Warning: using old style C = 1, I = 0 header file") self.ZA = None self.yi = None self.yo = 0 self.C = 1 self.I = 0 self.S = 0 self.Mass = None self.ENDLInterpolation = 0 self.ELevel = None self.Halflife = None self.Temperature = None self.Q = 0. self.X1 = 0. self.X2 = 0. self.X3 = 0. self.X4 = 0. self.set(data, checkDataType=0, interpolation=endlmisc.endlToFudgeInterpolation( self.ENDLInterpolation))