def createSlideLayout(): from beampy.modules.svg import rectangle from beampy.modules.core import group from beampy.modules.text import text from beampy.modules.figure import figure from beampy.document import document # Upper part with group(y=0, background=khaki, height=30, width='100%') as g1: text(r'\textsc{LABORATÓRIO DE ENGENHARIA BIOMÉDICA}', x=390, y='center', color='#ffffff', size=12) # Lower part with group(x=0, y=550, height=50, width=800) as g2: with group(x=g2.left + 10, - 8) as g3: figure('./figures/usp-logo-eps.jpg', width=50) with group(x=0, y=20, height=10, width=800) as g5: rectangle(y=0, color=rawUmber, height=5, edgecolor=rawUmber) rectangle(y=5, color=khaki, height=5, edgecolor=khaki) with group(x=g3.right + 690, + 2) as g4: figure('./figures/EP.jpg', width=40) # Counting slides and displaying them numSlides = len(document._slides) curSlide = int(document._curentslide.split('_')[1]) + 1 text('%i/%i' % (curSlide, numSlides), x=12, y=32, size=10)
def grid(dx, dy, **kwargs): """ Create a grid with a given spacing. Parameters ---------- Accept all arguments of :py:mod:`beampy.line` See Also -------- :py:mod:`beampy.line` """ assert dx > 0 assert dy > 0 with group(x=0, y=0, width=document._width, height=document._height) as g: # create horizontal line cur_x = 0 while (cur_x <= document._height): hline('%spx' % cur_x, **kwargs) cur_x += dx cur_y = 0 while (cur_y <= document._width): vline('%spx' % cur_y, **kwargs) cur_y += dy return g
def hipstertitle(titlein, author= None, subtitle = None, date= None): args = THEME['maketitle'] #TODO: the rectangle with a raw svg command tikz(r'\draw[fill={color}, line width=1.5pt] (0,0) rectangle (100,100);'.format(color=args['background-color']), x=0, y=0) with group(x=0.015, y='center', width=document._width-document._width*0.015): text(r"{\scshape %s}"%(titlein), x= 0, width=document._width*0.9, y=0, color=args['title_color'], size=args['title_size'], align='left') #TODO: the line with a raw svg command not tikz tikz(r'\draw[color={color}, line width=1.5pt] (0,0) -- ++ (800,0);'.format(color=args['title_color']), x=0, y='+0.2cm') if author != None : a = text(author, x=0, y="+0.6cm", color=args['author_color'], size=args['author_size'], align='left', width=document._width*0.45) if subtitle != None: st = text(r"\textit{%s}"%(subtitle), x={"align":'right', 'shift':0.02}, y=a.bottom+{"align":"bottom", "shift":0}, color=args['subtitle_color'], size=args['subtitle_size'], width=document._width*0.45, align='left') if date != None: text(date, x='center', y={"align":'bottom', 'shift':0.05}, color=args['date_color'], size=args['date_size'])
def default_maketitle(titlein, author=None, subtitle=None, date=None, title_width=None, vert_space=None): args = document._theme['maketitle'] if date in ('Today', 'today', 'now'): date ="%d/%m/%Y") if title_width is None: title_width = document._theme['document']['width'] * 0.75 if vert_space is None: vert_space = document._theme['document']['height'] * 0.05 with group(y='center'): text(titlein, width=title_width, y=0, color=args['title_color'], size=args['title_size'], align='center') if author is not None: if isinstance(author, str): text(author, width=title_width, y="+" + str(2 * vert_space), color=args['author_color'], size=args['author_size'], align='center') elif isinstance(author, list): text(', '.join(author), width=title_width, y="+" + str(vert_space), color=args['author_color'], size=args['author_size'], align='center') if subtitle is not None: text(subtitle, width=title_width, y="+" + str(vert_space), color=args['subtitle_color'], size=args['subtitle_size']) if date is not None: text(date, width=title_width, y="+" + str(vert_space), color=args['date_color'], size=args['date_size'])
def createMakeTitle(titlein, author=[]): from beampy.modules.svg import rectangle from beampy.modules.core import group from beampy.modules.text import text from beampy.modules.figure import figure from beampy.document import document # Main maketitle text elements args = THEME['maketitle'] rectangle(x=0, y=0, width=document._width, height=document._height, color=args['background-color'], edgecolor=None) with group(x=10, y='center', width='70%') as g6: text(titlein, y=0, color=args['title_color'], size=args['title_size']) text(author, x=g6.left + 10, y="+1.5cm", color=args['author_color'], size=args['author_size']) text('Orientador: André Fabio Kohn', x=g6.left + 10, y="+0.5cm", color=args['author_color'], size=args['author_size']) # Upper part with group(y=0, background=khaki, height=100, width='100%') as g1: text(r'\textsc{LABORATÓRIO DE ENGENHARIA BIOMÉDICA}', x=390, y='center', color='#ffffff', size=12) # Lower part with group(x=0, y=550, height=50, width=800) as g2: with group(x=g2.left + 10, - 8) as g3: figure('./figures/usp-logo-eps.jpg', width=50) with group(x=g2.left + 70, + 8) as g6: text( 'Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo - 2 de julho de 2019', size=10, color='#888888') with group(x=0, y=20, height=10, width=800) as g5: rectangle(y=0, color=rawUmber, height=5, edgecolor=rawUmber) rectangle(y=5, color=khaki, height=5, edgecolor=khaki) with group(x=g3.right + 690, + 2) as g4: figure('./figures/EP.jpg', width=40)
def itemize(items_list, **kwargs): ''' Generates a list or an enumeration. See THEME['itemize'] for option TODO: ADD doc for function arguments ''' args = check_function_args(itemize, kwargs) number = 1 if args['width'] != None: in_width = float(convert_unit(args['width'])) - float( convert_unit(args['item_indent'])) else: in_width = float(document._width) - float( convert_unit(args['item_indent'])) with group(width=args['width'], x=args['x'], y=args['y']): for i, the_item in enumerate(items_list): if args['item_style'] == 'bullet': item_char = r'$\bullet$' elif args['item_style'] == 'number': item_char = str(number) + r'.' number += 1 else: item_char = args['item_style'] # Add color item_char = color_text(item_char, args['item_color']) the_item = color_text(the_item, args['text_color']) if i == 0: text(item_char + r' ' + the_item, x=args['item_indent'], y=0, width=in_width) else: text(item_char + r' ' + the_item, x=args['item_indent'], y=args['item_spacing'], width=in_width)
def theme_maketitle(titlein, author = [], affiliation = None, meeting = None, lead_author = None, date=None ): """ Function to create the presentation title slide """ # get_command_line(maketitle) # Check function arguments from THEME args = THEME['maketitle'] if lead_author is not None and len(author) > lead_author: print('Color author: %s in %s' % (author[lead_author], args['lead_author_color'])) author[lead_author] = color_text(author[lead_author], args['lead_author_color']) author_string = '\hspace{0.7cm} '.join(author) if date in ('Today', 'today', 'now'): date ="%d/%m/%Y") if isinstance(affiliation, list): affiliation = r'\\'.join(affiliation) with group(y="center"): with box(width='85%', y=0, auto_height_margin=20, background_color=lead_color) as tg: text(titlein, color=args['title_color'], size=args['title_size'], align='center', y=0, x='center', width='90%') if len(author) > 0: text(author_string, width='80%', y=tg.bottom+"1.5cm", color=args['author_color'], size=args['author_size'], align='center') if affiliation is not None: text(affiliation, width='90%', y="+1cm", color=args['affiliation_color'], size=args['affiliation_size'], align='center') if meeting is not None: text(meeting, width='90%', y="+1cm", color=args['meeting_color'], size=args['subtitle_size'], align='center') if date is not None: text(date, width=750, y="+1cm", color=args['date_color'], size=args['date_size'])
def itemize( items_list, **kwargs): ''' Generates a list or an enumeration. See THEME['itemize'] for option TODO: ADD doc for function arguments ''' args = check_function_args(itemize, kwargs) number = 1 if args['width']!=None: in_width = float(convert_unit(args['width'])) - float(convert_unit(args['item_indent'])) else: in_width = float(document._width) - float(convert_unit(args['item_indent'])) with group(width=args['width'], x=args['x'], y=args['y']): for i, the_item in enumerate(items_list) : if args['item_style'] == 'bullet' : item_char = r'$\bullet$' elif args['item_style'] == 'number' : item_char = str(number) + r'.' number += 1 else : item_char = item_style # Add color item_char = color_text( item_char, args['item_color'] ) the_item = color_text( the_item, args['text_color'] ) if i == 0 : text( item_char + r' ' + the_item, x = args['item_indent'], y = 0, width=in_width ) else: text( item_char + r' ' + the_item, x = args['item_indent'], y = args['item_spacing'], width=in_width )
def hipstertitle(titlein, author=None, subtitle=None, date=None): args = THEME['maketitle'] rectangle(x=0, y=0, width=document._width, height=document._height, color=args['background-color'], edgecolor=None) with group(x=0.015, y='center', width=document._width - document._width * 0.015): t = text(r"{\scshape %s}" % (titlein), x=0, width=document._width * 0.9, y=0, color=args['title_color'], size=args['title_size'], align='left') hl = hline(y=t.bottom + "0.2cm", color=args['title_color'], linewidth='1.5pt') if author is not None: a = text(author, x=0, y=hl.bottom + 20, color=args['author_color'], size=args['author_size'], align='left', width=document._width * 0.45) if subtitle is not None: st = text(r"\textit{%s}" % (subtitle), x={ "align": 'right', 'shift': 0.02, 'anchor': 'right' }, y=hl.bottom + { "anchor": "top", "shift": 20 }, color=args['subtitle_color'], size=args['subtitle_size'], width=document._width * 0.45, align='left') if date is not None: text(date, x='center', y={ "align": 'bottom', 'shift': 0.05 }, color=args['date_color'], size=args['date_size'])
def create_header_bar(): if len(document._TOC) == 0: bluerect = rectangle(x=0, y=0, height=28*1.6, color=lead_color, edgecolor=lead_color) bluerect.first() # BUG Change the position of the title as we don't have the header bar print('No table of content, their is a bug to set the position of the title dynamically in BeamerFrankfurt Theme') print('''Please add in your file after doc = document doc._theme['title']['y'] -= 35 doc._theme['title']['reserved_y'] = '1.8cm' ''') else: rtop = rectangle(x=0, y=0, height=35, color='black', edgecolor='black') bluerect = rectangle(x=0, y=rtop.bottom+0, height=28*1.6, color=lead_color, edgecolor=lead_color) bluerect.first() cpt_title = 0 cur_toc = document._slides[document._curentslide].TOCposition visibles_toc_pos = get_visibles_indices(document._curentslide, currentsection=True) last_pos = document._TOC.index(cur_toc) last_level1_pos = 0 for i, toc in enumerate(document._TOC): if toc['level'] == 0: cpt_title += 1 if toc['level'] == 1: if i in visibles_toc_pos and i <= last_pos: last_level1_pos = i group_width = None groups = [] # store group with toc title and subtitle circle elems = [] for i, toc in enumerate(document._TOC): if i in visibles_toc_pos and i <= last_pos: selected_opacity = 1 else: selected_opacity = 0.5 if i == last_level1_pos: circle_color = 'white' else: circle_color = 'black' if toc['slide'] <= document._global_counter['slide']: slidelink = '#%i-0' % (toc['slide']) else: slidelink = '#%i-0' % (document._global_counter['slide']) if toc['level'] == 0: if len(elems) > 0: g = group(elems, x=0, y=5, width=group_width) groups += [g] elems = [] t1 = text(r'\href{%s}{%s}' % (slidelink, toc['title']), x=0, y=0, size=10, color='white', opacity=selected_opacity, width=group_width) elems += [t1] t2 = None if toc['level'] == 1: if t2 is None: xt = 2 else: xt = t2.right+2 t2 = circle(x=xt,, color=circle_color, edgecolor='white', opacity=selected_opacity) elems += [t2] if len(elems) > 0: g = group(elems, x=0, y=0, width=group_width) groups += [ g ] # Compute the horizontal position for groups # The first element at the same x than the title groups[0].positionner.update_x(THEME['title']['x']) # groups[0].positionner.update_y((rtop.height-groups[0].height)/2) # The last element with the same margin as the first element groups[-1].positionner.update_x(document._width-(groups[-1].width+THEME['title']['x']).value) groups[-1].positionner.update_y(groups[0].top+0) #Compute the available width available_width = document._width - (groups[-1].width+THEME['title']['x']).value for e in groups[1:-1]: e.positionner.update_y(groups[0].top+0) if e.width.value is None or e.height.value is None: e.width.run_render() if len(groups) > 2: distribute(groups[1:-1], 'hspace', available_width, offset=(groups[0].width+THEME['title']['x']).value)
def itemize(items_list, **kwargs): ''' Generates a list or an enumeration. Parameters ---------- items_list : list of str List of item sentences. x : int or float or {'center', 'auto'} or str, optional Horizontal position for the item list (the default is 'center'). See positioning system of Beampy. y : int or float or {'center', 'auto'} or str, optional Vertical position for the item list (the default is 'auto'). See positioning system of Beampy. width : int or float or None, optional Width of the group containing items (the default is None, which implies that the width is computed to fit the longest item width). item_style : {'bullet','number'} or str, optional Style of the item markers (the default theme sets this value to 'bullet', which implies that item marker decorator is a bullet). The bullet could be replaced by any string, including latex symbols. When `item_style`='number', the item makers is an increasing number to create an enumeration. item_spacing : int or float or str, optional Vertical spacing between items (the default theme sets this value to '+1cm'). `item_spacing` accepts the same values as Beampy `x` or `y`. item_indent : int or float or str, optional Horizontal item indent (the default theme sets this value to '0cm'). `item_indent` accepts the same values as Beampy `x` or `y`. item_color : str, optional Color of item marker (the default theme sets this value to doc._theme['title']['color']). Color could be given as svg-color-names or HTML color hex values (expl: #fffff for white). text_color : str, optional Color of the item texts (the default theme sets this value to doc._theme['text']['color']). Color could be given as svg-color-names or HTML color hex values (expl: #fffff for white). item_layers : (list of int or string) or None, optional Place items into layers to animate them (the default theme sets this value to None, which implies that all items are displayed on the same layer). The list should have the same length as the `items_list`. The item in `item_layers` list could refers to a given layer number, given as int, or use python list index syntax (like ':', ':-1', '3:') given as string. >>> itemize(['item1 on all layers', 'item2 on layer 1'], item_layers=[':',1]) ''' args = check_function_args(itemize, kwargs) number = 1 if args['width'] is not None: in_width = float(convert_unit(args['width'])) - float( convert_unit(args['item_indent'])) else: in_width = float(document._width) - float( convert_unit(args['item_indent'])) if args['item_layers'] is not None: if len(items_list) != len(args['item_layers']): raise ValueError( 'Length of item_layers is not the same as the length of items_list' ) with group(width=args['width'], x=args['x'], y=args['y']) as groupitem: for i, the_item in enumerate(items_list): if args['item_style'] == 'bullet': item_char = r'$\bullet$' elif args['item_style'] == 'number': item_char = str(number) + r'.' number += 1 else: item_char = args['item_style'] # Add color item_char = color_text(item_char, args['item_color']) the_item = color_text(the_item, args['text_color']) if i == 0: t = text(item_char + r' ' + the_item, x=args['item_indent'], y=0, width=in_width) else: t = text(item_char + r' ' + the_item, x=args['item_indent'], y=args['item_spacing'], width=in_width) # Add layers to item if args['item_layers'] is not None: layer = args['item_layers'][i] if isinstance(layer, str): eval('t[%s]' % layer) else: t[args['item_layers'][i]] return groupitem