def main(): # Opens and initializes terminal settings, then starts game. # Load config and adjust settings for the game based off of the config data. with open("config.json", "r") as read_file: config = json.load(read_file) config['tile_spacing_x'] = int(config['tile_font_width'] / config['cellsize_x']) config['tile_spacing_y'] = int(config['tile_font_height'] / config['cellsize_y']) config['window_width'] = config['camera_width'] * config['tile_spacing_x'] config[ 'window_height'] = config['camera_height'] * config['tile_spacing_y'] # Open terminal/config terminal. terminal.set("window: title='Etheria', size=%sx%s, cellsize=%sx%s" % (config['window_width'], config['window_height'], config['cellsize_x'], config['cellsize_y'])) terminal.set("input.filter = [keyboard, mouse]") terminal.set( "text font: 'fonts/PxPlus_IBM_CGAthin.ttf', size=8x16, spacing=2x1") terminal.set( "bar font: 'fonts/PxPlus_IBM_CGAthin.ttf', size=4x4, spacing=1x6") terminal.set( "minimap font: 'fonts/PxPlus_IBM_CGAthin.ttf', size=4x4, spacing=1x2") terminal.set("main font: 'fonts/VeraMono.ttf', size=20x20, spacing=5x5") terminal.font('main') terminal.composition(True) # Start the game, close the terminal after game is exited. start_game(config) terminal.close()
def animate(self, current_map, animations, camera, config, animation_data): # Scale color based on ticks left. terminal.font("main") color = animation_data['attack']['color_fg']['attacked'][:] color[0] += (self.ticks*5) # Put an indicator around attacker. terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*animation_data['attack']['color_fg']['attacker'])) dx, dy = camera.to_camera_coords(, terminal.put(dx*config['tile_spacing_x'], dy*config['tile_spacing_y'], animation_data['attack']['image']['attacker']) # Put an indicator around attacked target, fades based on amount of ticks left. terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*color)) dx, dy = camera.to_camera_coords(, terminal.put(dx*config['tile_spacing_x'], dy*config['tile_spacing_y'], animation_data['attack']['image']['attacked']) # Make sure background stays the default color. terminal.bkcolor(terminal.color_from_argb(0, 0, 0, 0)) # Remove animation once its maximum ticks are reached. if self.ticks <= 0: animations.remove(self) self.ticks -= 1
def draw(self): terminal.font('text') if not self.selected: terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*self.color)) else: terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*self.selected_color)) terminal.printf(self.x1, self.y1, self.text, terminal.TK_ALIGN_DEFAULT)
def render_map(player, current_map, fov, camera, under_mouse, config, game_state): # Renders everything in the map(tiles, objects, items) # that is within view of the camera and in the current FOV. terminal.font('main') for x in range(camera.width): for y in range(camera.height): dx, dy = x + camera.x, y + camera.y tile = current_map.tiles[dx][dy] if tile != under_mouse and game_state != GameState.targeting: tile.highlight = None if tile in fov.fov_map: tile.draw( *camera.to_camera_coords(dx, dy), dim_argb(tile.color_fg, player.distance_to(tile) * 40), dim_argb(tile.color_bg, player.distance_to(tile) * 40), config['tile_spacing_x'], config['tile_spacing_y']) tile.explored = True # Draw all items if on top of tiles that are within FOV. for item in current_map.items: if item.x == tile.x and item.y == tile.y: if item != under_mouse: item.highlight = None item.draw(*camera.to_camera_coords(dx, dy), tile.color_bg, config['tile_spacing_x'], config['tile_spacing_y']) # Draw all actors if on top of tiles that are within FOV. for actor in current_map.actors: if actor.x == tile.x and actor.y == tile.y: if actor != under_mouse: actor.highlight = None actor.draw(*camera.to_camera_coords(dx, dy), tile.color_bg, config['tile_spacing_x'], config['tile_spacing_y']) elif tile.explored: tile.draw(*camera.to_camera_coords(dx, dy), dim_argb(tile.color_fg, 200), dim_argb(tile.color_bg, 200), config['tile_spacing_x'], config['tile_spacing_y']) # Draw player at camera coords. dx, dy = camera.to_camera_coords(player.x, player.y) if player != under_mouse: player.highlight = None player.draw(dx, dy, current_map.tiles[player.x][player.y].color_bg, config['tile_spacing_x'], config['tile_spacing_y']) # Keep general background one color. terminal.bkcolor(terminal.color_from_argb(0, 0, 0, 0))
def render_minimap(player, start_x, start_y, current_map): terminal.font('minimap') for x in range(current_map.width): for y in range(current_map.height): if current_map.tiles[x][y]: terminal.color( terminal.color_from_argb( *current_map.tiles[x][y].color_bg)) terminal.put(start_x + x, start_y + y, '▄') terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*player.color_fg)) terminal.put(start_x + player.x, start_y + player.y, '▄') terminal.font('main')
def create_window(x, y, width, height, text): terminal.font('bar') terminal.layer(1) # Draw window. terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(255, 50, 50, 50)) for dx in range(width): for dy in range(height): terminal.put(x + dx, y + dy, '▄') # Draw window title in center of the window. terminal.font('text') terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(255, 255, 255, 255)) center_x = int(x + (width / 2 - len(text))) terminal.printf(center_x, y + 4, text)
def animate(self, current_map, animations, camera, config, animation_data): # Scale text color based on ticks left. terminal.font("text") color = self.color[:] color[0] += (self.ticks*3) # Display text at given coords. terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*color)) dx, dy = camera.to_camera_coords(self.x, self.y) terminal.printf(dx*config['tile_spacing_x'], dy*config['tile_spacing_x'], str(self.text)) # Remove animation once its maximum ticks are reached. if self.ticks <= 0: animations.remove(self) self.ticks -= 1 # Shift the text slowly upward if self.ticks % 15 == 0: self.y -= 1
def render_bar(x, y, width, name, value, max_value, color_fg, color_bg, color_text): # Calculate current bar width. bar_width = int(float(value) / max_value * width) # Make sure there is always some bar showing even if value is super low. if bar_width < 1 and bar_width > 0: bar_width = 1 # Draw background of the bar to the width given. terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*color_bg)) terminal.font('bar') for i in range(width): terminal.put(x + i, y, '▄') # Draw the foreground to the width calculated earlier. terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*color_fg)) for i in range(bar_width): terminal.put(x + i, y, '▄') # Draw text in the center of the bar. terminal.font('text') terminal.color(terminal.color_from_argb(*color_text)) bar_text = name + ': %s/%s' % (value, max_value) center_x = int(x + (width / 2 - len(bar_text))) terminal.printf(center_x, y + 4, bar_text) # Reset font back to normal. terminal.font('main')
def animate(self, current_map, animations, camera, config, animation_data): terminal.font("main") if not self.lingering: # Scale color based on ticks left. color = animation_data['soulrip']['color_bg'][:] color[0] = (50 + (self.ticks * 5)) terminal.bkcolor(terminal.color_from_argb(*color)) # Put color in aoe of the caster. for x in range(camera.width): for y in range(camera.height): dx, dy = x + camera.x, y + camera.y tile = current_map.tiles[dx][dy] if <= self.aoe: if not tile.blocksLOS: dx, dy = camera.to_camera_coords(tile.x, tile.y) terminal.put(dx * config['tile_spacing_x'], dy * config['tile_spacing_y'], ' ') terminal.bkcolor( terminal.color_from_argb(*animation_data['soulrip']['color_bg'])) dx, dy = camera.to_camera_coords(, terminal.put(dx * config['tile_spacing_x'], dy * config['tile_spacing_y'], ' ') # Make sure background stays the default color. terminal.bkcolor(terminal.color_from_argb(0, 0, 0, 0)) # Remove animation once its maximum ticks are reached. if self.ticks <= 0: if not self.lingering: self.ticks += 20 self.lingering = True else: animations.remove(self) self.ticks -= 1
def reset_font(self): if not self.options.graphical_tiles: return terminal.font("")
def set_sprite_font(self): if not self.options.graphical_tiles: return terminal.font("tile")