Example #1
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, items, info, dist, color=True):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if
    tags are changed from (cur_artist, cur_album, items) to info with
    distance dist.
    def show_album(artist, album):
        if artist:
            print_('    %s - %s' % (artist, album))
            print_('    %s' % album)

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != info['artist'] or \
            (cur_album != info['album'] and info['album'] != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', info['artist']
        album_l,  album_r  = cur_album  or '', info['album']
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r   = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        print_("Tagging: %s - %s" % (info['artist'], info['album']))

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(dist, color))

    # Tracks.
    for i, (item, track_data) in enumerate(zip(items, info['tracks'])):
        cur_track = str(item.track)
        new_track = str(i+1)
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_data['title']
        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            if cur_track != new_track:
                cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
                new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)
        if cur_title != new_title and cur_track != new_track:
            print_(" * %s (%s) -> %s (%s)" % (
                cur_title, cur_track, new_title, new_track
        elif cur_title != new_title:
            print_(" * %s -> %s" % (cur_title, new_title))
        elif cur_track != new_track:
            print_(" * %s (%s -> %s)" % (item.title, cur_track, new_track))
Example #2
def _showdiff(field, oldval, newval):
    """Prints out a human-readable field difference line."""
    # Considering floats incomparable for perfect equality, introduce
    # an epsilon tolerance.
    if isinstance(oldval, float) and isinstance(newval, float) and abs(oldval - newval) < FLOAT_EPSILON:

    if newval != oldval:
        oldval, newval = ui.colordiff(oldval, newval)
        print_(u"  %s: %s -> %s" % (field, oldval, newval))
Example #3
def show_item_change(item, match):
    """Print out the change that would occur by tagging `item` with the
    metadata from `match`, a TrackMatch object.
    cur_artist, new_artist = item.artist, match.info.artist
    cur_title, new_title = item.title, match.info.title

    if cur_artist != new_artist or cur_title != new_title:
        cur_artist, new_artist = ui.colordiff(cur_artist, new_artist)
        cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)

        print_("Correcting track tags from:")
        print_("    %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))
        print_("    %s - %s" % (new_artist, new_title))

        print_("Tagging track: %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))

    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance))
Example #4
def show_item_change(item, info, dist, color):
    """Print out the change that would occur by tagging `item` with the
    metadata from `info`.
    cur_artist, new_artist = item.artist, info.artist
    cur_title, new_title = item.title, info.title

    if cur_artist != new_artist or cur_title != new_title:
        if color:
            cur_artist, new_artist = ui.colordiff(cur_artist, new_artist)
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)

        print_("Correcting track tags from:")
        print_("    %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))
        print_("    %s - %s" % (new_artist, new_title))

        print_("Tagging track: %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))

    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(dist, color))
Example #5
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, items, info, dist, color=True):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if
    tags are changed from (cur_artist, cur_album, items) to info with
    distance dist.
    if cur_artist != info['artist'] or cur_album != info['album']:
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', info['artist']
        album_l,  album_r  = cur_album  or '', info['album']
        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r   = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)
        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        print_('     %s - %s' % (artist_l, album_l))
        print_('     %s - %s' % (artist_r, album_r))
        print_("Tagging: %s - %s" % (info['artist'], info['album']))
    print_('(Distance: %s)' % dist_string(dist, color))
    for i, (item, track_data) in enumerate(zip(items, info['tracks'])):
        cur_track = str(item.track)
        new_track = str(i+1)
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_data['title']
        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            if cur_track != new_track:
                cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
                new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)
        if cur_title != new_title and cur_track != new_track:
            print_(" * %s (%s) -> %s (%s)" % (
                cur_title, cur_track, new_title, new_track
        elif cur_title != new_title:
            print_(" * %s -> %s" % (cur_title, new_title))
        elif cur_track != new_track:
            print_(" * %s (%s -> %s)" % (item.title, cur_track, new_track))
Example #6
def _showdiff(field, oldval, newval, color):
    """Prints out a human-readable field difference line."""
    # Considering floats incomparable for perfect equality, introduce
    # an epsilon tolerance.
    if isinstance(oldval, float) and isinstance(newval, float) and \
            abs(oldval - newval) < FLOAT_EPSILON:

    if newval != oldval:
        if color:
            oldval, newval = ui.colordiff(oldval, newval)
            oldval, newval = unicode(oldval), unicode(newval)
        print_(u'  %s: %s -> %s' % (field, oldval, newval))
Example #7
def show_item_change(item, match):
    """Print out the change that would occur by tagging `item` with the
    metadata from `match`, a TrackMatch object.
    cur_artist, new_artist = item.artist, match.info.artist
    cur_title, new_title = item.title, match.info.title

    if cur_artist != new_artist or cur_title != new_title:
        cur_artist, new_artist = ui.colordiff(cur_artist, new_artist)
        cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)

        print_("Correcting track tags from:")
        print_("    %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))
        print_("    %s - %s" % (new_artist, new_title))

        print_("Tagging track: %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))

    # Data URL.
    if match.info.data_url:
        print_('URL:\n    %s' % match.info.data_url)

    # Info line.
    info = []
    # Similarity.
    info.append('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance))
    # Penalties.
    penalties = penalty_string(match.distance)
    if penalties:
    # Disambiguation.
    disambig = disambig_string(match.info)
    if disambig:
        info.append(ui.colorize('lightgray', '(%s)' % disambig))
    print_(' '.join(info))
Example #8
def show_item_change(item, match):
    """Print out the change that would occur by tagging `item` with the
    metadata from `match`, a TrackMatch object.
    cur_artist, new_artist = item.artist, match.info.artist
    cur_title, new_title = item.title, match.info.title

    if cur_artist != new_artist or cur_title != new_title:
        cur_artist, new_artist = ui.colordiff(cur_artist, new_artist)
        cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)

        print_("Correcting track tags from:")
        print_("    %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))
        print_("    %s - %s" % (new_artist, new_title))

        print_("Tagging track: %s - %s" % (cur_artist, cur_title))

    # Data URL.
    if match.info.data_url:
        print_('URL:\n    %s' % match.info.data_url)

    # Info line.
    info = []
    # Similarity.
    info.append('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance))
    # Penalties.
    penalties = penalty_string(match.distance)
    if penalties:
    # Disambiguation.
    disambig = disambig_string(match.info)
    if disambig:
        info.append(ui.colorize('lightgray', '(%s)' % disambig))
    print_(' '.join(info))
Example #9
def _showdiff(field, oldval, newval):
    """Print out a human-readable field difference line if `oldval` and
    `newval` differ. Return a boolean indicating whether anything was printed
    (i.e., if any change needs to be made).
    # Considering floats incomparable for perfect equality, introduce
    # an epsilon tolerance.
    if isinstance(oldval, float) and isinstance(newval, float) and \
            abs(oldval - newval) < FLOAT_EPSILON:
        return False

    if newval != oldval:
        oldval, newval = ui.colordiff(oldval, newval)
        print_(u'  %s: %s -> %s' % (field, oldval, newval))
        return True

    return False
Example #10
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, items, info, dist, color=True):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if
    tags are changed from (cur_artist, cur_album, items) to info with
    distance dist.
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            warning = None
        if color and warning:
            warning = ui.colorize('yellow', warning)

        out = album_description
        if warning:
            out += u' ' + warning

    # Record if the match is partial or not.
    partial_match = None in items

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != info.artist or \
            (cur_album != info.album and info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', info.artist
        album_l,  album_r  = cur_album  or '', info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r   = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (info.artist, info.album)
        if partial_match:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            if color:
                warning = ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)
            message += u' ' + warning

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(dist, color))

    # Tracks.
    missing_tracks = []
    for i, (item, track_info) in enumerate(zip(items, info.tracks)):
        if not item:
            missing_tracks.append((i, track_info))
        cur_track = unicode(item.track)
        new_track = unicode(i+1)
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_info.title
        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            if cur_track != new_track:
                cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
                new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)

        # Show filename (non-colorized) when title is not set.
        if not item.title.strip():
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))
        if cur_title != new_title and cur_track != new_track:
            print_(u" * %s (%s) -> %s (%s)" % (
                cur_title, cur_track, new_title, new_track
        elif cur_title != new_title:
            print_(u" * %s -> %s" % (cur_title, new_title))
        elif cur_track != new_track:
            print_(u" * %s (%s -> %s)" % (item.title, cur_track, new_track))
    for i, track_info in missing_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: %s (%d)' % (track_info.title, i+1)
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
Example #11
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, items, info, dist, color=True,
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if
    tags are changed from (cur_artist, cur_album, items) to info with
    distance dist.
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            warning = None
        if color and warning:
            warning = ui.colorize('yellow', warning)

        out = album_description
        if warning:
            out += u' ' + warning

    # Record if the match is partial or not.
    partial_match = None in items

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != info.artist or \
            (cur_album != info.album and info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', info.artist
        album_l,  album_r  = cur_album  or '', info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r   = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (info.artist, info.album)
        if partial_match:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            if color:
                warning = ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)
            message += u' ' + warning

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(dist, color))

    # Tracks.
    missing_tracks = []
    for i, (item, track_info) in enumerate(zip(items, info.tracks)):
        if not item:
            missing_tracks.append((i, track_info))

        # Get displayable LHS and RHS values.
        cur_track = unicode(item.track)
        if per_disc_numbering:
            if info.mediums > 1:
                new_track = u'{0}-{1}'.format(track_info.medium,
                new_track = unicode(track_info.medium_index)
            new_track = unicode(i + 1)
        tracks_differ = item.track not in (i + 1, track_info.medium_index)
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_info.title
        if item.length and track_info.length:
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            if color:
                cur_length = ui.colorize('red', cur_length)
                new_length = ui.colorize('red', new_length)

        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
            new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)

        # Show filename (non-colorized) when title is not set.
        if not item.title.strip():
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))

        if cur_title != new_title:
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            if tracks_differ:
                lhs += u' (%s)' % cur_track
                rhs += u' (%s)' % new_track
            print_(u" * %s -> %s" % (lhs, rhs))
            line = u' * %s' % item.title
            display = False
            if tracks_differ:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s -> %s)' % (cur_track, new_track)
            if item.length and track_info.length and \
                    abs(item.length - track_info.length) > 2.0:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s vs. %s)' % (cur_length, new_length)
            if display:
    for i, track_info in missing_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: %s (%d)' % (track_info.title, i+1)
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
Example #12
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, items, info, dist, color=True):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if
    tags are changed from (cur_artist, cur_album, items) to info with
    distance dist.
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            warning = None
        if color and warning:
            warning = ui.colorize('yellow', warning)

        out = album_description
        if warning:
            out += u' ' + warning

    # Record if the match is partial or not.
    partial_match = None in items

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != info.artist or \
            (cur_album != info.album and info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', info.artist
        album_l, album_r = cur_album or '', info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (info.artist, info.album)
        if partial_match:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            if color:
                warning = ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)
            message += u' ' + warning

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(dist, color))

    # Tracks.
    missing_tracks = []
    for i, (item, track_info) in enumerate(zip(items, info.tracks)):
        if not item:
            missing_tracks.append((i, track_info))
        cur_track = unicode(item.track)
        new_track = unicode(i + 1)
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_info.title

        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            if cur_track != new_track:
                cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
                new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)

        # Show filename (non-colorized) when title is not set.
        if not item.title.strip():
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))

        if cur_title != new_title and cur_track != new_track:
            print_(u" * %s (%s) -> %s (%s)" %
                   (cur_title, cur_track, new_title, new_track))
        elif cur_title != new_title:
            print_(u" * %s -> %s" % (cur_title, new_title))
        elif cur_track != new_track:
            print_(u" * %s (%s -> %s)" % (item.title, cur_track, new_track))
    for i, track_info in missing_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: %s (%d)' % (track_info.title, i + 1)
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
Example #13
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, match, color=True,
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if an
    album's tags are changed according to `match`, which must be an AlbumMatch
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            warning = None
        if color and warning:
            warning = ui.colorize('yellow', warning)

        out = album_description
        if warning:
            out += u' ' + warning

    def format_index(track_info):
        """Return a string representing the track index of the given
        TrackInfo object.
        if per_disc_numbering:
            if match.info.mediums > 1:
                return u'{0}-{1}'.format(track_info.medium,
                return unicode(track_info.medium_index)
            return unicode(track_info.index)

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != match.info.artist or \
            (cur_album != match.info.album and
             match.info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', match.info.artist
        album_l,  album_r  = cur_album  or '', match.info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r   = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (match.info.artist, match.info.album)
        if match.extra_items or match.extra_tracks:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            if color:
                warning = ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)
            message += u' ' + warning

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance, color))

    # Tracks.
    pairs = match.mapping.items()
    pairs.sort(key=lambda (_, track_info): track_info.index)
    for item, track_info in pairs:
        # Get displayable LHS and RHS values.
        cur_track = unicode(item.track)
        new_track = format_index(track_info)
        tracks_differ = item.track not in (track_info.index,
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_info.title
        if item.length and track_info.length:
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            if color:
                cur_length = ui.colorize('red', cur_length)
                new_length = ui.colorize('red', new_length)

        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
            new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)

        # Show filename (non-colorized) when title is not set.
        if not item.title.strip():
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))

        if cur_title != new_title:
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            if tracks_differ:
                lhs += u' (%s)' % cur_track
                rhs += u' (%s)' % new_track
            print_(u" * %s -> %s" % (lhs, rhs))
            line = u' * %s' % item.title
            display = False
            if tracks_differ:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s -> %s)' % (cur_track, new_track)
            if item.length and track_info.length and \
                    abs(item.length - track_info.length) > 2.0:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s vs. %s)' % (cur_length, new_length)
            if display:

    # Missing and unmatched tracks.
    for track_info in match.extra_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: {0} ({1})'.format(track_info.title,
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
    for item in match.extra_items:
        line = u' * Unmatched track: {0} ({1})'.format(item.title, item.track)
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
Example #14
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, match):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if an
    album's tags are changed according to `match`, which must be an AlbumMatch
    def show_album(artist, album):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

    def format_index(track_info):
        """Return a string representing the track index of the given
        TrackInfo or Item object.
        if isinstance(track_info, hooks.TrackInfo):
            index = track_info.index
            medium_index = track_info.medium_index
            medium = track_info.medium
            mediums = match.info.mediums
            index = medium_index = track_info.track
            medium = track_info.disc
            mediums = track_info.disctotal
        if config['per_disc_numbering']:
            if mediums > 1:
                return u'{0}-{1}'.format(medium, medium_index)
                return unicode(medium_index)
            return unicode(index)

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != match.info.artist or \
            (cur_album != match.info.album and
             match.info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', match.info.artist
        album_l,  album_r  = cur_album  or '', match.info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
        album_l, album_r   = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        print_(u"Tagging:\n    {0.artist} - {0.album}".format(match.info))

    # Data URL.
    if match.info.data_url:
        print_('URL:\n    %s' % match.info.data_url)

    # Info line.
    info = []
    # Similarity.
    info.append('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance))
    # Penalties.
    penalties = penalty_string(match.distance)
    if penalties:
    # Disambiguation.
    disambig = disambig_string(match.info)
    if disambig:
        info.append(ui.colorize('lightgray', '(%s)' % disambig))
    print_(' '.join(info))

    # Tracks.
    pairs = match.mapping.items()
    pairs.sort(key=lambda (_, track_info): track_info.index)

    # Build up LHS and RHS for track difference display. The `lines` list
    # contains ``(lhs, rhs, width)`` tuples where `width` is the length (in
    # characters) of the uncolorized LHS.
    lines = []
    medium = disctitle = None
    for item, track_info in pairs:

        # Medium number and title.
        if medium != track_info.medium or disctitle != track_info.disctitle:
            media = match.info.media or 'Media'
            if match.info.mediums > 1 and track_info.disctitle:
                lhs = '%s %s: %s' % (media, track_info.medium,
            elif match.info.mediums > 1:
                lhs = '%s %s' % (media, track_info.medium)
            elif track_info.disctitle:
                lhs = '%s: %s' % (media, track_info.disctitle)
                lhs = None
            if lhs:
                lines.append((lhs, '', 0))
            medium, disctitle = track_info.medium, track_info.disctitle

        # Titles.
        new_title = track_info.title
        if not item.title.strip():
            # If there's no title, we use the filename.
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            cur_title = item.title.strip()
            lhs, rhs = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
        lhs_width = len(cur_title)

        # Track number change.
        cur_track, new_track = format_index(item), format_index(track_info)
        if cur_track != new_track:
            if item.track in (track_info.index, track_info.medium_index):
                color = 'lightgray'
                color = 'red'
            if (cur_track + new_track).count('-') == 1:
                lhs_track, rhs_track = ui.colorize(color, cur_track), \
                                       ui.colorize(color, new_track)
                color = 'red'
                lhs_track, rhs_track = ui.color_diff_suffix(cur_track,
            templ = ui.colorize(color, u' (#') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize(color, u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_track)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_track)
            lhs_width += len(cur_track) + 4

        # Length change.
        if item.length and track_info.length and \
                abs(item.length - track_info.length) > \
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            lhs_length, rhs_length = ui.color_diff_suffix(cur_length,
            templ = ui.colorize('red', u' (') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize('red', u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_length)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_length)
            lhs_width += len(cur_length) + 3

        # Penalties.
        penalties = penalty_string(match.distance.tracks[track_info])
        if penalties:
            rhs += ' %s' % penalties

        if lhs != rhs:
            lines.append((' * %s' % lhs, rhs, lhs_width))
        elif config['import']['detail']:
            lines.append((' * %s' % lhs, '', lhs_width))

    # Print each track in two columns, or across two lines.
    col_width = (ui.term_width() - len(''.join([' * ', ' -> ']))) // 2
    if lines:
        max_width = max(w for _, _, w in lines)
        for lhs, rhs, lhs_width in lines:
            if not rhs:
            elif max_width > col_width:
                print_(u'%s ->\n   %s' % (lhs, rhs))
                pad = max_width - lhs_width
                print_(u'%s%s -> %s' % (lhs, ' ' * pad, rhs))

    # Missing and unmatched tracks.
    if match.extra_tracks:
        print_('Missing tracks:')
    for track_info in match.extra_tracks:
        line = ' ! %s (#%s)' % (track_info.title, format_index(track_info))
        if track_info.length:
            line += ' (%s)' % ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
        print_(ui.colorize('yellow', line))
    if match.extra_items:
        print_('Unmatched tracks:')
    for item in match.extra_items:
        line = ' ! %s (#%s)' % (item.title, format_index(item))
        if item.length:
            line += ' (%s)' % ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
        print_(ui.colorize('yellow', line))
Example #15
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, match):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if an
    album's tags are changed according to `match`, which must be an AlbumMatch
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        out = album_description

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            out += u' %s' % ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)


    def format_index(track_info):
        """Return a string representing the track index of the given
        TrackInfo or Item object.
        if isinstance(track_info, autotag.hooks.TrackInfo):
            index = track_info.index
            medium_index = track_info.medium_index
            medium = track_info.medium
            mediums = match.info.mediums
            index = medium_index = track_info.track
            medium = track_info.disc
            mediums = track_info.disctotal
        if config['per_disc_numbering'].get(bool):
            if mediums > 1:
                return u'{0}-{1}'.format(medium, medium_index)
                return unicode(medium_index)
            return unicode(index)

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != match.info.artist or \
            (cur_album != match.info.album and
             match.info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', match.info.artist
        album_l, album_r = cur_album or '', match.info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
        album_l, album_r = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging:\n    %s - %s" % (match.info.artist,
        if match.extra_items or match.extra_tracks:
            message += u' %s' % ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)

    # Data URL.
    if match.info.data_url:
        print_('URL:\n    %s' % match.info.data_url)

    # Info line.
    info = []
    info.append('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance))
    if match.info.data_source != 'MusicBrainz':
        info.append(ui.colorize('turquoise', '(%s)' % match.info.data_source))
    disambig = disambig_string(match.info)
    if disambig:
        info.append(ui.colorize('lightgray', '(%s)' % disambig))
    print_(' '.join(info))

    # Tracks.
    pairs = match.mapping.items()
    pairs.sort(key=lambda (_, track_info): track_info.index)

    # Build up LHS and RHS for track difference display. The `lines` list
    # contains ``(lhs, rhs, width)`` tuples where `width` is the length (in
    # characters) of the uncolorized LHS.
    lines = []
    medium = disctitle = None
    for item, track_info in pairs:

        # Medium number and title.
        if medium != track_info.medium or disctitle != track_info.disctitle:
            media = match.info.media or 'Media'
            if match.info.mediums > 1 and track_info.disctitle:
                lhs = '%s %s: %s' % (media, track_info.medium,
            elif match.info.mediums > 1:
                lhs = '%s %s' % (media, track_info.medium)
            elif track_info.disctitle:
                lhs = '%s: %s' % (media, track_info.disctitle)
                lhs = None
            if lhs:
                lines.append((lhs, '', 0))
            medium, disctitle = track_info.medium, track_info.disctitle

        # Titles.
        new_title = track_info.title
        if not item.title.strip():
            # If there's no title, we use the filename.
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            cur_title = item.title.strip()
            lhs, rhs = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
        lhs_width = len(cur_title)

        # Track number change.
        cur_track, new_track = format_index(item), format_index(track_info)
        if cur_track != new_track:
            if item.track in (track_info.index, track_info.medium_index):
                color = 'yellow'
                color = 'red'
            if (cur_track + new_track).count('-') == 1:
                lhs_track, rhs_track = ui.colorize(color, cur_track), \
                                       ui.colorize(color, new_track)
                color = 'red'
                lhs_track, rhs_track = ui.color_diff_suffix(
                    cur_track, new_track)
            templ = ui.colorize(color, u' (#') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize(color, u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_track)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_track)
            lhs_width += len(cur_track) + 4

        # Length change.
        if item.length and track_info.length and \
                abs(item.length - track_info.length) > \
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            lhs_length, rhs_length = ui.color_diff_suffix(
                cur_length, new_length)
            templ = ui.colorize('red', u' (') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize('red', u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_length)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_length)
            lhs_width += len(cur_length) + 3

        # Hidden penalties. No LHS/RHS diff is displayed, but we still want to
        # indicate that a penalty has been applied to explain the similarity
        # score.
        penalties = []
        if match.info.va and track_info.artist and \
                item.artist.lower() not in VA_ARTISTS:
        if item.mb_trackid and item.mb_trackid != track_info.track_id:
        if penalties:
            rhs += ' %s' % ui.colorize('red', '(%s)' % ', '.join(penalties))

        if lhs != rhs:
            lines.append((' * %s' % lhs, rhs, lhs_width))
        elif config['import']['detail']:
            lines.append((' * %s' % lhs, '', lhs_width))

    # Print each track in two columns, or across two lines.
    col_width = (ui.term_width() - len(''.join([' * ', ' -> ']))) // 2
    if lines:
        max_width = max(w for _, _, w in lines)
        for lhs, rhs, lhs_width in lines:
            if not rhs:
            elif max_width > col_width:
                print_(u'%s ->\n   %s' % (lhs, rhs))
                pad = max_width - lhs_width
                print_(u'%s%s -> %s' % (lhs, ' ' * pad, rhs))

    # Missing and unmatched tracks.
    if match.extra_tracks:
        print_('Missing tracks:')
    for track_info in match.extra_tracks:
        line = ' ! %s (#%s)' % (track_info.title, format_index(track_info))
        if track_info.length:
            line += ' (%s)' % ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
        print_(ui.colorize('yellow', line))
    if match.extra_items:
        print_('Unmatched tracks:')
    for item in match.extra_items:
        line = ' ! %s (#%s)' % (item.title, format_index(item))
        if item.length:
            line += ' (%s)' % ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
        print_(ui.colorize('yellow', line))
Example #16
def _showdiff(field, oldval, newval, color):
    """Prints out a human-readable field difference line."""
    if newval != oldval:
        if color:
            oldval, newval = ui.colordiff(oldval, newval)
        print_(u'  %s: %s -> %s' % (field, oldval, newval))
Example #17
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, match):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if an
    album's tags are changed according to `match`, which must be an AlbumMatch
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        out = album_description

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            out += u' ' + ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)


    def format_index(track_info):
        """Return a string representing the track index of the given
        TrackInfo object.
        if config['per_disc_numbering'].get(bool):
            if match.info.mediums > 1:
                return u'{0}-{1}'.format(track_info.medium,
                return unicode(track_info.medium_index)
            return unicode(track_info.index)

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != match.info.artist or \
            (cur_album != match.info.album and
             match.info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', match.info.artist
        album_l, album_r = cur_album or '', match.info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
        album_l, album_r = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (match.info.artist, match.info.album)
        if match.extra_items or match.extra_tracks:
            message += u' ' + ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance))

    # Tracks.
    pairs = match.mapping.items()
    pairs.sort(key=lambda (_, track_info): track_info.index)

    # Build up LHS and RHS for track difference display. The `lines`
    # list contains ``(current title, new title, width)`` tuples where
    # `width` is the length (in characters) of the uncolorized LHS.
    lines = []
    for item, track_info in pairs:
        # Titles.
        new_title = track_info.title
        if not item.title.strip():
            # If there's no title, we use the filename.
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            cur_title = item.title.strip()
            lhs, rhs = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
        lhs_width = len(cur_title)

        # Track number change.
        if item.track not in (track_info.index, track_info.medium_index):
            cur_track, new_track = unicode(
                item.track), format_index(track_info)
            lhs_track, rhs_track = ui.color_diff_suffix(cur_track, new_track)
            templ = ui.colorize('red', u' (#') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize('red', u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_track)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_track)
            lhs_width += len(cur_track) + 4

        # Length change.
        if item.length and track_info.length and \
                abs(item.length - track_info.length) > \
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            lhs_length, rhs_length = ui.color_diff_suffix(
                cur_length, new_length)
            templ = ui.colorize('red', u' (') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize('red', u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_length)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_length)
            lhs_width += len(cur_length) + 3

        if lhs != rhs:
            lines.append((lhs, rhs, lhs_width))

    # Print each track in two columns, or across two lines.
    col_width = (ui.term_width() - len(''.join([' * ', ' -> ']))) // 2
    if lines:
        max_width = max(w for _, _, w in lines)
        for lhs, rhs, lhs_width in lines:
            if max_width > col_width:
                print_(u' * %s ->\n   %s' % (lhs, rhs))
                pad = max_width - lhs_width
                print_(u' * %s%s -> %s' % (lhs, ' ' * pad, rhs))

    # Missing and unmatched tracks.
    for track_info in match.extra_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: {0} ({1})'.format(track_info.title,
        line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
    for item in match.extra_items:
        line = u' * Unmatched track: {0} ({1})'.format(item.title, item.track)
        line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
Example #18
def show_change(cur_artist, cur_album, match):
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if an
    album's tags are changed according to `match`, which must be an AlbumMatch
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        out = album_description

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            out += u' ' + ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)


    def format_index(track_info):
        """Return a string representing the track index of the given
        TrackInfo object.
        if config['per_disc_numbering'].get(bool):
            if match.info.mediums > 1:
                return u'{0}-{1}'.format(track_info.medium,
                return unicode(track_info.medium_index)
            return unicode(track_info.index)

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != match.info.artist or \
            (cur_album != match.info.album and
             match.info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', match.info.artist
        album_l,  album_r  = cur_album  or '', match.info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
        album_l, album_r   = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (match.info.artist, match.info.album)
        if match.extra_items or match.extra_tracks:
            message += u' ' + ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance))

    # Tracks.
    pairs = match.mapping.items()
    pairs.sort(key=lambda (_, track_info): track_info.index)

    # Build up LHS and RHS for track difference display. The `lines`
    # list contains ``(current title, new title, width)`` tuples where
    # `width` is the length (in characters) of the uncolorized LHS.
    lines = []
    for item, track_info in pairs:
        # Titles.
        new_title = track_info.title
        if not item.title.strip():
            # If there's no title, we use the filename.
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            cur_title = item.title.strip()
            lhs, rhs = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
        lhs_width = len(cur_title)

        # Track number change.
        if item.track not in (track_info.index, track_info.medium_index):
            cur_track, new_track = unicode(item.track), format_index(track_info)
            lhs_track, rhs_track = ui.color_diff_suffix(cur_track, new_track)
            templ = ui.colorize('red', u' (#') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize('red', u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_track)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_track)
            lhs_width += len(cur_track) + 4

        # Length change.
        if item.length and track_info.length and \
                abs(item.length - track_info.length) > \
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            lhs_length, rhs_length = ui.color_diff_suffix(cur_length,
            templ = ui.colorize('red', u' (') + u'{0}' + \
                    ui.colorize('red', u')')
            lhs += templ.format(lhs_length)
            rhs += templ.format(rhs_length)
            lhs_width += len(cur_length) + 3

        if lhs != rhs:
            lines.append((lhs, rhs, lhs_width))
        elif config['import']['detail']:
            lines.append((lhs, '', lhs_width))

    # Print each track in two columns, or across two lines.
    col_width = (ui.term_width() - len(''.join([' * ', ' -> ']))) // 2
    if lines:
        max_width = max(w for _, _, w in lines)
        for lhs, rhs, lhs_width in lines:
            if not rhs:
                print_(u' * {0}'.format(lhs))
            elif max_width > col_width:
                print_(u' * %s ->\n   %s' % (lhs, rhs))
                pad = max_width - lhs_width
                print_(u' * %s%s -> %s' % (lhs, ' ' * pad, rhs))

    # Missing and unmatched tracks.
    for track_info in match.extra_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: {0} ({1})'.format(track_info.title,
        line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
    for item in match.extra_items:
        line = u' * Unmatched track: {0} ({1})'.format(item.title, item.track)
        line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
Example #19
def show_change(cur_artist,
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if
    tags are changed from (cur_artist, cur_album, items) to info with
    distance dist.
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            warning = None
        if color and warning:
            warning = ui.colorize('yellow', warning)

        out = album_description
        if warning:
            out += u' ' + warning

    # Record if the match is partial or not.
    partial_match = None in items

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != info.artist or \
            (cur_album != info.album and info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', info.artist
        album_l, album_r = cur_album or '', info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (info.artist, info.album)
        if partial_match:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            if color:
                warning = ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)
            message += u' ' + warning

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(dist, color))

    # Tracks.
    missing_tracks = []
    for i, (item, track_info) in enumerate(zip(items, info.tracks)):
        if not item:
            missing_tracks.append((i, track_info))

        # Get displayable LHS and RHS values.
        cur_track = unicode(item.track)
        if per_disc_numbering:
            if info.mediums > 1:
                new_track = u'{0}-{1}'.format(track_info.medium,
                new_track = unicode(track_info.medium_index)
            new_track = unicode(i + 1)
        tracks_differ = item.track not in (i + 1, track_info.medium_index)
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_info.title
        if item.length and track_info.length:
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            if color:
                cur_length = ui.colorize('red', cur_length)
                new_length = ui.colorize('red', new_length)

        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
            new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)

        # Show filename (non-colorized) when title is not set.
        if not item.title.strip():
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))

        if cur_title != new_title:
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            if tracks_differ:
                lhs += u' (%s)' % cur_track
                rhs += u' (%s)' % new_track
            print_(u" * %s -> %s" % (lhs, rhs))
            line = u' * %s' % item.title
            display = False
            if tracks_differ:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s -> %s)' % (cur_track, new_track)
            if item.length and track_info.length and \
                    abs(item.length - track_info.length) > 2.0:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s vs. %s)' % (cur_length, new_length)
            if display:
    for i, track_info in missing_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: %s (%d)' % (track_info.title, i + 1)
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
Example #20
def show_change(cur_artist,
    """Print out a representation of the changes that will be made if an
    album's tags are changed according to `match`, which must be an AlbumMatch
    def show_album(artist, album, partial=False):
        if artist:
            album_description = u'    %s - %s' % (artist, album)
        elif album:
            album_description = u'    %s' % album
            album_description = u'    (unknown album)'

        # Add a suffix if this is a partial match.
        if partial:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            warning = None
        if color and warning:
            warning = ui.colorize('yellow', warning)

        out = album_description
        if warning:
            out += u' ' + warning

    def format_index(track_info):
        """Return a string representing the track index of the given
        TrackInfo object.
        if per_disc_numbering:
            if match.info.mediums > 1:
                return u'{0}-{1}'.format(track_info.medium,
                return unicode(track_info.medium_index)
            return unicode(track_info.index)

    # Identify the album in question.
    if cur_artist != match.info.artist or \
            (cur_album != match.info.album and
             match.info.album != VARIOUS_ARTISTS):
        artist_l, artist_r = cur_artist or '', match.info.artist
        album_l, album_r = cur_album or '', match.info.album
        if artist_r == VARIOUS_ARTISTS:
            # Hide artists for VA releases.
            artist_l, artist_r = u'', u''

        if color:
            artist_l, artist_r = ui.colordiff(artist_l, artist_r)
            album_l, album_r = ui.colordiff(album_l, album_r)

        print_("Correcting tags from:")
        show_album(artist_l, album_l)
        show_album(artist_r, album_r)
        message = u"Tagging: %s - %s" % (match.info.artist, match.info.album)
        if match.extra_items or match.extra_tracks:
            warning = PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE
            if color:
                warning = ui.colorize('yellow', PARTIAL_MATCH_MESSAGE)
            message += u' ' + warning

    # Distance/similarity.
    print_('(Similarity: %s)' % dist_string(match.distance, color))

    # Tracks.
    pairs = match.mapping.items()
    pairs.sort(key=lambda (_, track_info): track_info.index)
    for item, track_info in pairs:
        # Get displayable LHS and RHS values.
        cur_track = unicode(item.track)
        new_track = format_index(track_info)
        tracks_differ = item.track not in (track_info.index,
        cur_title = item.title
        new_title = track_info.title
        if item.length and track_info.length:
            cur_length = ui.human_seconds_short(item.length)
            new_length = ui.human_seconds_short(track_info.length)
            if color:
                cur_length = ui.colorize('red', cur_length)
                new_length = ui.colorize('red', new_length)

        # Possibly colorize changes.
        if color:
            cur_title, new_title = ui.colordiff(cur_title, new_title)
            cur_track = ui.colorize('red', cur_track)
            new_track = ui.colorize('red', new_track)

        # Show filename (non-colorized) when title is not set.
        if not item.title.strip():
            cur_title = displayable_path(os.path.basename(item.path))

        if cur_title != new_title:
            lhs, rhs = cur_title, new_title
            if tracks_differ:
                lhs += u' (%s)' % cur_track
                rhs += u' (%s)' % new_track
            print_(u" * %s -> %s" % (lhs, rhs))
            line = u' * %s' % item.title
            display = False
            if tracks_differ:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s -> %s)' % (cur_track, new_track)
            if item.length and track_info.length and \
                    abs(item.length - track_info.length) > 2.0:
                display = True
                line += u' (%s vs. %s)' % (cur_length, new_length)
            if display:

    # Missing and unmatched tracks.
    for track_info in match.extra_tracks:
        line = u' * Missing track: {0} ({1})'.format(track_info.title,
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)
    for item in match.extra_items:
        line = u' * Unmatched track: {0} ({1})'.format(item.title, item.track)
        if color:
            line = ui.colorize('yellow', line)