def buttonClick(self,fn=None): """This will output the beam list, create an image of the beams and close the program. """ if fn is None: fn = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title="save Beam Codes and Image",filetypes=[('TXT','.txt')]) fnbase = ''.join(os.path.splitext(fn)[:-1]) allbeam = BeamSelector(self.lines) fig = allbeam.plotbeams(self.output,True,fnbase+'.png',"Chosenbeams") plt.close(fig) f = open(fnbase+'.txt', 'w') for beam in self.output: f.write("%s\n" % (int(beam))) if not self.subgui: #sys.exit() self.parent.destroy()
def buttonClick(self, fn=None): """This will output the beam list, create an image of the beams and close the program. """ if fn is None: fn = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title="save Beam Codes and Image", filetypes=[("TXT", ".txt")]) fnbase = "".join(os.path.splitext(fn)[:-1]) allbeam = BeamSelector(self.lines) fig = allbeam.plotbeams(self.output, True, fnbase + ".png", "Chosenbeams") plt.close(fig) f = open(fnbase + ".txt", "w") for beam in self.output: f.write("%s\n" % (int(beam))) if not self.subgui: # sys.exit() self.parent.destroy()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Created on Fri Sep 19 10:26:47 2014 @author: Bodangles """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from beamfuncs import BeamSelector chosenbeams = np.loadtxt('SelectedBeamCodes.txt') beamman = np.loadtxt('bcotable.txt') allbeam = BeamSelector(beamman) allbeamorig = allbeam allbeam.shiftbeams(azoff=15,eloff=-16) (azvec,elvec) = allbeam.azelvecs() allbeamlist = allbeam.beamnumdict.keys() azlog =np.where( azvec==0.0)[0] chosenbeams = np.array(allbeamlist)[azlog] #allbeam.switchzenith() allbeam.plotbeams(chosenbeams,True,'beampic.png',"Possible Beams from Boresite") allbeam.printbeamangles('outangles.txt',chosenbeams)