Example #1
    async def curation(self, ctx, *, authorperm: str):

        show_all_voter = False

        all_posts = False
        t = PrettyTable([
            "Voter", "Voting time", "Vote", "Early vote loss", "Curation",
        t.align = "l"
        index = 0

        index += 1
        comment = Comment(authorperm, steem_instance=self.stm)
        payout = None
        curation_rewards_SBD = comment.get_curation_rewards(
            pending_payout_SBD=True, pending_payout_value=payout)
        curation_rewards_SP = comment.get_curation_rewards(
            pending_payout_SBD=False, pending_payout_value=payout)
        rows = []
        sum_curation = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        max_curation = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        highest_vote = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        for vote in comment["active_votes"]:
            vote_SBD = self.stm.rshares_to_sbd(int(vote["rshares"]))
            curation_SBD = curation_rewards_SBD["active_votes"][vote["voter"]]
            curation_SP = curation_rewards_SP["active_votes"][vote["voter"]]
            if vote_SBD > 0:
                penalty = (
                    (comment.get_curation_penalty(vote_time=vote["time"])) *
                performance = (float(curation_SBD) / vote_SBD * 100)
                performance = 0
                penalty = 0
            vote_befor_min = ((
                (vote["time"]) - comment["created"]).total_seconds() / 60)
            sum_curation[0] += vote_SBD
            sum_curation[1] += penalty
            sum_curation[2] += float(curation_SP)
            sum_curation[3] += float(curation_SBD)
            row = [
                vote["voter"], vote_befor_min, vote_SBD, penalty,
                float(curation_SP), performance
            if row[-1] > max_curation[-1]:
                max_curation = row
            if row[2] > highest_vote[2]:
                highest_vote = row
        sortedList = sorted(rows, key=lambda row: (row[1]), reverse=False)
        new_row = []
        new_row2 = []
        voter = []
        voter2 = []

        voter = [""]
        voter2 = [""]
        for row in sortedList:
            if show_all_voter:
                if not all_posts:
                    voter = [row[0]]
                if all_posts:
                    new_row[0] = "%d. %s" % (index, comment.author)
                t.add_row(new_row + voter + [
                    "%.1f min" % row[1],
                    "%.3f SBD" % float(row[2]),
                    "%.3f SBD" % float(row[3]),
                    "%.3f SP" % (row[4]),
                    "%.1f %%" % (row[5])

                new_row = new_row2
        t.add_row(new_row2 + voter2 + ["", "", "", "", ""])
        if sum_curation[0] > 0:
            curation_sum_percentage = sum_curation[3] / sum_curation[0] * 100
            curation_sum_percentage = 0
        sum_line = new_row2 + voter2
        sum_line[-1] = "High. vote"

        t.add_row(sum_line + [
            "%.1f min" % highest_vote[1],
            "%.3f SBD" % float(highest_vote[2]),
            "%.3f SBD" % float(highest_vote[3]),
            "%.3f SP" % (highest_vote[4]),
            "%.1f %%" % (highest_vote[5])
        sum_line[-1] = "High. Cur."
        t.add_row(sum_line + [
            "%.1f min" % max_curation[1],
            "%.3f SBD" % float(max_curation[2]),
            "%.3f SBD" % float(max_curation[3]),
            "%.3f SP" % (max_curation[4]),
            "%.1f %%" % (max_curation[5])
        sum_line[-1] = "Sum"
        t.add_row(sum_line + [
            "%.3f SBD" % (sum_curation[0]),
            "%.3f SBD" % (sum_curation[1]),
            "%.3f SP" % (sum_curation[2]),
            "%.2f %%" % curation_sum_percentage
        response = "curation for %s\n" % (authorperm)
        response += t.get_string()
        await ctx.channel.send("```" + response + "```")
Example #2
                total_rshares_sum = 0
                for v in activeVotes:
                    if v["rshares"] > 0:
                        rshares_sum += int(v["rshares"])
                    total_rshares_sum += int(v["rshares"])
                    if v["voter"] == vote_log["voter"]:
                        rshares = int(v["rshares"])                    
                curation_rshares = 0.25 * total_rshares_sum
                for vote in activeVotes:
                    voter_rshares = int(vote["rshares"])
                    rshares_after = rshares_sum - rshares_before - voter_rshares
                    if voter_rshares > 0:
                        y = curation_performance(rshares_before, voter_rshares, rshares_after)
                    if voter_rshares > 0 and vote["voter"] == vote_log["voter"]:
                        performance = (1 - c.get_curation_penalty(vote_time=vote["time"])) * (curation_rshares * y) / voter_rshares * 100
                    if voter_rshares > 0 and voter_rshares > rshares / rshares_divider:
                        vote_SBD = stm.rshares_to_sbd(voter_rshares)
                        p = float(curation_rewards_SBD["active_votes"][vote["voter"]]) / vote_SBD * 100
                        if p > best_performance:
                            best_performance = p
                            best_vote_delay_min = ((vote["time"]) - c["created"]).total_seconds() / 60
                    if voter_rshares > 0:
                        rshares_before += voter_rshares
                vote_log["is_pending"] = False

            if acc_data is not None and acc_data["optimize_vote_delay"] and abs(vote_delay_diff) < 1.0 and not vote_log["trail_vote"]:

                optimize_threshold = 1 + (acc_data["optimize_threshold"] / 100)
                optimize_ma_length = acc_data["optimize_ma_length"]