def call(self, input, training=False):
        weyl_base = weyl(input)

        p, E = input

        # selecting the right potential
        p = p[:,:,self.pchoice[0]:self.pchoice[1]]

        # reshape E to have the same shape as p
        resized_E = (E[:,:,tf.newaxis]+0*p)
        resized_E = resized_E[:,:,:1]

        p = tf.concat([p, resized_E], axis=2)
        #print(0, p.shape)
        p = self.decider(p, training=training)
        #print(1, p.shape)
        out = [self.conv_down(model(p, training=training)[:,0,:]) for model in self.counters]
        p = tf.concat(out, axis=1)
        #print(2, p.shape)

        box_size = tf.minimum(1/tf.math.sqrt(E), 10000)
        E = tf.concat([E, box_size], axis=1)
        #print(3, E.shape)
        E = self.weighters(E, training=training)
        #print(4, E.shape)

        p = p*E
        #print(5, p.shape)

        p = self.out_layer(p)
        return tf.nn.softplus(weyl_base + p)
Example #2
    def call(self, input, training=False):
        weyl_base = weyl(input)

        p, E = input

        # selecting the right potential
        p = p[:,:,self.pchoice[0]:self.pchoice[1]]

        # reshape E to have the same shape as p
        resized_E = (E[:,:,tf.newaxis]+0*p)
        resized_E = resized_E[:,:,:1]

        # pE = p and E
        pE = tf.concat([p, resized_E], axis=2)

        # compute features - this is the F(dW, W) in front of \int f_{FD}'
        p = self.res(p)+p
        p = self.emb(p, training=training)

        # conv down potential
        pE = self.conv1(pE)

        # features as weight * conved down potential = F(dW, W) \int f_{FD}''
        #print(p.shape, pE.shape)
        p = pE*p

        # weighted sum = integration
        p = self.weighters(p, training=training)

        pp = self.out_layer1(p)
        p = self.out_layer2(pp)+p # residual layer


        return tf.nn.softplus(weyl_base + p)
Example #3
    def call(self, input):
        weyl_base = weyl(input)

        p, E = input

        # selecting the right potential
        p = p[:, :, self.pchoice[0]]
        p = p - E
        p = self.out_layer(p)

        return tf.nn.softplus(weyl_base + p)
Example #4
    def call(self, input):
        weyl_base = weyl(input)

        p, E = input

        # selecting the right potential
        p = p[:, :, self.pchoice[0]:self.pchoice[1]]
        E = E[:, :, tf.newaxis]
        E = 0.0 * p + E
        p = tf.concat([p, E], axis=2)
        p = self.internal(p)

        return tf.nn.softplus(weyl_base + p)
    def call(self, input, training=False):
        p, E = input

        weyl_base = weyl((p, E))

        # selecting the right potential
        # p.shape = batch_size x 1 x domain_size x channel_size
        p = p[:, tf.newaxis, :, self.pchoice[0]:self.pchoice[1]]

        # reshape E to have the same shape as p
        # resized_E.shape = batch_size x 1 x domain_sze x 1
        resized_E = (E[:, tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis] + 0 * p)[:, :, :, :1]
        #resized_E = resized_E[:,:,:1,:]

        T = np.arange(self.momentum_size) / (self.momentum_size - 1)
        T = T.reshape(1, self.momentum_size, 1, 1)
        T = T**2
        T = T * self.momentum_max

        # phase space Hamiltonian
        p = T + p - resized_E

        p = self.decider(p, training=training)
        #print(1, p.shape)
        out = [
            self.conv_down(model(p, training=training)[:, 0, 0, :])
            for model in self.counters
        p = tf.concat(out, axis=1)
        #print(2, p.shape)

        box_size = tf.minimum(1 / tf.math.sqrt(E), 10000)
        E = tf.concat([E, box_size], axis=1)
        #print(3, E.shape)
        E = self.weighters(E, training=training)
        #print(4, E.shape)

        p = p * E
        #print(5, p.shape)

        p = self.out_layer(p)
        res = tf.nn.softplus(weyl_base + p)

        return res
Example #6
def plot_model_pred(model, data_set_name, index, data_folder_path="data"):
    p, E, target = load_data_set_(data_folder_path, data_set_name, [index])

    d = {}
    info_file = os.path.join(data_folder_path,
                             data_set_name + "_" + str(index) + "_info.txt")
    with open(info_file) as f:
        line = f.readline()
        while line:
            k, v = line.split(':', 1)
            d[k] = v
            line = f.readline()

    #print(nve[:,0].shape, nve[:,1].shape)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16), dpi=50, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    plt.scatter(E, target, color="blue", label="True Eigenvalue counting")
    weyl_base = weyl((p, E)).numpy().astype(np.float32)
    #print('weyl shape', weyl_base.shape)
    plt.scatter(E, weyl_base, color="gray", label="Prediction by weyl's law")

    pred = model((p, E))
    #print('pred shape', pred.shape)
                label="Prediction by {}".format(

    subtitle = ""
    for k in d:
        if k != 'potential type':
            subtitle += k + ":" + d[k].rstrip('\n') + '; '

    plt.suptitle(d['potential type'], fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
    plt.ylabel("Eigenvalue Count")
    def call(self, input):
        weyl_base = weyl(input)

        p, E = input
        p = tf.concat([p, p - E[:, :, tf.newaxis]], axis=2)
        #print(0, p.shape)
        p = self.decider(p)
        #print(1, p.shape)
        out = [self.conv_down(model(p)[:, 0, :]) for model in self.counters]
        p = tf.concat(out, axis=1)
        #print(2, p.shape)

        box_size = tf.minimum(1 / tf.math.sqrt(E), 10000)
        E = tf.concat([E, box_size], axis=1)
        #print(3, E.shape)
        E = self.weighters(E)
        #print(4, E.shape)
        p = p * E
        #print(5, p.shape)

        p = self.out_layer(p)
        return tf.nn.relu(weyl_base + p)