Example #1
def findrenames(repo, added=None, removed=None, threshold=0.5):
    '''find renamed files -- yields (before, after, score) tuples'''
    if added is None or removed is None:
        added, removed = repo.status()[1:3]
    ctx = repo.changectx()
    for a in added:
        aa = repo.wread(a)
        bestname, bestscore = None, threshold
        for r in removed:
            rr = ctx.filectx(r).data()

            # bdiff.blocks() returns blocks of matching lines
            # count the number of bytes in each
            equal = 0
            alines = mdiff.splitnewlines(aa)
            matches = bdiff.blocks(aa, rr)
            for x1, x2, y1, y2 in matches:
                for line in alines[x1:x2]:
                    equal += len(line)

            lengths = len(aa) + len(rr)
            if lengths:
                myscore = equal * 2.0 / lengths
                if myscore >= bestscore:
                    bestname, bestscore = r, myscore
        if bestname:
            yield bestname, a, bestscore
Example #2
def findrenames(repo, added=None, removed=None, threshold=0.5):
    '''find renamed files -- yields (before, after, score) tuples'''
    if added is None or removed is None:
        added, removed = repo.status()[1:3]
    ctx = repo.changectx()
    for a in added:
        aa = repo.wread(a)
        bestname, bestscore = None, threshold
        for r in removed:
            rr = ctx.filectx(r).data()

            # bdiff.blocks() returns blocks of matching lines
            # count the number of bytes in each
            equal = 0
            alines = mdiff.splitnewlines(aa)
            matches = bdiff.blocks(aa, rr)
            for x1,x2,y1,y2 in matches:
                for line in alines[x1:x2]:
                    equal += len(line)

            lengths = len(aa) + len(rr)
            if lengths:
                myscore = equal*2.0 / lengths
                if myscore >= bestscore:
                    bestname, bestscore = r, myscore
        if bestname:
            yield bestname, a, bestscore
Example #3
        def score(text):
            orig, lines = data()
            # bdiff.blocks() returns blocks of matching lines
            # count the number of bytes in each
            equal = 0
            matches = bdiff.blocks(text, orig)
            for x1, x2, y1, y2 in matches:
                for line in lines[y1:y2]:
                    equal += len(line)

            lengths = len(text) + len(orig)
            return equal * 2.0 / lengths
Example #4
        def score(text):
            orig, lines = data()
            # bdiff.blocks() returns blocks of matching lines
            # count the number of bytes in each
            equal = 0
            matches = bdiff.blocks(text, orig)
            for x1, x2, y1, y2 in matches:
                for line in lines[y1:y2]:
                    equal += len(line)

            lengths = len(text) + len(orig)
            return equal * 2.0 / lengths
Example #5
        def score(text):
            if not len(text):
                return 0.0
            if not fctx.cmp(text):
                return 1.0
            if threshold == 1.0:
                return 0.0
            orig = fctx.data()
            # bdiff.blocks() returns blocks of matching lines
            # count the number of bytes in each
            equal = 0
            alines = mdiff.splitnewlines(text)
            matches = bdiff.blocks(text, orig)
            for x1, x2, y1, y2 in matches:
                for line in alines[x1:x2]:
                    equal += len(line)

            lengths = len(text) + len(orig)
            return equal * 2.0 / lengths
Example #6
        def score(text):
            if not len(text):
                return 0.0
            if not fctx.cmp(text):
                return 1.0
            if threshold == 1.0:
                return 0.0
            orig = fctx.data()
            # bdiff.blocks() returns blocks of matching lines
            # count the number of bytes in each
            equal = 0
            alines = mdiff.splitnewlines(text)
            matches = bdiff.blocks(text, orig)
            for x1, x2, y1, y2 in matches:
                for line in alines[x1:x2]:
                    equal += len(line)

            lengths = len(text) + len(orig)
            return equal * 2.0 / lengths
Example #7
def allblocks(text1, text2, opts=None, lines1=None, lines2=None, refine=False):
    """Return (block, type) tuples, where block is an mdiff.blocks
    line entry. type is '=' for blocks matching exactly one another
    (bdiff blocks), '!' for non-matching blocks and '~' for blocks
    matching only after having filtered blank lines. If refine is True,
    then '~' blocks are refined and are only made of blank lines.
    line1 and line2 are text1 and text2 split with splitnewlines() if
    they are already available.
    if opts is None:
        opts = defaultopts
    if opts.ignorews or opts.ignorewsamount:
        text1 = wsclean(opts, text1, False)
        text2 = wsclean(opts, text2, False)
    diff = bdiff.blocks(text1, text2)
    for i, s1 in enumerate(diff):
        # The first match is special.
        # we've either found a match starting at line 0 or a match later
        # in the file.  If it starts later, old and new below will both be
        # empty and we'll continue to the next match.
        if i > 0:
            s = diff[i - 1]
            s = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        s = [s[1], s1[0], s[3], s1[2]]

        # bdiff sometimes gives huge matches past eof, this check eats them,
        # and deals with the special first match case described above
        if s[0] != s[1] or s[2] != s[3]:
            type = '!'
            if opts.ignoreblanklines:
                if lines1 is None:
                    lines1 = splitnewlines(text1)
                if lines2 is None:
                    lines2 = splitnewlines(text2)
                old = wsclean(opts, "".join(lines1[s[0]:s[1]]))
                new = wsclean(opts, "".join(lines2[s[2]:s[3]]))
                if old == new:
                    type = '~'
            yield s, type
        yield s1, '='
 def pair(parent, child):
     for a1, a2, b1, b2 in bdiff.blocks(parent[1], child[1]):
         child[0][b1:b2] = parent[0][a1:a2]
     return child
Example #9
def get_matching_blocks(a, b):
    return [(d[0], d[2], d[1] - d[0]) for d in bdiff.blocks(a, b)]
Example #10
def bunidiff(t1, t2, l1, l2, header1, header2, opts=defaultopts):
    def contextend(l, len):
        ret = l + opts.context
        if ret > len:
            ret = len
        return ret

    def contextstart(l):
        ret = l - opts.context
        if ret < 0:
            return 0
        return ret

    def yieldhunk(hunk, header):
        if header:
            for x in header:
                yield x
        (astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta) = hunk
        aend = contextend(a2, len(l1))
        alen = aend - astart
        blen = b2 - bstart + aend - a2

        func = ""
        if opts.showfunc:
            # walk backwards from the start of the context
            # to find a line starting with an alphanumeric char.
            for x in xrange(astart - 1, -1, -1):
                t = l1[x].rstrip()
                if funcre.match(t):
                    func = ' ' + t[:40]

        yield "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s\n" % (astart + 1, alen,
                                           bstart + 1, blen, func)
        for x in delta:
            yield x
        for x in xrange(a2, aend):
            yield ' ' + l1[x]

    header = ["--- %s\t\n" % header1, "+++ %s\t\n" % header2]

    if opts.showfunc:
        funcre = re.compile('\w')

    # bdiff.blocks gives us the matching sequences in the files.  The loop
    # below finds the spaces between those matching sequences and translates
    # them into diff output.
    if opts.ignorews or opts.ignorewsamount:
        t1 = wsclean(opts, t1, False)
        t2 = wsclean(opts, t2, False)

    diff = bdiff.blocks(t1, t2)
    hunk = None
    for i, s1 in enumerate(diff):
        # The first match is special.
        # we've either found a match starting at line 0 or a match later
        # in the file.  If it starts later, old and new below will both be
        # empty and we'll continue to the next match.
        if i > 0:
            s = diff[i - 1]
            s = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        delta = []
        a1 = s[1]
        a2 = s1[0]
        b1 = s[3]
        b2 = s1[2]

        old = l1[a1:a2]
        new = l2[b1:b2]

        # bdiff sometimes gives huge matches past eof, this check eats them,
        # and deals with the special first match case described above
        if not old and not new:

        if opts.ignoreblanklines:
            if wsclean(opts, "".join(old)) == wsclean(opts, "".join(new)):

        astart = contextstart(a1)
        bstart = contextstart(b1)
        prev = None
        if hunk:
            # join with the previous hunk if it falls inside the context
            if astart < hunk[1] + opts.context + 1:
                prev = hunk
                astart = hunk[1]
                bstart = hunk[3]
                for x in yieldhunk(hunk, header):
                    yield x
                # we only want to yield the header if the files differ, and
                # we only want to yield it once.
                header = None
        if prev:
            # we've joined the previous hunk, record the new ending points.
            hunk[1] = a2
            hunk[3] = b2
            delta = hunk[4]
            # create a new hunk
            hunk = [astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta]

        delta[len(delta):] = [' ' + x for x in l1[astart:a1]]
        delta[len(delta):] = ['-' + x for x in old]
        delta[len(delta):] = ['+' + x for x in new]

    if hunk:
        for x in yieldhunk(hunk, header):
            yield x
Example #11
def get_matching_blocks(a, b):
    return [(d[0], d[2], d[1] - d[0]) for d in bdiff.blocks(a, b)]
Example #12
def _unidiff(t1, t2, l1, l2, opts=defaultopts):
    def contextend(l, len):
        ret = l + opts.context
        if ret > len:
            ret = len
        return ret

    def contextstart(l):
        ret = l - opts.context
        if ret < 0:
            return 0
        return ret

    def yieldhunk(hunk):
        (astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta) = hunk
        aend = contextend(a2, len(l1))
        alen = aend - astart
        blen = b2 - bstart + aend - a2

        func = ""
        if opts.showfunc:
            # walk backwards from the start of the context
            # to find a line starting with an alphanumeric char.
            for x in xrange(astart - 1, -1, -1):
                t = l1[x].rstrip()
                if funcre.match(t):
                    func = ' ' + t[:40]

        yield "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s\n" % (astart + 1, alen, bstart + 1, blen,
        for x in delta:
            yield x
        for x in xrange(a2, aend):
            yield ' ' + l1[x]

    if opts.showfunc:
        funcre = re.compile('\w')

    # bdiff.blocks gives us the matching sequences in the files.  The loop
    # below finds the spaces between those matching sequences and translates
    # them into diff output.
    if opts.ignorews or opts.ignorewsamount:
        t1 = wsclean(opts, t1, False)
        t2 = wsclean(opts, t2, False)

    diff = bdiff.blocks(t1, t2)
    hunk = None
    for i, s1 in enumerate(diff):
        # The first match is special.
        # we've either found a match starting at line 0 or a match later
        # in the file.  If it starts later, old and new below will both be
        # empty and we'll continue to the next match.
        if i > 0:
            s = diff[i - 1]
            s = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        delta = []
        a1 = s[1]
        a2 = s1[0]
        b1 = s[3]
        b2 = s1[2]

        old = l1[a1:a2]
        new = l2[b1:b2]

        # bdiff sometimes gives huge matches past eof, this check eats them,
        # and deals with the special first match case described above
        if not old and not new:

        if opts.ignoreblanklines:
            if wsclean(opts, "".join(old)) == wsclean(opts, "".join(new)):

        astart = contextstart(a1)
        bstart = contextstart(b1)
        prev = None
        if hunk:
            # join with the previous hunk if it falls inside the context
            if astart < hunk[1] + opts.context + 1:
                prev = hunk
                astart = hunk[1]
                bstart = hunk[3]
                for x in yieldhunk(hunk):
                    yield x
        if prev:
            # we've joined the previous hunk, record the new ending points.
            hunk[1] = a2
            hunk[3] = b2
            delta = hunk[4]
            # create a new hunk
            hunk = [astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta]

        delta[len(delta):] = [' ' + x for x in l1[astart:a1]]
        delta[len(delta):] = ['-' + x for x in old]
        delta[len(delta):] = ['+' + x for x in new]

    if hunk:
        for x in yieldhunk(hunk):
            yield x
Example #13
def _unidiff(t1, t2, l1, l2, opts=defaultopts):
    def contextend(l, len):
        ret = l + opts.context
        if ret > len:
            ret = len
        return ret

    def contextstart(l):
        ret = l - opts.context
        if ret < 0:
            return 0
        return ret

    lastfunc = [0, '']
    def yieldhunk(hunk):
        (astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta) = hunk
        aend = contextend(a2, len(l1))
        alen = aend - astart
        blen = b2 - bstart + aend - a2

        func = ""
        if opts.showfunc:
            lastpos, func = lastfunc
            # walk backwards from the start of the context up to the start of
            # the previous hunk context until we find a line starting with an
            # alphanumeric char.
            for i in xrange(astart - 1, lastpos - 1, -1):
                if l1[i][0].isalnum():
                    func = ' ' + l1[i].rstrip()[:40]
                    lastfunc[1] = func
            # by recording this hunk's starting point as the next place to
            # start looking for function lines, we avoid reading any line in
            # the file more than once.
            lastfunc[0] = astart

        yield "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s\n" % (astart + 1, alen,
                                           bstart + 1, blen, func)
        for x in delta:
            yield x
        for x in xrange(a2, aend):
            yield ' ' + l1[x]

    # bdiff.blocks gives us the matching sequences in the files.  The loop
    # below finds the spaces between those matching sequences and translates
    # them into diff output.
    if opts.ignorews or opts.ignorewsamount:
        t1 = wsclean(opts, t1, False)
        t2 = wsclean(opts, t2, False)

    diff = bdiff.blocks(t1, t2)
    hunk = None
    for i, s1 in enumerate(diff):
        # The first match is special.
        # we've either found a match starting at line 0 or a match later
        # in the file.  If it starts later, old and new below will both be
        # empty and we'll continue to the next match.
        if i > 0:
            s = diff[i - 1]
            s = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        delta = []
        a1 = s[1]
        a2 = s1[0]
        b1 = s[3]
        b2 = s1[2]

        old = l1[a1:a2]
        new = l2[b1:b2]

        # bdiff sometimes gives huge matches past eof, this check eats them,
        # and deals with the special first match case described above
        if not old and not new:

        if opts.ignoreblanklines:
            if wsclean(opts, "".join(old)) == wsclean(opts, "".join(new)):

        astart = contextstart(a1)
        bstart = contextstart(b1)
        prev = None
        if hunk:
            # join with the previous hunk if it falls inside the context
            if astart < hunk[1] + opts.context + 1:
                prev = hunk
                astart = hunk[1]
                bstart = hunk[3]
                for x in yieldhunk(hunk):
                    yield x
        if prev:
            # we've joined the previous hunk, record the new ending points.
            hunk[1] = a2
            hunk[3] = b2
            delta = hunk[4]
            # create a new hunk
            hunk = [astart, a2, bstart, b2, delta]

        delta[len(delta):] = [' ' + x for x in l1[astart:a1]]
        delta[len(delta):] = ['-' + x for x in old]
        delta[len(delta):] = ['+' + x for x in new]

    if hunk:
        for x in yieldhunk(hunk):
            yield x
Example #14
 def pair(parent, child):
     for a1, a2, b1, b2 in bdiff.blocks(parent[1], child[1]):
         child[0][b1:b2] = parent[0][a1:a2]
     return child