def Play(self, stream_name, stream_id, subtitle): data = ba.FetchUrl(stream_id, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") streamid = re.compile("load_player\('(.*?)'", re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE).search(str(soup)).group(1) if streamid == "": mc.ShowDialogNotification("Geen stream beschikbaar...") data = ba.FetchUrl('', 0) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") try: key = soup.session.key.contents[0] except: mc.ShowDialogNotification("Kan de security key niet ophalen") return security = base64.b64decode(key) securitystr = str(security).split('|')[1] md5code = streamid + '|' + securitystr md5code = md5.md5(md5code).hexdigest() streamdataurl = '' + str(streamid) + '/' + str(md5code).upper() data = ba.FetchUrl(streamdataurl, 0).decode('utf-8') xmlSoup = BeautifulSoup(data) streamurl = xmlSoup.find(attrs={"compressie_formaat" : "wvc1"}) url_play = streamurl.streamurl.contents[0].replace(" ","").replace("\n","").replace("\t","") play = ba.CreatePlay() play.SetPath(url_play) if subtitle: play.SetSubtitle(self.GetSubtitle(security, streamid)) play.SetSubtitle_type('sami') return play
def Genre(self, genre, filter, page, totalpage): id = self.genre[genre] url = self.url_base + '/ard/servlet/ajax-cache/3517242/view=list/datum='+id+'/senderId=208/zeit=1/index.html' data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 2400) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") genrelist = list() if data < 20: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) genrelist = list() return genrelist for info in soup.findAll( 'div', {'class' : 'mt-media_item'}): if info.findAll( 'span', {'class' : 'mt-icon mt-icon_video'}): detail = info.find('a') title = detail.contents[0] airtime = info.find('span', {'class' : 'mt-airtime'}) genreitem = ba.CreateEpisode() genreitem.SetName(title) genreitem.SetId(detail['href'].split('=')[1]) genreitem.SetDate(airtime.contents[0][-9:]) genreitem.SetPage(page) genreitem.SetTotalpage(totalpage) genrelist.append(genreitem) if len(genrelist) < 1: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(genre)) return genrelist
def Episode(self, stream_name, stream_id, page, totalpage): url = self.url_base + '/ZDFmediathek/xmlservice/web/aktuellste?id='+stream_id+'&maxLength=50' data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") if len(data) < 5: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) episodelist = list() return episodelist teaser = soup.findAll('teaser') episodelist = list() for info in teaser: if info.type.contents[0] == 'video': title = info.find('title') title = info.find('title') detail = info.find('detail') id = info.find('assetid') airtime = info.find('airtime') airtime = airtime.contents[0] thumb = self.url_base + '/ZDFmediathek/contentblob/'+ str(id.contents[0]) +'/timg276x155blob' episode = ba.CreateEpisode() episode.SetName(title.contents[0]) episode.SetId(id.contents[0]) episode.SetDescription(stream_name + ': ' + detail.contents[0]) episode.SetThumbnails(thumb) episode.SetDate(airtime) episode.SetPage(page) episode.SetTotalpage(totalpage) episodelist.append(episode) return episodelist
def Genre(self, genre, filter, page, totalpage): id = self.genre[genre] url = self.url_base + '/ZDFmediathek/xmlservice/web/sendungVerpasst?startdate=' + id +'&enddate='+id+'&maxLength=50' data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 2400) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") genrelist = list() if len(soup) < 20: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(genre)) return genrelist teaser = soup.findAll('teaser') for info in teaser: if info.type.contents[0] == 'video': title = info.find('title') id = info.find('assetid') airtime = info.find('airtime') airtime = airtime.contents[0] genreitem = ba.CreateEpisode() genreitem.SetName(title.contents[0]) genreitem.SetId(id.contents[0]) genreitem.SetDate(airtime[-5:]) genreitem.SetPage(page) genreitem.SetTotalpage(totalpage) genrelist.append(genreitem) if len(genrelist) < 1: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(genre)) return genrelist
def ShowEpisode(urlshow, title = ""): targetcontrol = 52 targetwindow = 14000 mc.ShowDialogWait() data = ba.FetchUrl(urlshow, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES, smartQuotesTo="xml") list = mc.GetWindow(targetwindow).GetList(targetcontrol) list_items = mc.ListItems() for info in soup.findAll('tr', {'class' : 'podcast-episode'}): try: title = info['preview-title'] except: pass try: link = info['video-preview-url'] except: try: link = info['audio-preview-url'] except: link = False if link: list_item = mc.ListItem(mc.ListItem.MEDIA_UNKNOWN) list_item.SetLabel(title.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) list_item.SetPath(str(link)) list_items.append(list_item) mc.HideDialogWait() list.SetItems(list_items)
def getTagsForUrl(url): try: content = resource.get(url).decodeBody().lower() except: content = "" soup = BeautifulSoup(content) texts = soup.findAll(text=True) def visible(element): if in ['style', 'script', '[document]', 'head', 'title']: return False elif re.match('<!--.*-->', str(element)): return False return True visible_texts = filter(visible, texts) visibleText = " ".join(visible_texts) result = getTagsProposalsForText(visibleText) entry = Entry.all().filter("url =", url).fetch(1) if len(entry) > 0: entryStableTags = entry[0].tags for t in entryStableTags: found = False name = Tag.get(t).name for r in result: if name == r: found = True if not found: result.append(name) return result
def Episode(self, stream_name, stream_id, page, totalpage): url = self.url_base + stream_id + "?ajax,sb/sb" data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) if data == "": mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) episodelist = list() return episodelist soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") episodelist = list() for info in soup.findAll("li"): if len(info.a.findAll("em")) > 0: episode = ba.CreateEpisode() episode.SetName(stream_name) episode.SetId(info.a["href"]) episode.SetDescription(info.a.span.contents[0].replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")) episode.SetThumbnails(info.a.img["src"]) episode.SetDate(info.a.em.contents[0][-10:]) episode.SetPage(page) episode.SetTotalpage(totalpage) episodelist.append(episode) return episodelist
def ConvertSami(samiurl): data = FetchUrl(samiurl, 0) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") i = 1 sync = '' temp = '' for info in soup.findAll("sync"): if info.find(attrs={"class" : "ENUSCC"}): sync += str(i) + '\n' temp = info.find(attrs={"class" : "ENUSCC"}).contents[0] timemsec = str(info['start'])[-3:] timesec = int(str(info['start']))/1000 hour = timesec / 3600 minute = (timesec - (hour*3600)) / 60 sec = timesec - (hour*3600) - (minute*60) srttime = str(hour) + ':' + str(minute) + ':' + str(sec) + ',' + str(timemsec) sync += str(srttime) i += 1 else: timemsec = str(info['start'])[-3:] timesec = int(str(info['start']))/1000 hour = timesec / 3600 minute = (timesec - (hour*3600)) / 60 sec = timesec - (hour*3600) - (minute*60) srttime = str(hour) + ':' + str(minute) + ':' + str(sec) + ',' + str(timemsec) sync += ' --> ' + str(srttime) + '\n' sync += str(temp) + '\n' + '\n' tmpPath = mc.GetTempDir() subFilePath = tmpPath+os.sep+'' f = open(subFilePath, "w") f.write(sync) f.close() return subFilePath
def SearchNzb(self, name): url = '' + quote_plus(name) + '&de=' + self.retention data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") list = mc.GetWindow(14445).GetList(51) focus = int(list.GetFocusedItem()) list_items = mc.ListItems() for info in soup.findAll('item'): title = info.title.contents[0] description = info.description.contents[0] description = description.replace("<br />","\n") path = info.enclosure['url'] date = info.findAll('pubdate')[0].contents[0] list_item = mc.ListItem(mc.ListItem.MEDIA_UNKNOWN) list_item.SetLabel(ba.ConvertASCII(title)) list_item.SetProperty('info', ba.ConvertASCII(description)) list_item.SetProperty('date', str(date)) list_item.SetPath(str(path)) list_items.append(list_item) list.SetItems(list_items) max = len(list_items) - 1 if focus > 0 and focus < max: list.SetFocusedItem(focus) elif focus >= max: list.SetFocusedItem(max)
def Episode(self, stream_name, stream_id, page, totalpage): url = "" + quote(stream_id) data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data) if len(data) < 10: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) episodelist = list() return episodelist table = soup.find("tbody") episodelist = list() for info in table.findAll("tr"): time = info.find("td", {"class": "t_time"}) duration = info.find("td", {"class": "t_duration"}) details = info.find("td", {"class": "t_details"}) episode = ba.CreateEpisode() episode.SetName(stream_name) episode.SetId(self.url_base + details.a["href"]) episode.SetDescription(duration.contents[0] + " - " + details.span.contents[0]) episode.SetThumbnails(details.a.img["src"]) episode.SetDate(time.contents[2]) episode.SetPage(page) episode.SetTotalpage(totalpage) episodelist.append(episode) return episodelist
def GetCategory(self): url = 'http://'+ + ':' + self.port + '/api?mode=queue&start=START&limit=LIMIT&output=xml&apikey=' + self.api data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 360).decode('utf-8') soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") list = mc.GetWindow(15000).GetList(51) list_items = mc.ListItems() for info in soup.findAll('category'): title = info.contents[0] list_item = mc.ListItem(mc.ListItem.MEDIA_UNKNOWN) list_item.SetLabel(str(title.encode('utf-8'))) list_items.append(list_item) list.SetItems(list_items)
def List(self): url = self.url_base + '/content/ta_ent_video_shows_group/ta_ent_programme_result_module_skin.xinc' data = ba.FetchUrl(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") streamlist = list() for info in soup.findAll('a'): if info['href'] != '#': stream = ba.CreateStream() stream.SetName(info['title']) stream.SetId(info['href']) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def Search(self, search): url = '' + quote_plus(search) data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 0) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") streamlist = list() for info in soup.findAll('text'): stream = ba.CreateStream() stream.SetName(info.contents[0]) stream.SetId(ba.ConvertASCII(info.contents[0])) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def Genre(self, genre, filter, page, totalpage): url = "" data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data) if len(data) < 10: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) episodelist = list() return episodelist day = soup.find("li", {"class": re.compile("^" + genre)}) net = [] if filter and filter != "None": net.append(filter) else: for id in self.filter: net.append(id) if "None" in net: net.remove("None") data = {} data_sorted = [] for i in net: netdata = day.find("li", {"class": re.compile("^" + i)}) for info in netdata.findAll(attrs={"class": re.compile("^whatsOnTime")}): if info.a: title = info.find("span", {"class": "title"}) time = info.find("span", {"class": "time"}) # date:[name,id,filter] data[time.contents[0]] = [title.contents[0], self.url_base + info.a["href"], i] date = data.keys() date.sort(reverse=True) for i in date: data_sorted.append({"name": data[i][0], "id": data[i][1], "filter": data[i][2], "date": i}) genrelist = list() for info_sorted in data_sorted: genreitem = ba.CreateEpisode() genreitem.SetName(info_sorted["name"]) genreitem.SetId(info_sorted["id"]) genreitem.SetDate(info_sorted["date"]) genreitem.SetFilter(info_sorted["filter"]) genreitem.SetPage(page) genreitem.SetTotalpage(totalpage) genrelist.append(genreitem) return genrelist
def get_page(sender, instance, **kwargs): data = urllib.urlopen(instance.url) = unicode(, errors="ignore") soup = BeautifulSoup( instance.title = soup.html.head.title.string desc = soup.find("meta", {"name": "description"}) if desc: instance.description = desc["content"] else: instance.description = "" keywords = soup.find("meta", {"name": "keywords"}) if keywords: instance.keywords = keywords["content"] else: instance.keywords = ""
def List(self): url = self.url_base + "/alfabetisk" data = ba.FetchUrl(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") div_main = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "tab active"})[0] streamlist = list() for info in div_main.findAll("a"): if len(info.contents[0]) > 4: stream = ba.CreateStream() stream.SetName(info.contents[0]) stream.SetId(info["href"]) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def Search(self, search): url = self.url_base + "/script/common/ajax_zoek.php" params = "keyword=" + quote(search) data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 0, False, params) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") streamlist = list() for info in soup.findAll("li"): title = re.compile("---(.*?)$", re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE).search(str(info.span.contents[0])[4:]).group(1) id = re.compile("---(.*?)---", re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE).search(str(info.span.contents[0])).group(1) stream = ba.CreateStream() stream.SetName(title) stream.SetId(id) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def Search(self, search): url = self.url_base + '/browse/search?alphabet=All&family_friendly=0&closed_captioned=0&has_free=1&has_huluplus=0&has_hd=0&channel=All&subchannel=&network=All&display=Shows%20with%20full%20episodes%20only&decade=All&type=tv&view_as_thumbnail=false&block_num=0&keyword=' + quote_plus(search) data = ba.FetchUrl(url) data = re.compile('"show_list", "(.*?)"\)', re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE).search(str(data)).group(1) data = data.replace('\\u003c','<').replace('\\u003e','>').replace('\\','').replace('\\n','').replace('\\t','') soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") streamlist = list() for info in soup.findAll('a', {'onclick':True}): stream = ba.CreateStream() stream.SetName(info.contents[0]) stream.SetId(info['href']) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def Genre(self, genre, filter, page, totalpage): url = self.url_base + '/7dagen/' + genre if filter != "": url = url + ',' + str(filter) url = url + '?weergave=detail&page=' + str(page) data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) if data == "": mc.ShowDialogNotification("No genre found for " + str(genre)) genrelist = list() return genrelist soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") if totalpage == "": try: pagediv = soup.findAll( 'div', {'class' : 'pagination'})[0] apage = pagediv.findAll("a") totalpage = int(apage[len(apage)-2].contents[0]) except: totalpage = 1 div_show = soup.find( 'table', {'class' : 'broadcasts detail'}) genrelist = list() for info in div_show.findAll("tr"): omroep = info.findAll(attrs={"class" : "broadcaster-logo"})[0]['alt'] if omroep == "Nederland 1": omroep = "nl1" elif omroep == "Nederland 2": omroep = "nl2" elif omroep == "Nederland 3": omroep = "nl3" try: thumb = info.findAll(attrs={"class" : "thumbnail"})[0]['src'] except: thumb = info.findAll(attrs={"class" : "thumbnail placeholder"})[0]['src'] path = self.url_base + info.find(attrs={"class" : "thumbnail_wrapper"})['href'] date = info.find(attrs={"class" : "time"}).time.contents[0].replace(' ','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','') title = info.findAll(attrs={"class" : "series"})[0].contents[0] desc = info.find('div', {'class' : 'description'}).p.contents[0] genreitem = ba.CreateEpisode() genreitem.SetName(title) genreitem.SetId(path) genreitem.SetDescription(desc) genreitem.SetThumbnails(thumb) genreitem.SetDate(date) genreitem.SetFilter(str(omroep).upper()) genreitem.SetPage(page) genreitem.SetTotalpage(totalpage) genrelist.append(genreitem) return genrelist
def List(self): url = self.url_home data = ba.FetchUrl(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") div_main = soup.findAll( 'div', {'class' : 'mo-a alphabetical'})[0] div_show = div_main.findAll( 'div', {'class' : 'wrapper'})[0] streamlist = list() for info in div_show.findAll('a'): stream = ba.CreateStream() name = info.contents[0] id = self.url_base + info['href'] if not name in self.exclude: stream.SetName(name) stream.SetId(id) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def List(self): array = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'] title = [] id = [] for letter in array: url = self.url_base + '/ZDFmediathek/xmlservice/web/sendungenAbisZ?characterRangeStart='+letter+'&detailLevel=2&characterRangeEnd='+letter data = ba.FetchUrl(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") title.extend(soup.findAll('title')) id.extend(soup.findAll('assetid')) streamlist = list() for title_i,id_i in izip(title,id): stream = ba.CreateStream() stream.SetName(title_i.contents[0].replace('"','')) stream.SetId(id_i.contents[0]) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def Episode(self, stream_name, stream_id, page, totalpage): url = self.url_base + '/ard/servlet/ajax-cache/3516962/view=list/documentId='+stream_id+'/goto='+str(page)+'/index.html' data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") if data < 20: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) episodelist = list() return episodelist if totalpage == "": try: pages = soup.find( 'li', {'class' : 'mt-paging ajax-paging-li'}) pages = pages.findAll('span')[2] pages = pages.contents[0][-2:].replace(' ','') print pages totalpage = int(pages) except: totalpage = 1 episodelist = list() for info in soup.findAll( 'div', {'class' : 'mt-media_item'}): if info.findAll( 'span', {'class' : 'mt-icon mt-icon_video'}): detail = info.find('a') title = stream_name airtime = info.find('span', {'class' : 'mt-airtime'}) thumb = info.find('img') episode = ba.CreateEpisode() episode.SetName(stream_name) episode.SetId(detail['href'].split('=')[1]) episode.SetDescription(detail.contents[0]) episode.SetThumbnails(self.url_base + thumb['data-src']) episode.SetDate(airtime.contents[0]) episode.SetPage(page) episode.SetTotalpage(totalpage) episodelist.append(episode) return episodelist
def Search(self, search): url = self.url_base + '/programmas/search' params = 'query=' + quote_plus(search) data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 0, True, params) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") div_page = soup.find("ul") streamlist = list() try: div_page.findAll("a") except: return streamlist for info in div_page.findAll('a'): stream = ba.CreateStream() stream.SetName(info.contents[0]) stream.SetId(info['href'].split('/')[2]) streamlist.append(stream) return streamlist
def Episode(self, stream_name, stream_id, page, totalpage): url = str(stream_id) + '/page=' + str(page) data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) if data == "": mc.ShowDialogNotification("Geen afleveringen gevonden voor " + str(stream_name)) return ba.CreateEpisode() soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") if totalpage == "": try: pages = soup.findAll( 'div', {'class' : 'paginator'})[0] pages = pages.findAll('span') totalpage = len(pages) - 1 except: totalpage = 1 div_main = soup.findAll('div', {'class' : 'mo-c double'})[0] div_show = div_main.findAll('div', {'class' : 'wrapper'})[0] info = div_show.findAll('div', {'class' : 'thumb'}) airtime = div_show.findAll('div', {'class' : 'airtime'}) if len(info) < 1: mc.ShowDialogNotification("Geen afleveringen gevonden voor " + str(stream_name)) return ba.CreateEpisode() episodelist = list() for info_i, airtime_i in izip(info, airtime): episode = ba.CreateEpisode() episode.SetName(stream_name) episode.SetId(self.url_base + info_i.a['href']) episode.SetThumbnails(self.url_base + info_i.find('img')['src']) episode.SetDate(airtime_i.a.span.contents[0]) episode.SetPage(page) episode.SetTotalpage(totalpage) episodelist.append(episode) return episodelist
def ShowNet(): mc.ShowDialogWait() targetcontrol = 51 targetwindow = 14000 countryid = config.GetValue("country") genreid = config.GetValue("genre") if countryid == '': countryid = 'US' url = ''+countryid+'/rss/toppodcasts/limit=50/genre='+genreid+'/xml' list = mc.GetWindow(targetwindow).GetList(targetcontrol) list_items = mc.ListItems() data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") for info in soup.findAll('entry'): title = info.find('im:name').contents[0] link =['href'] thumb = info.find('im:image', {'height' : '170'}).contents[0] price = info.find('im:price')['amount'] artist = info.find('im:artist').contents[0] try: summary = info.summary.contents[0] except: summary = '' if price == '0': list_item = mc.ListItem(mc.ListItem.MEDIA_UNKNOWN) list_item.SetLabel(title.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) list_item.SetThumbnail(str(thumb)) list_item.SetPath(str(link)) list_item.SetDescription(summary.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) list_item.SetArtist(artist.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) list_items.append(list_item) Label = mc.GetWindow(targetwindow).GetLabel(10102) Label.SetLabel('[B]Country:[/B] '+country[countryid]+'[CR][B]Genre:[/B] '+genre[genreid]) mc.HideDialogWait() list.SetItems(list_items)
def GetQuery(self): url = 'http://'+ + ':' + self.port + '/api?mode=queue&start=START&limit=LIMIT&output=xml&apikey=' + self.api try: data = ba.FetchUrl(url) except: return soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") try: speed = soup.findAll('speed')[0].contents[0] except: speed = '' timeleft = soup.findAll('timeleft')[0].contents[0] pause_int = soup.findAll('pause_int')[0].contents[0] paused = soup.findAll('paused')[0].contents[0] slot = soup.findAll('slot') if pause_int == '0': pause_int = 'Unlimited' else: pause_int = pause_int + ' s' window = mc.GetWindow(14444) if str(paused) == "True": window.GetToggleButton(10198).SetSelected(True) else: window.GetToggleButton(10198).SetSelected(False) if slot: list = window.GetList(51) focus = int(list.GetFocusedItem()) print focus list_items = mc.ListItems() for info in soup.findAll('slot'): percentage = int(info.percentage.contents[0]) percentage = int(round(percentage/10.0)*10.0) list_item = mc.ListItem(mc.ListItem.MEDIA_UNKNOWN) list_item.SetLabel(ba.ConvertASCII(info.filename.contents[0])) list_item.SetPath(str(info.nzo_id.contents[0])) list_item.SetProperty('queued', str(info.status.contents[0])) list_item.SetProperty('info', str(info.mb.contents[0]) + 'Mb - ' + str(info.timeleft.contents[0])) list_item.SetProperty('status', 'download-' + str(percentage) + '.png') list_item.SetProperty('speed', str(speed) + 'bps') list_item.SetProperty('timeleft', str(timeleft)) list_item.SetProperty('paused', str(paused)) list_item.SetProperty('pause_int', str(pause_int)) list_item.SetProperty('percentage', str(info.percentage.contents[0]) + '%') list_items.append(list_item) list.SetItems(list_items) print len(list_items) max = len(list_items) - 1 if focus > 0 and focus < max: list.SetFocusedItem(focus) elif focus >= max: list.SetFocusedItem(max) else: self.EmptySearch(14444)
def Play(self, stream_name, stream_id, subtitle): url = ''+stream_id data = ba.FetchUrl(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") url = soup.find('formitaet',{'basetype':'wmv3_wma9_asf_mms_asx_http'}) url = url.url.contents[0] sub = soup.find('caption') try: sub = sub.url.contents[0] except: sub = '' play = ba.CreatePlay() play.SetPath(url) if subtitle: if sub: play.SetSubtitle(str(sub)) play.SetSubtitle_type('flashxml') return play
def Episode(self, stream_name, stream_id, page, totalpage): url = self.url_base + '/quicksearch?page=' + str(page) + '&series_id=' + stream_id data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) if data == "": mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) episodelist = list() return episodelist data = re.compile('"quicksearch-results", "(.*?)"\)', re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE).search(str(data)).group(1) data = data.replace('\\"','"').replace('\\n','').replace('\\t','') soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") if totalpage == "": try: pages = soup.findAll( 'div', {'class' : 'pagination'})[0] pages = pages.findAll('a') totalpage = int(pages[len(pages)-2].contents[0]) except: totalpage = 1 episodelist = list() for info in soup.findAll('li'): try: id = info.h3.a['href'] except: id = False if id: episode = ba.CreateEpisode() episode.SetName(stream_name) episode.SetId(self.url_base + id) episode.SetDescription(info.span.contents[0].replace(' ','') + ' - '+ info.p.contents[0]) episode.SetThumbnails(info.a.img['src']) episode.SetDate(info.h3.a.contents[0]) episode.SetPage(page) episode.SetTotalpage(totalpage) episodelist.append(episode) return episodelist
def Episode(self, stream_name, stream_id, page, totalpage): url = self.url_base + stream_id data = ba.FetchUrl(url, 3600) soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities="xml", smartQuotesTo="xml") episodelist = list() if data < 20: mc.ShowDialogNotification("No episode found for " + str(stream_name)) return episodelist try: episodes = soup.findAll( 'div', {'id' : 'slidefullepisodes'})[0] except: return episodelist for info in episodes.findAll('li'): detail = info.findAll('a')[2] title = info.findAll('a')[1] #airtime = info.find('div', {'class' : 'time'}) #print airtime.contents[0] thumb = info.findAll('img')[1] episodenr = info.find('strong') link = title['href'].split('-') linkid = link.pop() episode = ba.CreateEpisode() episode.SetName(title['title']) episode.SetId(linkid) episode.SetDescription(detail['title']) episode.SetThumbnails(thumb['src']) episode.SetDate(episodenr.contents[0]) episode.SetPage(page) episode.SetTotalpage(totalpage) episodelist.append(episode) return episodelist
def crawl(self, albumArtist, album, releaseDate): releaseFound = False searchPage = urllib.urlopen("{0}/search?query={1}&facets[]=fieldType:release".format(self.domain, urllib.quote(albumArtist + " " + album))).read() searchHtml = BeautifulSoup(searchPage) #releaseLinks = searchHtml.findAll('a', { 'name' : 'unit_title' }) releaseLinks = [] releases = searchHtml.findAll('li', { 'name' : re.compile('tiles-list_release_[0-9]+') }) for release in releases: thisTitle = release.find('a', { 'name' : 'unit_title' }) thisAlbum = thisTitle.string thisUrl = thisTitle['href'] thisDate = release.find('span', { 'class' : 'itemRenderer-minor' }).contents[1].replace(" | ", "").strip() print thisDate if releaseDate and releaseDate == thisDate: releaseUrl = thisUrl beatportAlbum = thisAlbum releaseFound = True break if releaseFound: # open the release page releasePage = urllib.urlopen("{0}{1}".format(self.domain, releaseUrl)) releaseHtml = BeautifulSoup(releasePage) # now that we are here, we can obtain some of the release info releaseInfoLabels = releaseHtml.findAll('td', { 'class' : 'meta-data-label' }) beatportReleaseDate = releaseInfoLabels[0].nextSibling.string beatportLabel = releaseInfoLabels[1].nextSibling.a.string beatportCatalogNumber = releaseInfoLabels[2].nextSibling.string beatportAlbumArtUrl = releaseHtml.find('img', { 'class' : 'tile-image' })['src'] return (self.decodeHtml(beatportAlbum), self.decodeHtml(beatportLabel), self.decodeHtml(beatportCatalogNumber), self.decodeHtml(beatportReleaseDate), beatportAlbumArtUrl)