def truncate(self, table): ''' Empty provided table. ''' sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE %s' % (table) try: self.query(sql) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def delete(self, table, where=None, limit=None, **where_conditions): ''' Delete values from table. Arguments: :table (str): Table to delete values from. :where: Optional, where condition as a string. :limit (int): Optional, places a limit on the number of rows to be deleted. :where_conditions: Optional, condition pairs to contruct where conditional clause if where is not provided. Raises: BeeSQLDatabaseError. Examples:: connection.delete('beesql_version', where="version < 2.0") sql - DELETE FROM beesql_version WHERE version < 2.0 connection.delete('beesql_version', limit=2, version=2.0, release_name='bumblebee') sql - DELETE FROM beesql_version WHERE version=2.0 AND release_name='bumblebee' LIMIT 2 ''' escapes = None sql = 'DELETE FROM %s' % (table) if where: sql = sql + ' WHERE %s' % (where) # If where condition is not supplied as a string derive it using where_conditions. elif where_conditions: sql = sql + ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, '%s') for k in where_conditions.keys()]) escapes = tuple(where_conditions.values()) if limit: sql = sql + ' LIMIT %s' % (limit) try: self.query(sql, escapes) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def use(self, db): ''' Issue a mysql use command against the provided database. Arguments: :db (str): Database name to be selected. ''' try: sql = "USE %s" % (db) self.query(sql) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def drop(self, db, if_exists=False): ''' Drop provided database. Arguments: :db (str): Database to be dropped. :if_exists (bool): Try dropping the database only if it exists, used to prevent errors if database does not exist. ''' try: if if_exists: sql = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s" % (db) else: sql = "DROP DATABASE %s" % (db) self.query(sql) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def create(self, db, if_not_exists=False): ''' Create provided database. Arguments: :db (str): Database to be created. :if_not_exists (bool): Try creating the database only if it does not exist, used to prevent errors if database does exist. ''' try: if if_not_exists: sql = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s" % (db) else: sql = "CREATE DATABASE %s" % (db) self.query(sql) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def __init__(self, username, password, host='localhost', port=3306, db=None, unix_socket=None): ''' Initialize MysqlConnection. Initialize BaseConnection, register database connection and cursor. If db is specified issue a use query. ''' BeeSQLBaseConnection.__init__(self) if (not username or password is None): raise BeeSQLError('Engine mysql requires username and password') try: if not unix_socket: self.db_connection = pymysql.connect(user=username, passwd=password, host=host, port=port) else: self.db_connection = pymysql.connect(user=username, passwd=password, unix_socket=unix_socket) self.cursor = self.db_connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) if db and db != '': self.cursor.execute('use %s' % (db)) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def __init__(self, username, password, host='localhost', port=3306, db=None, unix_socket=None): ''' Initialize Sqlite connection. ''' BeeSQLBaseConnection.__init__(self) if not db: raise BeeSQLError('Engine sqlite requires db') try: self.db_connection = sqlite3.connect(db) self.db_connection.row_factory = self.__dict_factory self.cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() except sqlite3.OperationalError, oe: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(oe))
def query(self, sql, escapes=None): """Run provided query. Arguments: :sql (str): Query to run. :escapes: Optional, A tuple of escape values to escape provided sql. Returns: Tuple of dictionaries representing rows. Raises: BeeSQLDatabaseError. """ try: self.last_sql = sql self.last_escapes = escapes return self._run_query(sql, escapes) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def drop_table(self, *tables, **kargs): ''' Drop tables provided. Arguments: :if_exists (bool): Try dropping tables only if exists, used to prevent errors if a table does not exist. :tables: Tuple of tables to be deleted. Raises: BeeSQLDatabaseError. ''' if 'if_exists' in kargs and kargs['if_exists']: sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " else: sql = "DROP TABLE " sql = sql + ", ".join(list(tables)) try: self.query(sql) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def insert(self, table, **values): ''' Insert values into table. Arguments: :table: Table to be inserted into. :values: Variable number of column names and values to be inserted. Raises: BeeSQLDatabaseError. Example:: BeeSQL insert: connection.insert('beesql_version', version='0.1', release_manager='Kasun Herath') SQL: INSERT INTO beesql_version (version, release_manager) VALUES ('0.1', 'Kasun Herath') ''' try: sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (table, ', '.join([columnname for columnname in values.keys()]), ', '.join(['%s' for columnname in values.values()])) escapes = tuple(values.values()) self.query(sql, escapes) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def update(self, table, updated_values, where=None, limit=None, **where_conditions): ''' Update table with provided updated values. Arguments: :table (str): Table to be updated. :updated_values: A dict representing values to be updated. :where: Optional, where condition as a string. :limit (int): Optional, used to limit the number of rows to be updated. :where_conditions: Optional, condition pairs to contruct where conditional clause if where is not provided. Raises: BeeSQLDatabaseError. Examples:: updates = {'release_manager':'John Doe'} connection.update('beesql_version', updates, where="release_manager='John Smith' AND version > 2.0") sql - UPDATE beesql_version SET release_manager='John Doe' WHERE release_manager='John Smith AND version > 2.0' connection.update('beesql_version', updates, release_manager='John Smith', release_year=2012, limit=1) sql - UPDATE beesql_version SET release_manager='John Doe' WHERE release_manager='John Smith' AND release_year=2012 LIMIT 1 ''' if not type(updated_values) is dict: raise TypeError('updated_values should be of type dict') sql = 'UPDATE %s SET ' % (table) + ' , '.join([k + '=%s' for k in updated_values.keys()]) escapes_list = updated_values.values() if where: sql = sql + ' WHERE %s' % (where) elif where_conditions: sql = sql + ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join([k + '=%s' for k in where_conditions.keys()]) escapes_list.extend(where_conditions.values()) if limit: sql = sql + ' LIMIT %s' % (limit) try: self.query(sql, tuple(escapes_list)) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))
def select(self, table, columns=None, distinct=False, where=None, group_by=None, group_by_asc=True, having=None, order_by=None, order_by_asc=True, limit=False, **where_conditions): """Select columns from table. Arguments: :table (str): Table to select from. :columns: Tuple of columns or single column name to select. If not provided all columns are selected. :where (str): Optional where conditional clause as a string. :group_by (str): Optional column name to group results. :group_by_asc (bool): Default to True to Group columns in ascending order. :having (str): Having clause as a string. :order_by (tuple or str): Optional, used to sort results using column(s). :order_by_asc (bool): Default to True to order results in ascending order. :limit (int): Optional, Limit results to provided number of rows. :where_conditions: Optional, condition pairs to contruct where conditional clause if where is not provided. Returns: Tuple of dicts representing rows. Raises: BeeSQLDatabaseError. Examples::'beesql_version', ('version', 'release_manager')) sql - SELECT version, release_manager FROM beesql_version'beesql_version', where="version > 2.0 AND release_manager='John Doe'") sql - SELECT * FROM beesql_version WHERE version > 2.0 AND release_manager='John Doe''beesql_version', release_year=2012, release_manager='John Doe') sql - SELECT * FROM beesql_version WHERE release_year=2012 AND release_manager='John Doe' """ sql = 'SELECT ' escapes= None if distinct: sql = sql + 'DISTINCT ' if columns: # Columns is either a tuple of columns or single column name if type(columns) is tuple: sql = sql + ', '.join([column for column in columns]) else: sql = sql + columns else: sql = sql + '*' sql = sql + ' FROM %s' % (table) if where: sql = sql + ' WHERE %s' % (where) elif where_conditions: sql = sql + ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join([k + '=%s' for k in where_conditions.keys()]) escapes = tuple(where_conditions.values()) if group_by: sql = sql + ' GROUP BY ' if type(group_by) is tuple: sql = sql + ','.join(group_by_column for group_by_column in group_by) else: sql = sql + '%s' % (group_by) if not group_by_asc: sql = sql + ' DESC' if having: sql = sql + ' HAVING %s' % (having) if order_by: sql = sql + ' ORDER BY ' if type(order_by) is tuple: sql = sql + ','.join(order_by_column for order_by_column in order_by) else: sql = sql + '%s' % (order_by) if not order_by_asc: sql = sql + ' DESC' if limit: sql = sql + ' LIMIT %s' % (limit) try: return self.query(sql, (escapes)) except pymysql.err.DatabaseError, de: raise BeeSQLDatabaseError(str(de))